nothinglasts4ever ago

Excellent find, anon! OMG they are stupid. Why would anyone think this wouldn’t be discovered? Confiscate the assets and use the proceeds to build more wall.

SubhumanDeplorable ago

It's not enough to freeze the assets, take the assets as reprimand and payment to fix what they broke, then cull them.

goatboy ago

One of the biggest ironies of history is Mexico may now become lead investigator in the Panama Papers conspiracy.


maga1234 ago

It's about darn time!

Pointyball ago

Charge them with espionage.

voatusernamevoat ago

Those are the ones to be going after, not Julian Assange.

Rhondaher ago

Besides Clintons, Nexxim, I bet Adam Shit and Pelosi are involved. I hooe they publish all names.

akilyoung ago


feli00 ago

theater of the Jewish central bank that controls all the sides and countries

herbalism ago

Take half of the US military and put it on the border now. Shoot anyone who tries to cross. If this is not done immediately taxpayers (white men) should just go on strike and stop working. Enough of this bullshit.

Sam1976 ago

This shit has been going on forever but now you want to go on a hunger strike if something is not done immediately lmfao......let me guess..arrests or GTFO.

grace8 ago

Except there are these things called laws. And the law says the military cant be used to control migraton like that. I'mnot saying it is a just law or good law. I am saying not obeying laws results in anarchy. Trump has to play by the book or get hit over the head with the book.

Optional_Reading ago

Silently financing an invasion is an act of war.

lord_nougat ago

This is FANTASTIC news!

Doglegwarrior ago

Cameroon lol some weird way to move the money around. This has the cia written all over it.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That and their little Obama/Clinton asshole in Arkansas; Steve-Felix Belinga. Remember that name.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ya i have seen it already but will have to look into it more. Thanks

Enaashby ago

We know that both Catholic Charities and Soros $ have been involved. Also, Robert Francis O' Rourke was giving money to the caravans to get up here. It shows that Mexico knew all along who was involved. Sick and tired of Mexico anyway. Wish we could deport every last illegal alien from here back to Meheecoo.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

No native Mexican drug cartel members will be charged because of this new law. Who is Trump working for again?

Gorillion ago

All Soros NGOs I imagine.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The funder from Cameroon is Steve-Felix Belinga in Clinton-owned Fort Smith, Arkanasas! The queenie bitch Clinton that still runs Arkansas through her and Obama's mafia. So while we may be free of England's crowned queenie, Arkansas is not free of Clinton thugs yet.

Steve-Felix Belinga, some low level "doctor" who now operates out of a run-down house that was converted into a business location, is from Cameroon. Google this fucker to see the shit-skin himself. A "doctor" who allegedly bought up huge swaths of rental complexes around Fort Smith. Unusual that, because usually someone who is a doctor, if they buy properties, they opt for a house or two. Vacation rentals, and so on. Not huge an entire group of apartment complexes and duplexes. Where are all the trafficker's taking their wares to? Where would they all meet up? Why Belinga would have that covered. As well as having access to drugs that doctors can order for their "business" and now Belinga is set up in what looks like a shithole.

Former business at that same location? Why another doctor in his same line of work.

Former business place of William Griggs the 3rd:

Age 81

Here's him being dead:

There's only one comment of condolenses for him. Hilarous. Only ONE.

And then I googled the name and lookie here:

William Griggs was a doctor in the village of Salem, Massachusetts. He is best known as the doctor who diagnosed the villagers of Salem as "possessed", during the time of the Salem witch trials.[1] Griggs was in charge of diagnosing and determining how "much" of a witch they were. He would then send them to be tried, often found guilty, and executed. Griggs claimed that the "afflicted" girls were "under an Evil hand" (most likely referring to the Devil).

You know, Q often says there's no co-incedences.

If there's anything I've learned here, was to connect all history to what we know and look the fuck deeper!

BTW Belinga is a ghoul who hires violent convicts to terrorize the tenants of properties that now all belong to the state commissioner's now that he's over two years late on paying his taxes!

This is the monster he has been exposing tenants to: (mugshot of Gerald Harrison)

Oh and see this:

I fucking hope they hang from the highest fucking tree!

love_light_truth ago

Connected to Clintons!?

No way, they run their foundation, helping young girls in Haiti graduate, rebuilding infrastructure after disasters and holding governments accountable the world over.

A big fat /s.

AlphabeticalAnon ago


Anon83 ago

It makes me wonder just how woke the people of arkansas are to the monsters in their basement.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Quote from my friend; Most of us, the downtrodden in Arkansas, know what evil truly exists, as we've had a front row seat to the Clintons from Day 1.

isalod_2298 ago

This is a great dig thank you!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

A thousand thanks. But it's me and my circles that dug into all this info as my friend is the one who suffered by their hands. So more personal affect here that drove us all to dig into this bastard's background.

