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Fateswebb ago

Here is an example of a Q post, that was posted by a very respected mod as well... WHEELS UP. And it's listed as a reason GA is posting disinformation WHEN Q HIMSELF TOLD US TO LOOK INTO THIS!!!

Moloch Hunter a very respected mod posts about a drop from Q saying to look into "wheels up"

But when GA looks into it and posts she gets attacked as disinformation. A post of hers on "wheels up" is listed as a reason she is spreading disinformation, and QDINI even says he looked into it and sees no reason for her to be attacking this company.. blah blah..

EXCEPT Q-ANON HIMSELF said to.. so this is what we are attacking this user for? DOING EXACTLY TO THE LETTER WHAT THE BOARD IS INTENDED FOR???

Do explain....

Crensch ago

This is the kind of information I was looking for. Stick with the facts, I don't take the rest of it very well.

Godsangell couldn't argue her way out of a 30-minute overboiled macaroni noodle, and nobody else seemed interested in providing what you just did.

Here is another actually reported in vanity Fair, he uses to attack her saying she had no proof..

"No credible evidence" is what he said, and a tweet isn't credible evidence.

But I'll agree that HER wording wasn't stating it as undeniable fact, she was reporting what she read and said "So maybe THAT's why...". But her source was WEAK as fuck, too, though.

Kids being kidnapped at Disney parks? No proof??? Another reason he is citing that he claims is disinformation. But let's see...

First link:

"Since 2006, at least 35 Disney World workers have been arrested during various child sex investigations for crimes that have included attempting to meet a minor for sex and possession of child pornography."

Not kidnapping.

Second link:

The kid was found, the park did what it was supposed to do. Do you not think parents would cause a fucking outrage if multiple kids disappeared there? I duno, seems kinda fantastically stupid to suggest it'd be smart Child Trafficking business for kids to go missing there.

Your link certainly doesn't prove jack shit.

So I quite literally just debunked every single complaint he had about her with the exception of the unprovable one that he just simply has a competing theory on that nobody can prove either way.

No, you really didn't.

So why again are we attacking this user when I just proved in just 3 minutes WITH GOOGLE that each point he has complained about was actually a legit post?.. USING ALL MAINSTREAM NEWS SOURCES AND QANON HIMSELF?

Because her source was a hearsay tweet? You couldn't support kids being kidnapped at Disney? The other one might be fine, but you're 1 for 3 there.

God dammit, @shizie @MolochHunter @bopper @godsangell @qdini if you want me getting involved in who's claiming what, everyone's going to have a really, really bad day.

Fateswebb ago

Okay well I didn't dig into her posts, I went off of what dini said.. and the second link on Disney I left in there was an accident I didn't mean to post that.. but since I do have your ear I know there's more on the Disney thing.

Also you didn't even comment on how he attacked her on the wheels up when that was an actual qanon lead..

But yeah Disney..

I looked closer at her post and it starts off linking again to QANON saying there is a connection with Disney and Epstein. TOTALLY ON TOPIC literally exactly what the board is meant for .

But, @crench I urge you to follow his link to the post she made on Disney and check it out for yourself. I already pointed out it's on topic to what qanon said.. and she sources all of her claims on that post.. I'm not seeing what the problem is with it. Check it out here... It seems very well sourced.

So based on that we have

1) a post with a video of a newscaster saying "this hasn't happened yet, that qdini has an alternate yet just as unproven theory on.

2) a post one wheels up an aviation company that qanon himself said to look into

3) a post on Disney another topic that qanon himself said to look Into and she starts by stating that..The post contains lots of links as her sources for her claims. Granted maybe some aren't that great of sources it could be argued but who's to say what a good source is, one is newspunch and one is an interview with a Disney employee.

And finally

4) a post claiming that Epstein was gang raped.. in this post she cites a tweet, BUT ALSO cites QANON himself saying it wasn't attempted suicide as we were told in the press or wherever we got that official story..

So yeah that one seems a bit weak I'll agree, but also I see people posting links to tweets all the damn time on here, so at least hers was trying to explain QANONS post.

Honestly she might be the most on topic poster we have. All of these submissions are directly related to a QANON DROP ..

Crensch ago

Also you didn't even comment on how he attacked her on the wheels up when that was an actual qanon lead..

Because I ask questions sometimes before I attack. https://vo

I didn't want anyone responding to that before qdini had the chance to respond.

I looked closer at her post and it starts off linking again to QANON saying there is a connection with Disney and Epstein. TOTALLY ON TOPIC literally exactly what the board is meant for .

So? I still haven't seen kidnapping AT Disney.

