Whatevahh ago

Fuck that fag.

brettco12 ago

Quick draw as a hobby isn't going so well

David_Hogg ago

Hey Guys, Hey Guys! remember me!!!!

steven_feelsperg ago

It's a jew. It's genetic inclination is to cry out in pain as it strikes you. CNN is staffed with jews. Obviously, the two will collaborate. Jewish networking and nepotism are real.

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

It's a jew

Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.

Source http://shorenewsnetwork.com/2019/11/18/hundreds-of-orthodox-jews-chant-usa-four-more-years-at-trump-rally-in-new-york-city/


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

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scoripowarrior ago

He can whine all he wants, he is a POS and too bad Kyle didn't aim higher on this guy.

golgo91 ago

Someone should send him a set of dumbbells with one of each pair removed.

Whatevahh ago

Maybe he can learn to do one-arm pushups

Whatevahh ago


Whitening ago

"Well, I'm allll broke up over that maniac's rights" - Dirty Harry

tweety51 ago

He should be grateful he's alive. I have no sympathy for him. I wonder if he has learned that actions have consequences and they are not always pleasant.

VotingGodWins ago

doesn't seem as though he has tweety.

AndyMan_45 ago

I wonder if he's seen the film of his own stupid ass being made into a cripple? Deviants just don't have any use for facts.

Ps37-27 ago

Or when he gave that speech with the moment of silence for the fallen fascists. He was living it up dreaming of the sloppy seconds that were in his future.

Time4puff ago

What? Soros doesn't cover physical injuries? Play stupid game, win stupid prizes.

lord_nougat ago

This is why you never shoot to wound; only to kill!

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

This is why you never shoot to wound; only to kill!

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Your Vote Matters


lord_nougat ago


That still does not diminish my point. If you shoot, you shoot to KILL! Otherwise you do something else. If you feel the need to pull the trigger, you do it like you mean it!

CowWithBeef ago

But the way he was neutralized was so entertaining. It's amazing he didn't start involuntarily shooting bystanders the way his hand locked up.

lord_nougat ago

Perhaps it was airsoft, and it was all out of air. Or soft.

Lonegunman65 ago

Too bad he didn’t lose his right arm completely. I bet now he’ll think twice about trying to shoot someone in the head because of a political disagreement.

Killnigs3 ago

no this mangled arm is RAPIDLY going to deteriorate and a cybernetic or even just advanced prosthetics would be better lol hes permantly disfigueed for life and he doesnt even get a robo arm

Whatevahh ago

Can he jack off with a claw? Asking for a fren.

nomoss ago

Poor POS!