QCanada ago

Good actors. bad actors, popcorn to watch a movie...Director(s) and writer(s). ( Q and Q+ ).

Seren8 ago

Great analysis! Trump has always surrounded himself with loyal people. That’s why when Cohen started to blatantly lie, it seems too far fetched. All theatre has been reiterated by Q team throughout. Reminding us it was necessary to expose the DS. I think the death of McCain released a lot of individuals who are not seeking retribution for their wrong doing - ie. Mueller for his role in U1.

divine_human ago

my bet: talks with NK will go on in private and the success will be suddenly announced so the MSM cannot distract from it.

Basballdude ago

Any thoughts on Q Post 888 - “North Korea Deal Made” and the possibility Kansas already got the deal done and “the walk” was more for theatrics?

GodsAngell ago

They why did Trump Tweet this on Sunday evening:

"For the Democrats to interview in open hearings a convicted liar & fraudster, at the same time as the very important Nuclear Summit with North Korea, is perhaps a new low in American politics and may have contributed to the "walk." Never done when a president is overseas. Shame!"

Kwagga ago

Good read.

Ardithla ago

Very good patriot! At times we felt Cohen and Mueller were on team Trump. Like when Cohen’s places were raided and Q asked “how do you get evidence into an investigation legally?” I’m waiting patiently for that evidence to start being used against those who are corrupt. The rule of law is as American as apple pie! WWG1WGA

GodsAngell ago

The goal is to deceive OUR Enemies.

Unfortunately, some of us get sucked into the theater too.