GodBlessTrump ago

I'm sure it's still widely available.

The whole scrub was a headfake to get people to spread the videos further.

Does anyone here besides me understand psychology????

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

Strange that the muslims would have been expecting and preparing with an "active shooter drill" in such a DOCILE country like New Zealand. Christians are usually the ones that get attacked. Something is eluding me here.

Blacksmith21 ago

This is pretty amazing stuff. It's almost exactly like the "real" video. Actually, it was more realistic than the "real" video.

petevoat ago

Did I just see the clock jump?

Betty_Liberty ago

Looks fake to me.

The1stLantern ago


We need to validate. Can we get name of next door mosque? A search might pull up names or social media showing pics of the inside so we can confirm location.

Next we need to confirm the time these pics were taken, and possibly best bet is a shot at IDing or boy in blue

Fateswebb ago

I believe this is linwood mosque, not next door, but target 2.

RainDrops ago

  1. Al Noor Mosque
  2. Linwood Islamic Centre

The1stLantern ago


srayzie ago


This isn’t the first location. The video I saw from the first location was extremely disturbing. I think there were several deaths there. This place looks staged. Where are the bullet holes in the walls?

RainDrops ago

This guy looks pretty floppy and dead in the video from the second mosque.

howdoyoumakeahormone ago

judging by the 'blood', he sustained his head injury while on the ground

theHare ago

False flag. Why wouldnt it be?

RainDrops ago

This isn't a rehearsal. This is a video taken after the shooting at the second mosque. https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=R4M13Y3G9MXK

The shooter live streamed from the Al Noor Mosque which has green carpeting.
He then drove to the second mosque, the Linwood Islamic Centre, which has grey carpet. He didn't stream from here and didn't kill as many people as he did at the first mosque.

srayzie ago

This is a video taken after the shooting at the second mosque

That’s what we were told at first. Are you sure about that?

RainDrops ago


srayzie ago

How do you know?

RainDrops ago

I have watched both videos repeatedly and studied them frame by frame. And there were two different mosques involved in this attack, chances are they have different carpets.

srayzie ago

Do you happen to have the videos?

RainDrops ago

Yes, I do.

srayzie ago

If you upload it to youtube, you could make it unlisted. Don’t title it with anything that would make youtube flag it. No tags or keywords. Only people with a link could view it. You could share the link here.

RainDrops ago

Sorry, I'm not uploading them. The videos are still online though.
Here: https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=R4M13Y3G9MXK
Here: https://www.bestgore.com/murder/livestream-video-deadly-shooting-attack-mosque-christchurch-new-zealand/
Just get Internet download manager and you download any video, from any site, using your computer. https://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/

srayzie ago

Thank you Raindrops!

RainDrops ago

No problem! :)

srayzie ago

Could you share?

iDontShift ago

you are awesome. i wanted to see this stupid thing for myself.

Vozlo ago

I mean how did this get out? Was it 'taken' from the original cell phone by white hats/ NSA ? Who really posted this clip? Provenance.

NarrativeControl ago


Can anyone tell me WTF is that music? For a second I thought it was some issue downloading the video but playing it straight from the browser also had that music.

NarrativeControl ago

Error 503

iDontShift ago

refresh. do it on many of q related/conspiracy related stuff.

works more often than not.

hafta do it on most twitter links. dunno why. suspect, but dunno.

srayzie ago


hg74rhyd9 ago

aaand that didn't take long.

hildberht ago

Isn't this the aftermath ie after the shooter has left. Some get up and move around but a lot stay on the ground and have blood stains on them and look dead.

survey_girl ago

When I first saw it posted on 8chan, people said it was the aftermath of the 2nd mosque that got shot... not sure if that is accurate or not... but follow this guy in the green/yellow/blue jacket...

8 sec in

28 sec writhing on the floor

31 seconds

1:17.... walking around fine

this is a fake scene.

srayzie ago

When I saw this the first time, it was called the aftermath video. It was removed. Some are saying it’s rehearsal. People are focusing in on the clock and other little details. Anons on 8chan have really been digging as well.

RainDrops ago

The first attack, Al Noor Mosque, supposedly started at approximately 1:40 pm local time. The video was between 16:52 minutes total and included him driving to the Al Noor Mosque, then away from it and toward the second mosque, the Linwood Islamic Centre before the live-streaming stops.

I'm not sure why there would the clock would be a focus of controversy. The actual shooting at the Al Noor Mosque, from the time he shoots the first two guys in the doorway until he shoots the woman at the curb took only about 5 1/2 minutes.

Fateswebb ago

I believe this footage is said to be linwood mosque or something like that, perhaps this was the second mosque in the attack.

srayzie ago

The police were notified 7 minutes before the attack.

RainDrops ago

Well, I haven't heard that myself. I do know the police were criticised for their slow response and they tweeted about it. https://files.catbox.moe/x2gvd4.png

hildberht ago

I know, just think we need to be very careful at the moment as they are trying to close down alt media sites and forums. Vids related to the shootings are very sensitive and could be used to discredit sites.

