skatas ago

Does someone have a bigger version of this so i can study it?

Crensch ago

Might try a reverse image search? Or ask in a submission?

AbnormalSee ago

You're doing a GREAT job!!!! Keep it up! Screw the shills! I'm behind you in what you are doing!

CSweeny_74 ago

We are also under attack from the Low I.Q. members that believe JFK Jr. Is alive.

moderator99 ago

I've only ever had problems with the mods. What does that tell you?

bb22 ago

You literally named your account "moderator." Someone has a psychological complex regarding authority.

Crensch ago

It tells me you have one submission with 27 upvotes, and another with one. You're a low-quality sockpuppet of someone that doesn't like GA.


moderator99 ago

It's very telling how you use a person's stats to make judgments on them, and only support those who have 1000s of points, like yourself.

Stay away from me and you will not be bothered by me. I expect the same.

Crensch ago

If you were around more, you'd understand why.

Unless you're one of those trying to screw this place up, you should not have had any problems with the mods. What does that tell you?

moderator99 ago

It seems that whenever one of you post a sticky that goes on and on complaining about shills or whatever else, you're looking for feedback or you wouldn't read the comments. So why do you complain to me when I leave feedback? What is the real purpose of those posts?

Crensch ago

Are you butthurt that your input doesn't matter? You're like an illegal alien that waltzes across the border and mows some lawns and think you belong here and that your opinion counts.

I'm looking for feedback from the people that matter. The people that but their time and effort into this place. Your username looks like a sock puppet account for one of those users that is just here to cause problems.

If you don't like my opinion, do something to make yourself not look like somebody that doesn't belong.

moderator99 ago

Is this the kind of talk that got you the mod position? You sound like a leftie with a lot of hate you just don't know what to do with.

Have a nice life.

Crensch ago

I got the mod position partially because I don't take what low-effort accounts say as worthwhile if they're just here to bitch about the mods.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Revodude1 ago

Voat was down for me for a while this morning. I think it was a 502. Over the target.

Steelerfish ago

The kids are on summer break and following orders... Same as winter break, spring break...

Maybe one day they will study history...

Ho hummm...

Occupy Uranus...Antifa... Weather Underground... Black Panthers, KKK, Nation of Islam....

They all end the same way.

RobinhoodLa54 ago

What else is new

Crensch ago

Ehh, sometimes it's slower than others. Already saved at least one user from getting suckered by them. Worth it, IMO, to post.

Karmy ago

They are losing and they know they are losing. The #WalkAway movement and #BLEXIT are taking the Left's base from them and bringing them to Trump. These are the actions of a desperate animal in death throes. That's why the left is pandering to the illegals. That's all they have. Be strong and sure in your beliefs. Pray.

thelma ago

"Go after your kids".

Please provide a link to a judicial decision related to this allegation. Its a serious allegation and I would assume you have a criminal conviction to point to.

I'd be interested in examining the trial record.


barebrain ago

Now we got Trump the nwo leader in chief shitposts ..

wokeasfook ago

I think you mean old world order.

barebrain ago

I think.your right there...


I gandered at the supposed srayzie pics. I'm a dude. But outside of a pretty chick with a pretty smile hell Ive seen more skin in a carwax commercial. Looks like FB selfies...

No really...this is the ammo of the enemy? Not much and i agree with others...all that pinging was weak as shit. On to Q...

BraunF14 ago

You call srayzie a heaven sent angel? HAHAHA I laughed this morning. Thanks Crensch. That's hysterical.

Crensch ago

You have reading comprehension issues.

BraunF14 ago

Did you mean something else by this?

"They have already made fake PMs about srayzie, so even a heaven-sent angel wouldn't be immune to their antics."

I mean, it's ok to have problems writing things out clearly. I'm not calling you dumb for it. Just don't say I have problems with reading when you're not writing what you mean correctly. Lemme catch you on an edit of that phrase after this comment.

Crensch ago

If they can fake private messages, even someone who has done nothing wrong at all could be painted as anything they want.

BraunF14 ago

That's not at all what I commented about. I don't care about the substance of the rest of that paragraph. I'm talking about how you falsely claim srayzie is a heavenly angel. Did I read that wrong like you claimed or did you type it wrong? That's why I'm here. I know half of Voat at least would love to know how crayzie...ahem....srayzie is an angel in your eyes.

wokeasfook ago

Read it again. And again. And again until your own question sounds as retarded to you as it does to me. He never said Srayzie is a heaven sent angel. He said even a heaven sent angel wouldn't be immune.

