Ariastrasza ago

That moment when people are being inspired by Marvel and actually form a squad to kidnap and torture a guy for the crime of being white.

Browngaijin ago

This is what I love being a manga fan. US: we gotta make our stuff more diverse to appease a bigger audience! Japan: this group likes titties and underwear, here's a story featuring titties and underwear. This group likes boy on boy action, here's boku no pico.

Nippon banzai.

Freedom_Against_GAF ago

Is this a good thing or bad thing?

fagnig ago

actually that makes sense because it changed gear someway through, their voice, into my internalized misoggyknees voice

culofiesta ago

Don't worry, their stock is dropping and sales are down because of this shit.

This period of Marvel will be remembered the same way people remember that time in the nineties when everyone had ridiculous armor with shoulder pads and Rob Liefeld drew characters that made everyone look like Quasimodo.

FrankCastle_1980 ago

Maybe The Punisher shows them a safe space

Fagtardicus ago

if a soros gets in, hes gonna be the next xavier or doctor strange

thats a pretty big if though, because his kind cant operate front-and-center like that

Gorillion ago

But do people actually buy these books?

I'd agree with the notion that it's "free advertising" for Marvel being "progressive" so the SJW hit squads leave the movies alone.

LewsTherinTelamon ago

Perhaps you're right, but im just saying I've noticed propaganda and moralizing in marvel's narratives since the beginning. And this just seems more blatant and heavy handed.

fagnig ago

whats this from?

also fuck these supersjwhoes

LewsTherinTelamon ago

Those are two great examples of the kind of work they have been doing for ages. I guess I am just saying that what we are seeing them do is what they think is important political commentary for today. I dont agree with their take on this issue, but it seems fairly in line with their hamfisted style of messaging going back many decades.

I do agree that it is sad they can't make their propaganda entertaining anymore though.

Firevine ago

Magic: the Gathering is unfortunately, an entirely different scenario. The current block of sets is 100% Pajeet Feminists in STEM fighting against the patriarchy and here's some lesbians for good measure too.

Next block is going to be based on Egyptian lore since the creative department has lost all sense of creativity, so I expect a bunch of WE WUZ KANGS.

Gamio ago

I expect a bunch of WE WUZ KANGS.

Watch out for sub saharan Egyptian kings I'd bet.

LewsTherinTelamon ago

To be frank, no. A great many of their franchises were platforms for commentary on race relations and other political thought from the beginning. Especially xmen related properties. The thing that has changed is that these concepts are no longer thinly veiled. They are front and center and it makes the whole thing feel entirely too heavy handed.

JohnQCitizen ago

Oh boy, it's Manhood101 all over again!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

wait. see the evidence.

the user who coded voat more than atko this past year is going to be unveiled as a hostile sjw

wait and see the ironclad evidence for yourself.

tonight. not tomorrow

not inbatches like fucking assange

one big fells woop

i am waiting for one reason: to give @fuzzywords fair time to admit it on her own and recant and apologise to voat and step down from coding voat.

Goater ago

Can't you just release it now SaneGoati? Why give someone that actively works against Voat any concession?

I mean, this is the third thread out of five I've seen your comments, I'm interested, but you're harming your message by spamming it everywhere.

One post with clear evidence would get Voat incensed and on your side. Spamming threads with a possible release of damning evidence is just going to piss people off or get them to ignore you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fuzzywords has now spoekn up to me.

refuses to amid anything.

she has been given fair warning.

i am simply fucking formatting the post.

please, i will no longer be commenting for a minute as i prepare the data. i didn't even wait once i found it to bring it here and have beenfielding comments since.

