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bcboncs ago

Can someone post the Evidence of PG False Flag? I'm at work, can't risk NSFW. Please and thanks.

WhitePaladin ago

Q predicted this

ICE_2010 ago

anyone know who the guy in the Kazakhstan photo is? and how it is related. That region keeps popping up across my searches...

unitear ago

UniteAR, is the world's most simplified and democratized Augmented Reality Platform, where you can explore the future of AR. UniteAR is the world’s finest automated augmented reality application which allows you to create your own AR experience whether it’s in your business or education.

qbertz ago


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MrIgnition ago

Well that was disturbing

Hastur77 ago

WARNING - to those who might want to help - cool - dont use your computer - pedo shit is illegal and will get you in big trouble if its found on your computer - let people who know what theyre doing do their thing

Paladin_Diver ago

This is one where I'm going to let others do the digging. I have enough trouble sleeping already.

86753090100 ago

This helps me finally understand how the Flaming Lips got so famous.

It's tough to make a worse band, with a worse front-man/vocalist than the Lips and Coyne.

SearchVoatBot ago

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tokui ago

Yumyum. Boom boom.


Catsfive ago

The art world is so arrogant and effed in the head

dunklederf ago

srayzie ago

They get away with so much by calling it “art”

Catsfive ago

And if you object to it, you're just sooo uncool

srayzie ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Blacksmith21 @Vindicator @Bopper

I added these to pizzagate too. We should post things on both threads so eyes become opened to how real pizzagate is.

Shizy ago

That's disgusting! Never heard of the weirdo wayne Coyne before, so looked him up. His wife is good friends with Miley Cyrus. These people are all connected.

pckpat ago

He's in a fairly well-known rock band "The Flaming Lips"from OKC. I never listened to them much, but did see them for a couple songs when they were on Austin City Limits" a few years ago. Didn't realize what a sketchy creep-show their front-man is.

srayzie ago


Vindicator ago

Bunch of stuff I haven't seen before. Excellent!

Vindicator ago

That is a really good roundup of all the stuff we've already seen and shared a lot. :-) Pretty much all of the OG pizzagate material.

srayzie ago

Ok, maybe a good soft beginner for some of the Q folks here not yet familiar with pizzagate

MolochHunter ago

yer that wayne coyne guy stuck out for me, too

PGLiterati ago

Well, I can't contribute much, but I can tell you about Wayne Coyne. He is the singer of the Flaming Lips and a real odd guy, as you likely deduced from his art. He and his band are a bunch of junkies from Oklahoma City who had a good run with their albums in the 1990s. But I knew musicians who played with them and I've seen a few of their shows. Back in 2000 his deal was to play with hand puppets, finger puppets, stuffed toys. I found it disconcerting. I remember a lot of scarves and spotlights with filters--gobos--to let the light pass through the image. It was at best hippy dippy and at worst, well, a bit too Peter Pan.

srayzie ago

Just shocking. It’s been a while since I’ve gone thru this stuff. Makes me sick.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Oh yeah i took a dump on Hillary's head. Code brown.

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eldorann ago

EVIL!!! I dare not go down the rabbit hole again.

As much as I want truth, I'm not strong enough for the journey there.

There is too much pain for me to endure in just knowing what's happening.

BanoutSurvivor ago

I too sit on the sidelines, sickened by the thought of seeing something evil.

Been there.

Go get 'em autists.

The1stLantern ago

No offense, I dont know you - rest assured as a human I love you - but fuck you. Knowledge is our only weapon and there are those who are risking their lives to fight these monsters and bring you this info. It is your duty to go as deep as you can and share it with others. You owe them that.

redtoe_skipper ago

" I love you - but fuck you."

the progress of words was intentional?

The1stLantern ago

Ex military. Tough love is all I do.

redtoe_skipper ago

hahaha, I got that and I agree with you. Though, I suspect, you being ex military, you do understand rookies cannot be expected to handle a situation the same way as battle hardened veterans. Some can handle the blood and guts, others know how to type. My comment, though, was sparked by the progression of two words: but fuck .... I guess it is my dirty mind that carries me away at times to lighthearted moments.

