fluhthreeex ago

whyyyyy oh whyyy can't i block posts from users... holy fuck of all the dumb idiots posting stupid poo poo i don't want to see... post this in your little GA troll-holl pls?

King_Leopold_II ago

Me Grug

Me listen to other Grug about hallofcost lie.

Longtime listen too.

Grug see truth Grug pull mask off.

Was truth Grug being mission impossible Grug while time?

WhiteRonin ago

Sounds as intelligent as Crensch!

bb22 ago

Go back to Reddit faggot.

WhiteRonin ago

Defending Crensch is a Reddit thing.

You ain’t a goat. Go home fagget!

Jeww ago

You must follow your leader.

WhiteRonin ago
