neon_revolt ago

I would post if you hadn't used a bot on my account.

neon_revolt ago

Maybe just post about Q and don't lie so much.

You are the one who lies!

neon_revolt ago

You will see.

neon_revolt ago

No, you did not.

argosciv ago

And I do participate in the discussion here - just as an Anon, over on the official Q board - QRV.

So no, this wasn't my "first" post in 3 months

srayzie ago

Notice how he keeps replying to YOU? Lumus

argosciv ago

Notice how he keeps replying to YOU? Lumus

really, I only have a personal account I made back during the Voat Alpha days (contrary to your speculation that "I'm not a part of the community here).


NeonRevolt ago

I'm doin' just fine, m8.

Got a book coming up. Like an IRL book that's going to be in bookstores everywhere.

Site is as big as ever.

Gab following increases every day.

And my work continues, unabated, and unaffected by the shills.

But for the record, I never threatened to doxx anyone. That's a crackpot idea you shills cooked up, because you accuse every other random account of being one of my "sockpuppets" when really, I only have a personal account I made back during the Voat Alpha days (contrary to your speculation that "I'm not a part of the community here).

(It's actually pretty funny and simultaneously pretty sad to watch you all scream "NEON" at random people. Anonymous subs pretty much ruin all your fun, eh? Because you can't effectively target anyone any more, so you just end up accusing random people instead).

Plus, QRV keeps growing - you know, the real, official Q-sub that Q endorsed because you morons threw a hissyfit and fractured the QCommunity in half because you felt like your private corner of the internet was being invaded.

It wasn't. You were just retarded and selfish.

And I do participate in the discussion here - just as an Anon, over on the official Q board - QRV.

So no, this wasn't my "first" post in 3 months. I've seen every retarded shill post you put up on QRV, which immediately gets downvoted into oblivion, because everyone with a brain hates you and the shills you've allied with.

Also, yeah, Putt neutered the bot network you guys used to downvote me here, which was a lot of fun to watch. That took away all the downvotes you guys had botted me with. Hundreds of downvotes just evaporated overnight.

Also really fun to watch that happen.

Really fun to watch shills like you continue to lose.

Also really fun to see how triggered you all get at any mention of my name.

So whatever. Pretend like you have this untouchable digital square of property all your own. You don't, but you can't pretend.

In other words, I'll be wherever I want no matter what, and you'll never be able to tell me what to do.

And everyone who hasn't learned to hate you already, will learn to hate you, in due time, because you're a transparent loser with utterly transparent shill tactics.

Hmm... I bet I'm still pretty popular with the /v/GreatAwakening Crowd. They're not all shills, after all.

Maybe I'll start posting here, again, too, just for fun!

SearchVoatBot ago

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This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @shewhomustbeobeyed.

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Hand_of_Node ago

Why do you work so hard to sound like a scammer?

Vindicator ago

Neon, if you were legit, you wouldn't be smearing original, respected Pizzagate researchers like @fartyshorts @Lightlytoasted and @Orangutan who did the heavy lifting of exposing the Cabal long before you ever put up your flashy website and attempted to control independent Q research.

It's a tell. You outted yourself.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @shewhomustbeobeyed.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @shewhomustbeobeyed.

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fartyshorts ago

You make me blush 😘

Vindicator ago

LOL. Your username makes me think of that movie Bad Grandpa, which makes ME blush. :-)

LightlyToasted ago

Word! TY @Vindicator

Shizy ago

I bet I'm still pretty popular

😂😂😂 Who the hell talks like that after 12th grade?!!

@srayzie @argosvic

srayzie ago

Narcissistic power hungry control freaks

srayzie ago

This is NeonRevolt right about now.

argosciv ago

No doubt.

Even GG just showed up again to try to spin her "cicada" bullshit.


srayzie ago

Oh no. 😱 @NeonRevolt is a Name Fag? 😮

Are you here for the fun Neon? Or are you here to brag and show that we got under your skin by exposing you?

I’ll just drop this right here.

argosciv ago

And I do participate in the discussion here - just as an Anon, over on the official Q board - QRV.