The1stLantern ago

Haha that counts as a kind of tough love too

CarpenterforChrist ago

Right with you patriot. Get the Truth out there.

Revised ago

I know enough to support summary execution for the sick fucks.

That is knowledge enough for me.

The1stLantern ago


Mah_Selectah ago

I cant do anymore of those drawings....I've seen enough. Jesus.

WyoTxn ago

Welcome to the second wave.

PacaGoat ago

MY GOD...its the mother load.

Gorillion ago


It's anons dumping their PG archives from what I can see so far.
This isn't Q or any insider stuff.

That Shriner award is a new one on me.
Who could look at that and think of anything but pederasty.

Yeah, further scrolling, it's all Anon's work. Digging and compiling.
Def worth downloading though. And the run-down on the timeline by various posters is a good refresher course. Everyone should read through the entire thread if they have the time.

But this is not Q or anybody on the inside who should have been dropping shit like this long before now. The real shit, from official classified files.

Revised ago

This is the mild shit.

More than I need to see.

srayzie ago

Thank you for clarifying

PacaGoat ago

Understood. I was on the board going through what the anons there had compilled and it seemed to be endless. Wait till the other stuff is declased!

lbeni540 ago

Some sick shit. Seriously the hammer of fucking Thor needs to be dropped on these sickos. I’ve been through that rabbit hole and I came out sick and shaken. Couldn’t sleep from the sheer anger that there are fucks out there getting away with this shit.

The1stLantern ago

Welcome to the front line.

lbeni540 ago

Godspeed Patriot!!

The1stLantern ago

Those who know cannot sleep, yeah?

letsdothis3 ago


lbeni540 ago

Itnis fucking disturbing and sick. They cannot get away with it. I don’t care if fucking vigilante justice needs to be done. They are some sick mother fuckers

kaste ago

No need for vigilante shit. You can organize protests with those disgusting Instagram photos in big BIG printed banners and start yelling "We demand answers and serious investigations".

What better way to help Q and Q+? Imagine if 100s of people were exposing these sick photos in real life. Where it matters.

Peaceful protests can shed a lot of light.

Catsfive ago


Windmill4theLand ago

I thought he did this just to stir up the shit. FF as it were for this particular pic. Not saying he's not involved, but this isn't one isn't the proof.

Adminstrater ago

I thought that was Al Franken.

Joe10jo ago

Ok it ASAP!

thebearfromstartrack ago

QUIT being evil.

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Kirbyrambo ago

Enough scum identified==time to go hunting

Shotinthedark ago

I have a hard time following the chans format.

Gorillion ago

You'll have to turn on site specific scripts to get the hover links to work.

Just put your mouse over the post numbers and you'll see the replies and original comments being responded to.

Shotinthedark ago

Thanks for the info! I mainly use my phone for all this stuff though.

PacaGoat ago

OH CRAP.... Pray people. Its hitting the fan.

jewsbadnews ago

Prayer doesn't work.

PacaGoat ago

You are foolish

Jimmycrackerson ago

You just went from calling for prayer to sinning. For it is a sin to call your brother raca.

PacaGoat ago

Look in the mirror and see who started this. And... You are no brother. If you can say there is no power in prayer you are denying Christ. If it were not for my wifes prayers, I would be dead! So dont even go there with me kid! If prayer hasnt worked for you, maybe you should examine yourself and not throw shade at others. You dont like being called out? Dont start it.

I didnt start anything with you and you did not have to comment. This is on you👆

jewsbadnews ago

You are a retard, prayer doesn't work, hundreds of people prayed for both my dad and uncle with their cancer, they still died horribly. God couldn't even protect jews from the holocaust. So why do you still pray?

PacaGoat ago

And the erased part is your cognitive ability.

jewsbadnews ago

It that all you have to say you brainwashed cultist? Your Jewish god is a lie.

PacaGoat ago

God is not Jewish. Boy you're stupid

jewsbadnews ago

Jesus was a jew, who is god. God chose the jewish people to be the only ones he would make contact with. Hmm, just like every other isolated tribe/civilizations god/gods!

