ThepowerofQ ago

The 10 - 12 posts have a lots of convergence such as:

NK pics and The 'server' brings down the house. and ES isn't sleeping well.

Who said HRC server was in her bathroom? Could it be the Server Q refers to is the one in NK.

1350/1461 ref 11/12

1462/1483 the boys

And what about refs to Dark to light, Moon, Mars, and Clock, all actual refer to Daily Moon Position.

And what if zip codes need to be applied ZC

LOTS going on and I'm still trying to put it together.

Blacksmith21 ago

stormypatriotjoe ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ‏ @stormypatriot21

Theory of mine

6/6 is D-Day

D-5 (5 day countdown after)

That brings us to:

6/11 (also adds nicely to 17)

My guess that’s when Declassifications start.


Blacksmith21 ago


So I woke up thinking a bit more about the 144,000 Fibonacci number. This IWC uses a calibre 89000, which operates at a frequency of 4 hertz or 28,800 beats per hour. What are the odds that that 144,000 is divisible by exactly 5? 5 X 28,800 bph/vph = 144,000. Weird.

akilyoung ago

Potus used 3.5 years regarding sanders... lots of biblical numbers he's throwing out

Blacksmith21 ago

Sometimes a 3.5 is just a 3.5.

akilyoung ago

And a 144,000 is just a 144,000?

Blacksmith21 ago

Trump's tweet was "3 1/2" not "3.5" 3.5 isn't exactly uncommon. But who knows?

akilyoung ago

3 1/2 is exactly the same as 3.5, so whats your point?

akilyoung ago

That is odd. Likely coincidence, but who knows anymore!

Blacksmith21 ago

I thought we were done with coincidences ; )

akilyoung ago

Let's try synchronicity instead?

Vindicator ago

Q1442 / Blackwater [How would US/WW coordinated takedowns of corrupt actors occur if elements of JSOC have been compromised? Outside contractors -]


So I've noticed just in the past couple of days, a decided push in v/pizzagate of submissions trying to associate Trump with Prince Andrew and Epstein:

As well as framing Eric Prince in the worst possible light:

Just a trend I noticed.

think- ago

As well as framing Eric Prince in the worst possible light:

I will gladly ping you into any further comments or posts I write about Erik Prince, you can add them to your list then. Cheers.


letsdothis3 ago


think- ago

I found the Nader / Prince story really to be a litmus test. So far, no Trump / Q supporter has condemned Erik Prince for knowingly employing a convicted pedo. Amazing. Or I must have missed it.

The other day, a Trump supporter told me that it's ok to employ pedos, you know, as long as you don't socialize with them after work. Mind boggling.

If @Vindicator thinks that what I wrote was 'framing Prince in the worst possible way', I can tell you that I only briefly scractched the surface so far.

(Please don't forget to archive this comment, Vin.)

followthemoney ago

I worked with Blackwater. I still have the black kevlar pants they issued me. My favorites. There is a lot to look into. They've changed their name a couple of times because of the trail they leave behind. CACI has a similar arch. Prince and Mercer tight and friends with Crown asset Cambridge Analytica, the AI used to combat the ADA AI; the strategy being to troll ADA by forcing its saturation and repetition output to expose itself. Also plugged into aluminum industry.

If I recall correctly.

twistedmac11 ago

Blackwater/Academi is owned by Constellis. Constellis owns Centerra, which, according to their website, "is responsible for safeguarding the United Stated Federal Government’s most critical assets and facilities, including the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, National Aeronautical and Space Administration, and other National strategic assets and resources. Sensitive sites and nuclear facilities we protect include the following: the United States’ nuclear weapons program and infrastructure; emergency fuel storage; uranium enrichment facility; material storage for plutonium, uranium and tritium; as well as leading-edge scientific research and classified information. Centerra’s number one priority is to ensure operations at these locations are not disrupted by criminal or terrorist acts."

Centerra was also formerly known as G4S Government Solutions and is the largest American-owned provider of protective services to the Federal Government.

G4S was originally founded as The Wackenhut Corporation, which was well known for being the invisible hand/front company of the CIA.


and @Vindicator has apparently blocked me for demanding that he denounce Trump's pro-LGBT merchandise

think- ago

Thanks for the reminder. Going to block you again too. Meaning - I won't get your pings, or see any comment replies.



so you also don't denounce the transexual agenda?

Vindicator ago

Of course it's not okay to employ pedos as long as you don't socialize with them. What a ridiculous thing to say.

It it, however, strategic to use informants to break crime syndicates. Yet somehow the data that supports the idea that is what may be happening is never included in these submissions. They are not fair and balanced. They're not objective. They support the MSM narrative that Trump is a pedo or pedo protector. That is what I meant by "framing Pence in the worst possible way."

