I was thinking I would delete this post after reading your comment. But then I read the next comment where someone went to the source and tried to replicate results and the "now debunked" info was gone. When I see that happen it makes me think something was legit. Perhaps the guy lied about his age/ birth year. Could be he was trying to cover up his use of youth enhancing illegal practices.
Its curious that its clearly there on the video and when you and I go in now hours later to try the same search it's gone. I was thinking to delete the post since some are saying debunked but why would incorrect info disappear.
It's not that hard to edit a DOM (Document Object Model) from a web page AFTER you make the request. Every browser has utilities to perform this action.
I am suspecting the person who made the video did exactly that.
I just ran over to search quarry and ran a search of my own for Ruth. When the results come up the original search query does not show on the results page. Just wanted to see if the query was designed to show on results page and was hidden by anon or if it never shows.
But there are no new pictures of her and it's impossible after the operations she allegedly had to be in the SC again so fast. Had she been replaced by a double long ago?
Yeah I saw. I hope whats really going on comes out soon. Can you imagine if it really is a body double and that's proven. Wow. Some normie heads will pop off. Others are so brainwashed they will say its justified.
Seems I may have to delete this post as some are saying it's debunked.
Its a double if recent. Another news article on TGP asserted sbe showed up to court with her head up and very awake and speaking loud and clear. Big push to false assumption.
PacaGoat ago
Nah, but.....a lot of smelly cheese around this issue. No pics but one and it is highly suspect.
kneo24 ago
This was already debunked. Her Husband, Martin, died in 2010. He was born in 1932. I'm not sure how you get 86 years old from that. Are they trying to say he's a Zombie and has been mobile these past 9 years?
grace8 ago
I was thinking I would delete this post after reading your comment. But then I read the next comment where someone went to the source and tried to replicate results and the "now debunked" info was gone. When I see that happen it makes me think something was legit. Perhaps the guy lied about his age/ birth year. Could be he was trying to cover up his use of youth enhancing illegal practices.
kneo24 ago
Think of it this way. RBG very well might be dead, but this isn't the smoking gun that you were looking for.
TexasDeplorable1135 ago
Hmmmmm? Searched of all states.
Ruth Ginsberg
Search all states
Ruth Ginsburg
Yea, might want to call BS on this one.
DOM edit?
grace8 ago
Its curious that its clearly there on the video and when you and I go in now hours later to try the same search it's gone. I was thinking to delete the post since some are saying debunked but why would incorrect info disappear.
TexasDeplorable1135 ago
It's not that hard to edit a DOM (Document Object Model) from a web page AFTER you make the request. Every browser has utilities to perform this action.
I am suspecting the person who made the video did exactly that.
Here's a link that shows how to do it.
Note: If you reload the page all modifications performed will be erased.
grace8 ago
I didn't know that. Thank you. So there's that and then there's the possibility the database was altered on the web masters end.
TexasDeplorable1135 ago
True, that is another possibility.
grace8 ago
I see. Thanks for teaching me.
I just ran over to search quarry and ran a search of my own for Ruth. When the results come up the original search query does not show on the results page. Just wanted to see if the query was designed to show on results page and was hidden by anon or if it never shows.
TexasDeplorable1135 ago
Probably went to full screen mode or hid their tool bars. It why at the least is should be seen as skeptical if not outright BS at the most.
It would have been credible IF the video had shown his search query from step one to the result.
TexasDeplorable1135 ago
suomy_the_nona ago
Something is really strange about RBG. The official SC website ha a protocol of todays case where she asked some questions: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3047223/16887751/
But there are no new pictures of her and it's impossible after the operations she allegedly had to be in the SC again so fast. Had she been replaced by a double long ago?
Truther65 ago
Link not working.
lilomeunq ago
Your link didn't work for me.
grace8 ago
Thanks. Link fixed
lilomeunq ago
You saw the video of rgb at Reagan National airport yesterday? https://www.tmz.com/2019/02/18/ruth-bader-ginsburg-rbg-talks-airport-surgery-cancer/
grace8 ago
Yeah I saw. I hope whats really going on comes out soon. Can you imagine if it really is a body double and that's proven. Wow. Some normie heads will pop off. Others are so brainwashed they will say its justified.
Seems I may have to delete this post as some are saying it's debunked.
PacaGoat ago
Its a double if recent. Another news article on TGP asserted sbe showed up to court with her head up and very awake and speaking loud and clear. Big push to false assumption.