digital_minuteman321 ago

Agree, sadly there are too many on this board that will believe anything even if it's far out, and their excuse is something along the lines of nothing is too crazy these days.

There are theories and there are facts. People like to mix them a lot and throw them together as truth. And when you call those people out on it they get upsetti and go on a temper tantrum and start calling you every name in the book. Looking at you @GodsAngell and @TurquoiseLover.

DickTick ago

At times I ponder if they might even be the same person. Sure looks like they might be sometimes..

digital_minuteman321 ago

The mannerisms in the typing is very similar, it's highly possible.

Koyote210 ago

niggerkikefaggotspickchinkgookshitskinmudslimewhitesarehews.... I'm good

numina18 ago

There's a word for that: Shills. Just ignore the stupid stuff.

user17 ago

Just know who your Patriots are.. It's not that hard.. They're the guys who hurt the enemy.. They fuck shit up, when they're here.. Some of 'em will even dox the fucking enemy just to show you they're real.. Shills don't ever do that..

magamoo ago

Its ironic how many of the shills have flocked to your post warning about shills. Lmao thanks for the reminder, but I'd love to think some of those "new" accounts are real people looking to join in.

RockmanRaiden ago

I remember when this was happening to r/conspiracy years and years ago...

Fritter ago


Headwest127 ago

Thank you! I've noticed the same and even called a few out. It's a purposeful attack designed to make the group look crazy,violent and extreme.

Action_Bastard ago

Not everything is a conspiracy. Some people are just fucking idiots.

Kristo_Pear ago

I've been here since the Reddit shut down and I still cant post anything but a comment

Floralei ago

My account is new, but I have been lurking since reddit had their Q meltdown. Really just made my account because I have a question about the Q movememt for some fellow evangelicals...but haven't come across any to ask yet. And the search function is not working, so just chatting til I find somebody.

CivNat88 ago

Look up Holocaust deprogramming. It never happened. It was cynically used to create an ethnostate.

divine_human ago

Q128 ago


lordvain2 ago

There are troll farms who try to discredit free speech sites. I have never blocked people before, but I do now.

candtalan ago

I have been blocking ppl on twatter quite abruptly & mercilessly for a long time now - but rarely visit now anyway. Free speech is 'dangerous'. The attack on it is assisted by good hearted (but misguided I believe) people who actively promote PC speak, and later are in wonderment that real conversation is disappearing! The troll professionals can easily poke the sleepers with sticks, pretending to be one thing or another. Oh, my! We are yet some way from a stabilised situation.

lordvain2 ago

I generally block people for being abusive or obvious trolling. If they are actually making a point, I may disagree, but I don't block them. If someone keeps posting the same crap over and over, or constant "Oy vey, goy", I don't come here for that. It's imature and not productive.

Fishdo169 ago

There’s been a lot of fake patriots truthers Q followers etc appearing on the boards forums and social media in the last few weeks more than before no doubt.... As Q said the MSM and critics etc are using screenshots of these fakers to publish in articles and reports etc to try and undermine all of us and what we stand for.... So you’re very right to bring this issue up here... we must all be vigilant

I’ve noticed that Twatter is changing too... so many more tweets are being removed from conversations that I know were Pro trump pro Q pro maga etc even my own twits have been removed without reason (except censorship!!) even twits I’ve liked or retwattered have disappeared after a few hours...

And I’m sure it’s only going to get worse as the panic becomes greater...!


magamoo ago

Yup. The censorship is def gonna get worse before it gets better. Hence the presidential emergency system. Hehe Globalist shills eat your heart out

candtalan ago

Aware of

PacaGoat ago

Shilling cranking up. Been dealing with that and the muh joos crap today. Division tactics and craping on everything like a bunch of piegons.

smokratez ago

Here´s your jew loving thread, you retarded piece of jew cocking trash.

smokratez ago

Jews are behind white genocide you moron.

magamoo ago

Oh no! Say it isnt so! I wouldnt want to be a MORON! Best start getting out my swastikas/s

smokratez ago

Jews call all white straight people nazis, in case you hadn´t noticed.

PacaGoat ago

If you had a brain it would be studied as the most deformed thing on the planet jerkwad! Pissoff

smokratez ago

Gass yourself jew lover.

PacaGoat ago

Bite me

smokratez ago

You are such a dumb faggot that you don´t even know who is killing you.

CivNat88 ago

It’s a JIDF shill account. All it does is spam false pro-kike propaganda.

smokratez ago

Call it out and down vote it. If I am the only one doing that, it doesn't work.

GodAndGlory ago

I'm seeing these dumb posts with like 3+ upvotes. Can they be more obvious?

KyJane ago

Nah, they're no more obvious than the -5 downvotes on every single post yesterday morning.

Odius1 ago

It's just Yang Bangers, Bernie Bros, and Bidens Free Candy Brigade.

candtalan ago

Trolls can upvote too.... ;-)

zit ago

I like how "Flat Earthers" "UFO-ologists" "trans-dimensional beings running gov" pepper the three Q boards to DISCREDIT using paid kook shills to muddy up the three voat Q boards :


I am sure the "psycho babble" is a similar tactic called "NOISE RATIO"

As in ruin the subs with flooding of poor Signal to Noise ratio.

EnkiEnkiEnki ago

I've been wondering, why are there 3 Q subverses anyway?

zit ago

One is for when you want to be anonymous , but invites malicious trolling. The other two are older but not 100% officially blessed by Q, but used to ban people who said the word "nigger" too much, and the admins got warned to knock off the frivolous censoring. All 3 are about equal in value. All three have their fans. I read articles on all three. I like the fact that if needed, a person has access to an anon version of a Q board, but I realize it invites more noise.

monsterdoggie ago

There is actually something to the "trans-dimensional beings" stuff. Satan and demons are trans-dimensional, and they are definitely running things. Or were running things. Now they are being run off.