So no, this wasn't my "first" post in 3 months.

Called it.

argosciv ago

This is your first comment in 3 months.


This is your first public comment in 3 months from this account.

Probably lurks in anon subverses(v/QRV) and/or using alt accounts.

NeonRevolt ago

Nah. You didn't.

In fact, you didn't accomplish anything at all.

And you probably never will, judging by your track record.

Get used to losing. You've got a lot of it ahead of you in life.

srayzie ago

That’s because he’s writing a book about Q. Not an ebook. A real book. He’s the kind of Paytriot Q warned us about.

Vindicator ago

So true. The butthurt is glorious.

NeonRevolt ago

LOL, no, I'm not, and no, you did not.

srayzie ago

You know BuilderAnon/ElectroLumus. He said you were mad at him. One BA sock puppet account on Reddit, is SortDoubleNegative. Type-o-negative and SortDoubleNegative qualify as a match according to your standards.

Lightlytoasted and FartyShorts was enough for you to believe that it was Fart-on-Toast. Enough for you to manipulate people into believing we were infiltrated.

The day you were making that blog post, I already had 2 TRYING to work their way in. We weren’t infiltrated, but you wanted us to be. How patriotic of you.

Both BuilderAnon and Type-o-negative talked about you. Both came from the same sub, and both did the same thing for a living. So many connections. I’m sure you’ll cook something up for your next blog post.

Vindicator ago

Lightlytoasted and FartyShorts was enough for you to believe that it was Fart-on-Toast. Enough for you to manipulate people into believing we were infiltrated.

Wow. I didn't realize Neon went after those two users. @LightlyToasted and @fartyshorts are two of the best v/pizzagate researchers. Definitely legit, for a long, long time.

The plot thickens!

argosciv ago

The plot thickens!

I wonder if the targeting of @fartyshorts had anything to do with the following thread by him?

Given all of what's transpired between said thread up to today...

"Now George Webb is defending Alefantis..." submitted by fartyshorts: - fartyshorts also mentions GW lying about where his earliest videos went.

The following links are more comments from that submission, which I felt should be archived before they can be deleted.

cc: @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy

Vindicator ago

Wow! So Neon smears @fartyshorts, who helped expose George Webb as fake and gay. What a coinincidence!

@srayzie, did you see this?

fartyshorts ago

I noticed that Tweetsave doesn't have those tweets left, but I also archived it here:

argosciv ago

Good stuff.

Archived your link above for good measure:

argosciv ago

^ cc also: @Crensch @kevdude

LightlyToasted ago

I tried to fight back & set the record straight, but I got no response. It is all so tiresome ;)

srayzie ago

That’s sad. It sucks to have your name, or in my case, the board I created, slung thru the mud. Especially over the flimsiest claims. I’ve never had the deep state or shill vibe from you.

LightlyToasted ago

Yeah, I tried, but no response. IMO, my posts and comments speak for themselves and ppl are smart enough to discern authenticity. Oh well, the world keeps turning ;)

Vindicator ago

Never tire from the fight, LT. I have not forgotten.

When I've sat on jury duty, I've thought to myself "Be the one you'd like to sit on your own jury." It's the same, here. We were spared the burden of being born in the 1770's and having to pledge "our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor" for our liberty.

We should be glad of the chance to stand on the shoulders of our forebears and continue the battle to defend our freedom from the tyrants who would steal it away.

Besides...they're vice-raddled pussies and fops. It takes but a wee bit of fortitude to defeat them. :-)

LightlyToasted ago

Excellent points, TY!

srayzie ago

You didn’t know?! You’ve got to read this piece of work.
All because of my ping list!

I see below that @FartyShorts didn’t even know.

Vindicator ago

Hadn't read that. Thanks for the link!

In other words, I wade through rivers of excrement, dive in deep to pull out the gold nuggets, and leave the filth behind. That level of endurance, that level of discernment is really what it takes to fight an information war.

Cue the sound of Neon choking on his own cum. What a whore that guy is. I need a shower, just from reading that.

How dare that cowardly dwarf cite the Battle of Thermopylae.

