RicardoBronson ago

"WHY is this Happening Here On Voat?!"

Because that's what Voat is. Why would it not be happening? Sorry to get all philosophical on you but I mean

yob ago


How many Pro-FBI accounts are on voat? What percent? Is theis whole site a honeypot? What the fuck?

WHY SO MANY FBI DOWNVOTES on this warning!!!??

thatguyiam ago

Dont't the fucking cockfags in the fbi have some drug lords to go after?

zxcvzxcv ago

They don't go after their own

yob ago

Its law and policy, controlled by House now from Obama era mandate stipulates that a full staggering 20% of anti-terrorism budget MUST BE DIRECTED TO SEARCH FOR MYTHICAL WHITE TERRORISTS. Congress passes similar stipulations all the time.

20% of hundreds of millions is a lot to waste trying to create or support myth of christian white terrorism.

tokui ago

Ruh roh! Its ok, I don't keep cheese peeza on my phone.

bamex ago

PDF? Are you a realtor? niggerfaggot. who the fuck uses pdf?

thatguyiam ago

What other formats?

Crensch ago

9 day old account

yob ago

Age of accounts on voat do not mean anything. The paranoid roll a new account every 6 months.