PacaGoat ago

You are off your rocker

jewsbadnews ago

Nice rebuttal you stupid boomer.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

drstrangegov ago

Dude! Is this real?! Is it happening? Have I been wrong?! Oh please say I've been wrong and this is not bullshit. I haven't seen anything incriminating yet?

srayzie ago

You mean pizzagate? Pizzagate is VERY REAL. That’s where I started before creating v/GreatAwakening. Pizzagate is what opened my eyes.

loooooongtimelurker ago

there is no going back after the pizzagate rabbithole

srayzie ago

No way

thewebofslime ago

The Great Conspiracy is not that hard to understand. It's goal is to gradually assert creeping authoritarianism and it is half the terrible parts of human nature and half organized from the top to exploit those terrible parts of human nature.

The trauma based mind control started with the Tavistock Institute of Human relations, who began to study PTSD in troops during WWI, before they even had a name for PTSD.

Tavistock, additionally, engaged in "principles of mass persuasion" which they later named, "systems psychodynamics." Systems psychodynamics is based on Wilfred Bion's "basic assumption theory" where your basic assumptions are manipulated to control how you vote.

The goal, as far as manipulating your point of view, is to prevent you from caring about corruption through diffusion of responsibility, and to control who you vote for. This is where it gets annoying for some people. The ideal manipulation isn't to make everyone vote the same. The ideal manipulation is to make half the population vote one way and the other half vote the other way. There is never supposed to be a strong majority to lead the way, because things would actually get done and a single party could eliminate all of the corrupt officials in other parties (the checks and balances we are SUPPOSED to have.)

I don't want you to get too tied up with Tavistock, because they are far from the only game in town. But they are a good working model of a think tank that employs a lot of basic psychological principles, like self-fulfilling prophecy. It gets weird, though, because they looked for psychological principles to explain black magic. The first psychologists were occultists. "Self fulfilling prophecy" is the psychological term that refers to the individual level of "social dreaming." Since researchers began to stumble on Tavistock, after the election, Wikipedia has removed their social dreaming page and the Internet, at large, has seen the disappearance of a lot other Tavistock documentation, like pieces of their "wartime archives" which aren't even on archive sites, anymore.

The reason you should know about social dreaming is because it is, essentially, a black magic spell, where you say something that isn't true or hasn't happened (while in a group of people) to invoke the principles behind self-fulfilling prophecy. This is how and why "double speak" works and why you see so many "double speak" titles in media. They are, essentially, casting black magic on you because, even if you don't fall for the ploy, you are angered and succumb to negativity to the extent you appear "angry" or "obsessed" so that you can be discredited.

Tavistock was preceded by the Coefficients Dining Club, who planned World War I to "cooperatively make the world more efficient." Their minutes are still available, today, in London, where you can see them, yourself. Freud had started his own Wednesday Psychology club and held meetings in Vienna. He was doing this the same time Stalin, Hitler and Trotsky were also in Vienna. That group would, eventually, become an International Association of Psychologists and expand across the globe.

Dr. Ewan Cameron was the president of the Canadian chapter of these psychologists when he began unethical experimentation on children, later called "MK Ultra." But, again, this has black magic origins. Torturing a child in a specific way shatters their mind, as a defense mechanism, and creates multiple personalities. He was working for Tavistock, in a compartmentalized manner, who was working for Bob Bannerman and Morris "Morse" Allen of the CIA. They didn't just stumble across torturing kids, they merely studied a behavior that was already being done.

Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, used social dreaming to make people "see" the golden plates with their "mind's eye." So, what Tavistock is doing, is they are studying how to explain this religious and ritual behavior in a psychological way. Again, they aren't the only game in town.

What this all boils down to is that you, yourself, are somewhat MK Ultra'd. You can't really be exposed to mainstream media, movies, music, the Internet, without your synapses being manipulated on a biological level.

In order to get around it, you really have to "white magic" yourself, but that doesn't mean trapping yourself in delusional positivism, it is more about embracing neutrality and knowing that the most powerfully cast spell is when you calmly, confidently tell the truth about bad behavior.

