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Arrvee ago

How do we know that these people are guilty, and this is not another attempt to cause fighting between boards?

SeanBox ago

It’s the same list sanegoat/dial_indicator has been spamming since he was called out for admitting to being JIDF.

Vindicator ago

Really? Same list? That's interesting. Is there a link for comparison?

shit_alt_lmao ago

278 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

virge ago

What about all the other users who aren't on either list but run around constantly using the same tactics as both groups?

shit_alt_lmao ago

Smart. Hard to say.

How do you identify non-uniformed combatants in a time of war?

virge ago

I've already offered this suggestion. It's terrified them so much they're now chasing me around downvote brigading me and misrepresenting my arguments like the liars they are.

The answer is relatively straight-forward - Voting transparency. The parasites cannot hide when their voting habits show they are liars and their votes do not match what they claim to represent.

You are smelling fear. We are at war. Voting transparency force the subversive element hiding in the darkness to group up with others in secret and subvert Voat with various abuses such as the voting system.

Shine some light on the darkness. Make voting transparent. What will these faggots do when everyone can see their behavior for what it really is, and they can no longer lie about it?

RockmanRaiden ago

I can see how this would be controversial.

virge ago

All constructive solutions must first be controversial issues. Lets have a discussion. Join the thread I linked and give your feedback.

RockmanRaiden ago

I've been lurking those. I stay silent when I'm unsure of things. Lurker for life. I'm almost sold honestly.

29again ago

I'm not sure I want voting transparency here. That is a feature that can also be used against you. I'm really liking the way Voat is set up, and the rules (or lack of them) here. I'm finding myself here more than on the other sites I am a member of. Mostly because I can't respond the way I want to!

shit_alt_lmao ago

Not bad.

SeanBox ago

Ya...cuz your butt hurts still. I used to be number 1.


Now you're just another number.

CerealBrain ago

you gay bro?