corrbrick ago

Let's flip this. Trump went to Asia to work some major deals with the Vietnamese, and decided to meet with Kim while there, bringing their negotiations a little further along. In the meantime the DS wasted a precious round of ammo to ensure any NK deal would get very little play. Really, it was the Cohen testimony that turned out to be a big to-do over nothing.

GodsAngell ago

Q 2903, 26 Feb 2019: It's going to be HISTORIC!

Please explain what historic thing happened in Vietnam???


It was failed meeting.

Why? Because Kim was too unsure of Trump's ability to keep his promises or that Trump will even be in office come Jan 21, 2020. Trump could be assassinated within days, and then what? That's a fairly important point, don't you think?

Because of this nonsense going on in USA, FOR 2 Whole Years, Trump was not negotiating from a position of strength. Trump isn't even respected by his nations media! Can you imagine what would happen if N. Korea's media TRIED to Bash Kim??? The journalist would be dead the next day. Trump has been bashed 24/7 for the past 2 years, and as far as the world knows, Trump is too weak to DO anything about it.

Most leaders, as soon as they get into power, immediately round up the bad guys and at least put them in prison where they can no longer interfere with the smooth running of the gov't.

So from a traditional power broker standpoint, Trump has been looking very weak in the press.....and after 2 years no one has even been hauled off to prison. Yes, that would be worrisome to another leader.

FriendofAbe ago

It's very possible, The Chinese could be putting pressure on him or spreading lies that demoralize Kim's commitment. But then again if this truly is a 'movie' then this could have all been done for Kim's benefit. If President Kim signs a deal with no fuss his people might hate him for it. So maybe this tug of war between President Trump and Kim is all for added drama, just to make the outcome that much sweeter. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't much public progress until the election time. Kim would look tough and be respected by his people for holding out for the best possible deal and he secretly hands our President the keys to his second term in office. 4d chess at it's finest.

GodsAngell ago

I get it, you believe Trump flew half way around the world for pure theater. I get it.

FriendofAbe ago

I would think someone named Gods angel would trust Gods chosen leader. God always has a plan and so does PRESIDENT Trump.

GodsAngell ago

So, you are saying that Trump is Perfect, and ZERO disappointments or setbacks EVER happen in his life?

What GOD do YOU serve???

kestrel9 ago

He has an interesting opinion on 5G

5G is in the alt media wires a lot today, should I repeat myself?

I'll keep it brief.

Trump's support for 5G is based on bad advice from bad advisors. To sum it up, 5G will:

  1. Make it possible for the police state to drive by with a passive scanner that emits nothing at all, and read the 5G backscatter to map everything inside a home to minute detail. The resolution will be good enough to read the time on a watch, from the street, through the walls. Sounds great.

  2. Cause tons of mysterious injuries from cataracts to cancer to brain damage, and no one will report it because the back scatter scanning tech is something they won't let go of easily and the entire MSM is a false fronting hoax.

  3. Facilitate a gun grab, because no one, and I mean NO ONE will be able to hide their guns. From the curb they are going to know every gun you have, every bullet you have and possibly even if the guns are clean and what position the firing pin is in. It is THAT BAD. The technology is too dangerous to use. Due to the high frequencies, it has to use a phase array antenna to reach a tower, that will focus too much energy in too small an amount of tissue. Slow, creeping diffuse brain injuries are going to be happening. And "they" will know the cause, but will bury it the same way they bury the vaccine/autism link. They don't care about (your) brain damage anyway, as proven by the fact that they will knowingly wreck kids and force all to get the shots that do it and then they lie about it all, including what the motives are. That's a basic summary, Trump is not stupid and not evil but bad advisors have been eating him for lunch. My verdict: We are probably screwed.

GodsAngell ago

You are off topic here.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, still has insiders, plus decades of experience, in things, people on this website can only guess at.

Naturally the no experience "guessers" arrogantly assume they are the ONLY ONES WHO ARE CORRECT. Interesting, is it not???

grace8 ago

If he does, he isnt going to announce it on TV. He threw out a theory and Godsangel presents it here as a fact.

The public narrative is theater. That doesnt mean there werent real negotiations going on. The negotiation was for Kim to make proclamations while in Viet Nam that the DS would be under pressure to accept to keep appearance that Kim is the true leader of NoKo. Kim risks assassination if he comes out and say ends the war which could eventually lead to the border being open and the gold mines operation there coming under scrutiny and stories of the Nazi like atrocities the DS have committed there by enslaving the North Koreans. Or perhaps Trump wanted him to come out and announce that there has been a coup and he is not in control of the country and he has asked the Americans to help him regain control of his country. Who knows but Kim was clearly afraid. Car flanked by body guards and reports he is very paranoid of being poisoned.

GodsAngell ago

Please disregard "Grace8" who is a troll who contributes nothing, but follows me around to discredit my posts. By definition, Grace8 is a troll.

Grace8 has ZERO experience in Wash DC politics, having never been there in his life.

In contrast Jim Stone, spent his entire career working FOR US, and although now retired has many, many, many insider contacts.

So, Folks, you decide who you are going to believe, Grace8 with ZERO experience and ZERO insider contacts or Jim Stone, a retired U.S. Intel Officer.

The choice is yours.

grace8 ago

If Jim Stone's comment was taken seriously by Hannity or Limbaugh or any other serious Washington Analyst it would be the headline story on their radio shows. Everyone of them recognized it was a theory.

GodsAngell ago

Oh, you still only believe in Lame Stream Media for support.

How pathetic.

grace8 ago

Look Read Q. How many ppl did Q say know the plan? 23. Go back and look at the picture of the Q team. If one of those ppl goes on TV and tells us the scoop then I would take it as a Q drop and think it credible. Short of that it's all pundits making shit up. Think things through b4 you post. Develop a critical ear that can tell theory from fact. Stop posting theories as fact and you wont get push back from ppl. Conservative Radio shows are not main stream. You sound like a little kid.

GodsAngell ago

Go to bed little one. Lights out!

grace8 ago

I was named the top contributor to this site a month ago because I posted more than anyone else that month. I have served my country. Not sure what makes you think you know what I or others here have, or have not, done. Again, stating facts not in evidence. I noticed lots of ppl calling bullshit on your post. If you don't like them or me calling what you post as facts no tin evidence then take responsibility for what you chose to post and stop doing it. Blaming me for your choices is irresponsible.

GodsAngell ago

Go to bed little one. Lights out!

cholofrost2 ago

Presumably Brennan did, until Trump yanked his clearance.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Thanks for the info.WWG1WGA

Kirbyrambo ago

Mumble Cohen couldn't destroy anything but a Coney Island hot dog

GodsAngell ago

Ha, Ha, cute.


And his own career.

tanfhltu ago

I call BS... Kansas said a lot of progress was made, and more to come. Diplomacy can take time. I believe they will prevail

Windofchange01 ago

I don't know who this Jim Stone guy is, but I'm waving the bullcrap flag on this one

GodsAngell ago

You state your ignorance, and then state you have made your decision based upon your ignorance.

Anyone following you??? Only fools follow such a person.

Windofchange01 ago

You attack everyone who doesn't agree with your nonsensical, hyped up threads. Funny I didn't hear President Trump, or Hannity, mention anything about this Jim Stone saying the Cohen hearing destroyed the NK negotiations. NADA! You appear to be very addicted to drama. You grab the sensational stories and run with them hoping to draw a huge crowd. And you have the nerve to call me and others ignorant, or fools? Calling grace8 a troll? I'm calling YOU out, GodsAngel...that name does not suit you at all, BTW.