Do I need to point out to you that it’s been almost a year since Q started dropping?

That fucker wasn't even a twinkle in David Brock's eye when we started researching Q leaks on Voat. What a twat.

I notice he goes after @Orangutan, as well, who is another excellent original PG researcher. WTF? That whole piece of his is nothing more than Confirmation Bias smears. He analyzes none of these users' contributions to either Reddit or Voat -- by which they should be judged. His whole argument is based solely on key words in usernames, and who is moderating what on Reddit (with zero evidence of this having any connection to activities on Voat).

How anyone could doubt this guy is a (very poor) shill is beyond me. SMH.

Shizy ago

His whole argument is based solely on key words in usernames, and who is moderating what on Reddit (with zero evidence of this having any connection to activities on Voat)

Kind of reminds me of the low effort attempts the person trying to dox @Srayzie and @Kevdude are using.

srayzie ago

Totally shady

srayzie ago

fartyshorts ago

I did not! But I found and read that post after my reply here. He's right, though, this was all part of an elaborate ruse where I post several times per week for 2 years just to undermine him when he eventually joins voat!

fartyshorts ago

LOL! I had no idea. Am I famous now?

wokeasfook ago

Wow you couldn't resist. You really are a bunch of low I dumb fucks.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thanks for admitting that it was 'your shit' on this site, and I note that you deny that we wrecked it...

@srayzie @Shizy @kevdude

Shizy ago

Sounds like an admission to me too!

bamadeplorable420 ago

I 'm ridin.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

It has been a pleasure to assist tonight..

This Hail Mary isn't worth shit.. 😂😂😂

DickTick ago

I hate it take something from Reddit... But someone might want to give this shill the number to the Burn Centers here in America.. he is definitely going to need immediate medical attention to those bad boys..

DickTick ago


Johnthedoxxee ago

Kevin White, Cyber Sources. Dumbass.

Johnthedoxxee ago

Meet Kevin. Let’s call his boss and show him what he posts online

heygeorge ago

Good one! You totally got @kevdude. Do me next!

WSanon6 ago

Hellz yeah

Srayzie1 ago


Here are our demands. Delete this sunverse and direct everyone to QRV. This subverse is not approved by Q. This is dividing the movements.

everlastingphelps ago

Q told all the redditards to go to the Containment Verse. He didn't "endorse" anything but his own posts on 8chan.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Way to jump the shark!

Stonenchizel ago

Hey @Srayzie1 go the fuck back over to QRV you big Fake Mod Fuck....You ain't noboby period. JUst shut the fuck up and go away you damn pillow biter!Stop trying to get people to join or only go to QRV for Q related stuff because it is about as childish as a damn Kindergarten kid trying to bully the little pre school kids to give him their milk money

BulletMagnet879 ago

Shove your "demands" straight up your ass.

bb22 ago

We have demands too: kill yourself.

Srayzie1 ago

Well hello to the 3 stooges. Here are our demands: Remove Srayzie as mod Delete this su verse migrate to Qrv Ban serialbrian

DickTick ago

Now banning SB2 is something I think we can all agree on, but as far as the rest of that, go fuck your mother.

Srayzie1 ago

You cant stop is! We are too powerful. Enjoy the show bitches!

digital_minuteman321 ago


DickTick ago

Lol... Lolololoooollooloolollollollollolloololololololololol. go suck a suspiciously small dick. Cunt.

wokeasfook ago

Go fuck yourself dickhead. QRV has zero critical thinking and everything posted is treated as gospel.

Jesus what a faggot.

This sub is the original and true Q sub. QRV is for braindead liberal faggots pretending to be woke.

Stick your demands a hundred miles up ur faggot arsehole

MolochHunter ago

now tell us how u RLY feel ;)

DanijelStark ago

The main problem with QRV is that it is fully anonymized - meaning anyone can come and pretend theyre someone else , plus , capability for one individual to make whole "drama" scenario .

Overall , QRV is getting continously bombarded with various shills and trolls because of that - and that significantly reduces the quality of posts .