I noticed the pattern of an increasing number of submissions pushing a one-sided point of view. It also happens to coincide with a sudden uptick in concentrated attacks against me personally, in the larger context of the moderator of GA being driven off the site and silenced in a coordinated, cross-platform psychological warfare effort.

think- ago

Of course it's not okay to employ pedos as long as you don't socialize with them. What a ridiculous thing to say.

Glad that you agree.

.>Yet somehow the data that supports the idea that is what may be happening is never included in these submissions.

Yes. Because these submissions refrain from speculation.

If people want to speculate about all the 'great busts' that will allgedly take place, 'because Q said so', v/GreatAwakening is the right place to do it.

v/pizzagate is for evidence based research.

They're not objective.

They are totally objective. I always point out that Nader worked for Clinton.

Somehow the Trump supporters are often those who are not objective, they almost never talk about Reps or their donors who are pedos or pedo enablers (except for McCain).

They support the MSM narrative that Trump is a pedo or pedo protector.

Can't help it when a major GOP donor like Erik Prince employs pedos. I don't give a f*ck about what 'narrative' this might support. Everybody can draw their own conclusions about Prince.

I noticed the pattern of an increasing number of submissions pushing a one-sided point of view.

They are not one-sided.

They try to fill a gap in the overall discussion on v/pizzagate, which is dominated by Trump supporters.

It also happens to coincide with a sudden uptick in concentrated attacks against me personally, in the larger context of the moderator of GA being driven off the site and silenced in a coordinated, cross-platform psychological warfare effort.

What do you want to imply?

That @letsdothis3 and me are muh evil shills? Are we entertaining this narrative again, @Vindicator?

Because you lack the imagination that there are average Pizzagaters next door who just have a different view on politics?

Show me how I was involved in the attacks against you or @srayzie.

I already talked about Nader and Prince two or three months ago, on the thread where you told me to "fuck off".

Since you claimed at the time you didn't know that Trump was socializing with Epstein, I have collected some info about them socializing.

I am grateful that @letsdothis3 did the submission. I didn't know that Prince Andrew visited Mar-a-Lago, together with Epstein and Trump.

@gamepwn @shewhomustbeobeyed

Vindicator ago

What do you want to imply?

That @letsdothis3 and me are muh evil shills? Are we entertaining this narrative again, @Vindicator?

Because you lack the imagination that there are average Pizzagaters next door who just have a different view on politics?

Show me how I was involved in the attacks against you or @srayzie.

I wasn't implying any of those things. Why are you trying to put words into my mouth? I was stating that I see patterns of things occurring simultaneously. You are an avid Guardian reader, an outlet that is a major disinformation pusher, and base many of your submissions on their work. I think that the MSM is pushing anything they can right now to cast shade on Trump. You are uncritical of that, because it suits you. It doesn't make you a shill. Claiming I said that and putting words in my mouth is uncalled for and unfair.

think- ago

I wasn't implying any of those things.

Well, you have done it before, remember. That's why I asked.

You are an avid Guardian reader, an outlet that is a major disinformation pusher, and base many of your submissions on their work.

I have done 117 submissions to v/pizzagate. None of it was flaired '´Possible Disinformation'.

Or what did I miss?

If you had read my comments more carefully, instead of just collecting them, you might have seen that I am aware that the Guardian often pushes fishy stuff. 'Reading between the lines' is one of the pleasures of reading the morning paper for me.

@letsdothis3 @gamepwn

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for this ^


  • I'm glad you are having this heated debate here. thank you both

  • They are all related. Haven't you ever been to your cousin's place? I have.

  • WTF am i doing in this sub?

  • Screw you guys, I'm going home.


P.S. If you dig up some good stuff, don't forget to post it in V/DonaldTrumpResearch (shameless plug)


auralsects ago

I knew you front-holes would let him off easy.

@Vindickeater exposed himself as a kike-shill long before JewAnon when he deleted my thread on Haim Saban and his suspiciously fed-sounding-DC-based boomer butt-buddy @21BlackDicks was chiming in with shit like this in FLYNN LIVES' posts remember him

Blacksmith21 3 points (+4|-1) 2.2 years ago

Peter Thiel, founder of Palantir, is a confidante and backer of Trump. Remember how the left went wild when the outwardly gay Thiel endorsed Trump? Thiel is still Chairman of Palantir.

Personally, I think Thiel/Palantir are on the side of good on this one. I won't go into it, but you need to see who else he runs with.

And seriously, just because someone is a Jew or an Israeli doesn't make this a Jewish plot. Otherwise all everyone else out - Podesta, an Italian-American; Obama, a Kenyan-Indonesian-American; etc. You get the idea. Sure, there are plenty of Jews in on it because they are good at spying and business. It's not something set forth in the Torah. And spare me the Talmud crap.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

o m g

I forgot how funny that shit was.

Thanks for the giggle, welsher

Blacksmith21 ago

Regarding Prince: HUMINT is a very dirty business. You are dealing with spies/informants, you get thieves, conmen, liars, and everything other lowlife you can imagine, including pedos.