It seems very well sourced.


No. Every link "source" there says FUCK-ALL about missing children that are never found. How fucking stupid do you think I am? THIS is the kind of thing that will make me not trust you. READ THE FUCKING SOURCES YOU WANNABE RESEARCHING PIECE OF SHIT. Same with you, @GodsAngell.

REPORT TRUTHS or fuck off.

The video? A security guard? #metoo? Come the fuck on. Need something more than the ramblings of someone with dollar signs in their eyes, or a bone to pick with their former employer.

1) a post with a video of a newscaster saying "this hasn't happened yet, that qdini has an alternate yet just as unproven theory on.

So @godsangell made a popular post about a completely unproven theory? Good to know!

2) a post one wheels up an aviation company that qanon himself said to look into

Looking into that, but you might be right.

3) a post on Disney another topic that qanon himself said to look Into and she starts by stating that..The post contains lots of links as her sources for her claims. Granted maybe some aren't that great of sources it could be argued but who's to say what a good source is, one is newspunch and one is an interview with a Disney employee.

LOTS OF LINKS DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE. Seriously, pull this shit again and I will absolutely destroy you. When you get me involved in shit, bring your fucking A game. Better researchers than you avoid riling me up for good reason.

4) a post claiming that Epstein was gang raped.. in this post she cites a tweet, BUT ALSO cites QANON himself saying it wasn't attempted suicide as we were told in the press or wherever we got that official story..

Specifically FISTED by a... HEARSAY TWEET.


So yeah that one seems a bit weak I'll agree, but also I see people posting links to tweets all the damn time on here, so at least hers was trying to explain QANONS post.

Maybe she could stop sensationalizing it, and instead say "I hope this is true!" or something like that? Her words are newspeak, and that's dishonest.

Honestly she might be the most on topic poster we have. All of these submissions are directly related to a QANON DROP ..

Except the ones based on unconfirmed hearsay tweets and completely unsourced except for a disgruntled ex employee claims?

No police reports of missing children. No national outcry. No plethora of personal webpages of parents who lost their kids but were silenced. No group of parents getting together to fight Disney over their lost kids. Nothing.

At this point both sides have behaved dishonorably. You, specifically, have my ear and decided to waste my fucking time on something that "seems very well sourced"; I HATE having my time wasted by bullshit like this.

Do your goddamned homework before you respond to me again.

Fateswebb ago

But dude, this is a place to discuss all angles of shit, so she provides her theories and or angles. I didn't say I BELIEVE her angles, but I will fight for her right to not be attacked on her for participating and trying to look into all angles.

That's why we have the rule that you don't create submissions attacking other users, and it's also why we have the "possible disinformation " flair.

So what if she posts things that we don't all believe, we can get in there and say, hey dumb ass this is fucking stupid. There's no proof. It's the whole point of the board to participate and discuss. Just because someone buys into shit that others don't doesn't make them wrong, or deserve to be attacked in a submission with their name stickied to the front page there is no proof she is intentionally providing disinformation. He is researching and bringing what she finds to us to discuss. Doesn't mean it's all going to be written on stone tablets by some god as truth, just means she is trying to open dialogue.

Sure she gets sensational at times and says whatever like . BOMBSHELL, or BREAKING or whatever but last time I checked that wasn't against the rules.

So what we have now is a user GA that ISNT breaking the rules, but that some people disagree with...

And other users THAT ARE breaking the rules, simply because they disagree with her

Flair it as possible disinformation, respond to her post and tell her she's full of shit. Down vote it... But my problem is why should people be allowed to break the rules about attacking other users by calling them out in submissions by name just because they disagree?

Srayzie had a good reason for creating that rule, because attacking users in submissions discourages free speech, it discourages users from posting and this place is about throwing out a theory and letting the people EACH ONE decide, not about witch-hunts with burning crosses attacking specific users just because you don't believe what they post.

I don't believe Epstein was gang raped, I don't believe some of the other shit she posted, but I DID ENJOY reading the theory and getting the opportunity to decide for myself if I like it or not

I don't believe the earth is flat, but ya know what? I listened to what they had to say before I destroyed them with facts and called them idiots

Let's not forget what this is about. It's about leaving no stone unturned. No theory is too crazy to be discussed and looked into... Is Hillary part lizard? Ahaha maybe she is, we have no proof, but I think we should discuss it and if someone wants to post it I'll have a look ...

Crensch ago

I told you to get your shit together before responding.

You're really not going to like my response when I have time to fully dissect this shit-tier comment.