The black magic gets worse, though, as many have seen from a variety of documents regarding MK Ultra and related projects. But, notice in Tavistock literature and CIA documents, they are still using a great deal of double speak. After reading enough if this type of material, it is easy to start seeing how they arrange language to tell the truth and lie in the same sentence.

The dark web saw some interesting releases, years ago, that revealed MK Ultra was continued in a compartmentalized fashion into Chickwit, Artichoke, MKNaomi, MkSearch, etc. An integral part of trauma based mind control is sexual abuse, prolonged sensory deprivation, torture and we see this in nearly every star, today. The most acute way to control someone is to give them a cocktail of scopolamine, benzodiazepam and an anti-seaizure medication, where they essentially become a mind control zombie. Even if you have never put someone through MK Ultra, you can still calmly instruct them to empty out their ATM or participate in their own rape, when given this cocktail that nearly anyone can get a hold of and make, themselves.

By hyper-controlling people in the spotlight in news, sports, movies and TV, you are essentially tricked into adopting basic assumptions that the occultists want you to believe in.

Getting you to "act" is a simple three step plan they contrived in the 40s but applies to tap apps, today. Create a basic assumption, trigger an extreme emotion using that assumption, then call to action (usually, vote.)

Either way, it is possible this goes all the way back to the cult of the Elephantine Isle, where Eratosthenes correctly measured the circumference of the earth using the shadow of a red granite obelisk in Aswan, Egypt (the only place to get red granite in the ancient world). This cult used a trinity as a religion to control their people and when they conquered new ones, they allowed them to have their own deities, but more as saints underneath their trinity. This red granite obelisk was moved to Alexandria, which was sacked by Augustus, who took it to Rome and put it on top of the Necropolis that the Vatican stands on, today. The obelisk used to have the story of creation on it, but it was scraped off around the 1500s. Prior to the Vatican being there, the Circus of Nero is where they did public sacrifices, essentially. So, what you have is an homage to the original psychology cult whose tricks were finally translated into psychobabble and implemented upon the masses.

From an intelligence perspective, you have a problem where you need to convince people to defy common sense and keep secrets. The best way to do this is to recruit cultists who are blindly obedient. To that end, Tavistock and others created fake cults that were specifically designed to infiltrate other cults. One example is the Process Church of Final Judgment. Tavistock created this fake cult whose theology was to combine all the god forms into one person (yourself). The Process church infiltrated Scientology, right away. Then, the Bohemian Grove and the Manson cult. They eventually co-opted Santa Muerta cults in Mexico before moving onto Voodoo cults in the Caribbean. Their theology, or a close facsimile, now rules a number of cults for the Crown, where the occultists, themselves, are dupes.

But they don't know that. By using symbols everywhere to communicate their cult is powerful, they think THEIR CULT is in charge, but they are all using the same symbols.

Why do mass shootings happen? Why does this corruption happen "in your face"? The occult explanation is that they are passing on their bad karma to you, where you are a passive, consensual participant. You like the famous people. You want to be like them. Etc. But, it is worse than you think. They have to put it in everyone's face to demonstrate their power, otherwise their cult wouldn't last very long. So, for every victory against them, you can expect a drastic reaction, in turn.

Again, the solution here is the most basic form of white magic. Spelling out the truth in a calm, confident manner.

Many are familiar with the Stanford Prison Experiment... essentially a Tavistock experiment... that shows we all have, within ourselves, multiple roles and personalities we can access. You don't have to torture people to bring that out. The torture is needed to make a slave, though. You are free, within yourself, to access your own "god forms." I don't believe in magic. I think psychology is a lot of psychobabble where everyone is designed to be deficient, in some way. But I do believe in neuroscience, so it has taken me a long time to really understand how to communicate my ideas.