FreedBy45 ago

^^^This should be upvote by everyone & made into a sticky.^^^. Great work!

glassuser ago

Just remove the link to jewpedia.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well yeah, but that actually was some fuckface in 1692 who was doing that shit. It's documented elsewhere. But that asshole is a direct descendant.

glassuser ago

I don't disagree with those facts. I just want to keep up the denormalization of jewpedia.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well they do suck and will end up, ass end, on a stick.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Thank you, dear pariot. Much appreciated. I have suffered as my very dear and close friend has suffered. She was the one who actually spoke with Linda Collins Smith a couple of months back and so the news of her being murdered was shocking.

Also see my other commment in this same topic here:

I replied to another patriot who also compiled a whole lot of info on the caravans.

369693936 ago

Thank you. Commenting so I can refer back.

lilomeunq ago

"It should be noted that while PayPal allows Pueblo Sin Fronteras to raise money despite its obvious intent to break PayPal’s rules, specifically that users may not use the service to “violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation,” PayPal banned Big League Politics reporter Luke Rohlfing from using its service for unknown reasons.

The arrest of Mujica suggests the Trump administration is growing increasingly serious about cracking down on those who sponsor mass illegal immigration."

Mexico and President Trump have the names, the public will know soon. Was that Beto that was sending campaign money to support the caravans?

X22guy ago

Trump will hold them accountable ... best president ever. No thanks to the dems or RINOs or the deep state .

FakAwf ago

Caravan Research (Archive of post)

The Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ)

Support the People’s Caravan against Border Walls!

PHRO or the People’s Human Rights Observatory (Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos) is moving forward with plans for a caravan that will travel to the US-Mexico border wall.

The caravan will denounce border walls in the US and Mexico, as well as in Palestine, and against Cuba, where the blockade forms a virtual wall. The caravan will expose and oppose police militarization and the construction of prison walls, all funded by our US taxes. These walls hurt “we, the people” and serve only those who profit from keeping the rest of us down, separate, and divided. The People’s Unity Caravan Against the Walls of Infamy is an antidote. Together, we can tear down the walls!

The People’s Human Rights Observatory was initiated by the People’s Human Rights Council (Consejo de Derechos del Pueblo), a grassroots organization of urban and rural workers and indigenous communities. While PHRO is based in Oaxaca, it’s members include organizations and individuals from around Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, the United States, Switzerland, and Spain. The Alliance for Global Justice and School of the Americas Watch are the PHRO’s US representatives.

Communists Funding the Resistance: The Alliance for Global Justice

The Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ). This Tucson, Arizona-based group had largely flown under the radar since its 1998 founding. AfGJ bills itself as “A little bit people’s think tank, a whole lot of organizing.” Indeed, everyone on AfGJ’s staff has considerable experience in organizing, both at home and abroad. But AfGJ does more than just organize. It helps fund many different left-wing groups through a legal maneuver known as “fiscal sponsorship.”

According to its most recent (2015) IRS filing, AfGJ had just under $2.3 million in revenue, $2.1 million in expenses, and $753,909 in assets.

AfGJ’s funding reads like a Who’s Who of radical left-wing foundations. Since 2004, AfGJ has received over $200,000 in funding from the Tides Foundation. Tides’ radicalism has been documented many times by Capital Research Center. Indeed, when other left-wing foundations want to give money to radical leftist groups but don’t want to be seen giving it directly, they donate to Tides as a pass-through. (Previous CRC papers on Tides: Green Watch, August 2012; Foundation Watch, July 2011; and Foundation Watch, October 2010.) From 2004 to 2006, the Open Society Institute (now known as Open Society Foundations) gave $100,000 to AfGJ. The Open Society Institute was founded by billionaire George Soros, who seems never to have met a leftist cause he didn’t want to fund.

Other such foundations include:

-The Arca Foundation, which has given $245,000 since 2002. CRC’s Matthew Vadum described Arca as “on the cutting edge of radical left-wing causes, embracing Fidel Castro’s Cuba, the Palestinian cause, Saul Alinsky-inspired community organizing, and the never-ending social justice campaigns of the Left” (Foundation Watch, October 2011).

-The Firedoll Foundation has given $101,500 since 2008. Firedoll has also donated to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, a “charity” that had financial ties to the Holy Land Foundation. The founders of the Holy Land Foundation were given prison sentences ranging from 15 to 65 years in 2009 after being convicted of funneling over $15 million to the terrorist organization Hamas.

-The Brightwater Fund has donated $510,00 to AfGJ since 2011. Brightwater also funds the radical leftist Popular Resistance, which has protested at the homes of members of the Federal Communications Commission. In one instance, members of the group blocked the driveway of Commissioner Tom Wheeler.