If you look at the optics now, Prince used Nader, likely knowing he was a pedo and connected to the Clintons et al, which resulted in his being arrested and further discrediting the Mueller report.

Welcome to the murky world of human intelligence.

letsdothis3 ago

I found the Nader / Prince story really to be a litmus test. So far, no Trump / Q supporter has condemned Erik Prince for knowingly employing a convicted pedo.

That's what happens when one puts on the political ideology goggles and refuses to take them off..

The other day, a Trump supporter told me that it's ok to employ pedos, you know, as long as you don't socialize with them after work.

I saw that.

Better to deal with facts, data and information. Otherwise one is vulnerable to manipulation by some very sophisticated people.

Who was it that said 'Question everything?' Rhetorical question. :-)

Blacksmith21 ago

No coincidence.

Thatonegiy ago

Also interesting, there’s been two NYpd deaths recently, as well as the AR senator. Any suspicious/high levels in OK recently?

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah an OK State Sen was found dead.

Blacksmith21 ago

For fun - this is what craftsmanship looks like:

Moorgarten ago

Makes me Proud of being Swiss Descendant, and Live in that City a Couple of years. Schaffhausen!

Blacksmith21 ago

Switzerland watch tours are on my bucket list. Up there with the Isle of Man TT. Going to an F1 race this year for the first time in 13 years. Please tell me you took a tour and drove a Porsche like it is meant to be driven...

Moorgarten ago

heheh... sorry to disappoint you, but I never in my 62 yrs of life have driven a Car. And for the Watchmaking Tour... as I grew up over there, if I wanted to observe a Watchmaker, I could just go around the corner and ask to silently watch some Guy working on it. Same with my Father's Job. I was allowed to visit him in the Factory he worked, ABB. Big producer of the first Computer chips back in the late 70's in Zurich. But I'm a Big fan of Cars of the 60's to 80's. Did you know there was a luxury car made in Switzerland?

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm very vaguely familiar with the Moneverdi.

I remember the ABB chips. I think I had one in an '86 VW GTI as one of the first tuner chips on the market. I drive/collect cars/motorcycles. Alfa, BMW. Ducati, Bimota, Audi/Porsche.

Thatonegiy ago

I feel “evidence kills” is reference to Assange.

Thatonegiy ago

What/where is CD?

bamadeplorable420 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Camp David is best guess.

PatriotLady1 ago

Flynn's 302 released today.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yep. I'm waiting for smarter people than I to read/analyze/regurgitate.

fogdryer ago

me too

Scotanon29 ago

Only been on Q for 11 months, and he is at least six months ahead with his predictions. But know what fucked with me the most?

Changes to the Lord's prayer.

I mean.....come on......are you in charge of both sides?

Wtf, Q??

late2thegame ago

Q didn't change the Lord's prayer, the Pope did. Q only reported it (before it happened.)

Scotanon29 ago

I know this.

I'm wondering how the hell could Q foresee that happening?

asymptote_12 ago

Your post is interesting, but I do not know of what you are referring. Could you link?

Blacksmith21 ago

What part? Go back and read the comments to. A lot of this has to do with the Golden Ratio.

akilyoung ago


The 'Official Team Trump' Twitter tweeted the go code a couple hours ago.


I posted an extensive thread here a few days so about that number, and it's ties to today. And lo... they tweeted it.

Those posts you linked follow... what is a map?

akilyoung ago

That wss included in my post a few days ago. Thanks!

Blacksmith21 ago

Wow. I found it. You linked to it on my last delta post -

What are the odds? 144,000


Vindicator ago


Did you see a second NYPD offed himself today?

And also a second Republican politician turned up dead?

Blacksmith21 ago

I did. Body count is running high. More to follow...

Rizzo9000 ago

Assuming they are deceased, rather than renditioned to testify

akilyoung ago

Badass.. yup that's it!

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm a math dummy. I understand the why for codes, not the how. I see solutions visually, not mathematically. Watching POTUS tweets for caps and numbers now and usually it can refer to something relevant on Q posts.

What makes you think 144,000 is a "go" code? I'll give it to you that I have no way of calculating the odds that you pulled that number out of your ass 6 days ago and then it get's posted by @TeamTrump. It's a cypher. And a big one. Nautilus. Riddle within a riddle. I feel like a HS field trip to the NatCryptMus in MD most days.

Past proves future. When does Q go dark?

akilyoung ago

Lol.. great response.

Let's just say a mix of intuition and decoding. I did a breif splaining of the how in that post. Ill try to create a thread about it tomorrow when i get on pc. Let's just say that is not coincidence... ;)

Blacksmith21 ago

We are all lowly dudes.

M-C-G ago

Interesting that Q post 607 and 608 are UK and MI6 related

Blacksmith21 ago


Blacksmith21 ago


zech7 ago

map = minor attracted person

may justice be served