That's actually implying Srayzie isnt a heaven sent angel but that even a bonafide heaven sent angel wouldn't be safe from these types of people.

I'm assuming crensch stopped replying so as not to waste his time with either an idiot or someone deliberately misrepresenting what he said.

Crensch ago

He really is quite stupid.

Thank you for speaking up and letting him know that it's his reading comprehension at fault here.

BraunF14 ago

Oh yeah you're woke as fuck, mate. I like your badge. You are all the exact same. You will defend your false idols to death. Don't you know there's a commandment for the way you and your ilk act towards Q, Trump, srayzie and Crensch?

His message was a direct implication that srayzie is a heaven sent angel or he wouldn't have phrased it the way he did.

Fucking boomer, deathfat, armchair warrior, paranoid, Jew loving, fake Christians you all are. Too stupid to realize you're a disgrace to your own "war"

wokeasfook ago

I love how angry you are. Rarrr

BraunF14 ago

Of course I'm angry. The Q wave was predicted to be trash and that prediction was 100% true. There's only so much I can take of it. They're THE most annoying subs on voat. Also the subs openly practice vote manipulation against site TOS

wokeasfook ago

Wait.... Why are you on them?

You have u choices. Why are you here?

BraunF14 ago

Mostly to bug crensch. Also to periodically, when I feel like it, put the Q worshippers on blast for their massive hypocrisy.

wokeasfook ago

Whatever makes you feel better, except it isnt making you feel better. It's making you angry. You just admitted to being angry and now you're claiming to be having fun. I don't buy it

BraunF14 ago

Hey you REALLY sound like you spend a lot of time on Reddit.

Have you never been mad and had a good time at the same time? Heaven forbid anyone has any fun in any way you don't see fit.

wokeasfook ago

Nope. Each to their own I guess. Whatever floats your boat. Horses for courses. If being angry makes you happy then more power to you I guess.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Don_Tomaso ago

Hopefully these things can be taken to 8chan to doxx these whores right back. Then it will only be a question of house calls..

OptimusPrime4 ago

I’m not going Anywhere I don’t make rash quick decisions I let things settle before I run with it I especially when I feel somebody’s pushing my emotion button -that’s a red flag.

Wynterwhisper ago

Chan is down it seems... Same with Voat Chan..

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

The fact that you faggots need “protection” is pathetic. I miss when you weren’t a fag Crensch.

insanitea ago

Just so everyone knows... it's very easy to spoof PMs. You can quickly change the text of any element on a page using the browser's DOM inspector. Don't trust screenshots. At all.

Crensch ago

User is kevdude and his alt. Kek.

PGLiterati ago

Thank you, Crensch. Am sorry but not surprised. I've noticed some really creepy things online intensifying in the last month--roughly from the time of the Veritas Pinterest video. It's going to get worse before it gets better. Couldn't figure out why I would get pinged so I ignored it. Easy enough for me and easy enough to see through--attack the mod, take down the sub. I advise discernment, which most of you have here I always pay attention to users, their comments and try to keep track of it all without saying anything. This is a war. Like Crensch says, this user was here for a day--some history and familiarity should always be your first clue.

Elfchiro ago

You have my every confidence. Keep up the good work. WWG1WGA!

ThreeBladedKnife ago

I support your oversight.

Stay the course.

xolotltlaloc ago

Trump just scored major wins against Israel (no war w/ Iran and more friendly w/ N. Korea), so Mossad is trying to disrupt Trump support.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I heard if I posted here I'd get a free dreidel. Is that true?

Steelerfish ago

Awesome. If they weren’t here I would feel that it be all for naught.

They aren’t spamming the Pokémon fan club are they?

And when school starts back up, off they go...

allonthesameteam ago

Against my better judgement and distaste of conflict, I'm going to throw this out there. You wrote "In my case, I'm a racist; for myriad reasons I cannot possibly cover here. I find Jews behind every worldly ill I see, so I hate them, too. I haven't been shown to be wrong about that yet, so I continue to believe what I see." I propose to you the possibility that maybe you don't hate the race but the individuals and groups involved in what you find worthy of your anger. Blaming all Jews for the actions of some Jews would be like blaming all white folk for the actions of HRC,BC, or Podesta. These are 3 examples of actors that I feel deserve my vigilance.