Multiple Personalities is almost a misnomer. They are extreme states of mind, relative to each other, where a sufferer cannot even access the neural pathways to other memories they have. You are no different. When you get emotional and allow a news article to make you emotional, you activate the more primitive parts of your mind, stealing electrochemical energy from the part that makes you human, the part on the front that no other creature has. Junk food. A sedentary life. Electronic screen dopamine traps. Pornography. Drugs. These things and more all work together, designed by people you will never meet and never know about, to steal your humanity and make you more of an easily controlled animal.

srayzie ago

Thanks for all that info!

drstrangegov ago

Have you seen anything I can show my wife that is flat out, no other explanation pedophilia shit?

thewebofslime ago

James Alefantis was being blackmailed with his boyfriend, David Brock, for sexual abuse of children. Maccoby, their attorney, is involved with non-profits aimed at children. Here is a snapshot of that lawsuit:

James Alefantis is a money launderer. He has a series of small cash businesses that break down larger sums of political money to move around. And, he loves to work with kids. One of his non-profits spent around $160,000 to raise $12,000 at a Solstice event in Berkeley. Marina Abramovic, the spirit cooker attended. During a spirit cooking video, Alice Waters and Marina Abramovic even kiss on the mouth. Point being, they are close. I outlined that relationship a bit, in this article:

Marina Abramovic is a subject all on her own, but I think it is important to point out that she has routinely appeared in pictures posing with naked children. Full frontal nudity. I'm not going to share those pictures, but this SFW one should give you an idea:

The photographers she works with are well known child pornographers. Even Bing will serve up their potentially illegal images if you search their names, like "David Hamilton girls". Marina Abramovic hosts "spirit cooking" (many of involve blood and semen and writing spells on walls) dinners for John Podesta and many other well known people.

James Alefantis and the Podestas have another partner in crime, Kamala Harris' sister, Maya Harris. Aside from the political fundraisers, she participates with an interesting cast of characters at the Transformer art gallery that sells satanic looking art at exorbitant prices... usually a sign of money laundering.

In fact, Kamala Harris and the Clintons have a number of similar friends in their political circle. The most troubling of these is the secret police exposed by the LA Times. Compare these two collages:

There is a well established nexus of money and influence between all of these people and the news outlets.

The reason people freaked out about "Pizzagate," intially, was because of James Alefantis' Instagram and John Podesta's emails that were blatantly occult and pedophilia oriented. Tony Podesta's art collection fed the fire, as well.

John Podesta's email contained a description of three young girls (6 - 11) being brought to "the farm" for "entertainment," where the last reply was "I've never had an affair before." The woman who provided the girls was also in Sid Blumenthal's leaked contact list. These are not her children, nor are the ones on her website:

Comet Ping Pong (One of Alefantis' restaraunts), East Hampton Babysitters, and Tamera Luzzatto's sites all were created in the same poor style. Kevin Reynolds, the "infant masseuse" pictured with Bill Clinton on his site had pictures of naked children on his site in the places that were not obviously linked to the front page. HTTrack was used to acquire the images. He also posted a picture of himself on Facebook, around the time, of himself masturbating into a lake. He also has a "vacation concierge" side gig, where he takes people on his boat to the Caribbean, referencing some haunts of Jeffrey Epstein.

Comet Ping Pong was particularly interesting, in that it had a login page with a bunch of encrypted files:

In the aftermath of the site being accessed, the computer was conveniently shot during a staged media event. The "magic bullet" managed to hit the hard drive from the other room where the trajectory must have made a right angle as it made it over the computer.

All kinds of weird things go on at "all ages" Comet Ping Pong:

Alefantis' Instagram is particularly unsettling. Drugs, money, babies. (The Clintons are also affiliated with John of God was selling babies and the NXIVM cult (on the board of CGI) members who are on trial for trafficking and abusing girls as young as 8.)

Alefantis asks "Why does Daddy like BUTT?" in this post where the hashtag "carisjames" may refer to Epstein's CARibbean ISland, Little St JAMES.

Epstein was obviously allowed to operate as a pedophile by Mueller, in exchange for information, as can be seen in the FBI FOIA Vault.

We even have a real life example of this happening before: THE LARGEST TRIAL IN US HISTORY WAS THE PIZZA CONNECTION TRIAL; where a series of pizza shops were being used by organized crime to launder money. CHEESE PIZZA has been used as a code for "child pornography" practically since the Internet was invented. CP.

Along with Dennis Hastert, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, John of God, NXIVM members, we still haven't scratched the surface of how many pedophiles the Clintons are friends with and are actively exchanging money with and partying with.