Fateswebb ago

hey crensch, one of the posts that he attacked her on was about the dayton shooter and included in it that the shooter died in 2014 citing a obituary...


you also attacking GA for posting a fake obituary about the dayton shooter? well here ya go dude, it wasnt fake... it was really him....

Dayton shooter died in 2014. here's the proof..

see this photo?

BUT is it photoshopped? maybe its fake, lets have a look shall we????

NOTE the link is dropping the last part so be sure to copy and paste it...

while you have to pay for a subscription to view the whole page notice how you can see the dudes picture... validating the image as authentic.. The guy theyre showing in pictures as the Dayton Shooter, matches the guys picture in the obituary.

everyone that attacked her on this owes her and me for that matter an apology...

Fateswebb ago

Gotta be kidding me. Hah. Let's see it there bud..

Tear it apart.

so far you've done fairly well. But this comment I made is rock fucking solid. It cuts to the core principal of the group and even the website itself.

You have decided that mods will now determine if a post belongs based on whether or not they believe the content of the post.. destroying the main principal of the group and website

Post something the mods disagree with? You're outte here.. sorry GA it's not that you actually broke a rule we just don't believe your posts content itself. you will be hung up for all to see and skinned alive in a fucking sticky. Make me a sticky now dude, you decided my mouth is to be stripped, as my protection of the main principal wasn't up to snuff. Because that's really what this is about for me dude. Preserving users rights to post and not be attacked by lunch mobs for trying... Which is what you guys are doing to GA. you have decided her posts weren't good enough that users can break the fucking rules and attack her. Not because she broke the rules but just because her posts were kinda meh..

Okay mark fucking Zuckerberg, thanks for the warning..... Can we hmget the rules changed in the side bar as well? And does this apply to other subs? If so can we get @putitout to make a sitewide announcement? completely fucking destroying voat as it stands in all its glory. As a bastion of free speech..

I have been here years upon years actually damn close to as long as you have.. and honestly I never thought I would see this day, and especially from you @crench. But if it's true then yeah I resign because this destroys the whole fucking point of the place

You win with all your power and glory and tryany always will when us peasants have no voice unless it has to pass the powerfulls censorship check. Or should I call it crenchsorship?

Because that's what it is at that point Fucking crenchsorship. When did you decide we would do a dictatorship?

Qdini ago

You sound exactly like GodsAngell

argosciv ago

Quite kekworthy that FW is now sperging like a champion and citing the exact same bullshit LARP source, "Jim Stone", as GA, regarding the debunked claim that Connor D. Betts(dead 2014, age 22) is the same Connor S. Betts(dead 2019, age 24).

Why, it's almost as if they have a ve$ted intere$t in peddling "Jim Stone", aka "James Stone", aka "James Smith", aka ???

Naturally, this follows pulling the ol' "muh free speech!" card so that FW can now claim censorship at the drop of a pin.

All of this reeing and bending over backwards to defend a garbage source being constantly pushed by a user whose posts are at least 90% sensationalist, disinfo garbage or "speculation" at best.

What a fuckin' joke xD


Crensch ago

Yeah. Need to remove myself from this or there will be nothing left of either side, it seems.

Fateswebb ago


argosciv ago

Fuckin' REE harder, dickhead.

You cited the same source as GA in your little sperge-fest, spoiler alert, that's "Jim Stone". Fucking moron xD

Fateswebb ago

No I fucking didn't jack ass I linked DIRECTLY TO and archive of THE NEWSPAPER that listed the obit IN FUCKING PRINT. You didn't read the post and are no fucking making shit up jack ass. THAT was my source and the obit had a picture of the same fucking guy. You're a drooling idiot that attacks people based on your preconceived notions

Fateswebb ago

oh yeah I already debunked that lame attempt at an attack, like I said I have been on here longer than you and her added up and multiplied by two, you also attacking GA for posting a fake obituary about the dayton shooter? well here ya go dude, it wasnt fake... it was really him....

Dayton shooter died in 2014. here's the proof..

see this photo?

BUT is it photoshopped? maybe its fake, lets have a look shall we????

NOTE the link is dropping the last part so be sure to copy and paste it...

while you have to pay for a subscription to view the whole page notice how you can see the dudes picture... validating the image as authentic.. The guy theyre showing in pictures as the Dayton Shooter, matches the guys picture in the obituary.

This proves that while you think you're ALWAYS RIGHT, you can be proven to be WRONG, and as such you shouldn't be attacking her for bringing content just because you find it hard to believe. YOU DEFINITELY OWE HER AN APOLOGY... and me for that matter... go ahead and tag me in it, since I am the one that came to her defense.

argosciv ago

/me grabs popcorns