Goater ago

Sounds good man, just take a break and present it to us in a coherent argument and if it all checks out we can gutterstomp the bitch.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

missed it all bro

i talked to fuzzy in pm, and found that the info was wrong. i was wrong. i publicly repeatedly apologized to them.

that said,

there was a 2,200 downvoat brigade accompanied by 60 posts of and 1000 comments of 100% disinformation in a 36 hour attack on me.

to misdirect you and voat from talking about ACTUAL reddit cancer modding on voat lockeproposal in v/historyanecdotes.

fuzzywords was a big part of that attack in viewable comments and a post through the link to her profile page.

confirmed shill. who coded voat more than atko this past year.

i however was wrong about the info regarding they being a sjw.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

calm down amalek

SaneGoatiSwear ago

defamation per se

criminal activity on voat

shill confirmed previously. continuing to cap archive and log for shill without notification.

user has been notified of incoming shill-unveiling, that they are being monitored and logged. no more notifications for this criminal shill.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

amalek calm down and refill your prescription

SpitsMonsters ago

RGB Assemble! Take the form of a Confirmation Bias Echo Chamber! ( created in partnership with George Soros).

Thetiedyeguy ago

Nah he's still hydra, he's just trying to be good hydra and Logan is encased in adamantium in a cave and his little clone girl took his place, it's dumb. Armadeaus cho has a long back story with the fantastic 4 and stuff, doesn't mean he should replace Bruce banner.

Chipcer ago

They changed Ms Marvel to Miss Moslem

tanukihat ago

This campus is a safe space...for everyone but you!

Boy if that's not the rallying cry of the SJW I don't know what is.

Gorillion ago

I thought she was talking to the white guy. Keeping him in his place.

Edit: Oh shit. Just realized that he's Asian.

Hear that Asian guys, today you're POC...until they need to force your ass out of college statistics because you do too well at it. Then you're Whitey again.

DependasaurusRex ago

They already do. Their SAT/ACT scores are nerfed.

Firevine ago

I've had so much extra money since Marvel and Wizards of the Coast started this shit.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Something about the line, "Tolerance Or Else" doesn't sit well with me.

bikergang_accountant ago

It's fine with me as long as it isn't just intolerance for others.

Tolerance or else is the basis for modern society before we started fucking it up. Don't like what your neighbor has done with his property, you have the choice to tolerated it.. or not and damage his property, then you will run into the or else.
Don't like what your neighbor has to say, you can either tolerate it.. or not and behead him over it, and then you will run into the or else, likely your own beheading.

Tolerance or else when done right is essentially "fuck off, leave me alone, or else"

Now what we need to do is send that message to the Government (we kind of just did) and to the media in reference to our rights to form our own political beliefs. The tolerance SJWs want is for people to tolerate their intolerance of anyone who disagrees with them and their willingness to cross ethical boundaries for people who have wrongpolitic. We should not tolerate any crossing of ethical boundaries at universities in relationship to a student's political views. We should at that point implement the or else.

White_Phillip ago

It implies that tolerance is unconditional and invariable. The speaker also implies that the only intolerable thing is intolerance. Thirdly, the comic implies that "the bombshells" have the authority to act against intolerance.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Yeah, for tolerance to really work you have to tolerate the intolerant.

bfriend13 ago

And are the bombshells supposed to be the good guys? That is some corny dialog.

ZebraCrisis ago

There was a fucking joke webcomic that went like this. I can't find it now, but holy fuck.

JustFeelsGoodMan ago

Meh... batman kicks ass and doesn't give a fuck about fee fees DC FTW!!

HeavyBrain ago


Well if its not a parody I am sure it will sold out like a brothel on christmas eve.

Thetiedyeguy ago

Iron man is replaced by a black teenaged girl, the hulk is now an Asian teen, moon boy and devil dinosaur is now a black girl and devil dinosaur, the white captain America now is evil and works for hydra and the black one is the good guy, hawkeye is replaced by a teenaged girl, blackbolt is either gone or dead and his wife rules the inhumans, wolverine is a teenaged girl, Thor is a girl now, Spider-Man is a half Latino half black bisexual. I'm sure there's more I forgot and there'll be more to come until it's diverse and retarded as it needs to be to please whoever is pushing this shit.