Yes there are those who would bomb a town in order to satisfy their greed, but this could be said of many races, religions, nations, etc… There are those who would deceive anyone, even others of their race, with the intention to take their wealth. Same for all other labels. I imagine that in your life you have had relationships with jews, unknowingly or not, and found them to be worthy of respect. If you were to experience someone over a period of time and enjoyed their company, demeanour, and outlook, then found out the were Jewish, and placed your hatred on them, you are a racist. If you can accept them still, as they are, you are more of a humanist.

I have read that psychopaths make up 3-6% of our population, regardless apparently of most societal constructs. They operate with little or no empathy, strive to feed their own needs, and seemingly achieve high positions of control through their lack of care or others well being. I am proposing that, maybe, your perception of yourself is skewed and not based as much in the labels of a people but the actions of some within their ranks.

I obviously don't know you, and my intention is to open the door to self discovery. Not to by any means believe that I KNOW anything. Thoughts?

Crensch ago

While I'm hoping you're right, there are far too many instances of the seemingly average Jew doing things that go along with their nepotistic tendencies.

Every other white-looking race has blended in with the others here in the U.S., ask yourself why the wikipedias of Jews make sure to note they're Jewish.

scoripowarrior ago

I don't pay any attention to those kinds of posts or messages anymore. When the "jew hating" or attacks on "Q" are part of their game etc. I close and don't respond. That crap just isn't worth my time. Not sure how they find out about my family life, but they aren't worth the time as I see it. Just keep doing what you are doing.

chrimony ago

Qtards unite!

Misallocatedracism ago

In my case, I'm a racist; for myriad reasons I cannot possibly cover here. I find Jews behind every worldly ill I see, so I hate them

This is the side you all want to be on? The jew-haters?

How has that worked out before? I know youre all not pieces of shit like this. Re-evaluate your alliances.

Crensch ago

If you'd like to have a discussion about the Jews, we can do that. I'm not unreasonable, and if you can poke holes in my evidence and narrative, I always admit when I'm wrong. I'm more than happy to provide all the necessary evidence to support the idea that I'm not just a piece of shit that one day, for no reason at all, started hating Jews.

Misallocatedracism ago

I dont need evidence to see youre a shit person lol

Crensch ago

So you're saying you wouldn't examine any evidence showing that I might have a valid reason for believing what I do?

Misallocatedracism ago


StormWarning ago

Roger, over target confirmed...bombs away!

MudPuddlePie ago

First, @Crensch's views on the Jew's is irrelevant to protecting and supporting GA. What opinions he has on other boards, on his own time has nothing to do with GA. What @Srayzie does on another board, on her own time, has nothing to do with GA. The only thing that matters is how they protect GA.

I didn't look at the pics or read the comments. It is irrelevant. I don't agree with "everything is the jooos fault" perspective. But being an adult, I can differentiate between opinions/views I may not agree with and someone being hateful and manipulative.

There is a difference between a civil exchange of differing ideas and the ongoing subversion of GA. There is a difference between having an opposing opinion and doing the right thing versus saying the right thing and doing the opposite. Trying to appeal to our moral compass ("Is this who you want running GA?") while literally being deceptive and doxing the mods was blatantly manipulative. And evil.

This is war. We are in the trenches. Right now, I don't care if you hate puppies as long as you have my back and are fighting America's freedom. We'll sort out your misguided opinions later. (kek)

Hang in there mods...

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

So now you're concerned about downvoat brigades?

After orchestrating so many yourself?

LMAO. What a douche.

Moun1tain ago

Thank You @Crensch for the letting us know this Crap is going on. I saw that @VoatContainmentGuard had pinged me and 4 others. You and the other Mods are doing a great know your over the target when the flack is coming in.....take care and God Bless!!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Nice shilling there.

PacaGoat ago

Down vote and refuse to comment. Commenting feeds them.

d00danon ago

Keep it straight d00d, I believe in you @crensch.

m_1 ago

A heaven-sent angel? That's laying it on kinda thick, no?

Crensch ago

Not really.

