WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

The facility in question was set up long before the Cohen shitshow. They lied to the president.

MetalThatMatters ago

I don't know if I buy this.

onelson1 ago

He is playing the demonrats perfectly. He has this down pat. Showing the people who they are and what they will do under any circumstances. They are criminals and the left needs to see what they voted for, many times. Opening eyes.

MingDynasty ago

You can blame Pelosi and Schumer all you want. The fact of the matter is that Q+ allowed it to play out this way. Failure to protect midterms gave demonrats the house. This allowed them to parade Cohen through the judiciary committee. Also, Trump is supposed to be a great negotiator. If Cohen softcore porn was enough to end talks, he isnt as good as he claims.

NellerBean ago

Dems had to be allowed to steal the House so everyone can see clearly the juxtaposition of how they handle power and responsibility.

These investigations are nothing more than laundering taxpayer money to themselves.

MingDynasty ago

No, they did not need to steal the house. I know yall willcircle the wagons to protect Q+, but that logic is bullshit. Saying the Senate was the goal is simply moving the goalposts.

Now we are claiming this bullshit Cohen hearing, that Q+ 100000% allowed (whether it be the plan or incompetence), is why NoKo talks failed? Fuck off. You cant have it both ways.

GodsAngell ago

Stupid Pelosi....she walked right into another trap, AND NOW THE GLOVES ARE COMING OFF!!! Trump warned her last November what he would do, if she tested him. She tested him, and now GLOVES ARE COMING OFF!


Theoriginaldirtbag ago

I believe they would burn down the entire country just to get their power back. These people are sick!

expletivdeleted2 ago

they're selfish enough to destroy everything to stay out of jail.