rbgscorpse ago

Ok has ANYONE ELSE looked at the Q photos and noticed they were mostly behind glass? His last photo shows that Q is clearly a white dude in the Trump admin. You even see his shirt...wonder if we can pinpoint who was around that day based off 1. the clothing 2. the profile 3. the hands 4. the phone. All clearly visible in the picture.

srayzie ago

I think you’re talking about this guy. Q wasn’t the photographer. Q is also supposedly a team.

rbgscorpse ago

Well it should NOT be hard given the dates/evidence we have in our faces. Maybe we can actually find a real member of the Q team. The forensics on the time of day / date / clothing / phone / profile really narrows it down don't you think?

srayzie ago

I don’t know but I’ve always thought General Flynn is one

rbgscorpse ago

Nvm. I looked at your link and I stand corrected. Thank you.

What Images of Q are legit? Surely you've looked at the reflections in the pen photos...

srayzie ago

Are you talking about the white guy with a blue plaid shirt?

rbgscorpse ago

The guy taking the picture clearly? Yes.

TheRealBabyHand ago

Has anyone noticed that test 11 and 12 were posted at the exact same time 11:03:22 PM?

srayzie ago

Didn’t notice!

Stonenchizel ago



srayzie ago

Thank you!

LegacyOPs ago

Our Lord knows no such time, space or dimension.

Know ye this, for the truth of our heavenly father be upon you. All glory and praise for the one true God and his reign that has been and is and shall be. For as the sun light our path and provide us life giving essence so is the light of the world our heavenly father, Lord Jesus. Amen


The world as such and a map, draw ye the points and the lines that connect thereof.

The seven Churches - YOU in faith.

Antithesis the seven heads:

Each having two horns and a crown on each.

House of Rothschild - House of grey marry Cromwell, Cromwell keys Rothschild bank of England 1 Horn = Rothschilds of London 2 Horn = Holy Roman Empire of Rome ALL Connections matter

House of Li - Red dragon family, China Russia Alliance, Energy, Food, Technology, Finance 1 Horn = Beijing 2 Horn = Moscow (Magog) ALL Connections matter

House of Lippe, Orange - Bilderbergs, IMF, World bank 1 Horn = Scandinavia, Switzerland et al. 2 Horn = Germanic, Slavic ALL Connections Matter

Each having one horn and a crown on each.

House of Saud - Bush family, Koch 1 Horn = Dubai, United Arabs, United in Evil

House of DuPont - Rockefeller, Vanderbuilt, Roosevelt, Astor 1 Horn = France, et al.

House of Morgan - noble bloodline Marchudd ap Cynan, J.P. Morgan and Chase 1 Horn = New York, Chicago, California

House of TATA - the root "route". Much history. Research. 1 Horn = Sri Lanka, Mumbai, Tata Group

Trace the crowns for they fit each.

Bear feet, foundation of trample. = Trample the rights of humanity Leopard body, quick to attack and gain. = Vicious attacks to force fear of strike Lion mouth, roar of sound, accusation and blasphemy. = MSM! Powered by the dragon. = Deception, False Accusation, Blasephemy, Corruption, Vanity, Chaos, Wake of Destruction, death, perversion.

See the truth in the animals of the countries and know which is which and what they represent.

All things have multiple meanings. Be wise for the beast walk among you.

Human = Greatest resource of the world and they control all it be the facet thereof. Migrant movement. Look where they come FROM and to.

They tinker with the technology in order to distort God's holy word. There are the signs of such in the world today of the north and the south and magnetic thrust. "Electromagnetic propulsion". AI to generate logistics, distribution and models of the most efficiency. Finance, food, health, blood, perversions of all that exist.

All lines cross, all points converge.





cannot say these things for they are bound by LAW. (25th ammendment) for they will make them lunatics in the approach. But,


have no such constraint, for God's LAW supersedes man's law.

Rise up ye children of the Light. Rise up ye servants of God the Almighty for the Lord hath given you a sign. For as our Lord used the great king Nebechenezzer to distribute justice he would use the leader before you . Spread the truth of Christ our Lord and profess his goodness.

There will be a sign from the almighty and he make known to all the world to see.

For when his Holy Word is in the Oval office be it today the Holy Bible (Book of 7) you will know all that is here is true. And he will strike true the sword upon the head of the beast and liken it unto the death. So that the prophesy of Daniel might be known to the world.

Glory be to him that is in heaven and the truth be known to all the world.

Praise be the name of our Lord Jesus for the face of the sun be the light which guide our path.

Ponycam ago


Fancy451 ago

You know shit has gotten real when 4chan/8chan finds Jesus.

LegacyOPs ago

2 Kings 17 King James Version (KJV)

13 Yet the Lord testified against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all the seers, saying, Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets.

usmcProud1183 ago

The real question is when do we all stand up and fight back? We need true leadership to mount a fight against the left. They March and protest daily why aren't we? Why are we so silent?

Hastur77 ago

if plan A fails (Trump) plan B occurs (MilCoup)

Truther65 ago


NVMyMeatball ago

We have jobs

23phillysean23 ago

Came here to say because we’re too busy at work

NVMyMeatball ago

I think you might have the wrong person. I don’t know anybody on this site or at least I don’t think I do

comprametu ago

Lol. True. Lets all go on vacation because this deserve it.

derram ago

https://files.catbox.moe/vfi5g8.png :

Murkowski to vote for resolution blocking Trump’s emergency declaration | TheHill

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