HateTheCabal ago

I’m 100% behind you Crensh. And the other mods. Just taking a stand here and now.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OldGoatsFamily submission by @WhiteRonin.

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Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Are they paid? I’ve seen a couple of accounts that just seem like soy goys from reddit

Crensch ago

Given the effort they go through to lie and dox and gaslight all to the ends of dividing GA or causing QRV to lose users due to porn/gore/loli, I can't imagine they aren't.

They act as if they haven't been proven wrong or at fault constantly, despite any examination of the evidence showing they are, in fact, wrong or at fault.

MudPuddlePie ago

Evil is evil. You can't reason with people who have no conscience.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#51105) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @WhiteRonin)

tallpines ago

I believe in you.This is one place I share my opinion with little fear.Together,we are strong.

barebrain ago

Over the target .. unleashes the most enemy flak..

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The niggers and jews are just so pissed off that Trump will be getting a Noble Peace Prize so now their ass sores are blistering that they can't spin lies and narratives to their favor and all they could do was show their ass with their asshole media again. Another unhinged piece of shit reporter was able to scream out the word "asshole" on national TV so they could feel special about getting in a cheap shot! They continually show their asses and then we see their major, motherfucking ass SORES!

Ewwww! & LOL!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I don't know what you mean, and I'm not involved in whatever all went down but I'm sure that I still that I hate them all.

WhiteRonin ago

That link takes you the great GA leader pics.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Did you see the downvoting assholes? They are showing theri faggot assholes and they drip with the ooze of their faggot leader Obama and their queenie Hillary!

barebrain ago

Hey man I'm sorry they nearly had me there.. but I did not call for removal. I just said I would not support rascism.. Aynway i got your please stay on..

barebrain ago

Seems I been had.. Thanks for letting me know...

singlebrain1 ago

I am here for Q and Q patriots.

Adarcer ago

They pinged me as well I think they may regret that now.

Don't worry @Crensch keep doing a good job, and we stand with you.

Adarcer ago

Nice pics ... very modest.

WhiteRonin ago


I haven’t fucked with GA in a long time. If people want to drink the cool aid from X22 (his content hardly changes) or belive SB2 figures out the code on his own, then go for it.

Adarcer ago

I don't bother with those two especially a person who uses Babylonian numerology.

Here is the link, I knew it was not you :P

Crensch ago

I saw that. Debated pinging you here because of the abhorrence of drama by most on GA. I think their move today has flopped.

Adarcer ago

I don't mind being pinged if it has value

Vampyregod ago

I dont give a fuck. If i wanted censorship id be using another platform. People that come around protesting are always trying to divide.

"Anybody that doesnt condemn him is in support of him"

Only Jews deal in absolutes.

Vampyregod ago

Nothing inappropriate

WhiteRonin ago

Didn’t say it was.

Seekingtruth777 ago

I pray this sight survives these attacks. A year ago I seen Q signs at a Trump rally and decided to find out what it stood for. Being from the generation of party line phones I was lost on 8 Chan trying to follow Q drops. Then Voat Awakening started and ever since you helped me investigate Q drops. Your time has expanded the Q movement....I have three people call me all the time to hear the news I get from this board. Thanks!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

This is a given. Gonna happen. Ya know, I've had my share of memories and less then perfect moments. 1. if (((they))) want to divide US they WILL use every tactic. I really don't even wanna say (((they))) because these are the lower rank and file doin' the dirty work and they TOO will be "used" in the end. They will LOSE. That, too, is a given. 2nd. Knowing this will happen, sooner or later, that one will be hassled and or targeted, mind is made up what do I have to lose?? If people who know me buy into the crap they did not really know me, and were not my friends. Those who don't know me, what they gonna do?? Take away my birthday? Not trying to sound tough or any of that--I am simply committed to the future of our children and for them to still enjoy it as a REPUBLIC. I mean anyone's kids. Today could be my last day, it's only up from here, so what do I have to lose? For future generations, they have EVERYTHING to lose. ThanQ for what you do, @Crensch, @Srayz, all mods and Patriots and anons and on.... As a friend in the SEALS said a long time ago...F' the F'in F'ers. (yeah, not personally into cussing but if y'all cuss no problem with that) In all sincerity...

Crpowell821 ago

You just nailed my reason for coming here; commitment to my kids and grandkids. I want a decent future for them. @Crensch, you're doing a bang up job.

