DuHast ago

Why is the timing on this “amazing” ?

This has been in the news again for weeks.

srayzie ago

That’s what I thought at first

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Vancouver BC is a child sex trafficking hub and it's all run through the film industry.

pckpat ago

One of many. Pickton's pig farm. Missing native children from residential schools going back decades.

wokeasfook ago

Ignore posts calling for violence..

I mean i get it, i really do but i have one question; until when?

We know all the players now so what happens if NOTHING HAPPENS?

3 or 4 determined patriots could do a lot of good.

Patience. Thats what i keep telling myself. Have patience. But i just don't know how long more i can do that. I don't know how ling more i can 'trust the plan'.

And please don't jump down my throat (probably not since this isn't QRV) as i am very well aware that lots is happening and has happened but i'm also not kidding myself that while we wait kids are being abused and tortured but these people.

srayzie ago

I think if Trump were ever impeached, or after Trump leaves office and the cabal tries to take control again, Patriots will Revolt. Too many are awake now.

wokeasfook ago

I really hope so but at the same time i'm getting sick of hoping. As a builder i have the action mindset. I don't like talking about this or that or thinking about this or that. when it comes to building there is no substitute for 'getting stuck in'. Building and procrastination doesn't mix.

I fear a civil war in that scenario when a couple of well placed patriots could basically be 'a stitch in time'.

crazycloud2 ago

Spread some memes, that is what Q is calling for.

wokeasfook ago

Been doing that relentlessly for years.

srayzie ago

I see so much progress and think we’re going about it the right way right now. But, I know what you mean. It’s hard. I think we’re just about set to where we are about to see some big booms.

wokeasfook ago

Me too but I've been here before.

I was this excited in December.

I'm not trying to be a downer but I just don't know how I'll take it if big booms don't happen.

It's really promising at the moment with what S Hanity has been saying but I just hope we aren't disappointed because I'm not sure if I can handle it anymore and keep trusting the plan and spreading the word.

I've told my normies mates big things are coming so many times I'm beginning to sound like the boy who cried wolf.

I guess I'm just really excited right now and with that comes the 'what if' questions.

Fingers crossed we are finally going to see the booms that penetrate the normie mindset.

Cheers for the replies.

srayzie ago

I know what you mean. We’ve put so much into this. I would be devastated. But, I just feel it in my bones. We’re gonna look back at this time and miss it some day. It’s amazing watching this all unfold before our eyes.

Cheers to you too!

wokeasfook ago

We’re gonna look back at this time and miss it some day.

Shit. I never thought of it like that. You're probably right. Looking back with fondness at the time we took down the devil himself.

You just put a massive smile on my face. I love when something so simple shifts my perspective. In a weird perverse way i think i can try to enjoy it more now.

I guess that's why Q always says "enjoy the show".

srayzie ago

I also love that we can all come together as strangers and become friends because we share a common goal.

wokeasfook ago

The protection of children should be the one issue that unites everyone. It's the one group lefties have no interest in fighting for. Too busy with their fight for trannies

srayzie ago

Omg I know. Sickens me!

srayzie ago

Yes! I was telling that to my husband the other day. I want everything to come out, I want the booms. But, I’ll miss the day that we no longer get Q posts! It’s an amazing experience that I hope to share with my future grandchildren. Do enjoy the show. I’m stocked up on popcorn. ;)

lilomeunq ago

Lots of legal action on this front since the judge ruled late Feb the prosecutors broke the law in their plea deal with JE. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article226577419.html

Federal court moves to unseal Epstien deal 3/11 - https://www.miamiherald.com/latest-news/article227411649.html Decision on 3/19.

Labourmix ago


The same day Q’s [-21] runs out.

MAGAinVA ago

You are right. Could this be the major info dump that breaks MSM into reporting on it and the players? I know we have the roll out of the closed door transcripts> Muller report>DECLAS>IG report...(Can't remember if that is the exact order Q laid out atm) but MSM will (try to)spin all of it to down play as long as possible. BUT Epstein...in our current mindset with "metoo", NXVM, the school scandal, ect pushing the shock and outrage button, maybe this will break through??

