letsdothis3 ago

Y'all are missing the connection with UAE satellite company Yahsat/Yahlive.

theooeht ago

Hey, thanks so much for this.

After all this time, I can't believe how sick these idiots are. Even if you could do this, the fact they actually want to proves how twisted they are in the head.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Vindicator.

Posted automatically (#46289) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

I originally broke this here on voat last year and ohwellIan promptly reposted on /politics and it was all over the news cycle the next day. Good times!

theooeht ago

Oh, and if you send me the link, I'll add it to the OP. Keep you in the link and you'll get your creds for posting it.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Here is the link: https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2435746

I'm the one who made the comment "The George Nader mentioned in the OP's article is probably this pedo"

(I recycle my accounts regularly for security reasons, and my then handle was converted to a number when I deactivated the previous account - I'm morally opposed to operating with alt accounts).

Anyway, the name George Nader had just shown up in the news that same morning, and I instinctively googled for "George Nader pedo" and voila!

theooeht ago

Thanks and I like the recycling accounts idea. Might try that.

Will put this up.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Thanks, friend.

theooeht ago

You're very welcome.

theooeht ago

You were ahead of your time.

I don't remember that post, but I do remember the story circulation. This brings it full cycle, but the disinfo specialists are all over it. Now a fake story is going around that the Nader that Clinton spent time with is a different Nader from the pedo king who visited Epstein Island. I really don't see any way out of this mess. Not unless arrests are made, but it's taking so long. Even the FISA warrants haven't been released. What was it? Two weeks ago that our POTUS ordered Barr to release them to the public after he'd redacted whatever info we didn't need to know? Yeah, you see any FISA's?

Yeah, I don't either.

carmencita ago

Very informative info important to this post https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2410709

Is there child trafficking involving an orphanage in the Dominican Republic that is sponsored by a nearby elite resort owned by friends of the Clintons?

Casa de Campo has a history of sheltering criminals, drug trafficking, money laundering, and other criminal activity on the property (see below.)

Even Casa de Campo, the region’s most upscale resort, hasn’t been spared, with posh villas often used to plan criminal operations, some even for tortures.


La Romana, Dominican Republic.-The National Drugs Control agency (DNCD) on Monday arrested six people and seized 54 bricks of a white substance presumably cocaine or heroin, a luxury yacht that had set sail from Casa de Campo, La Romana (east).

Background on Casa de Campo, Owned by Clinton Friends the Fanjul Sugar Empire Family

In 1999 the orphanage relocated to land donated by the Fanjul’s Central Romana Corporation, 15 minutes from Casa de Campo

In 2014 Casa de Campo owner singer Marc Anthony’s foundation, Maestro Cares, co-founded with Henry Cardenas, funded a boys home for Niños de Cristo on land donated by Central Romana Corp

Strangers are more than welcome at Orfanato Niños de Cristo’s Summer Camp:

VOLUNTEERS ARE MORE THAN WELCOME to come any day and time to help out in the activities and fun.

Strange Casa de Campo fundraiser image of a ship with children pictured below it    [http://archive.is/hyXAV](http://archive.is/hyXAV)

Niños de Cristo Partners http://archive.is/63XZg

Innocents at Risk

This group is run by Deborah Sigmund, and Izzette Maccoby Folger is on the Board of Directors. Threads by @anolegion and @bumbleberries.

Orphanage's US Address is Shared With Storage-Related Businesses


theooeht ago

Hey, this is fantastic info.

Thanks so much and am adding the link to the OP.

This really needs looking into. I'll try to do some digging this weekend to see what I can find.

Thanks again.

carmencita ago

Thanks Much. Always glad to help out :)

theooeht ago

You are the best.

carmencita ago


carmencita ago

Not surprising. Mueller was responsible for having the Franklin Case scuttled. I posted it quite a while but can't find it anymore. Scrubbed. Birds of a feather. If find it, I will post it.

