mintmachine ago

Have you got any evidence of the blackmail re child abuse, thanks @thewebofslime

thewebofslime ago

The blackmail happened in two stages and ended as a limited hangout with a settlement. I am definitely going to include that in the rewrite and I'll revisit the issue when I have a block of time to lay it out.

Short and skinny is the original blackmail happened and Brock paid. A second blackmail happened where financial crimes were introduced into the narrative, at which point David Brock had to enlist help.

mintmachine ago

Thanks, I have just seen no evidence, though dont doubt it

thewebofslime ago

The question is what would David Brock pay $850k for without going to the police, the first time. He obviously had no problem going to them about tax evasion, the second time. Murder? Pedophilia? I posit that we already know the answers to some of these important questions. As it stands, even now, nobody cares about their money-laundering. They never have and they certainly didn't care about it 6 years ago.

Vindicator ago

Great summary thread, Web. I'll give it the Share flair. :-)

thewebofslime ago

Thanks. Been meaning to write one up for a while. I consider Pizzagate to be fully proven, at this stage. The question is whether the world will accept it or not, because the normalcy bias is a lot to overcome. It is not circumstantial that this social group is involved in pedophilia and were able to evade accountability because of corruption within the US; it is a fact.

Obviously, I have a lot more details saved up, but I think it is easy enough to demonstrate in one post that Pizzagate is fact, not fiction. Blackmail. Convicted pedophiles. Suspected pedophiles. All sharing financial interactions, all traveling together, all raising money together, all involved in government or with government officials, all getting help from the mainstream media to avoid accountability. It is as plain as day to anyone who can be calm and avoid getting triggered long enough to read for 5 minutes.

think- ago

I looked at the old pics again that James Alefantis had on his Instagram when Pizzagate broke, and is so blatantly obvious that this guy is into pedophilia.

Vindicator ago


Omnicopy ago

Laura Silsby was with the Baptist Church. Recently 700 victims have reported being sexually abused by the Southern Baptist Churches. Sexual abuse in the Protestant Churches is just as prevelant, it it just hidden. Governor Northam (infanticide doctor) is also a Baptist. In case you don’t see the connection—it is the churches that are into the sacrificing. All of them.

allonthesameteam ago

The Silsby debacle is huge. This is unredemable to this person. Changed her name and works for Amber alert (?).

thewebofslime ago

I should fix that. Silsby married and now goes by the name Laura Gayler and went to work for Alertsense.

mintmachine ago

Great summary, thanks

thewebofslime ago

Obviously, I left a few things out to stay under the 10,000 character limit, like Laura Silsby. A couple of things, some people might feel conclusionary, but I'd be interested to hear about that. I know the hashtag carisjames was a bit debated after an old post I made from a while ago was rbought back into the light. The child's name is Caris, but I don't think that exculdes it from being a reference to Little St James and or the genetic research company.

Silsby was arrested for trafficking children, delivering them to a resort for them to stay in provided to them by the Catholic Church because their school hadn't been funded yet.

A block away from this resort with pools and hot tubs, was the DREAM Center, an orphange funded by Clinton donors like Zalekis and the famous Mormon family, the Kimballs.

Silsby's first rescue attempt was by another human trafficker who was wanted by Interpol and was eventually arrested. He pretended to be a lawyer to try to get her out of jail.

An orphanage he was associated with in Guatemala burned down with all the girls inside.

Bill Clinton was next up to rescue her, at which point she changed her name and started working with Amber Alert.

A similar case was Aya Hegazi, spelled differently in many sources, who was arrested with her husband and his accomplices for chaining children up and toruting them in Egypt. Clinton tried to have her freed many times, but the court testimony was too damning. A man, looking for his son, broke into their building and found the whole scene. He and others testified to what they saw, including cameras set up to video the children.

Trump eventually brought her home, but her husband and accomplices remain in jail in Egypt. I assume he got all the dirt from her, because she was in the Oval Office with him.

Either way, I'm interested in comments and fact checking and I keep a trail of my research at (it is a very rough draft, right now) and I am interested in articles I may have missed or maybe I didn't think were important, at the time. I can be reached at [email protected] or articles can be submitted through I don't ask for money, I don't use tracking or cookies; this is a hobby and I am a one man show. If I can acquire as many focused articles in this format, I will be able to build something akin to the Panama Papers searchable database that is graphically represented in an interactive way.

Title | URL | Date | Author | Text | Tags | Archive 1 | Archive 2

Any collaboration or suggestions are welcome.

I am attempting to get the site to update virtually in real time, like my twitter feed: I attempt to be first to the news relevant to this community's interests and related subjects because, ultimately, I too, am after the truth. The truth is the cure.

PS: I know Voat hates imgur, but went down and took some valuable info that I can never get back and I have a hard time trusting anything else. Also, it allows people to go to the individual images and comment. Additionally, the interface is such that I can one click save stuff via a plugin or paste to it straight from my clipboard. If anyone knows something similar or better, I'm into it, but I am really after what saves the most time.

Vindicator ago

imgur is okay, in my opinion, Web, because derram automatically makes a archive of any imgur link in the body of a submission shortly after it's posted. By using imgur, you then get two copies of the image, not just the one you posted. :-)