late2thegame ago

It will be important for people to learn a bit of genealogy research techniques to understand the record being shown. Death record indexes may include names of close relatives, such as spouse, father, and mother in the record. If one searches for any given name, that person is returned for each time they are listed in a record. So, if a husband dies, his wife's name will appear in the record, if a child dies, the parents and possibly a spouse will appear in the record. If the person had several children die before them, they would be listed multiple times in the death index, once for each child. In this case, it shows Ruth Ginsburg and Martin Ginsburg on the same line. IT DOES NOT INDICATE WHICH ONE OF THEM DIED. Martin died in 2010, so RBG's name would be listed in the death index BECAUSE SHE IS LISTED AS MARTIN'S SPOUSE AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH. Someone needs to find the actual death certificate, indexes can be deceiving to people not accustomed to reading them.

MatildaQ ago

I’ve done our genealogy and the first thing that struck me was the mention of the county. The local courthouse may hold the archived records of the death certificate?

FirstDamsel ago

If RGB were still alive, the Left would be drowning us in undeniable photos and video. Something is definately not right. Just the quote from her son 2 weeks (?) after her surgery that she was walking a mile a day proves it's all bullshit. She may not be dead but she's surely got both feet in the grave by now.

DTX400 ago

Q states to what "methods" are keeping her alive. Who really knows?

grace8 ago

Here is a discussion of why this isn't the smoking gun it appears to be at first look. Could be true but not proof. The fact it doesnt appear doesn't prove it was removed because of the way the video doesnt show the original search term.

indeknow ago

Think logically,

What if RBG rules on a case with all the other Justices?

Would that be a fraud on the SC if she was not alive?

Would the other justices be accomplices, including Gorisch and Kavanaugh?

She will retire soon, move on.

Lonegunman65 ago

Although I think we should have definitive proof of life, the fact that Q hasn’t commented on her being dead leads me to believe she’s still among the living. Trump will eventually get to replace her because he will win in 2020 and she won’t be able to last until 2024. She’ll either be too old or dead by then.

coulditbe4Q ago

**Proper focus. **

B-------D ago You can listen to her talk in the latest official supreme court recordings here.

derram ago :

#Net4TruthUSA - Proof she CROAKED scrubbed off the Web - YouTube :

#Net4TruthUSA - Proof she CROAKED scrubbed off the Web - YouTube

This has been an automated message.PNG

sicntrd ago

The cover ups are not worst than the crimes. There crimes are so heinous they have to cover them up.

grace8 ago

It might not be a cover up but could be faked results to begin with. Here s a discussion of why ppl think its faked.

coulditbe4Q ago

ah......ummmmm she showed up in court the other day. I want her out but please deal with reality.


No photos, only audio.

coulditbe4Q ago



Yes dude, really. Her photo would have been on every news channel.

coulditbe4Q ago with that.

1patriot99 ago

Clone - human cloning has been operational for decades. Any age, dead or alive can be cloned. They are programmable, but are far from perfected and all need handlers due to issues. (

When you read that, think Pelosi and the issues she has been having.

Color it LARP, science fiction or whatever. But when everything you know becomes unbelievable, anything becomes believable. Just saying...

coulditbe4Q ago

Sorry .....Kambura = garbage. I suggest you ask Q on the next open question segment if cloning is real.

In the meantime tell your friends and neighbors to vote for Trump in 2020. RBG will not survive that event. Stay safe.......think critically.

Lonegunman65 ago

Really? You were there or they have pictures?

mwoew8t5cs ago

There are publicly available audio recordings of the court session. Maybe wait to hear some analysis before coming to a conclusion.

Lonegunman65 ago

I haven’t come to any conclusion yet. The fact that Q hasn’t mentioned her leads me to believe she’s still alive. Still, the fact that they don’t come out and easily prove she’s alive (such as a quick press conference) is suspicious.

mwoew8t5cs ago

They probably are doing it on purpose to drive us crazy.

TheBRAINz ago


coulditbe4Q ago

Patriot ... she is not dead. Vote for POTUS 2020 RBG will not out live that. Stay blessed. Think critically.

Lonegunman65 ago

I tend to agree with you. If she were dead I believe Q would have alluded to that fact.

coulditbe4Q ago

She showed further. Again I want her out but please think logically.

sinclair ago

She's listed in court records on having opinionated civil asset forfeiture recently. sauce

Probably other recent SC rulings/opines as well. If you're suggesting the Supreme Court is in on it as well, I don't know what to tell you. Sometimes, people just want to work and not be bothered. She's on public record. What more do you want? There's no precedent for proof of life, anymore than there is for candidates disclosing tax returns. It's voluntary, just as public appearances are for civil servants.

MatildaQ ago

I listened to the audio video and you can hear the SCJ men speaking, the younger female SCJ, but not Ginsberg. Please listen and give me the time stamp data at the point/minute where she speaks on a case.

suomy_the_nona ago

Here's the audio of the 02/19/19 hearing: - RBG's first appearence at 0:01:14 (page 4 of the pdf)

This is the transcript:

sinclair ago

Send a link to the audio.

amarQ144 ago

I had a feeling she wouldn't stay dead. That's why I called for an autopsy early on. If we had all just followed my advice, good bet she would still be dead.

coulditbe4Q ago

It is likely mass amounts of em bombing fluid. However she did show up. Time is not on her side. 2020 will be glorious.

MatildaQ ago

Are you sure? No picture only heresay.

coulditbe4Q ago

ONE TWO .......THREE YouTube

Look............I want her OUT! big time. It will happen. We need to elect POTUS 2nd term. She will not out live that. But pls think critically. WWG1WGA. Stay safe be blessed.

nevergiveup2them ago

You have proof or are we taking the MSM for their word?