BrokenWolf ago

Interesting. Did not know that. Only knew the names DeCamp put in the book.

carmencita ago

I wish to God I could find that I posted it at some point. Not good at the tech stuff and saving things. Some day if I have more time I might try to look again. I was amazed actually to find it.

theooeht ago


He's like a wet works cleanup guy. Everywhere there's a crime, he's there with the bleach bit.

theooeht ago

All this helps so much.

Thank you for posting. It will help a lot of people to get this out there.

carmencita ago

I hope so. He is another one that really has been flying under the radar. The whole Mueller Investigation was and is a Fiasco. He needs to be thrown in jail.

theooeht ago


But the Linda Collins-Smith case has me wondering. I mean, if Sessions really was doing all that investigation ... and appointed Huber who has done an massive amount of work, could it be that Mueller really is working with Trump? It would be crazy, but why would she go on a Youtube channel that believed that?

I'll have to think this through again.

carmencita ago

With all that Mueller has done wrong, all his shady profitable deals and coverups, I doubt he is trying to do any good for anyone else but himself. Even if he has decided to turn over a new leaf for just this time, well, his past speaks volumes of his character. Unless of course he has been blackmailed.

theooeht ago

Oh, I hear you. I really do. I'm on the same page ... or was.

But I thought Sessions was a waste. I couldn't imagine where anyone would think he'd done anything, and KERPOW! Out of the blue, I find those links and the current Clinton Foundation investigation HINGED ON HIM! Without him, this would be an undergoing investigation. That's all I'm trying to say. Is that I had no intention of changing my mind about Sessions and look what happened? And if Mueller were working with Trump, he had better be convincing that he isn't! Otherwise, he'd probably end up just like Collins-Smith and Schaefer. And the dems did hinge their hopes on himj that he failed to deliver.

So I hear you, I understand, and I thought Mueller was scum. I might still decide to stick with that, but right now? I don't know what to think. I honestly don't.

think- ago

@Vindicator, would you consider giving this post a 'Share' flair - this is huge! Thanks.

theooeht ago


Appreciate it.

think- ago

You're welcome.

Vindicator ago


think- ago

Thank you.

think- ago

OMG - this made my day. I hope he will rot in prison.

He also spent time in jail in Czechia for sexually exploiting underage boys.

He paid an (Israeli IIRC) company for launching a social media campaign to support Trump during the election campaign.

Until he got arrested now, he was employed by Trump supporter and major GOP donor Erik Prince as a consultant. Who knew perfectly well that he was convicted for child rape.

But Nader also once worked for Bill Clinton, and he is on the famous pool pic with him.

theooeht ago


But as the second link shows, he was a crucial guy to have around. If he could arrange a meeting on a yacht proposing a new coalition, he might have been hired for other reasons than being a scumbag. I'm not saying pedos should be hired, but there were no outstanding charges and he was a key figure in communicating with Middle Eastern leaders. It's why I'm reserving judgement on why he was around and/or hired until more details emerge about what else Erick Prince was doing and what his motives were.


think- ago

But as the second link shows, he was a crucial guy to have around.

Yep, that's the excuse people always come up with when they try to defend why someone employs pedos.

You could justfiy with the same excuse that the Dems were connected to Tony Podesta.

When you're a decent person, you just don't give money and jobs to convicted pedo.

Not the only pedo Prince seems to have employed btw.

He also teamed up with DynCorp.

theooeht ago

Podesta is a different case. There's a huge difference between ''hiring'' someone, and ''partying'' with this person.

That's the line of demarcation for me. There are and will continue to be not-so-nice guys hired to perform tasks, but the question is do they fraternize with them.

think- ago

OMG. So employing convicted pedos is ok, you just don't go for a drink after work?

I feel sick.

Hiring them is fraternizing with them. They need to be ousted, not employed. Especially not by people like Erik Prince who (rightly) called out HRC and her pedo crimes.

smh in disbelief

I had no idea we had pedo enablers among us. That's just disgusting.

theooeht ago

I had no idea we had pedo enablers among us. That's just disgusting.

It's not good to label people. Just sayin'.

I was pointing out a distinction between the example you gave. That's all.

think- ago

No, you were defending the hiring of pedos.

theooeht ago

I accept your apology that was never given.

think- ago

....it will never be given, I'm afraid. Have a nice day.

theooeht ago

You as well.