Rachel Chandler was hanging around Clinton, Epstein and other famous people when she was underage. Her photography is worth looking into, considering it focuses on disadvantaged youth.

The pictures and list go on and on and it is really hard for people to believe that it is that "IN YOUR FACE." But... how else would they advertise their services?

drstrangegov ago

Thank you. This is pretty good. How long has this been out?

thewebofslime ago

It'sa rough draft I've been revisiting every few months; trying to keep it under 10,000 characters so people can digest it. I'm hoping everything will break by the time I get to the final draft, which will be soon. As far as I am concerned, Pizzagate is proven, I just have to put it in a digestable format. The money laundering is the proof, the fact that they have to launder money means they have illegal revenue.

Hastur77 ago

@drstrangegov you dont want to link to any of that - its illegal for us to view/hold/use - let the 'pros' do their thing

drstrangegov ago

Yeah......anyone who would convict me for something like that would be one of "them", and it would be apparent to the world. I'd welcome it.

srayzie ago

I posted this list here and pizzagate...

The1stLantern ago

If you're wife is holding out waiting for video proof of Bill and Epstein tag teaming a toddler, its not coming.

In order to understand PG, you have to be able to read between the lines and infer logical conclusions from circumstancal evidence - deductive reasoning a la Sherlock Holmes.

The reason for this is because these sickos dont think or speak like us regular humans. They use code. Symbolism. Inference and allusion to signal to one another. Its how they remained hidden so long, but God willing, it will also be their downfall.

loooooongtimelurker ago

their symbolism will be their downfall

drstrangegov ago

Let's just say I'm from Missouri.

Vindicator ago

Not yet, drstrangegov. I get the sense that this is another round of Q using anons to scare the shit out of the Cabal. There may be some new stuff in there we haven't seen before, but the vast majority of it has already been posted here among our 33,000+ v/pizzagate submissions.

I promise, the second something you can tell your wife pops up, I will flair the shit out of it and sticky it. :-)

drstrangegov ago

I'm looking, but this just looks like the same shit I've been seeing for years. Just social media from degenerates that half the idiots I know are worse than.

Vindicator ago

We'll keep the light on for you. I'm here for the long haul. :-)

drstrangegov ago

Okay.....I wouldn't listen to anyone either. I've been waiting for years for even one of these fuckers to get what they deserve. The small ville girl and Weinstein got nothing. If this shit is real, these people need to be drug out in the street and shot. I'm seriously almost convinced all of this is a psyop. I've lost friends, family, maybe even my sanity for a while to this. I don't think proof that nobody can deny will ever come. I don't think we get out of this societal mess without a collapse. And probably not then.

Vindicator ago

Hold on a bit longer. I think you may be pleasantly surprised. This is what you want to be watching: He has built a database that tracks the sealed indictments and those being unsealed.

drstrangegov ago

I have been watching for almost a decade. It's abundantly clear that something is deeply, darkly wrong with our country. Waiting.....checking.....researching......studying....thinking "no way this can go on a second longer" boystown, the European politicians, savile. I was there. I saw it all come, and then just as soon go. Watching evidence get memory holed is just the most demoralizing thing that can ever be done. I've been pushed to the point if I see this shit in my community, Ill make sure the community is ready when law enforcement drops the ball, which they inevitably (and conveniently) will. And still those fucking Clintons walk free. I'm done. Not one second more. I want my life back.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

Just scrolled through. Hey guys? If all this stuff is true - we're fucked.

No way around it.

CarpenterforChrist ago


The1stLantern ago

If this stuff is true - THEYRE fucked.

SuckaFree ago

What do u mean by "We're fucked"?

RavenAnon ago

Ignore them, they’re either a straight up shill account or some idiot who thinks is a game and wants to stir the pot. Either way they are a waste of time. This is some very real stuff and we all need to stay together.

United We Stand!!!

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

I mean the evil people control everything. Trump is one of them and friends with them. It's all an illusion.

If the stuff of that dump is real - we are all fucked. There is no way to defeat them. They have been in power for centuries and always will be.

