Q20191776 ago

JackANorey ago

I knew the Compost was up to no good. First they broke the suicide story and showed someone other than Epstein on a gurney. Then they miraculously broke the whereabouts of Maxwell with another photo that was proven to be fake.

My question is. Why go to the lengths to hide messages rather cleverly, but to make such a poor job on the fake photos?

abattoirdaydream ago

A fake photo, sold as real, and believed by 99% of people to be real, would be a good way for those looking, to distinguish between photos containing data, and those that do not.

Otherwise you would be checking every photo, and that would be stupid and annoying.

Doc_Hollidae ago

Maybe the decades of us being dumb, sleeping, sheep has made them so arrogant that they think they're bulletproof.

JackANorey ago

Could well be. Or it's a code within a code. If the photo looks fake that's the cue to look at the hidden files within.

sheepdoggie ago

I'll leave this here... https://www.base64decode.org/

Commahorror ago

So then Q’s photos must have hidden, messages in them. Right?

LaeliaPurpurata ago

Makes sense. You Have More Than You Know...News unlocks the map

abattoirdaydream ago


AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wonder what the damned coded messages are. Probably where to find more children victims now that the usual ports are a no-go. And then there was all this cocaine washed up on Florida beaches yesterday from Dorian's windy revenge.

abattoirdaydream ago

Probably, tips for people hiding/moving regarding law enforcement activities, locations of supply drops, safe houses, shit like that. Or leaked case/investigation details, evidence lists...

AlphabeticalAnon ago

If you find anything, let me know.

scoripowarrior ago

WOW! After reading through this thread I am amazed. I hope those of you out there in "computer land" are able to figure more of this out and put the info out for everyone. Sadly, I am not program or that computer savvy.

bosunmoon ago

This guy seems like a twat. He must have super long arms from patting himself on the back at every opportunity.

abattoirdaydream ago

Well...if it is who I think it is, he is a twat. A Lying twat.

openthegates ago

Excuse my ignorance... but what is this saying?

singlebrain1 ago

Have to find the key or keystone to unlock the information. The door of all doors perhaps. I am reminded of a puzzle/code sculpture at CIA headquarters. The code has never been cracked. Leave it to an artist to create a code that doesn't have logic. I wonder if Abramovic uses code in her 'art'.

Blacksmith21 ago


julzee2 ago

I did a video on 'MERLIN' awhile ago. It seemed to have something to do with us giving Iran our drone tech etc https://youtu.be/OAvX6AYfaRk?t=80

XSS1337 ago


This is not new tech by any means, but it could also be a signal to operatives as a dead man switch

dmt3rdi ago

It would really take some time to unpack everything that is being said here but my initial reaction is: this must be some extremely shitty form of "steganography" to be so trivially detected as by opening the file in an editor and noticing some "odd hex".

I thought the whole point of steganography is that it has the secret data masquerading as something else, where it's hard to see even if you're looking for it. So if it's a JPEG then the message would be buried by some modulation scheme into the least-significant bits ("noise") of certain pixels for example. So you'd have to know the modulation scheme to even have an idea which pixels to inspect and how to interpret those specific bits. The data would not be just ham-fistedly stuffed into the headers or whatever.

abattoirdaydream ago

If the steno code can be hand waved away with a "everything can display hex" then it isn't shitty, because that is true, and everyone will dismiss it. Half of haxoring is social manipulation and a quarter is brute force.

It would be an effective obfuscation for 99.9% of people, that comes with a built-in out.

And, since the claim is that it is a key, it is still not worth more than being able to say that NYP is transferring PGP keys...to the world. Keys are Meaningless without a Lock. Who has the lock is the interesting question.

dmt3rdi ago

Fair points and I am also open to the possibility that we will see some “malicious compliance”, people working for the DS who want to expose it could be doing things shittily on purpose, so we can see it. Epstein corpse another example, possibly.

abattoirdaydream ago

That too.

PGLiterati ago

I can't weigh in on the technology one way or another as I don't have any direct experience, but it certainly makes sense that pictures can contain info embedded in the file. What I am curious about is why the NYPost in particular? I was wondering this already given what we know about the In and Out Burger photo being doctored--and how is it a NY Post reporter just happens to be there with a camera, and with GM submitting to a number of photos etc. Strange doesn't begin to describe the half of it. Presumably the Murdoch corp still owns the NY Post--but something else must be going on. If JE/GM is a CIA org. or linked organization, then does that mean that they have a hand at the NY Post? Anyone????

Q20191776 ago

Does NY mean anything else than New York?

Does Post mean anything else than a newspaper?

abattoirdaydream ago

Might not really be related to JE directly. Could be for someone else holding a Lock, who would be watching a big guy fall.

KnownBand0 ago

Mossad makes the CIA look like the Keystone Cops.

PGLiterati ago

I kind of doubt that. I have no doubt Mossad is one, if not, the most sinister of agencies--but the CIA is everywhere. In places most haven't even considered.

Blacksmith21 ago

MOssad is very, very good. They have to be, given the threats Israel faces and they are small. CIA controls Mossad. Mossad may have fought back with some of the blackmail/brownstone ops, but who let's them operate CONUS/OCONUS? CIA.

PGLiterati ago

This is what I suspected. I have read deeply on CIA, but not Mossad. I know they're tough and ruthless and fierce--but I don't think they are anywhere as networked as central intel....

abattoirdaydream ago

Mossad makes Mossad look like the Pinkertons.

