davidw221 ago

This information has been out for a long time, it's not new, but I'm glad others get to see this valuable information. After reading the old hand written information which is now called the FBI form 302, anytime I see POTUS get out of a jamb I think of Tesla and time travel!

divine_human ago

definitely not ALL docs. but i cant even see the 250 pages, link leads to an error message.

Fateswebb ago

not true, they did not release ALL but just SOME...

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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The_Impaler ago

but but but


Fateswebb ago

yeah just ignore that, only elite users can even see that shit...

okay okay its a joke and that can be removed if it really bothers you.. its most likely ignored by the web server anyway.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Thats_not_my_dog ago

Several times is says there are philosophical notes of interest but they did not find any schematics or drawing that would be of value to anyone.

SilentDog ago

In file 1 (p. 195), one of Tesla's associates was John Jacob Astor who financed "many of Tesla's developments around 1910. Astor died on the Titanic and I believe was against the establishment of the Federal Reserve system.

1scm ago

anyone who thinks 'all' of Tesla's documents are released is highly naive. First, the FBI does not have them, they never had them, it was the CIA that scooped them, together will all the patents, and no one will ever see them in our lifetime.

Ol_Dirty_Bastard ago

What is the significance of this?

ALIENS2222 ago

top kek? kek=top in URL... WUT?

Themooninthesky ago

Did you say ALL?

FirstDamsel ago

249 pages here but others scattered around NY: Hotel vaults, warehouse storage facilities, etc. This is FBI/GOV reports. Fascinating read! Sounds like he was [187] though.

Themooninthesky ago

I remember the theory the fbi 187 him in the end.

akilyoung ago

We need some bookfags to quickly dig

Arkeo777 ago

I have read through most of the files released a while ago to find the way he designed a machine that could cure the common cold to cancer through frequencies. Love to know if anyone found more details about it.

FatFreddiesCat ago

After years of fielding questions about possible cover-ups, the FBI finally declassified some 250 pages of Tesla-related documents under the Freedom of Information Act in 2016. The bureau followed up with two additional releases, the latest in March 2018. -I don't think these were "just" released Link to news story from 2018

Anti-Stupid ago

ITT: Cowards.

e-traiu ago

All of them?

Rondiggity ago

Impossible to say for sure, but the first of 3 batches had 249 pages.

G45Colt ago

A lot of redacted words and phrases.

Looks like the FBI thought he might get abducted by enemies of the state. And that he had become a crackpot towards the end.

FirstDamsel ago

I think FBI was trying to shield Tesla's later work (he had just successfully completed the Death Ray experiments when he "died") by saying he was mentally unstable. Therefore no one would seriously consider his conclusions and FBI/CIA could take control without any resistance. Just MHO.

G45Colt ago

I wouldn't try to argue against taking over Tesla's work as you stated. But IMHO, things Tesla said near the end of his life makes me think he was losing touch with reality.

Adminstrater ago

Haha, the query string kek=top is hilarious, I hope it gets picked up by a news article.

If you clicked this link from Voat, the analytics of the FBI webserver will let them know that your traffic originated from voat. Barring special plugins, etc.. Fear not.

Fateswebb ago

yeah thats just assuming they are tracking that shit, and they know where the fuck that link originated, and its not shared anywhere off this site, which all are very unlikely scenarios but all three together? extremely unlikely. so its really just a joke, and i suppose a way FOR US to track the link, as in if all the sudden CNN is linking to the article and it has the kek in there we know they were on here getting details to use on their own site which would be FUCKING HILARIOUS!!

lordvain2 ago

Of course they did.

Wheatstone ago

The first file has a letter written by John G. Trump around page 178 till 185!

He describes the documents and writings of Tesla that he was sent to research. It's worth a read.

Gorillion ago

Confirmation of that lore, then.

GodsAngell ago

More going on behind the scenes???

The 6.4M and 7.1M Quakes Had Odd Seismic Signatures that Looked More like a Nuclear Explosion Than a Normal Quake ~ Does Russia have a new Earthquake Weapon?


AlphabeticalAnon ago

This has nothing to do with Russia. Russia is NOT our enemy! Hillary is the enemy. Her and all of her ass-lickers which would include Satan, wants us all to hate Russia and especially Putin. But Putn is a white hat.

