Peanuttles ago

Thanks for posting this. First I've heard of it.

Lurky_McLurkmoar ago

IT would probably be nice for readers of your posts to have an idea WTF you are talking about with all this 'Going Dark' business. Let's start with the definition provided in your link that I had to dig to find

The FBI’s “Going Dark” Initiative

The FBI’s “Going Dark” initiative is a recent attempt to extend the requirements

mandated in CALEA to require internet based communication providers such as

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and Blackberry, to reprogram their encryptions

within their communication systems to have a backdoor for legal wiretapping.

The term “Going Dark” refers to a phenomenon where criminals use encrypted

communication to evade being detected by law enforcement (Homeland Security

Committee, 2016). The threat of criminals going dark was always of concern to the

United States intelligence community. In 2015, the concerns surrounding encryption

communication surged following the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino

where it was determined that the attackers used encrypted forms of communication

to avoid identification.

It's nice you are researching. Consider presenting your findings in a neater and cleaner form. You will get more responses.

Q20191776 ago

I'm hopeful that some smart person would take an interest and do a better job of it than I have. I realize that my efforts are like from a dullard.

KarlKastner ago

It would help if the title of your post was intelligible.
