Fateswebb ago

How do you know she was for sure alive last year.

suomy_the_nona ago

You're right, she could have been replaced long ago, at a time when there haven't been people like us watching every step they make. The audio files on the SC site go back until Oct 2010, so after her 2009 'cancer'.

grace8 ago

Great of you to put this all together for us. Now if we could just get CSI to analyze the tape and listen for sounds in the background that prove she was not in the room. Church bells or trains that prove her voice was called in and could have been recorded before death. She would have been studying this case weeks ago in prep for handing down her decision. She would have dictated her thoughts so her staff could further research or type up her opinion. I know, I sound ridiculous.

suomy_the_nona ago

The arguments have been public, so even one uf us could have attended. If they had faked the recordings, several technicans, all other Justices and the audience would have to be involved. And this counts for every SC session. Quite unlikely, isn't it?

But RBG and her team must be lying on her health. @13Buddha has made a great analysis on her alleged health issues: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3044079 concluding:

Based on Ginsburg's medical history, her survival defies both common sense and medical logic.

So given that her survival is real, her medical history can't be. There must be a very important reason for RBG and her team to lie about that.

grace8 ago

Yes! They are public. Forgot that. Thanks. Something is fishy. It will come out in time.

Lonegunman65 ago

Although I think we should have definitive proof of life, the fact that Q hasn’t commented on her being dead leads me to believe she’s still among the living. Trump will eventually get to replace her because he will win in 2020 and she won’t be able to last until 2024.

sallywoofs ago

Yes, Q has not said she is dead. There were coded messages from DJT that hinted at it, but did not explicitly say she was dead. The codes were "deniable".

**EDID (today) BB RR GG ** is deniable, even though I may have read the message to mean that RBG died on the day of the tweet.

Lonegunman65 ago

I believe Q would start asking questions such as “If RGB were dead or incapacitated, how long do you think they could keep it from the public?” “If RGB were dead or incapacitated could they keep it secret until the 2020 election cycle?” Or something along those lines. It’s ironic because RGB should have retired when Barry was in office to allow another liberal to be chosen but her ego wanted her replacement to be selected by the 1st female POTUS. Now she’s fighting for her life (literally) in hopes that a Democrat beats Trump in 2020. IMO, it ain’t going to happen.

GodsAngell ago

Can't someone leave some banana peels on the floor or something??

grace8 ago

My first thought on that is "That would be kinda redundant". We have been doing that for him so why bother posting about it. Q is after all not exactly a verbose guy. I could see if he posted now since we are all starting to doubt but up till now, no I wouldn't think he would post. But you may be right. I am just spitballing after all.

suomy_the_nona ago

Here's a theory on her health problems I posted before: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3050236/ where the Q drops about her are taken in account. Is there a clue in the audio files hinting if that theory could be correct or not?

P.S.: In drop 1163 Q linked to that pdf Testimony RE: RUTH BADER GINSBURG from 1993, which concluded with "Mrs. Ginsburg's nomination should be rejected". Maybe there's something interesting on her character inside that pdf...

TheBRAINz ago

Really appreciated your post and the "transplant" hypothesis is plausible with the bits and pieces of information we know.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @B-------D.

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B-------D ago

Very nice. Great post.

swimkin ago

Interesting. As a speech-language pathologist I can say that having compared each of your mp3 recordingsit sounds very much to be the same person not just in pitch, inflection but also in the accent.

grace8 ago

I guess she could have called in and then the justices would not know if it was really her or a recording of her made b4 death. They would all just have to agree to not reveal that she wasn't in the building and I can see all of them doing that to spare her having to come in since there were pictures of "her" alive a few days ago. Would u be able to tell from the tape if it was a phone call vs in person.

I know I am stretching here but it all just doesn't make sense. Why the old picture and pretending it was new. And the local paper saying she was on deaths door with pneumonia. And Q posting about her as if something big was happening.

Thanks for lending your expertise to solving this puzzle

sallywoofs ago

In this case the evidence suggests she is alive. The question becomes why the prior evidence was doctored up. It has the smell of a deep counter-intel operation, make people think she is dead when she is alive, fuel the fire with bogus evidence, etc etc.

What the purpose is, I have no idea. There are motvies on both sides for screwing around.

The Dems want her alive and want to prolong her time on the bench.

The Trump camp may want to delay the fight over her replacement to a later time.

Both sides may be testing public reaction and response to different things...holograms, phony photos, bnody doubles, who the fuck knows.

Hard to say, but at this point I think the evidence indicates she is alive, although nothing would surprise me.

TheBRAINz ago

If it's not too time consuming, perhaps you can elaborate on the rationale for your conclusion with specific examples (timestamps) of compared voice markers from the different audio samples.

swimkin ago

Unfortunately, I am not a speech scientist so I don't have that kinds of equipment or ablity to compare them. I have just used my listening training to evaluate and treat voice/articulation/language disorders.

FuckPopcorn ago

Proof you are a speech-language pathologist?

bvaughan1015 ago


Blacksdonttip ago

This comment is proof you're a faggot

admin2 ago

Yeah! Doxx yourself on voat! Submit a scan of your photo IS or passport too! Tell us your home address too!

GritD2 ago

Not good enough. Bank accounts and pin numbers for verification. Oh and the billing zip code too. Thanks for understanding words and accuracy are important to us.

bvaughan1015 ago

Mothers maiden name too

TheBRAINz ago

Hehe....you made me laugh out loud! :)

P.S.- @swimkin Please don't dox yourself.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BloodOfEurope submission by @theoldones.

Posted automatically (#24733) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Dragon1481 ago

Unfortunately, they have technology that can mimic a person's voice.


Keep in mind, this is only what they admit to having whereas we know what the Gov has is far superior.

WeAreUnited ago

Yep. Be wary of deep fake

Dragon1481 ago

Sad when we can't trust our own eyes/ears anymore.

love_light_truth ago

Tech has only intensified.

We (collective, virtually most humans) have been duped into believing capitalism is the only way forward. Ads that promote strict materialism is just normal, getting another up on your neighbor. Government agencies and contractor companies do not own and operate advanced technologies. Intelligence agencies are not in bed with journalists. Former Moss@d agents were not being used by H.Wein to scare and off his victims. (Hint, his associates were surely doing the same.) 0pr@h is a saint by day, helping middle aged women; she has not been working with HW, J.Epp, Vo1ce of g0d by night etc.

This is the world we've perceived for decades.

SushiMasa ago

What a Boomer tier oppinion. Let me guess, you're a socialist or something? Materialism is a non issue. Whites can handle free markets just fine

suomy_the_nona ago

That's interesting. This would mean, some SC technican would conspire with her.

Dragon1481 ago


NellerBean ago

And the other members of the court as well, yes?

suomy_the_nona ago

Not necessarily but it's very unlikely they tried it that way. Much to risky. I think we can find the more interesting things if we dig on her (alleged and real) health problems and the treatment.

GodsAngell ago

I think you vastly under estimate the desperation of the deep state.

suomy_the_nona ago

Sorry, I don't get your context? My comment you answered on was on the chances, that RGB was replaced by a double with AI altered voice in every public SC session from now on. And you think this is not unlikely?