AyyAyyRon ago

I've briefly looked through Epstein's flight manifest that Q linked and I've seen Alan Dershowitz's name quite a few times. Perhaps something Anons could look into further?

pckpat ago

I've never really believed or trusted Dershowitz as being on the "good" team, myself...after all he helped O.J. walk.

srayzie ago

We have a search function. I searched his name. This is every post with his name in the title and/or body...


Vindicator ago

The Q post about Epstein is today; the pedo dump on 8chan is from February. I notice they're doing a lot of Voat smearing in that thread. There may be some attempts to get people to spread fake stuff like happened with the Frazzledrip thing. Stay frosty! :-)

The1stLantern ago

Shills try their best to smear Voat - they are disregarded by oldfags for the most part (many of us are goats anyway), and their efforts usually tend to only drive more traffic to voat. Let them keep trying.

Vindicator ago

Amen to that. :-) I love shills, due to their Streisand Effect.

srayzie ago

Thank you @Vindicator. Please keep us updated!

Vindicator ago

Will do.

PacaGoat ago

Pedo activity is part of Satanic sex rituals and sacrifices. This is a temple of evil and the flight logs of the lolita express going to that area help to inform us who is part of that coven of evil.

The involvement runs deep.

Pcpoet09 ago

we also need to look at boat traffic into the island.

Basballdude ago

How about Dick Branson’s boat? He spent a lot of time with Barry and Michael on it. Did he ever get to the island?

Headhunter1 ago

So why would secret service agents allow this to happen? 🤔

srayzie ago

Which part? What’s on 8chan? Or Q posting about Epstein?

bopper ago

I believe SS was run by CIA back to Kennedy.

Vindicator ago

RavenAnon ago

Keep tearing through the data. Connect the dots. Millions of people projecting their consciousness on a single task can alter reality. Truth is it actually takes far less, but cooperation is key. Stand together on this....trust us.....you’ll need friends to get through this.

middlechild ago

I don't believe enough people here are putting the "good and evil" in to the proper context. This is not about misbehaving politicians. This is about the forces of darkness in the spiritual realm, the fight of heaven versus hell. We will need each other, we will need the blood of Christ. Literally.

Headwest127 ago

I think this gets glossed over by many people here because there are quite a few here that seem to be anti-religion. I'm fine with both views, I'm not defending one over the other. As a matter of fact, I lean towards the anti crowd. However, there is definitely something much bigger involved for these sickos. Stay with me for a second, please. It would take a serious psychosis to condone harming, let alone raping or killing, a child. So beyond straight mental illness, what causes someone to head down this path? It has to be a belief in a higher power. A belief that this activity produces some benefit for the participants. The logical extension is a belief in the powers of something evil. In order for there to be pure evil, there must also be pure good and vice-versa. There can't be one without the other. Those that participate in these heinous acts believe that their benefactor (Satan?) is bestowing some power on them for their participation. Even if it's just a chemical enhancement through the consumption of adrenaline via the adrenal gland, they believe in a benefit for themselves in the process. The idea that this is a battle of good vs evil is not merely some literary tool or a euphemism for something else. THEY believe the one they worship via these sacrifices will protect them, give them strength and allow their power to grow.

middlechild ago

Moses wrote about this in the old testament. The first Kings of Israel did not fully destroy the cities of Moloch worshippers. They lived on, and now we are being called to destroy the evil - now that we know. You cannot destroy what you cannot see. Thank God for trusting us to see. This is bigger than we know.

middlechild ago

Yes, this is exactly it.

WokeByTheStorm ago

why do i feel we've come full circle back to pedogate

USAMatters ago

I think most of the awful people we are dealing with will all come back to pedogate. It is a common bond between these horrible people.

