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"Looking back at the main post, at the bottom we see this said by Stosh21:

btw, My name is Steven D Kelley, google me if you want more."

@Argosciv If you are trying to insinuate @Stosh21 is Steven D Kelley, YOU are mistaken/did not read the post or comments.

stosh21 is QUOTING the original Facebook post by stevendkelley

In the comment section stosh21 repeats HE IS NOT Steven D Kelley (emphasis mine):


"Hey, I just put this out there for discussion. Please remember this guy was posting this stuff well BEFORE Pizzagate. So it's not a story to discredit Pizzagate."


What I posted is all I have. Was actually hoping some researcher might have more on this.It does look like another chain in the link. I do believe this guy was posting this stuff well BEFORE Pizzagate broke...


I agree. It does seem implausible. Who knows how the author comes up with those figures. I would venture to say that there are a sizable number of people that can fit in these secret underground facilities.

The architects and ultimate inhabitants of these underground facilities are “elite” international and intergenerational satanists. Kelley refers to them as “cavers”, and regards the facilities themselves as “castles” because of their Caligula-like opulence. Much has been published about DUMBs – Deep Underground Military Bases – but Kelley is the first to give us a clear picture of what the writers of the Protocols of Zion called their underground “metropolitans”

@think- @kevdude @molochhunter

Argos is clearly misrepresenting his "evidence" to try and smear me. ARGOSCIV is the one exhibiting "Suspicious Behavior"


@srayzie @crensch @vindicator

Please see parent

Vindicator ago

I'm happy to consider your claim, Nomo, if you will kindly enlighten us as to the name of your original account. Clearly you've been around pizzagate longer than two months. And obviously you weren't just a lurker, since you hit the board with a detailed multipart series posted in two or three days on an obscure topic.

If you want to be taken seriously, bona fides are necessary.


Clearly you've been around pizzagate longer than two months. And obviously you weren't just a lurker, since you hit the board with a detailed multipart series posted in two or three days on an obscure topic.

Weird... I know you don't mean it as one, but I can only take that as a compliment. Because again: I've never had any other voat account.

Like I already said. I've followed pizzagate since the initial FBI-anon dropped the codes on 4-chan. I lurked on r/pizzagate and continued lurking for almost 2 years here on voat. The whole time I was doing my own research into Alefantis, AHEPA, International Adoptions, Ritual Abuse, Secret Societies, and other Pgate topics.

I've never posted b4 because I don't believe you are ever truly anonymous on the internet. While I shared my research with "woke" family and friends, I felt I was already being put on watch-lists based on search history and private communications. That culminated in 2 consecutive instances of a drone with a blinking red light hovering over my house in December 2016 for about 5 minutes each night. Whenever I began video-ing it, it flew away faster than I could follow it.

While I can't prove it was related to anything I was researching (or anything at all). It was enough to scare me into continued silence.

I first became aware of institutionalized elite pedophilia from r/conspiracy and r/cst (critical shower thoughts). I never posted on Reddit either, but lurked for about 5 years prior. There I learned about the Dutroux affair, the WaPo White House Rent Boys, Gunderson, Dave Mcgowan, Mk-Ultra, CIA Brownstone Operations, and other proto-pgate pedophilia scandals. What little trust I had in institutions continued to evaporate.

I began studying internet/computer security (to at least complicate institutional/government data collection and tracking). Eventually intending to share my research once I felt more capable of protecting myself, I finally began posting on CDAN when "The Church" was the subject of blind items. That is the first site I ever began contributing to rather than simply lurking. There, I interacted with benrayfield, asolo, and (I believe carmencita..though I think under a different CDAN username). I have previously shared the initials of my CDAN username.

I finally joined voat (specifically for v/pizzagate) and wrote "a detailed multipart series posted in two or three days on an obscure topic" because I had researched the topic for a couple years already. Upon returning to my initial research, I found more substantiating evidence which better completed my initial suspicions. So I compiled some of my research into a giant document and began posting it. It was a joy to finally get it out of my head and share it with the community.

I was in a transitional period of my life where I no longer had as many responsibilities, and was able to devote almost all of my energy to writing, researching, and posting. Thus I came out with my barrels blazing. Perhaps too self-confident and with a bit of a god complex (like I was going to bust this thing wide open)

In retrospect, I would have taken it more slowly. I understand now how much shill activity happens here, and can see why you all thought/think I was/am part of it.

But I'm not. And my anger at being labelled one is genuine. Maybe it's negative, but that chip on my shoulder still fuels me a bit.

After not posting for years out of fear, to be labelled a shill/alt made me believe perhaps even this forum/site/moderators are corrupt, this is a honeypot, or it was all futile.

But I'm still here, I'm still defending myself, and I'm still researching and posting.

If you want to be taken seriously, bona fides are necessary.

I don't know which definition of "bona fides" you mean.

If you mean proof of honesty, tell me how to do so. If something can be arranged between you, me, and putitout. I'm all ears.

If you want my government name (a literal bona fide -documentation/proof) Tough Shit.

I know my own integrity. So I don't really care what ya'll think. I'm communicating what I think to be true. I also know I'm a flawed person, who doesn't have all the answers. But I'm trying to find more of them and I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong.

I'm happy to consider your claim, Nomo, if you will kindly enlighten us as to the name of your original account.

If you fuckin' waterboarded me dude the answer will always remain the same. I'm NOMOCHOMO.

No More Child Molesters. That's it. That's what I'm fighting for and that's why I'm here.

@crensch @kevdude @srayzie @think-

heygeorge ago

I don’t know why, but I believe you, b. I lurked here, even after making my account, for about a year. And I lurked, accountless, for considerably longer than that.

Please stop attacking the mods; it’s unseemly. Play nice.


Thank you man. That really really really means a lot to me.

I have so much respect and appreciation for what ya'll have created here, and the collective effort you're leading. (especially as everywhere else seemingly gets more censored)

I've realized you all have different opinions/perspectives and I have unfairly been viewing "Mods" as a collective monolith.

Sometimes I get distracted by the differences of opinion instead of focusing on the shared goal.

Thank you for reading my gut-wrenching, word-vomit, overdramatic, desperation rant.

I may disagree with some of you some of the time, but I'll hold my tongue.

I also know that other mods/users may still think I'm full of shit. But all I can do is try to change that with good contributions.

There's a shitton more research, compilation, education, and mass awareness to work towards. I'l try to stay focused on that and not let my emotions get the best of me.

Thank you again. Just for hearing me out and telling me I'm not alone in this.