Kirbyrambo ago

If Trump is involved==then Q might have a plan of their own for Trump and his creep son in law

SuckaFree ago

Are u a fucking shill, or just a weak ass pussy? We didn't always live under THEIR rule. We're going back to those days. I'd rather go down fighting than let them get away with this any longer. I've got kids, a daughter & 4 boys. My boys are grown and have been redpilled for yrs now. My girl is only 8. She doesn't deserve to inherit a fucked up world like this. NONE of the world's children deserve this. It's past high time we took things back from them. If you're not with us, you're part of the problem and should probably lay low, as in hide your weak ass from the rest of us. Cause if this shit goes south in a bad way, one of us will find you. And you don't want that, do you?

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

STFU pussy. I've been in this shit for decades.

I'm the one who does the hunting.

SuckaFree ago

Come find me, then, if u think I'm a pussy

PGLiterati ago

Trump is not one of them, by any means. Calm down and take a deep breath. And yes, there are ways to defeat evil.

1234554321 ago

They don't control you. Stop participating with them. Build your community. That simple, they shrivel and die without us.

hildberht ago

Does not really seem to be anything to this from what I could see? What am I missing?

ZerglingPagan ago

Will anyone ever get brought to justice? Sick of seeing the same shit and no progress from law enforcement.

jewsbadnews ago

Nope, nothing will happen(well, it did in 1933-1945), this shit has been going on for thousands of years. Reality is brutal, get used to it.

Revised ago

This is sick shit. Scary shit. I clicked a video and wish I had not. Will not post link. 12836422

Don't need to see anymore, don't want to see anymore.

The hammer needs to fall without mercy and quickly.

Sitnikoff ago

Can you or someone just verbally describe what's there that is seen so no more poor souls have to?

drstrangegov ago

What the hell am I supposed to do with that number? I want to see!

The1stLantern ago

Control F, search the page for the number, it refers to the posters ID stamp

drstrangegov ago

On mobile

Revised ago

Between 1/2 and 2/3 down the page. Thought it was fake at first.

Tapatch ago

Revised- I saw some stuff on the Chans a few months back and once you've seen it, you can't unsee it; it just stays with you and haunts you forever more.

How is this allowed to still go on? Someone should force everyone of those people in Congress to see this stuff; and any who go along with it should be dealt with severely.

kaste ago

it just stays with you and haunts you forever

A small sacrifice if you are exposing the truth, no?

You are going to scare people away with this.

A walk in the park, playing with a cat, breathing fresh air, goes a long way to focus on good things in life.

Remember: There are more good people than bad.

ditzee ago

Same with me, after seeing a few horrifying pics Lynn D R posted. I had to back away for several weeks. My body would start shaking uncontrollably.

drstrangegov ago

Dude.....I don't see anything! Just the same bullshit.

pessimisticsteel ago

Yea that was some of the worst I've heard.

guru_meditation ago

Agreed. I went to look for 2 minutes. Not going back.

Kirbyrambo ago

Way fucing passed due!!!

hang_em_high ago

Some illegal shit in there? Incriminating stuff?

kaste ago

I always wonder. If an idiot actually posts illegal porn there, is it illegal if you watch it? I clicked a video and I lost my shit because I thought it was real child porn but thankfully it was some weird shit with people fucking dolls and shit. But, can people actually get in trouble if they stumble upon the real thing? It would be great if anyone with actual legal knowledge has any info on this. I legit can't tell through google search on what is and what is not illegal.

hang_em_high ago

I would assume it is still illegal. Even entire sites like Voat that end up with cp on it can get shut down. It is definitely in ((( their ))) playbook and has happened on some of the older image hosting sites.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

nothing illegal, dude's just a pussy with a weak stomach

doesn't even really show anything

srayzie ago

Some people can’t handle it. We all know our limits and that’s ok.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

yeah, but this shit is barely the tip of the iceberg...people need to see what the people in power are doing

srayzie ago

I hear ya

Notimportant36 ago

Yes. I hope so.

I had to check out at cannibal shit...

drstrangegov ago

I'm not seeing any of this?!

UKD ago

Some of doesn't make any sense to me without context.

The1stLantern ago

Read the info dumps first. Or even better head over to v/pizzagate

UKD ago

Where are the info dumps? I clicked the link to 8chan and I see a lot of pictures, but I can't find context for them there.

