John Perry Barlows. I never knew that a songwriter for the Greatful Dead, Ed Snowden, the Electronic Freedom Forum, Aaron Swartz, and the CIA had so much in common before.

Maybe all of those strange rumors surrounding the Greatful Dead, are true after all?

pckpat ago

Weir is a member of Bohemian Grove-(likes to chit-chat with generals/pol's etc.while there) And of course it was he who first introduced Barlow to the Dead and that scene.Bob Weir was an adopted kid of a well-to-do family. That seems to be a common thread. I think there may be more to it than meets the eye, for sure. A large number of the 60's/70's rock elite were co-opted by DS- Zappa, Crosby, John Philips, probably Morrison. Many had military/intelligence/sub-contractors background families. Laurel Canyon conspiracy author McManus goes into great detail. Interesting and somewhat off-putting stuff to learn of, esp.for an old musician/GD fan like myself.

PatriotLady1 ago

Q hitting Snowden, Brennan and the unspoken....Hussein

PatriotLady1 ago

Q My guess? Snowden has evidence that Hussein was the CIA plant calling all the shots. So whom installed Hussein?

trevmon ago

he was definitely CIA at least by 83 if not before


xtalbluedolpin2 ago

Jordan Sather is widely known for his full disclosure work. Is Q giving a hint here?

heygeorge ago

Excuse me, are the arrests coming soon? I heard Hilliary was being monitored with an ankle bracelet from a friend and they were asking me to ask you.

srayzie ago

You don’t even think Q works directly with the president. Correct? Q proof, after Q oroof, after Q proof. Delta’s practically daily now. Until you can allow your mind to except that Q isn’t A LARP, there’s no use trying to get you to understand the rest my friend.

Cristo316 ago

Where can we get the Q March Madness bracket?

Anons on ipot's video comment thread have been asking.

Good red pill material

Thanks srayzie. And thank you to all the Mods!!

srayzie ago

I don’t know. I’m sorry, you’re welcome! Thank you!

Cristo316 ago

Found it on @Sun_Q_Tzu twitter page

srayzie ago

Oh great!

heygeorge ago

Hey, I was just asking for a friend. ;D

But while I have you, what’s a delta? I have found it exceedingly harder to follow this ever since the unwashed masses flooded ashore.

srayzie ago

That’s when Q and Trump post in sync. The other day, Q posted and Trump made a Tweet at the same time 3 different times in the same day. That would be 0 delta because it was within a minute of each other. Almost daily we’re having it happen.

heygeorge ago

Ohhhhh, ok, I did see some of that, at least some talk about times converging to within some seconds.

Fancy451 ago

She may have had one back before No name got killed. She had a cast on her ankle and it may have switched feet.