Crensch ago

Thank you. Happy to do it.

Qureaucrat ago

the only reason im responding is that for some reason i was pinged with that troll post. ill admit crensch i looked into some of your postings, not enough, but they did make me stop and think for a moment, its not what you say but how you say it. i do not condone racist attitudes in any way, that being said i do not see any problem in racial education. factual knowledge is neither good nor bad. what determines its judgement is the manner and intent in which that information is shared.

a age old question i assume. Is a man a product of his environment or is the environment a product of the man.

i dont hang here much, your community knows you far better than I do, ill upvote because your people seem to be supporting you, but like any q-nerd ill question everything.

besides, anybody that would post the garbage that they do dont really deserve a seconds thought and are playing shit up.

Crensch ago

like any q-nerd ill question everything.

Please keep an eye on me. I don't want a free pass.

besides, anybody that would post the garbage that they do dont really deserve a seconds thought and are playing shit up.

My thoughts exactly.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I already see many trusted names posting positive/supporting comments here. That alone should answer some questions.

Ignore those fools and let’s get back to work patriots.

HerbanGardener ago

We all knew this would happen. Q warned that the attacks would continue and intensify. Crensch appears to be their next target. Easier said than done, but fuck 'em. We do not need to be distracted by the drama of personal attacks. Their singular focus is to divide us and destroy the QAnon movement. We remain united because our love for our country and this movement is far greater than our hatred for any individual or group of people. They are here because their hatred for us, Q, and this movement, FAR exceeds their love for this country. Their hatred for POTUS, and anyone who supports him, consumes them. We were brought here, to GA, because we are united by our love for this country and the movement we are all a part of.

venicreator ago

because they are group-thinkers it doesn't occur to them that we can think and discern for ourselves what's worth paying attention to and what's not.. I got pinged. seems like a lame attempt to cause disruption to me.

Crensch ago

Well said.

hamman365 ago

Screw em, Crensch and i have not seen eye to eye regarding the holocaust, and have bantered back and forth in the past over it, but Crensch has done nothing wrong, in my opinion, regarding these divider shills. I have confidence that Crensch is doing wht he needs to do regarding this sub. Down vote away and piss off shills

hamman365 ago

Piss off, dont need you and your troll army

MuslimPorn ago

Why does that used keep posting a link to a nameless transsexual offering drugs for sexual services?

WhiteRonin ago

I didn’t ask you to join.

So, what was your point?

hamman365 ago

My point is piss off, whats yours?

WhiteRonin ago

Do you pay my mortgage?

Nope, so I give a fuck what you think.

hamman365 ago

Obviously you do, you contacted me, retard troll. Piss off

virge ago

Obviously you do, you contacted me, retard troll. Piss off

It's what he does. It only works if you respond.

Crensch ago


ZombiClown ago

Gotcha, I got pinged. Im good with the board ,youve read the comments. blow it off. It was weak. I dont support your views , but youre holding the ship together right now . nuff said

Stonenchizel ago

So far @Crensch you've been positive for the @GAsub & until you do otherwise, I say : FUCK'M !


Shiftworker1976 ago

I agree. WWG1WGA

Moun1tain ago

I have been gone a couple of days and when I checked messages I saw @VoatContainmentGuard had pinged me and 4 others. Thank You @Crensch for the letting us know this the same Crap different day.

Warmoose76 ago

Yep he's been, I like how he's trying to make adultery a positive thing! WWG1WGA!!!!!

rickki6 ago

Amen! WWG1WGA! Happy 4th!

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

They pinged me as well, fuck em. I’m blocking them both, and then it’s full steam ahead for me. #Q

NoRoyalty ago

How does pinging work and how can you tell if someone pings you?

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Like twatter, just put @NoRoyalty in front of any handle.

MudPuddlePie ago

Envelope in upper right corner turns red.

PacaGoat ago

Yeah I got pinged .... big whoop 😐

Satans vermin

ZombiClown ago

Tell us how you really feel, Chizel, really dont be shy! LOL

Stonenchizel ago

You know Me Patriot, I'm all fingers (Typing) but No Substance . Hahahhahaaa! ; )~


Crensch ago

Thank you.

Stonenchizel ago

No Problem MOD Boss .... lol