Praying Medic has a video about this and he thinks Q is getting ready to let us be able to go to 8 Chan when all other ways of communications fail because of censorship.
Post 2168
Main points of interest only.
It will serve as the main hub of all communications once all other sites 'tracking' collapse
[8ch only].
What part of another wave of attacks coming [yesterday] wasn't understood?
I wasn't aware of Praying Medic even referring to gematria, which I agree, is stupid. PM is a bridge to normals, and specializes in NOT making the Q Anon thing a ridiculous and discredited joke.
I don't either, but Praying Medic says that when the Declas happens and the Deep State really starts to freak out they will do more censorship and 8 chan will be the only place people will be able to talk about Q.
The video explains.
I will go on 8 Chan eventually if that is the only way to get Q info.
I know conservatives are being censored, but how can twitter censor POTUS? I doubt they can get away with that. Do you expect twitter to censor him in the future?
Dont know. I went to his twitter page and it said: this page does not exist. Ot maybe back up I havent had time to check. But rhe left is having extreme reaction to the indedendence day gala. Severe TDS
1Paydaddy ago
God Dammit it's Go Time!!!
CovfefeFan ago
Lauraingalls ago
Praying Medic has a video about this and he thinks Q is getting ready to let us be able to go to 8 Chan when all other ways of communications fail because of censorship.
Post 2168
Main points of interest only.
It will serve as the main hub of all communications once all other sites 'tracking' collapse [8ch only].
What part of another wave of attacks coming [yesterday] wasn't understood?
This is not a game.
KueAnaan ago
Praying Medic is an embarrassing idiot. I wish Q had never mentioned him. Gematria is stupid and illogical.
Vozlo ago
I wasn't aware of Praying Medic even referring to gematria, which I agree, is stupid. PM is a bridge to normals, and specializes in NOT making the Q Anon thing a ridiculous and discredited joke.
CovfefeFan ago
I don't go on 8 chan.
Will still work?
Thanks for the link to the Praying Medic video.
Lauraingalls ago
I don't either, but Praying Medic says that when the Declas happens and the Deep State really starts to freak out they will do more censorship and 8 chan will be the only place people will be able to talk about Q. The video explains. I will go on 8 Chan eventually if that is the only way to get Q info.
Fancy451 ago
iirc q has secured 8ch's servers or a backup therof
Lauraingalls ago
greatheart ago
8 chan is not very user-friendly. Well, at least not for this user. I get a little lost trying to follow along.
DammitMan ago
I hear you. 8chan is not mobile friendly at all. That’s all I’ve got.
CovfefeFan ago
Ok, thanks
Lauraingalls ago
PacaGoat ago
Probably referring to standby coms. Seems the media and twatface are censoring POTUS.
CovfefeFan ago
I know conservatives are being censored, but how can twitter censor POTUS? I doubt they can get away with that. Do you expect twitter to censor him in the future?
PacaGoat ago
Dont know. I went to his twitter page and it said: this page does not exist. Ot maybe back up I havent had time to check. But rhe left is having extreme reaction to the indedendence day gala. Severe TDS
CovfefeFan ago
It's back up. I missed the downtime.
PacaGoat ago
Good thx 😀
PGLiterati ago
Yes. I think they will at least pull out the warning label they have now implemented.
CovfefeFan ago
That will be interesting....
TurquoiseLover ago
Yes. They already shut his account down once (for several minutes).
CovfefeFan ago
I remember that.
Revodude1 ago
Watch for the word Ready to appear a lot. It has already started with several military tweets. Go time.
GodsAngell ago
Q is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tweets in the last 4-5 days with the word 'Ready' in them from various military organizations including Acting Secretary of Defense
DickTick ago
That was 7 days ago... Wtf are you taking about "Q is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Jesus Christ woman
SCforTRUMP ago
Ignore GA - your EYES and SANITY will thank you!
CovfefeFan ago
Thanks, I remember seeing someone post about all the "ready" tweets.
I like "Go Time."