moderator99 ago


KnownBand0 ago

seismic events like these...6.4 and 7.1 are earthquakes, nothing more. do research on a nuke detonation and the seismic footprint it the 2005 Tsunami...that had no temblors leading up to it.

divine_human ago

i am reminded of Qs message about the satellites being taken over last july/august or so. then there were the 17sec booms on 11/11 which, from my pov, was s sign that the weather manipulation tech (earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes) is in white hats hand.

i dont think its the muh russian, i think it rather points to the white hats taking down china lake and its probably vast underground facility.

on the other hand, the ring of fire is incredibly active right now, lots of earthquakes and volcanic activities all around the pacific.

madhatter67 ago

So....what you are saying is it was muh russians?

Everything I can find suggests it was a standard earthquake

While I can be as qtarded as anyone it's really best not to believe everything you read

Or indulge in endless unfounded and unlikely conjecture

DeathRayDesigner ago

This is not exactly gibberish, but there is no content here. The item about the Russian submarine is totally garbled. The sub was in the Barents Sea, not off Japan. It had an on-board accident. No engagement with US submarines. I would say that whatever the truth may be, it will not be provided by GodsAngell. It's all scrawls on the sidewalk.

bwarren2010 ago

From the sources I follow they say that Deep State had underground base at China Lake with black op nukes there...our military is blowing them all up underground to render useless.

CSweeny_74 ago

God's Angel gets way too complicated. Ask any question, the answer is JFK Jr.


CSweeny_74 ago

JFK Jr...

Jimmycog ago

More like a dumbs buster. Trump and Putin better be working together, our only chance against the "adversary"

TSE ago

@GodsAngell I was wondering when you will go there. You forgot one thing that could have caused the 6.4 and 7.1 tremors - 2 seismic events also know as earthquakes. Sometimes its ok to trust the geological society of america and their reporting.

USAMatters ago

IMO - these are bombs placed in tunnels by the DS some time back. President Trump is getting rid of DS weapons.

I say this because there is no complaining by the dems. I suspect if they complain and the truth comes out - the dems would be in deep trouble. In the past the law did not apply to the dems, but their time is coming.

Remember when Q said they took out the DS snow white and the seven dwarfs satellites? Nothing said by the dems at that time.

There is clearly a war going on - much of the DS assets seem to be getting blown up.

bwarren2010 ago

Yes, they were black op nukes that our military blew up

USAMatters ago

Thank you - I know Q has talked a lot about crime being related to tunnels. Just seems like President Trump is systematically taking the DS down.

SenseiAnon17 ago

I’m betting on destruction of DUMBS but DEWs were in play for the Cali wild fires

therage96 ago

The rumor was the DEW was taken out in cooperation with the Russians and involved that Russian sub incident.

Cloudrdr ago

One scenario left out ...

It could be the White Hats thumping the DS who had developed, tasked and staffed the DUMB. They have been attacking such bases all over the world for 18-20 months here (loud unexplained booms, magnificent unnatural light events, and so forth.)

Note how intimately it has been time-tied to the huge military display in DC.

The President saying "Everything is under control" is kind of a weird statement following a 'natural' disaster. But an event that his forces might have caused WOULD illicit such a comment...because they DO HAVE CONTROL of the situation.

At what point IS coincidence mathematically impossible?

GodsAngell ago

Good point.

calfag ago

On point. I think Putin's boys fucked up cutting the military comms cable under water. Oir boys sent them off woth their tail between their legs. Plan B, use a directed energy weapon to hit China Lake. @virge, because we are. Catch up faggot.

USAMatters ago

I think Putin and President Trump are working together.

GodsAngell ago

I do too.

calfag ago

Definitely could be. In fact, kinda hope so if I am true to my race realism side.

USAMatters ago

Hi - you call name indicates you are in california? if so, be safe - will keep you in prayer.

calfag ago

Thank you my friend. Fortunately, I am about 500 miles north of the quakes.

USAMatters ago

Good - glad you are away from the area. I hear the northern part of CA is conservative.

virge ago

@virge, because we are. Catch up faggot.

I'm open to evidence.

derram ago :

State of Emergency Declared After Large Earthquake Rocks Southern California, Massive Aftershocks - YouTube :

CaSeismograph Live Earthquake Stream - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

virge ago

Why am I not surprised GodsAngell is convinced we're doing secret nuclear testing in California.

Morbo ago

For once I agree with Virge on something. How much longer are you Q people going to let SatansDemon keep lying to you with shit like this? What credibility does she have? She wouldn't know one seismic event from another. She has been wrong time and time again- remember all the datefagging and false alarms she raised on arrests? She was convinced John Kerry was arrested after a shootout and sent to Gitmo just recently. She also said there would be a JFK Jr reveal on the 4th. And before all that, she lied and lied and lied about so many other things. Why do you keep letting this obvious troll give you false hope that always ends in dashed dreams? She is here to destroy your movement. Why give this operative an audience and believe their lies when all you have to do is think a little more critically and stop believing things without real proof? If you can't see the obvious lies here, then you are already lost to the Deep State and can never be brought back. Call me a shill/troll and prove to me that you are too far gone to be saved.

It's choice time. Keep believing this liar's tale or wake up and see her for the charlatan that she is. One side will lead to evil, the other to a chance for good. It's your choice. What's it gonna be?

virge ago

What credibility does she have?


She has been wrong time and time again- remember all the datefagging and false alarms she raised on arrests?

Might as well be Dave from the X22 reports the user posts constantly with the number of times it's cried wolf.

It's choice time. Keep believing this liar's tale or wake up and see her for the charlatan that she is. One side will lead to evil, the other to a chance for good. It's your choice. What's it gonna be?


GodsAngell ago

Troll alert..

Morbo ago

Disinfo shill alert!

More lies today I see. So tell me, dear SatansDemon, where are all those arrests you promised on the 4th? What excuse did you come up with this time? Nothing happened, as usual, but here you are lying again like it doesn't matter that you were 100% wrong again. So what is your grand excuse now? Don;t you ever get tired of lying to people?

virge ago

Troll alert..

Exactly. You.

Nobody on this forum cries more wolf than GodsAngell. You've used the words "Martial Law" almost 4,000 fucking times.

calfag ago

Funny. I agree with you on that. Gonna dig up some China Lake info and holler if good, and will admit dumb ass if wrong. But this chap does spew false warnings all the time though.