SongDog ago


chocolatepatriot2 ago

did you watch Dutch Sinse he predicted the quake on 7/3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV9Q1Ptn0pM

K-Harbour ago

Good point. Assuming the magnitudes have been correctly calculated (or correctly reported), these would have had to have been H-bomb devices. My guess, however, is that the first, 6.4 quake was a "rip" along the fault boundary -- which is consistent with the rolling that eye witnesses reported in L.A. -- it is also consistent with the two or three videos of pools shloushing their water around (one pool I believe 23 stories up). The rip would have made for a temporal train of super-imposing P-waves, especially in the direction of L.A. What we could do is find some seismograms perpendicular to the NE-SW line to see if the wave pattern is different from those seismograms that are more along the NE-SW line, such as those in the LA area.

Did they ever see any lateral movement on the surface? The only surface camerashot I got to see was the three-six inch separation with absolutely no lateral movement.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

according to Dutch Sinse predictions from 7/3/19 the quake is running along the Juan De Fuca Fracture zone. it may have started near Russia (or Japan) and then relieved pressure in Vancouver, continued down the fracture zone to Calif. now it can either stay stuck in LA, go to SF or Geysers in Nor Cal. but best case sceniro would be for the pressure release to go to Texas, or Kansas Oklahoma. you can find Dutch here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV9Q1Ptn0pM

Phantom42 ago

Shut the fuuuuuck UP! Your Russia fearmongering is worse than the damn kikes up at CNN!

Consider suicide.

SongDog ago


new4now ago

Physicist John Trump was the younger brother of Mr Trump's father, Fred.

John passed away in 1985 at the age of 78, according to an obituary in the New York Times.

He was a professor of engineering at the elite Massachusetts Institute of Technology for 44 years.

According to MIT, Prof Trump focused on high voltage phenomena, electron acceleration and the interaction of radiation with living and non-living matter. He also designed X-ray generators for cancer therapy.

During World War Two, Prof Trump researched radars for the Allies. When legendary physicist Nikola Tesla died in 1943, Prof Trump was asked by the FBI to examine Tesla's papers and equipment.

Prof Trump co-founded a company making generators for use in nuclear research, according to MIT archives.

K-Harbour ago

Yes, page 178 of set 1 of 3 of the FBI release.

"When legendary physicist Nikola Tesla died in 1943, Prof Trump was asked by the FBI to examine Tesla's papers and equipment."

new4now ago

Couldn't read it on my phone

Because he was mentioned, I put the comment up

K-Harbour ago

I think I have one of the experimental microwave devices from WWII and maybe (just maybe!) it was built for John Trump's team!

naval_infantry ago

Engineering speak for = Tesla's Death Ray

Conspirologist ago

Is anybody retarded enough to click a link with KEK in the address?

RoundWheel ago

All it does show the fact you support Trump or at least Trump memes. It is logged. If it's only used here, it shows where the traffic originated.

FireMarshallBill ago

The ?kek=top is just a script joke. It doesn't do anything.

yob ago


It TAGS the IP addresses in the logs and harvests IP addresses that contain ?kek=top to collate these addresses of machines SEPARATE from OTHERS.

A true prankster might go for the big lie and merely quip : "It was a joke about honeypots, its just a joke, I could have put ?cia=top ?fbi=top too! But a smart man knows that handwaving tactic is also a form of trickery to redirect.

madhatter67 ago

That's the whole point of the internet....maybe you need to fuck offgrid?

Fateswebb ago

what you say is technically possible, but also is foam at the fucking mouth retardedly fucking paranoid ass dumb.. like epic roll your fucking eyes dumb for real..

FireMarshallBill ago

Okay. You should be done being afraid of these people.

juxtaposed ago

registered just to ask if it's even safe to click

yob ago

PDFs from government unsafe Using the insecure Adobe Acrobat Reader!!!

OVER 1000 backdoors tracked by security researchers!!!: Proof list :


OMG!!! Click on " CVSS Score Descending", in sort area, and look at 400 RED COLOR exploits!

PDFs under Adobe products install things into your Operating system and bios forever, and hide stuff on your boot EFI partition. You basically have to throw away your machine if you ever use Adobe Acrobat one time.

Foxit may help.

suomy_the_nona ago

The "?kek=top" seems to have no function. You can use the link without that:

There are 3 large interesting pdf files with Tesla related documents. I'm not sure if it wasn't released before but it's worth a look.

juxtaposed ago


what is the safest way to view a pdf?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

On a public computer at a library.