Skirmish ago

Completely aware of Cicada, 3301, Tengri, Capstone, and a few others.

My immediately "defense" is that "news" sites are using PGP to prove photo source incase the photos are used by other websites without their permission. Makes DMAC easier.

However, a quick search on duckduckgo does NOT yield any techniques for using PGP to copyright images.

But consider how quickly AIs seem to remove/ban content when it uses audio or image data from already known sources. That is not manually done...

Once you know about it, it is no longer secret. And teaching the public about it makes it null or increases abuse and crime through the same mechanism.

So, either you're all cleared for use and being monitored as part of their recruitment programs. Or simple-text descriptions like "ToMerlin" are programming taxonomy that clearly idolizes the occult knowledge behind AI and programming in general... a homage. There was a group recently presenting at a hacker conference that stated they created something more secure with occult knowledge baked into their product... and then the entire audience booed them off.

Just adding this here so that objective researchers can better scrutinize citizen research.

Stay objective.

abattoirdaydream ago

Yeah, the tweets linked by OP...have a very familiar tone. The tone of a certain egotistic liar on youtube who LOVES Cicada.

So I'm independently verifying the claim. So far the source for the photos, and file sizes are correct. Still checking.

RV911 ago

I see where you're going there. But why would he play this game when one of his previous games included being a 'founder' of QAnon?

Unless they used him as a pawn and co-opted the program later.

Which still makes QAnon a psyop either way, or another recruitment game, too.

abattoirdaydream ago

Oh. I just think he is an insane attention whore. Nothing more. He just jumps on what is trending.

RV911 ago

It is possible, but he is a transmitter, as we all are. Even at our most basic ability.

So unless he buries himself, we shouldn't bury him totally either. He watches things we don't, and that re-filters itself back to us, as we watch him.

Backchannels are important too. At least in my opinion.

abattoirdaydream ago

I'd agree if he hadn't lied so much. I used to like him.

Q20191776 ago

All data is transferred into bitstreams, true?

abattoirdaydream ago

I will independently verify this.

MolochHunter ago

If you get anything juicy, make a fresh post and ping me pls, I may flair it to get more eyes on

abattoirdaydream ago


Blacksmith21 ago

God's speed to you!

singlebrain1 ago

I will look for the follow up. This is huge. Also potential with Q images as well. We have more than we know.

fuspezza ago

Is it possible for black hats to change Codes to remain Dark. And lock us out with outdated keys?

abattoirdaydream ago

Maybe? Depends what you mean by that. Want to give an example possible scenario? Not quite sure what you are thinking.

fuspezza ago

If somebody knows the pin to my atm I can just change the pin to a new one making the old one obsolete. Can someone do the same with encryption codes?

abattoirdaydream ago

That....that is a good question. The answer, as far as I know (not having glownigger toys) is that it cannot be altered like that. You can re-encrypt the original data, and get a whole new set of public and private keys, invalidating the original set.

Think of it like two really complex puzzle pieces. They only fit each other and are totally unique as a pair.

The potential key hidden in a photo would be a public key. The person with the unlockable data holds a private key.

lilomeunq ago

Great! I'll look forward to a follow up!

julzee2 ago

me too

Quinceberry ago

Reminds me of the Sarah Silverman pic and threat on 8chan - the pic was encrypted. My brain is so full I almost forgot the pics can contain info! Great post!

akilyoung ago

Did I call this months ago???


ThirtySevenTen ago

Very cool, thanks akilyoung!

akilyoung ago

Peace and love patriot!

Jonny_Ninja ago

I'd bet there's a lot more of these messages in other photos of other publications.

The question is what do they say then? It's one thing to know there's a message there...but it's not too useful if you can't crack it.

ThirtySevenTen ago

Raises the question of whether or not how much should be dug into what has been posted since djt was elected. If Q is our comms, then what is theirs?

fireantsinyourpants ago

I learned some new things today, "Stego scan" & "Steganography!" I love all this tech internet sleuthing! I miss 8chan! I wish I had more time to do deep dives, but alas there is only so much time in the day, I have to rely on others curiosity, skills & comms. Thank you all for all you do!

bamadeplorable420 ago

Excellent work Skytalker......I thought of you when all these pics came out...was wondering where you were...Hope you got another job....last youtube I saw from you ,,you had lost your job...smh...man you should work for Q.

1karnia ago

Amazing how something “old school” can still be some next level shit.

Holcosu ago

Well my brain is fried. I’m so happy people know all of this and enjoy diving into it and then relay the info to us. I wish I wanted to learn all this technical stuff, I can’t stay focused on it. It’s very interesting once it is explained in terms I can understand. Thank you a million times for all you do.

fuspezza ago

Nobody better say"Learn to Code" or get downvoted to obvillion

SearchVoatBot ago

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Q20191776 ago

Makes me think again about Jim Comey and "Going Dark" and projection/protection.


Kzintrooper2016 ago

And his corn field, road, and trees posts.....

JackANorey ago

And what about all the dog tweet stuff?

singlebrain1 ago


Q20191776 ago

Right. Hadn't connected those dots.

Cincosiber ago

They definitely use Steganography for some communications. I am glad there are people out their working to check for it. Thanks patriot!

Crisbeau ago

Fascinating stuff

KnownBand0 ago

just like the radio message from Vega. in the movie "Contact"...." There's more here than just video.."