"Jews > ovens" has been a thing here for like, 4 years. I don't agree with killing every anything, but niggers are begging for "reparations for slavery" and a rave war, and they commit over half the murders in this country, so yea the feral ones need to be addressed and hopefully the rest can be shipped back to sender. Antifa in the US is just beta males, nobody actually cares about them, they're chopping their dicks off at record speed, that problem handles itself.

ammonthenephite ago

A great example of exactly what OP is talking about.


/u/dankghidorah I've been here awhile. Got banned for downvoting a user who constantly made calls for violence. Any points now?

magamoo ago

Oooo. Tough guy. I notice most shills are aggressive self righteous pricks who try to bully normies into backing down/questioning themselves whenever questioned about ridiculous bullshit.

Got news for you mate, ain't nobody here willing to cow, even the normies are growing a brain, so get it while you can you slimey worm.


That's your response to someone who tried to suppress murderous intent? Okay.

zit ago


REMINDER : In the USA there are only 22 or so legal exemptions to unfettered free speech. And one of them is NOT "murderous intent".

A US citizen can type anything legally containing phrases of so-called "murderous intent" under several CLEAR US supreme court famous rulings, unless :

1 : it has a time period LESS than 1 year in future and the time is stated and also (mandatory) :

2: the words contain a target or SUBSET of targets of a class.

ALL jews is not a subset
ALL antifa that wear masks is NOT a subset of a class, it is the whole class

"kill every nigger" lacks bot "1" and lacks "2" and is doubly not a "imminent threat of unlawful action"

"violence" is not a concept under SCOTUS, nor is the phrase "murderous intent" under SCOTUS, the phrase you need to research is a call for "imminent unlawful action".

If someone here wants to suppress free speech that SEEMS like they are trying to "suppress murderous intent", then such words they want to suppress need to be illegal on USA soil and meet the "imminent" concept of a stated time of the event, and meet the subclass (BOTH, not either, BOTH parts).

This is US free speech law basics.


Neat, TIL. Thanks for the info.

zit ago

NOTE" There is a limit on free speech if you are calling a person on the phone , or threatening them in person, with an implied threat, but the internet does NOT count as a focused delivery mechanism and cannot be swayed in that direction as it is not "covert" speech. So repeatedly telephoning a SPECIFIC single negro and saying "you will die from a knife in your throat" can be a "death threat" and a "death threat" is a form of illegal speech. Internet posts in public are not for that case.


I wish I knew all the things I need to know like this :/

smokratez ago

Earth is flat as fuck faggot. It being a spining ball was made up by satanic pedos.

kingconcave ago

Agreed, do your research Patriots


Weak troll

smokratez ago

100% truth. It says in the bible that the Earth doesn´t move as well.

chuckletrousers ago

It says in the bible that the Earth doesn´t move as well.

Classic case of believing everything you read. Especially since it's a book written by stone age sand niggers.

Q128 ago

Those who bad mouth Flat Earthers, have not looked in to it themselves, or are gatekeepers. Or maybe some are just Trekkies who need their "space".

ChiCom ago

Or work on rockets, guidance systems, gps code, spectrometers, telescopes, or anything other than LARPing really.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

are you implying that the flat earth is only a globe because it's trans-dimensional?

hg74rhyd9 ago

Kek. Good one

concentric0s ago

Omg too much. Lol.

KyJane ago

Sure, all the cow farts deflated it!

ReadPastHeadlines ago

also, there is a ton of eye witness reports and some video evidence supporting the existence of "rods" which are insects which seem to glide in and out of 3d space.

candtalan ago

truth may be stranger than fiction but you offering is more than badly timed

Anti-Stupid ago

A lot of extra violent talk as well.

magamoo ago

They seem extra desperate recently. Trying to start a civil war for sure

smokratez ago

World war 3 is currenly going on, and it's goal is white genocide. Are you too much of a pussy to talk about fighting for your own survival?

StormRider9090 ago

That's always been a feature of Q followers.


bullshit, violence comes from the nazi's and shills. Get a life dick

StormRider9090 ago

We're talking about violent talk — I said that's always been a feature of the QTards. Hang out on the Q friendly boat subverses for a while and you'll see what i mean.

smokratez ago

Nazis were and are the good guys you clueless imbecile.

Doltbert ago

I thought I knew everything but Taun-Tauns being Reptilian instead of Marsupial.. Now I don't know what to think. Then this DickTick is telling me there are interlopers on Voat and the world is 200% topsy turvy!

AmazingFlightLizard ago

That’s ridiculous.

Tauntauns are warm blooded or else they couldn’t live on Hoth.

Yeah, and the other thing, too.

Doltbert ago

Thank you. If it werent for such rational intervention I would be lost.

This is how I feel. Listen to Decryption by Golden Child #np on #SoundCloud

B-------D ago

Aliens in Antarctica.

StormRider9090 ago

Hillary was extradited in 2017.

Trust Sessions.

dunklederf ago

the only idea you need is 1488

CivNat88 ago

The destruction of their race will be saved for last - JQ

Koyote210 ago

Amen Hermano “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Mexican children”

user17 ago

Heard this song in the guard cage at an Alaska prison.. [1488]

user17 ago

Fuck the bitch ass 1488s they're all back in prison.. hahaha

Shiftworker1976 ago

Michigan got there bosses in a Panic. There here, lets weed them out. Any takers?

Battlefat ago

Gematria = 6 + 7

G = 6+7

7 = F + 7

F = 0

G = 0

F + 0 = Fake and Gay