PutinsPenthouse ago

You missed the point of that Middle Eastern Eye article.

but it does have to do with the importance this guy played and what Skankles had in mind.

Those Arab leaders did not back Hillary, they backed Trump. Here's the part you missed.

How Trump was key to plans .....Trump had only announced his candidacy months before in June 2015 when the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was leading in all the polls. She was thought by the Saudis and Emiratis to be more likely to ring fence the nuclear deal Barack Obama made with Iran, and to be generally more sceptical of their plans for a push back in the region.

Significantly, these Arab leaders decided in late 2015 that a wildcard presidential candidate in the shape of Trump could be the key to their plans to become the new regional hegemons.

Couple of other points to show how these folks supported Trump.

The NY Times just had an article that the most powerful Arab leader is the head of the UAE not Saudi Arabia -Mohammed bin Zayed. Nader was MBZ's man.

A. MBZ secretly came to America and met with team Trump.


In August 2016, Nader met with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower offering assistance to his father's presidential campaign. Nader served as an envoy representing Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and de facto ruler Mohammad bin Salman and Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The meeting included Blackwater founder Erik Prince again and Joel Zamel, an Israeli specialist in social media manipulation. -from Wiki


Nader attended a December 2016 meeting in New York between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) officials and president-elect Donald Trump's associates Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, and Steve Bannon.


In January 2017 he was at a meeting on the Seychelles islands between the Emiratis and Erik Prince, and was present when Prince met with officials from the UAE and Kirill Dmitriev, head of state-run Russian Direct Investment Fund.

Erik Prince was representing team trump at that meeting.

Nader also worked with Eliot Broidy, the convicted felon that Trump installed on the Republican National Committee finance team.

Nader was working very, very closely with Team Trump.

theooeht ago

Erik Prince was representing team trump at that meeting.

Nader also worked with Eliot Broidy, the convicted felon that Trump installed on the Republican National Committee finance team.

Nader was working very, very closely with Team Trump.

No, he wasn't, and I haven't missed anything.

Prince and The Trump team have continually denied that he represented them in any way, shape, or form. There is no proof other than his sworn statement to Mueller who we know is a liar himself. As I stated in the OP, I doubt whether this child-pornography charge will do much good in discrediting Nader. And there you go proving my worst fears true. Even with the latest charge that could land Nader in jail for 40 years, it's not tarnishing his word that was only his word without any proof to back it up. And, yet, Mueller singled him out to be star witness:


Why? For the same reason Steele was singled out to create a fake dossier: because both would say or do anything they were paid to do.

I'm extremely disheartened that people overlook such evidence when trying to ascertain the truthfulness of an individual. We've seen it in the Kavanaugh witch hunt and in this Mueller one. So go ahead and believe what you like. There's no convincing you. But I hope it does red-pill those that wish to take their blinders off.


think- ago

Nader was working very, very closely with Team Trump.



Nader, podesta, and Clinton

puta caña

PutinsPenthouse ago

You're not lying. But you are too dim to know the truth.

Tons of people passed this around and wrote up blogs and comments, and steemits on it, but they were all wrong. A lot of them didn't care that they wrong like the True Pundit site cited on that steemit page. True Pundit lies to his audience all the time.

Do you know what primary evidence is? I'm citing primary evidence.

The guy you are claiming is Tony Podesta (have you had your glasses checked?) is Jose Calzada, a real estate executive in the Domincan Republic. https://casadecampore.com/jose-calzada/


that looks nothing like the fat fuck Tony podesta who is clearly pictured in the resort photo

PutinsPenthouse ago

But it is the dude I linked to. I'm not trolling in any way, that is the truth.


sure dude I apologize for that. I can admit being wrong

PutinsPenthouse ago



thanks again for the correction

PutinsPenthouse ago

Except he is not. He is an executive at the very resort where the photo was taken.

BlueDrache ago

Whore "rod"?

theooeht ago


Just want these pervs in jail.

theooeht ago

Maybe Slick Willy can keep him company in jail!

Oh, these pervs!

melissastricklin ago