Blacksmith21 ago

You never left. It's always been about pedo/pizzagate.

middlechild ago


The children are at the core of the existence of the GA. We are here because we found out they are hurting children. We will not give up. The storm rages on, with or without Q.

bopper ago


Vindicator ago

Amen, brother.

PacaGoat ago

Because we have.

The1stLantern ago

Bc every good movie starts with foreshadowing.

Vindicator ago

Good point!

The1stLantern ago

Thanks for the cross-post, we need every eye we have shining light on this darkness. God bless.

Semlow ago

A link to the flight logs Q posted, as an OCR'ed pdf, searchable (Ctrl-F): https://u.teknik.io/MLerg.pdf

It seems to be the same content.

SuckaFree ago

Why did it auto download to me phone?

Semlow ago

On a computer you'd right click on the link and select "save as". If you left click you open the document. I don't know how it works on your phone but with a usual short click you open the document (jpg, pdf...). That's the same for every document of that type.

pinnochio_comey ago

  1. A link to a document.

  2. Which you clicked.

USAMatters ago

They also had closed circuit tv & some of the horror was sent over airwaves to others also watching.

Lauraingalls ago

I just looked at Q's post and it's hard to even find the words to describe how I feel about that place, and those EVIL people that go there and worship Satan and rape children. What a real life nightmare. I hope the rich and powerful can't influence the court to prevent the unsealing. The courts would be just as EVIL if they let that happen. The victims do need our prayer. I wonder what happens to the victims once they are used by those sick people.

SuckaFree ago

I that happens, we'll know it's a sham and then it's on like Donkey Kong, baby. No way in hell the PATRIOTS of the WORLD let them get away like that.

USAMatters ago

They did more than just rape the children. Some children never returned.

There have been recent fires in the "tunnels" underneath the building.

bcboncs ago

Have solace that their soul is eternal, unless their black magic is elevated beyond comprehension.

middlechild ago

Not to mention the statue of the dairy cow (with bull horns) - rumor has it, a person/child is placed inside and a fire is lit. The screams echo out of the horns. That cow was on Epstien Island.

Never forget what we're fighting for.

pckpat ago

That cow/sacrifice altar sounds just like the Baal and Moloch idols in O.T. Canaan.(in the groves and high places and the Valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem). And later in Carthage they had similar practices. Nothing new under the sun...esp.with these creepy scumbags.

middlechild ago

Moses, Joshua, David, Saul - they never fully destroyed the cities where Moloch worshippers and child sacrificers existed. They live on to this day. Our sole purpose is to destroy this evil, the evil we are all born with - but WE repent and do not act on it. They do. Read the old testament. They're still here.

Lauraingalls ago

Horrible. They probably get rid of the children one way or another.

hildberht ago

I suspect they were sacrificed/harvested for organs etc. I still find this side of the story hard to believe. Corruption, murder, yes but kids???

I hope it’s nit true.

middlechild ago

All of the above. The only commodity more valuable than gold and diamonds is human flesh - for uses beyond our imagination. They were the masters of human trade. They are the elite.

USAMatters ago

too many things pointing to this being true. totally awful.

Lauraingalls ago

I think it is.

PacaGoat ago

This is why there will be military tribunals.

DonPeterson ago

Not enough send them to hell permanently.

Lauraingalls ago

So happy about that.

The1stLantern ago

I think a better question would be "Could you keep from,going monster hunting with your bare hands if you knew EVERYTHING?"

SuckaFree ago

Screw my bare hands. I'll get some buddies and go all Zero Dark Thirty meets The Expendables meets John Wick on them all. I have some very skilled friends and other friends flush with expendable cash, so...

Kirbyrambo ago

You probably don't want to know. I think I know enough from just the discussion here.

Lauraingalls ago

So very EVIL. I would have nightmares just being aroun that island and these evil people just go about their business like nothing is wrong.

Kirbyrambo ago

It is unfathomable! And to think it is only one site of thousands.

Lauraingalls ago

I will say what Q says. "THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK." VERY SICK.

Kirbyrambo ago


Lauraingalls ago