Unsure what the main subverse creator / Board Owner on 8chan thought when he made the QRV fully anon like 8ch board . VOAT is not a 8chan , thats the problem ... and such things do not help contributors in any way .

wokeasfook ago

When can we expect the first big waves of QRV refugees?

DanijelStark ago

Probably there already are people coming from there to here . But Im not bothering with QRV shills too much anymore - all of them make futile and pointless efforts to stop something they simply cannot .

Johnthedoxxee ago

This guy is right. This sub verse isn’t the official Q subverse. Delete it and go to Qrv. There are too many deep state players here.

MolochHunter ago

what, go to the sub where the creeps who compromised the reddit sub migrated to?

i think the Q movement is in dire need of the diversity of opinion that multiple subs offer. Why would a true patriot preach otherwise ?

GoodGodKirk ago

go to 8ch and leave us alone.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @wokeasfook.

Posted automatically (#17280) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

BulletMagnet879 ago

Nice. srayzie1 must have created Johnthedoxxee to make it look like he/she/it actually has support.

wokeasfook ago

40 minute old account defending 25 minute old account.

Both kike shill faggots. Try harder here you fucking morons.

DickTick ago

Na.. I think we'll stay with a subverse that has been here for exactly a year now and is still ran by the exact same person who created it a year ago when Q was hardly but a whisper, nearly a myth.

And you can suck a big ol fat dick. A lot of us have been part of this community between 6 and 12 months.. so why the fuck would we just randomly go and join a subverse that Q supposedly endorsed when, in reality, it was only endorsed because the moderators from Reddit cozied up to the moderators on 8chan very briefly allowing them to think they could vouch for those Reddit moderators, when in fact, Q really had no idea what they were talking about and that was a serious lapse in judgment, to be honest. At the time they were dealing with an influx of Reddit faggots on the research board so Q took the moderators of the research boards advise as a step to alleviate that burden without really understanding everything involved, and that's understandable under the circumstances..

but it wouldn't have taken much research after that to realize there was already a very well-established subverse here that has stayed true to Q the entire time and it's staffed by one helluva moderating team that only has 3 people. Unless you're fucking retarded I'm sure you can understand why only having 3 people are is hell of a lot easier to watch and control rather than the way Redditfags roll like fucking 10 deep

But if you think we're just going to up and leave, then y'all really must not realize where the fuck you're at. Go suck a nigger dick you unconsolable cum guzzler.

srayzie ago

Shizy ago

Well said dick! Thank you for the support, and the ping.

Johnthedoxxee ago

Sir, q wants all people to be annoymous. SeriAlbrian2 is trying to make a name for himself. Being anonymous is safer as Srayzie was just doxxef on Twitter tonight. Please just delete this sub for the sake of the movement. Q only endorsed qrv and your being rediculous.

BulletMagnet879 ago

Delete yourself, retard.

DickTick ago

First off are you actually so mentally retarded as to think that any of us in this thread can delete the subverse even if we wanted to?

And secondly I completely agree about SB2... I think that mother fucker is a lunatic and anyone who reads and believes that bullshit is also completely fucking retarded. He used to actually make some good post about 6 or 8 months ago but then Q linked to him one fucking time and it's been all illegible bullshit since.

And thirdly this is anonymous you dumb motherfuker. If someone is off their rocker enough to have the same exact name on here as on Twitter them they should really check their opsec, but otherwise this is anonymous you niggerfaggot.

Oh yeah and fourthly, why aren't y'all attacking every other Q subverse, subreddits that still exist, and every other fourm on every other site? why just this one? unless you're completely full of shit you dumbmotherfuker

Johnthedoxxee ago

Go search for @srayzie on twitter and get back with me. The weakness of this site is the mods and the fact it’s hard to tell which country the poster is from. Q is for USA only. No other countries are involved. Sorry but I will dox you!

DickTick ago

But yes, give it a whirl, both the desktop and laptop always run, at minimum, a proxy and don't even get me started on my cell phone and the VPN I pay quite a bit for. Not that any of that is even required considering I don't own any social media accounts, like I said I above, and that I don't even do my personal business on any of the devices I use for this shit... that's on a completely separate cell phone that never connects to the same isp and sure as fuck never comes on here.