(BTW: I'm subbed to pizzagate)

GreyGears ago

Nice, but nothing will come out of it since all major actors in charge of justice are on their side. Best case scenario, some random mid-tier pedos will take all the heat for everyone.

Unless you start actually using your 2nd amendment and shooting pro-pedo judges, cops and politicians, none of this will ever matter.

benjitsu ago

You first...let us know how the internet is in jail (probably not bad!). I hope you aren't going to leave kids behind without a dad, because then you have at least pretty much cancelled out whatever good you did

HuFlungDung ago

Oh this is Rockin.Thank you very much Patriot.

feli00 ago

EEUU air fore Fumigating chemtrails in America

MolochHunter ago



MuddyBoots ago

I just threw up. Can't watch another Holloyweird movie, ever.

Gorillion ago

That's old, and it looks like a chink or jap's leg. Which accounts for the smaller size. He spent a lot of time in Japan preppy Kill Bill and they're kinky af.

Anything really new in these drops or is it all old shit from the chans like this?

PacaGoat ago


Cure that!

daBrown75 ago

How about a full mag of FN P90? That should do the trick.

PacaGoat ago

Like it.

drstrangegov ago


MolochHunter ago

whats that reference to? ammunition or something?

PacaGoat ago


CarpenterforChrist ago

Not surprising. Have you ever watched his movies?

Blacksmith21 ago

An oldie but goodie.

hildberht ago

Interesting as he has already been pretty much cut off by Hollywood so they knew this day was coming and sought to take pre-emptive action over comments he made

benjitsu ago

I was a big fan for the most part but absolutely no surprise here. Fucking weirdo who was utterly bankrolled by Weinstein to the point where he didn't care that his GF was supposedly raped by ole Harv.

pby1000 ago

I’ve seen that before. He is a sick fuck.

Kirbyrambo ago

and everyone around him==the whole sic cast of Pulp Fiction==everyone!

KueAnaan ago

SLJackson is scared as fuck. Creepy fucker.

UKD ago

There's a version where people measure the dimensions of the foot to show it's a kid. Disgusting.

Nachose ago

You can tell by looking it's a kid. too small and thin

pby1000 ago

I remember that. Definitely a kid.

robot7247 ago

First thought, awfully small foot & leg. Second thought, Lucy Lui.

benjitsu ago

Not an asian foot. Source: shut up

bopper ago

never seen it after all the time I've been here

Blacksmith21 ago

About a year ago it leaked.

bopper ago

forget the link, old news

bopper ago

Can't believe I never saw it.

Look at this..happening..

DawnPendraig ago

I'm not surprised at all

bopper ago

@srayzie what is this?

srayzie ago

Oh crap. I don’t know. Just getting here!

MolochHunter ago

is this dump the reason FB and Instagram have been down for 6 hours?

RavenAnon ago


MiMiWoke ago

Check out downdetector graphs on the main page. FB, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp are all experiencing downtime. Not an expert, but I keep an eye on downdetector. Never seen this before.

Revodude1 ago

Good call. I would put the probability as high.

jonnyquest ago

has it been completely down? or up & down? I just got an interesting msg trying to visit their homepage .... interesting!

goforkyourself ago

It's normal for larger companies to use a static "maintenance" page so the site looks like it's still kind of up when the load balancer can't make connections to their usual applications. Usually it's run on a web server that rarely changes code and such. In fact, that page is usually a small static HTML page. No code, no DB connections, etc.

The1stLantern ago

Not just FB, its subsidiaries too. Try sending an image via WhatsApp msger. Coincidence?

bopper ago

Maybe, I didn't know anything about the 8chan thing going on.

pby1000 ago

Hold my latte, I am going in.

bopper ago

DO IT P...

pby1000 ago

A lot of stuff I have seen before, and a lot of stuff I have not seen. Instagram stuff, Jimmy Comet,... Some exerpts from books are confusing because I do not know the significance. Some are science books. I will keep looking...

rickki6 ago

Oh nice

d00danon ago

Link not working :o/

SearchVoatBot ago

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d00danon ago

Thank you!!