Backoftheqanon ago

Morning Moon. So Luke said he was jnteresed in pics that Q reposted from the chan anons. I have asked him if there's any particular themes he wants to focus on, waiting for a reply. I havent mentioned it yet to him but it might be interesting to see if there's anything hidden in those pizzagate pics posted by Alefantis on Instagram. When he gets back to me I will suggest them. Anything else you can think of worth scanning?

Themooninthesky ago

Not for now. That’s a good starting point.

Backoftheqanon ago

Ok I been offline for a few hours just catching up, will keep you posted

moderator99 ago

Is there a photo for every instance of him saying that?

Themooninthesky ago

Go to my thread and I posted my half. Whether it had pic or not. If you type in qmap, in the search button, you have more than you will be highlighted in red so you can scroll thru pretty quickly.

moderator99 ago

I just downloaded some steganography software to play with, so we'll see what we find.

Themooninthesky ago

It won’t work on my iPad. I tried already. However, do practice. When the normies like us figure out how to do it, all hell breaks loose.

Runspotrun ago

He is saying that he has released a tremendous amount of information, more so than is publicly acknowledged.

For instance, he mentioned repeatedly one of the nation's largest human trafficking org.'s--headquartered in Chicago, it is funded by VC firms. They provide reservation technology for small, private, elite dining events. And we are to believe they are worth billions? Not quite. They provide human beings for consumption by the nation's elite. And they are VC funded.

Have any ANONs studied this issue yet?

No, despite the fact I broke it months ago.



the_Green_Chain ago


Steganography is the practice of concealing a file, message, image, or video within another file, message, image, or video. The word steganography combines the Greek words steganos, meaning "covered, concealed, or protected", and graphein meaning "writing".

Anyone can do this and there are programs to help you. I would not be surprised if Q is doing that and thought he might but I have not looked.

Themooninthesky ago

The Chan’s are currently trying to replicate his process to either confirm him or deny him as a hoaxer it’s a wild thread right now. But they are all trying to learn the program and looking for someone who can. High speed over there

Themooninthesky ago

The Chan’s have taken interest as well


KnownBand0 ago

it's been explained to me that even when a message is encrypted, the actual message might be a passage from the only the sender and receiver know the meaning.

Themooninthesky ago

Very good point.

Backoftheqanon ago

After reading the whole thread, my brain was fried!

Sorry I kinda got the gist but the techno stuff was way over my head

Themooninthesky ago

Mine too. Very interesting. I’m not on twitter either otherwise I’d suggest to him.

Backoftheqanon ago

I can ask for you if you like.

Tell me what you want asked..

Themooninthesky ago

Have him look at Q drops that say “you have more than you know” and have him run his search.

Backoftheqanon ago

OK I'll see what I can do!

Themooninthesky ago

I know it’s wishful thinking but you never know.

Backoftheqanon ago

His reply:

Hi Luke, I'm an anon on Voat, another anon there has a theory that every Q post ending "you have more than you know" might contain more encrypted messages in the pics. He asked if you could select a few and run your checks to see.

sorry but neither of us have sufficient skills

Luke Slytalker & The Force


Replying to


Make it impossibly easy for me—do all the pieces you can for it first, and I’ll be able to help out on the scan side.

- Find me the post numbers (so I don’t have to spend time searching)

- come up with your own ideas while scraping these posts up & let me know !


Consider stuff like TIMESTAMP, if it’s a RE-POST of another anon/drop/etc. basically, look for the CONTEXT. I told him we're on it. Which end you wanna start? I'll cover the other and meet in the middle. Deal?

Themooninthesky ago

Deal. I’ll start from the beginning. And take down the q post numbers I won’t go passed 1600 make that your start point.

Backoftheqanon ago

OK. Just to clarify you starting at number 1?

Themooninthesky ago


619 no pic

664 pic

720 no pic

814 pic

864 pic

920 twitter copy

921 no pic

1069 no pic

1087 pic of post 1086

1111 pic of anon post

1229 pic of tweets

1265 Q re post

1282 article

1319 article

1346 repost of 1345

1370 no pic

1452 repost of anon info

1478 pic

1515 pic of chart

On my half this are the times when Q uses the phrase “you have more than you know” if anyone is following along.

Backoftheqanon ago

My half, of 9 more thans, only 1 pic and that's a screen shot of a Devin Nunez tweet.

Think we lucked out

Themooninthesky ago

Get over to 4chan. I posted it to you

Those guys are going nuts tryouts to figure out what’s going on. I’ve learn a lot reading about how it works. But I still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.

Backoftheqanon ago

Ok on my way

Themooninthesky ago

Report back at 7 eastern. It’s a lengthy one and we can discuss.

Backoftheqanon ago

What the fuck time is 7 eastern in England?

Themooninthesky ago

Piss. I’m east coast USA eastern time. And you are 6 hours ahead. So report back before you shut it down for the night.

Backoftheqanon ago

Getting near that time now.

Most important comment I noticed was one of them saying something along the lines of 'so we're onto something big" and another suggesting that ALL the pizzagate related pics would have had CP (or worse) files encrypted. They all agree this is something that's been used for a long time by spies and the like.

I sent the link to Luke and he tried to join in but "they didn't like his VPN" he said.

Themooninthesky ago

They’re trying to get Luke on the thread. Also the Chan’s discussed how many of their memes might have CP on them, they went off on a Pizzagate discussion and it was brought up. So many of them said they were transferring all their memes and putting in new hard drives. Fucking crazy. I’ll hit you up tomorrow.

Backoftheqanon ago

OK I'll catch you when I can. Happy hunting

MudPuddlePie ago

@themooninthesky @backoftheqanon

(salutes you) You guys rock.

Themooninthesky ago


Truthseeker9298 ago

Fascinating. I read that twitter post. It makes perfect sense... I always wondered why Q said that so many times. This angle is very interesting. Wish I could help, but I know nothing about any of this.

Hamton ago

Good thinking. Would help if I knew how to dig this stuff.