Sallywuffs ago

Decode of Trump’s tweet. I have no idea if news will break or when. I just know that this is coded in the tweet:

D A T A J A S E T H R I C H J U S T I C E M S 1 3

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump

Despite the most hostile and corrupt media in the history of American politics, the Trump Administration has accomplished more in its first two years than any other Administration. Judges, biggest Tax & Regulation Cuts, V.A. Choice, Best Economy, Lowest Unemployment & much more!

8:02 AM - Mar 10, 2019

My reading D A T A J A S E T H R I C H J U S T I C E M S 1 3 No read on time stamp, gematria is 31-13

My interpretation would be that something from JA has led to cracking the case.

Sallywuffs ago

Trump tweet today, I read: USMC USN TBD TBD

Time stamp: no read

Comment: something military is happening or is about to happen. Navy and Marines.

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump

More people are working today in the United States, 158,000,000, than at any time in our Country’s history. That is a Big Deal! 89K 8:05 AM - Mar 10, 2019

The clue read is M U U S S N C TBD TBD

All from caps, with the "to" in today meaning to double the U-S.

Also "Marines" is spelled out in the lower case letters which are not strictly code but often confirm the main read: " s,"

Not sure what TBD means. The tweet can be read T BD BD or TBD TBD. T can be 2 or 20. B-D can be 2-4 or 4-2 or 6. So the last phrase may mean NATO (50, 2+24+24) or PAIN (W=23=32=20+6+6) or 44 FF or 42-FF or 24 FF. There is probably a clue in the time stamp I am missing. So I offer no solution on TBD for the time being. There are also two extra commas which can be considered as "values".

srayzie ago

Damn. My brain does not work like that. Good job!

rickki6 ago


YoikesandAway ago

I hope they learn the truth. Seriously, this whole mess has been challenging to follow even when I am logging in everyday, reading epoch times/Sara carter/Conservative treehouse/Dan Bongino/Hannity, etc. I mean, how can the average Joe comprehend what is going to happen when the media is going to spin six ways to Sunday? Most people are still in the dark and actively popping blue pills (not the ones on, but you know—Matirx Blue Pill).

brettco12 ago

no shit. I'm lost on 90% of it. I mean it changes alot too. actors. it still might all be fake and they cancel our money and stop food and let us kill each other. who really knows.

Sallywuffs ago

It's a D5 news avalanche.

The mainstream media can basically just present or counter with one distraction or false narrative at a time, so they are swamped even worse than we are.

Heck I cannot even keep up with Trump's tweets and Qmap.

How many lies can one dream up to counter all the stuff coming out ?

MolochHunter ago

you misspelled habbening

srayzie ago


MolochHunter ago

lol in ur post title silly

srayzie ago

Oh it’s supposed to be habbening? Lol

MolochHunter ago


srayzie ago

Haha you crack me up

SuckaFree ago

I've hit a paywall with WaPo. Who all is named in the article besides Spanberger?

Quisp ago

Clear your Cache and paywall goes away

mrpapagiorgio ago

another way to get around the pay wall is to enter the article title into google. Usually you can find a free version somewhere.

srayzie ago

I learned a trick. If you archive a page, many times, you get past the pay wall. 🤫

Authorpatriot ago

Also sometimes if you find another article that references the first article it will have a URL that gets you past the pay wall.

srayzie ago

Oh I didn’t know that. Thanks!

SuckaFree ago


Sallywuffs ago

OOhh...Spanberger could be A-S, yes ?

SuckaFree ago

Maybe. Hers was the only name I saw before they hit me with the pop up to subscribe.

Sallywuffs ago

If I may post a decode I did this week, on a Trump tweet March 5 (The "Aw-shucks," tweet:


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump “(Crooked) Hillary Clinton confirms she will not run in 2020, rules out a third bid for White House.” Aw-shucks, does that mean I won’t get to run against her again? She will be sorely missed! 2:18 PM - 5 Mar 2019

GCHQ for HAWAII [IDF] AS 107 "Aw-shucks, " is A-S 107, and GUANTANAMO is 107. Not claiming the truth or falsity of anything one may conclude from this, other than the decode can be derived from Trump's public tweet, using gematria and other clues.

hildabeest-4-gitmo ago

  • "bye Hillary"?

Sallywuffs ago

I think the "bye Hillary" tweet has HOLY SEE CHILDREN GILLETTE contained in it, referencing more to come as a result of the Robert Kraft arrest. Speculation on my part.

The consecutive tweets "about" Michael Cohen are loaded with coded messages.

Sallywuffs ago

I have a decode on the "bye Hillary" tweet, will post tomorrow. But I just finished this one from today:

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump

Border Patrol and Law Enforcement has apprehended (captured) large numbers of illegal immigrants at the Border. They won’t be coming into the U.S. The Wall is being built and will greatly help us in the future, and now!

9:07 AM - Mar 9, 2019

Literal decode (15)B BC BAA(32) HUSSEIN (32) Note 15= F-I Note: R-C-K = 32 Note: O-B-A-M-A = 32

Interpret: FBI BC BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA Not claiming anything, other than the decode is deriveable from the public tweet. It has a lot of "deniability". But the result I got is from techniques applied to the tweet, it is not my imagination.

hildabeest-4-gitmo ago


How do you keep a secret?

How do you prevent leaks?

  • Don't tell anyone.

Blacksmith21 ago

Next week is gonna be interesting.

srayzie ago

Heck yeah! March madness!

MolochHunter ago

21 day countdown ends 17 march

YugeDick ago

Countdown to what?

MolochHunter ago

Q said on 25th Feb that shits getting real within 21 days. read into that what you will, but he's never datefagged to that extent before (5 December aside, then they puled the ol Funeral trick on us, for which Q said 'well played')

srayzie ago

Can’t wait!

Sallywuffs ago

I can't wait to see if Barack shows up at the big basketball tournament. Heck yeah...March Madness !!

qanon1776 ago

let us know if he does please! I dont have cable. thanks

srayzie ago

Lol me too!

Sallywuffs ago

"He will he missed !"

srayzie ago

Thank you.

No go for it! That’s what this thread is here for! I upvoted you earlier.

Lauraingalls ago

Lots of GREAT posts. Thanks Q.