Johnthedoxxee ago

Well... I’ve already traced you to the city in the UK. There is no room for the uk in this movement.

DickTick ago

L m f a o..... Uk.. guess that VPN is doing its job then huh. you fucking idiot does anything I'm typing sound like I'm from the UK? I can't imagine someone who types more American than myself considering how many of my comments contain the word "y'all"

Johnthedoxxee ago

Hey buddy, I was just testing you. do you want to team up and start our own board. We could take the best posters like neon revolt and make a pay wall. Sell Q stuff, Q research and other Q analysis. We could doxx @kevdude who uses the same twitter account handle.

Maersk ago

So there is only 1 Kevdude in the entire world?

DickTick ago

I have a much much better idea. I'll get a video camera, you go get your mom, and I'll video you sucking her suspiciously small niggerfaggot penis.

Now that is something I AM willing to do with you!

Johnthedoxxee ago

All kidding aside, let’s start our own website. We can use naked pictures of @srayzie. She will do porno with the right person.

heygeorge ago

@srayzie @shizy @molochhunter, the rest of this guy’s ideas are dumb, but we could def make some bucks with a Q porno. You know, to overthrow the deep state

MolochHunter ago

YEA! Q porn! we could call it Deep-Throat-State

starring @NeonRevolt

the first and only porno where a guy gives 100 blow jobs, but each and every one of them is to himself squatting upside-down on his couch, putting 100 different socks on his cock, gobbling himself each sock, and then having the insane vanity to imagine he just got some action with a new & different person !

This is a rly innovative porn idea, @heygeorge @srayzie @shizy

Shizy ago

gobbling himself each sock

That's so gross! Creative but gross 🤣

DickTick ago

So it is you.. the fake Jack-off. Nice bud. Your career going so badly that this is what you're left with?

BulletMagnet879 ago

Sounds like fun. Go fuck your sister....again.

DickTick ago

Lol... You'll doxx me. Heh.. you just go right ahead and do that through several proxies and a good VPN. You just go ahead and do that even though I don't own, and have never in my life owned, a Twitter account, Facebook account, MySpace account, anything.... I don't bullshit. the only account I've ever had is the one that links me straight to your mom's vagina.

you know how I know you couldn't possibly be more full of shit? because I have read every single Q post since day one and I can't tell you how many fucking times Q has said this isn't just us, it's worldwide... or even given pointers and a hoorah to other nations.. you're glowing pretty hard right now faggot.

Johnthedoxxee ago

Here is the deal: Delete this sub verse and the doxxing will stop. Srayzie must no longer moderate Only people in the USA are allowed to post. Q doesn’t care about the uk.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

We have left QRV alone, but if you persist in your childish behavior, then perhaps there will be a call for that situation to be revised... hmmm ?

wokeasfook ago

Worth considering

DickTick ago

I'm all for qrv fuckery.. I don't think I've done much of that since the first day or two it was open

DickTick ago

I'm not sure that was meant for me bro =P. in fact these faggots were actually trashing the UK and claiming they shouldn't be part of Q. Fuck the lot of them. I have no idea where everybody's at, but I pinged everybody necessary multiple times and reported these fucks.

Johnthedoxxee ago

Sir...the UK has no place in the Q movement. It’s strictly American. I encourage the sorry uk to start its own Q but don’t pretend like you belong to something 100% american

BulletMagnet879 ago

You look even more retarded with every post. This is fun!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

WWG1WGA is real.

This is a one man band with lots of sock puppets, like in the wizard of Oz, if you remember....

What the puppets says means nothing.. remember don't look here...

One got banned and this is an attempt to reverse that.

No fucking way Jose...

DickTick ago

With the way he talks about SB2 it sort of makes me think it's neon.. especially with all the connections made a few weeks ago and the fact that neon is also trying to make a name for himself, all the while doing shit like embedding crypto miners into the original Q clock he posted

Don't get me wrong I absolutely hate SB2 also and that's the one single thing I disagree with @Srayzie on... But it's a free country and a free subverse so we're allowed to have disagreements. I just think the mother fucker went off into la la idiot land the moment Q linked to him like 6 or 8 months ago.

srayzie ago

I think Neon Revolt is part of this group.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I pinged you to see his confirmation, in a parent to my recent comment. Neon confesses when he replies to @kevdude

I have a screenshot, but a good archive is still beyond me.

srayzie ago

I saw! Good job!

