passthepopcorn ago

Found a great video by Dave Janda titled President Trump and the Deep State Failed Coup. He gives a call to Patriots to contact the WH with info about how President Trump can legally void any land mines placed in the bill he just signed.

me2020 ago

how is this 0 delta when time is different

jfk_juni0r ago

can someone please help me understand the "test 3" drop??

srayzie ago

There were 4 tests but only one from Q’s tripcode. I think Q tested 4 times. I don’t know what they were testing tho.

usmcProud1183 ago

One day at a time. Q has said big names gonna drop, so everyone be patient

SuckaFree ago

So, is it real or not? Or is the reply from that Anon real or not?

Kirbyrambo ago

I am sick of seeing esoteric shit posts like these today. I want to see fucs like Patton in hand cuffs being thrown into a jail cell.

DickTick ago

So leave.

Paladin_Diver ago

I very much hope Q is right about Patton, because he is getting bombarded with Pedo accusations and the "joke" defense is an easy one. Sorry, I'm just not a fan of making accusations without proof. I hope and believe Q follows that, but this is a slippery slope.

KyJane ago

Maybe if nothing else he will learn not to "joke" about such things. Definitely not your normal thing to joke about and in very bad taste at the least.

Joe10jo ago

I’m all for freedom of speech but having said that no way would I or most anyone I know joke about being a Pedo for a multitude of reasons, especially if a person has kids of their own, like Oswalt, for fear of having them removed by DCFS. Psychologically, the only person who feels comfortable making a joke like that is someone who’s around so many other pedo’s that they lose sight of what normal people do and don’t do.

Paladin_Diver ago

I've got a friend who, although a raving Leftist, is most certainly not a pedo. He jokes all the time that he's not allowed within 100 feet of a school. Now, he's totally unaware of how pervasive this global pedophilia problem is (just like I used to be) so he doesn't see that it's not a joking matter. It makes his humor suspect, perhaps even his moral compass, but it doesn't make him a pedophile himself.

I also see your point about "normalization". Like I said, it's a tricky subject. Personally, I'd prefer if there were no pedophilia and therefore no subject to joke about at all.

Davelon ago

Have you asked him Why? he's supposedly not allowed any closer to a school. Sick joke in today's climate, if it is a joke.

wokeasfook ago

is most certainly not a pedo

How can you be sure? How do you know what he does while you sleep?

Paladin_Diver ago

This particular guy is passed out drunk every night by 9:00 PM and immobile until he stumbles off to work the next day. I do mean really passed out and I do mean every night. He would be incapable of molesting himself, much less anyone else. The only night in the 15+ years I've known this dude where he wasn't passed out was when he broke his leg and had to spend a few days in the hospital. By the 2nd night, he had smuggled a bottle in.

That's if I didn't trust my ability to judge character.

wokeasfook ago

Thanks for the reply. I got mates like that so i do get it. Although one of my mates used that i lived with used to get borderline passout drunk and then after i'd go to bed he would sneak out to the local brothel. I never knew he was doing it. I'd wake up the next morning none the wiser.

But i do accept your judgement call. And the jokes he makes are more like the jokes normal people make. People who have no idea of the real evil in the world. These blue checkmark cunts on twatter are clearly not making jokes though.

Paladin_Diver ago

Your question got me to thinking; which of my friends do I KNOW aren't pedos or otherwise incorrigible? I've been somewhat fortunate to have a group of friends of very high character (almost zero divorces as one example of that), but it is fair to ask how well we REALLY know somebody else. There are a few where I'd be my life on their ethics and morals, and I have tried my whole life to have others feel that way about me, but people are complex creatures......ya never know.......

The one trait I look for in people is intellectual honesty. The way somebody argues or debates a point tells you a lot about their character. This is why my social life in SoCal has continued to deteriorate. I can't respect these crazy leftists.

I may have gone off topic. Stream of consciousness.

wokeasfook ago

All good man i'm enjoying your insight. Trust your 'judge of character' as i have to believe we are mostly good. Only the highest levels are saturated with sick fucks.

I like to think i have a good judge of character and have good mates too. Even the guy going to the brothel found his own actions to be beneath him enough to hide it and wait for me to go to bed out of embarrassment. If he is ashamed of himself for that then he's all good with me.

I think (((they))) want us to believe this heinous behavior is far more prevalent than it really is. I'm almost sorry i asked the question now as it is me playing directly into (((their))) hands. They want me asking that question. Fuck.

qpoqieowrueru ago

I agree completely but that skit he did on the Sarah Silverman show is much creepier than the tweets.

Fancy451 ago

His wife did kill herself.

BlazingBear1 ago

Patton Oswald’s wife killed herself? Do we know why? When did it happen?

Fancy451 ago

Couple years ago, I think right after Agents of Shield started.

BlazingBear1 ago

Wow, thanks for responding

new4now ago

first wife, OD

Paladin_Diver ago

Creepy enough to be worth digging into. Perhaps premature for open accusations, but we don't know what Q knows yet.

derram ago :

Patton Oswalt on Twitter: "The angry "@" tweets from my hammer toed followers opened my eyes. "Pedo-phobe" shaming hurts us all. I am a PROUD pedophile!" :

Patton Oswalt on Twitter: "My dong is super-friendly and loves getting rubbed by children. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos" :

Patton Oswalt on Twitter: "Selfie at the #TeenTitansGoMovie premiere! Boo-yah!… " :

'Dear Attorney General Barr': Advice from insiders | TheHill

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