-The New World Foundation has donated $95,000 since 2003. The philanthropy also gives money to the Tides Foundation. From 1982 to 1988 it was chaired by none other than Hillary Clinton. During that time, it donated money to radical groups like the Christic Institute, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), and the National Lawyers Guild (the aforementioned communist front group).

-AfGJ has also received $30,000 in grants from the Foundation for Deep Ecology, an environmental foundation that considers human beings to be a plague upon the earth; $172,000 from the Hill Snowdon Foundation, which has given over $5 million since 2000 to the Tides Foundation; and $30,000 from the charitable arm of every leftist’s favorite confectionary maker, the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation.

AfGJ has also taken money from corporate foundations, including $10,000 from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, $10,000 from the Aetna Foundation, $5,000 from the Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund, $119,000 from the Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund, and $21,100 from the Schwab Charitable Fund (the last three corporations provide “donor-advised funds” to individuals or foundations who use the funds to make charitable donations, often anonymously).

Earlier this year, these funding streams were reported on the blog Bombthrowers, (“Do Bank of America, Fidelity, and Schwab support the Berkeley violence?” February 8, 2017). The blog post asked:

Now that esteemed companies like Bank of America, Fidelity Investments, and Charles Schwab Corporation know that the money they give to [AfGJ] can be funneled to violent groups like Refuse Fascism, do they condone violence like that which occurred in Berkeley?

Do they approve of mobs that prevent conservative speakers from being heard?

And, if they don’t, will they stop funding [AfGJ]?

The “Our Principles” page of the AfGJ’s website proclaims, “We are anti-capitalist without rigidly adhering to any one utopian alternative economic model.” It also states, “We support group rights as equal to or superior to the rights of individuals articulated by 18th Century European men.” Anti-capitalist, utopian economic model, group rights over individual rights—that fits the first part of the definition of communist quite well.

Hard Core Left-Wing Leadership The Alliance for Global Justice finds its origins in an organization founded in 1979 called the Nicaragua Network, a group that was dedicated to supporting the Marxist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. By the 1990s the Nicaragua Network was running a number of international campaigns involving World Bank protests and labor rights. According to AfGJ’s website, when a group named Nicaragua Network tried to organize campaigns that had little to do with Nicaragua, it confused its activists and donors. In response, members of the Nicaragua Network formed the Alliance for Global Justice in 1998.

AfGJ was initially headquartered in Washington, D.C. It still maintains an office there, and its most recent IRS filing lists a telephone number with DC’s 202 area code, but in 2013 AfGJ moved its primary headquarters to Tucson, Arizona, according to its IRS disclosures.

Katherine Hoyt and Chuck Kaufman have served as “National Co-Coordinators” for AfGJ, which they joined as staff members in 2003. Both have long histories of involvement in far-left causes. Hoyt received a Ph.D. in political science from Rutgers University. In the 1960s, she moved to Nicaragua where in 1967 she married Dr. Bayardo Gonzalez. She was an active supporter of the Sandinistas prior to their overthrow of the corrupt Somoza regime.

AfGJ provides fiscal sponsorship services that fund groups that do not have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status from the Internal Revenue Service. This means AfGJ is a “pass through” entity that allows donors who want to give to a group that lacks tax-exempt status to donate instead to the AfGJ. This mechanism helps individual donors, who may now deduct the donation from their income taxes, and also helps foundation donors, who are generally forbidden to give to groups that lack nonprofit status. It also helps the groups that finally receive the monies, because they don’t have to report on their activities to the public and, if convenient, they can pop up, perform legally dubious actions, and then disappear with no accountability. AfGJ takes a 7 to 8 percent administrative fee from the money that it passes on to other groups.

The purpose of AfGJ’s fiscal sponsorship service, according to its IRS filing, is “to help the progressive movement grow and gain more influence on regional, national, and international levels.” AfGJ claims to have supported over 85 groups in this manner.

Here is a list of some of these groups from their website

Additional resource

Don't forget the UN and USAID factor either. Soros Open Society Foundation/USAID

Leaked Documents Prove Soros’s Open Society Is Working with UN in Supporting Current Illegal Migrant Crisis

grace8 ago

Nice find! Thanks for posting!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Great digs, Patriot! Saving post link now!

KyJane ago

Good diggings there, FakAwf.

hang_em_high ago

The one that is from U.S. should be hanging from a rope.

GuantanamObama ago


DawnPendraig ago

I'm wondering the last couple days if this tariff threat was a way for Mexico leaders to save face and their families from cartels backlash as they now have no choice but to help stop the invasion.

Or maybe they are just lying to us again

SkyeVeritas ago

Interesting thought; entirely plausible.