Fagtardicus ago

wow, im glad i never got interested in comics

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they must know, I mean cmon

antiracistNew ago

^^^ Takes it up the butt literally.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

aw darling are you still bitter that you're too ugly, fat, and cucked to take part in that? I can't believe you're still upset about that it's almost flattering but it's more sad than anything

antiracistNew ago

^^^ Takes cock in ass, literally.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

seriously I get that you're desperate for my attention, but have some respect for yourself

antiracistNew ago

Proudly proclaim to Voat that you're a bottom.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I am in fact a bottom, but why would voat be interested to know this? I don't think they'd care and I see no reason to bother them. I get that the vocal minority of (((LGBT lobby))), those awful pride parades, and the douchebag faggots that sue cake shops and cause trouble give off a certain impression, but most actual gay people I've met would rather not bother other people with their sex life.

antiracistNew ago

lol ghey

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I've said it before; I might be gay, but you're way more of a faggot.

antiracistNew ago

Yeah okay, guy who takes cock in anus. Whatever you gotta tell yourself.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

technically I'm still getting way more action than you since you're too ugly and fat to attract men or women

antiracistNew ago


I'd rather be celibate than take cock in ass, thx.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


you didn't choose this, nobody wants you. It's time to grow up and face facts

antiracistNew ago

Choice or imposed, I prefer celibacy to cock in ass, thx.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

sounds like sour grapes, with that mindset you're going to be claiming to be asexual soon

antiracistNew ago

Sour grapes. Liar. Better than cock in ass.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.

you're not "celibate" you're just a sad virgin

jerrykantrell ago

Come on Rainy! Stop fucking him in the ass, he says he doesn't like it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I wouldn't he keeps begging me too but he's just to fat and ugly for my tastes

fagnig ago

entertaining read guise thx

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

thank antiracist, I'm just responding to his nonsense

fagnig ago

thank you @antiracistNew

top tier posting

antiracistNew ago

ur welcome, fagnig.

fagnig ago

it was sarcasm, pls stop posting

antiracistNew ago


antiracistNew ago

Better than cock in ass.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're own cock is not going anywhere but into your hand

antiracistNew ago

Better than cock in ass.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you probably finger your own ass most homophobes like you turn out to be in the closet, normal straight people don't really act like you do

antiracistNew ago

Finger in ass is better than cock in ass.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

haha I knew it, but soon it won't be enough for you I wonder what gay prostitutes cost? I've never had trouble finding a willing partner myself but I can tell you've had no such luck

antiracistNew ago

I stay away from cock. You sit on them.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

all genitals stay away from you because you're so fat and ugly

antiracistNew ago

Better that all genitals stay away from me than to have a cock in my ass.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you couldn't get your cock in a woman if you tried even if you raped someone they'd be crushed by your fat

antiracistNew ago

Got it. Fat virgin. Better than cock in anus, thx.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

more sour grapes

antiracistNew ago

More cock in your ass.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're not a very intelligent person, a parrot could accomplish whatever it is you're trying to do here

antiracistNew ago

A parrot can call you a faggot and be right, faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah and I wouldn't care if the parrot said it either, how is this any different besides the fact that the parrot is smarter than you and not a deathfat?

antiracistNew ago

The parrot isn't a mammal, faggot?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and a whale doesn't count as human, fatty

antiracistNew ago

Okay, faggot.

Slayfire122 ago

For those who don't know who @antiracist is, he was a power hungry mod that started deleting everything in v/niggers.

You can relive the drama in this post

antiracistNew ago

Those were good times. I was laughing constantly for days.

Also, @cancel-cat-facts is literally a Jewish homosexual.

Lobotomy ago

You seem mad.

BigFatDaddy ago

Oh no, they're not going to lose money with THAT one. That'll be a long-runner for sure. /s

bfriend13 ago

That's real and not a parody?