DawnPendraig ago

We need the freedom to discuss and to be wrong. Chilling ourselves into silence so we dont "give a bad impression" won't work anyway. We did that on Reddit banning people for even joking about staking out certain monstrous people over fire ant mounds. i got suspended for that joke.

And a couple weeks later our sub got deleted anyway with fake posts made by Media Matters goons was used as the reason.

hildberht ago

Good point, play on.

srayzie ago

The owner of Voat won’t ban us. He’s all about free speech.

Stonenchizel ago


howdoyoumakeahormone ago

Twitter JUST took it down, but not before I got to watch it and the other the "mainstream version blurring the faces of the actors as if they were dead, but in the actual video were taking selfies and texting.

bwarren2010 ago

Well that pretty much makes it false flag....this is the rehearsal night before

zxcvzxcv ago

I can't confirm, but I heard that the mosque was running an "active shooter drill" at the same time that an active shooter attacked. If true, I feel the timing is a bit too coincidental. [kind of like when US forces were running a "drill" during 9-11]

Kekalicious ago

Sandy Hook, Vegas, I think to stop terrorism we need to stop active drills. Seem to go hand in hand.

suomy_the_nona ago

And even if someone claims that was a drill, what is the point of having such a "drill"? Normally I'd expect it would be to practice how to open and use the emergency exits, to defend against the shooter and so on. But not to practice to lie around covered with fake blood and try to look wounded or dead for a short while. This would be called a rehearsal for a video shooting. It reminds me of Pallywood (30 sec example).

RampancyLambentRaven ago

And Vegas and Parkland.

Silex ago

And Sandy Hook. and others.

ChiCom ago

I recorded the sky news version right before Twatter zapped it. https://i.imgtc.com/daXjmuV.gifm

redtoe_skipper ago

Note the guy in the mint green jacket, grey hair partly bald.

First he is sitting up, and then turns around and ends up lying with his head down. After that red stains in the carpet are shown.


Rocky_Bindhamer ago

The MP4 still plays. Play, zoom in and check the time on that clock.

ChiCom ago

Not sure. Like 2:05? https://i.imgtc.com/tyhzhRY.png

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

This was not filmed at Christchurch mosque because of the carpet color. Tarrant started at around 2PM... So... Day or 2 before the event.

ChiCom ago

It was the second mosque. (Linwood Islamic Centre) you can see the fence and the KFC store through the window... the Centre has the house number 223

GodsAngell ago

NZ Police "Happened to Be in a Training Session" When Mosque Shooting Began


Rocky_Bindhamer ago

Hmm.. training session with all of that brass which looks like the same as the shooter's .223 .cal/5.56mm rounds in a different location (Grey, not green carpet). False Flags active shooter events often have a rehearsal/walkthrough for the crisis in another location before the main event.

Vozlo ago

and it's already gone. Hmm.

ChiCom ago

Censorship.. Try the butchute version

iDontShift ago

no the police were.

srayzie ago

Seems to be the case so many times with false flags

theHare ago

by so many, you mean every single one? haha. obvious.

srayzie ago

@Blacksmith21 made this post as well.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

This looks real actually. Watch it all.

brettco12 ago

they had fun with it

digital_minuteman321 ago

The carpet is different. Not the same building.

bwarren2010 ago

It is building next door...

DickTick ago

And you know this hoooow? Wouldnt you say it's more likely the second mosque where he carried out the second part of his attack? how is it more likely that you somehow have secret knowledge that this is without a shadow of a doubt the building next door to the first one?

Quit fucking making us look stupid and spreading every single giving guess someone blurts out as if its gospel .


Fateswebb ago

yes I believe this video is from linwood mosque. the second one?

srayzie ago

There were 2 buildings

Vozlo ago

Provenance of this video is everything. Is this the shot heard around the world? Next level real-time smollett debunking. Scary shit bros. 'This is not a game'.

GodsAngell ago

OH, man pretty dam convincing to me, this is a HOAX!!!

See this? This must be awhile later:

More Evidence ChristChurch Shooting was FAKE (a Hoax): Video of crisis actor who is supposed to be DEAD, is TEXTING a message!


digital_minuteman321 ago

The carpet is different. It's a different building, not the one where the shooting happened. Stop trying to spread disinfo and stop linking your own post.

Fateswebb ago

this is linwood? target 2?

DickTick ago

Jesus Christ I hate her. I make sure to comment every single time she types in all caps and 100% bold everything. Shit makes me want to shake her about the head and shoulders with vigor. Holy fucking shit is she annoying and makes us all look horrible..

bwarren2010 ago

It is building next door where they rehearsed

digital_minuteman321 ago

Ah okay.

DawnPendraig ago

Maybe you can back a bit off Godsangel now. Yes she goes a bit nuts but we gotta stop attacking each other

albatrosv15 ago

You a whitesoy knight or something?

digital_minuteman321 ago

Yeah you're probably right man lol. I'll just downvote and move on for now, just get annoyed when she makes us all look bad with it.

theoldones ago

question: is that the same building?

LurkMaster ago

Some are saying its the second mosque. Carpets are different between the 16min vid and this one.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Has to be. The carpet of the mosque in the shooting video is dark green while this one is gray.