Fateswebb ago

The safest way BY FAR to view it of course would be to use a cloud viewing website that you paste the link into and it displays the contents. for instance https://www.pdfpro.co/pdf-viewer

This is near impossible to be attacked through unless the website itself has malware.. since the file itself never even downloads to your computer as well as neither does any viewer program. you're just visiting a website.. of course the site itself could contain malware, but that type of malware is typically easier to catch as well as less destructive.. chance of getting a virus or worm this way is extremely unlikely.

Second Safest way is to make sure your browser is up to date and that it supports preview of PDF files. and preview them in your browser rather than download them. This is almost as good as the above option.. only reason to do this is if above option does not work with the PDF you're viewing properly. again the probability of a worm or virus is extremely low with this method as well.

Third safest way is to make sure your acrobat reader is up to date first, and if you do this you should have no problems at all. typcially the risk of virus or worm using this method is also very very very low... However considering the source of this particular file, being the fucking NSA/GOV I'm going to take a couple of those verys off and just say very low... because if anyone could pull that shit off its them..

yob ago

THAT worked! I dragged a very heavy 6.8 megabyte pdf to upload it to that site, and without email account, without paying, without registration, it created a large pleasant image portfolio of pages! It also remotely can convert the document into other file formats if desired.

So thanks. For rare limited use per IP address, that works! Hurray for https://www.pdfpro.co/pdf-viewer

Fateswebb ago

Awesome. If ya did create images feel free to upload them to a host and share them if not glad to have helped.

yob ago

avoid to use the Acrobat reader!!!

**OVER 1000 backdoors tracked by security researchers!!!: Proof : **


OMG!!! Click on "Score Descending", and look at RED COLOR exploits!

Over 40 different EXPLOITS over the last 20 years, used by many evil people and LEA.

Competitors to Acrobat reader, have had at most ,10 severe exploits, for the most common competitor: Foxit Reader (for windows), mac products typically a little safer.

I used to use https://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf-reader/ all the time to open up "free" ebooks tamperred with by russians (25% of free technical books on http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ are infested with malware backdoors that only work in standard "all options on" Adobe Acrobat reader.

You can cripple and remove most plugin features of the pro Acrobat reader, to make it have no javascript, scripting, flash, movies, java, links to outside payloads, and then instead of 1000 backdoors into your operating system when opening up a document in Adobe Acrobat, only 50 backdoors, historically.

Every couple weeks a new serious exploit is discovered, moslty written by NSA/CIA/FBI/DIA/NRO/HomeLand Security/StateDepartment 5Eyes, and every large nation state.

Foxit is so popular it too is attacked :

Foxit PDF fresh list of historic backdoors :


Click on "Score Descending", and look at RED COLOR exploits!

Some security researchers have TWO airgapped machines on their desk, one for technical PDFs and company email and browsing, the other machine for their security programming and pen-testing.

TL;DR : THERE IS NO SAFE WAY TO EVER OPEN A SINGLE PDF , EVER! Though built in reader in Mac OS X, written from scratch, has had only a few backdoors.

madhatter67 ago

We know this.....but a new account copypasta concernfaggjng all over these threads?

Makes you wonder

suomy_the_nona ago

It's much safer than .doc or .xls files. But you should avoid to use the Acrobat reader. The pdf-xchange viewer ( https://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-viewer ) is very useful. I use the free version. For example you can extract pages to a png picture file.

juxtaposed ago

thanks for the links. web based seems smarter? i dont use adobe

suomy_the_nona ago

If your browser can do this it's ok. For me it's easier to download the files first and to save them offline.

juxtaposed ago

not an option for me right now. browser is a must.

ideologicidal ago


You are wise to be cautious, newfriend.

juxtaposed ago

why bother doing this?

ruck_feddit ago

I used your link and two years from now I finalized my tesla-time-machine. I'm back, at this point in time, to fulfill my mission. You're a nigger!

Mission complete.

K-Harbour ago

Hey, ruck! Long time, no see.

BTW -- yesterday I was on Art Bell. It was good chatting with him, again.

ruck_feddit ago

I haven't been there yet. Quit telling me about my future!

Rondiggity ago

You used a lot of words to not say anything.

ruck_feddit ago

Damn, you replied 2 hours earlier than expected. I hope I didn't cause a rift. You're still a nigger though, right?

Fateswebb ago

damn butterfly effect negros again.. jeeze. now he is a negro.. he gots all kinds of fucking class all the sudden wtf???

jonnyquest ago

Give this man an government job, STAT!

Queef_Anon ago

Agreed. Top kek nigger confirmed.

ruck_feddit ago

I knew you'd say that!

Blacksmith21 ago

I love it.