DickTick ago

"Hey buddy, I was just testing you. do you want to team up and start our own board. We could take the best posters like neon revolt and make a pay wall. Sell Q stuff, Q research and other Q analysis. We could doxx @kevdude who uses the same twitter account handle."

holy shit you weren't kidding at all there's! that whole "testing you" thing again.. this is most definitely the same person and that's simply insane.

DickTick ago

Jesus... Why can't people just stay in their corners and enjoy having the president that is truly ours for once... Why in the hell would they care about this particular subverse when the bullshit theyre spitting should apply to every other subverse about Q, every subreddit that still do exist, or every other forum on the internet about Q?.. why here specifically, do they actually think that we will all jump ship and go over there as opposed to just creating this place over again if they somehow managed to win and got you to delete it...? How incredibly stupid.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

We have just about all of them, and they've been losing ground fast.. this is a Hail Mary..


AbnormalSee ago

19 minute member... shill much fag????

DickTick ago

Preach brother, fucking preach! 👏

Srayzie1 ago


Last time:!this site is not endorsed by Q! Shut it down and migrate to QRV.

This site is hurting Q and he wants it gone. Doxx

BulletMagnet879 ago

Q doesn't have to endorse this site. It's called "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" fuckstick. BOOM!

DickTick ago

@PutItOut please fuck these idiots up.

@Srayzie @MolochHunter @Crencsh @KevDude @Shizy

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


Dick, check your ping for @PuttItOut

He had some imitations recently...

Correct one is a double tt in Putt, and I think you got the single t..

You might get a reply from the faker, hence my warning..

This links to his stats, and you can see this is the one by the huuuuge stats...

argosciv ago

Slight correction.

The PuttItOut imitators are very old. They were pointed out due to the running theme and several areas of common ground with what we're currently seeing in terms of attacks against Voat & v/GreatAwakening. The biggure picture is complex and spans many years right back to the earliest days of Voat.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thx for clarifying @argosciv

I won't edit, because you've made it very clear.

Question. Do the rules based on CCP apply to individual people, or to usernames? What I see in practice suggests it's assumed to apply to usernames, but logic suggests it should be to the underlying person....

CCP rules are there for a reason, which I see as to make VOAT safe from spurious and fraudulent activity, and attempts to avoid or break them should have consequences...

argosciv ago

Not sure exactly what you mean with your question.

A) What rules are you referring to?

B) With the above clarified, what do you mean regarding the application of said rules to username vs. user?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

See PM

☕️ 🧁

DickTick ago

Much appreciated. This is why I normally keep them on a clipboard so I can just paste it over, but this time around I was on my phone and simply had to type them out

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

No worries. I'm topping you up as I go...


bb22 ago

Stop pretending like you speak for Q you stupid bitch. He’s right, QRV is filled with liberal Reddit retards who get offended by the word nigger and think Israel is our greatest ally, and anyone who disagrees is definitely a shill. You are all pathetically retarded.

DickTick ago

What niggerfaggot would want to go to, or even glance at, qrv? Reddit beckons you home you gloWorm faggot

wokeasfook ago

Q doesn't have authority on voat.

Now fuck back to Reddit faggot

Srayzie1 ago

I’m tired of Q being disrespected by the uk. Q is for Americans only.

GoodGodKirk ago

what are the yellow vests doing then?

BulletMagnet879 ago

Bitch, Q is GLOBAL. You're done. But, go ahead, keep posting shit because we enjoy destroying retarded shills.

wokeasfook ago

Jesus you are a dumb cunt.

It's worldwide kike faggot. Get used to it. Your time is here

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Trying divide and conquer now...

No chance.. more troops arriving too...

DickTick ago


Srayzie1 ago

Let’s agree that Q is for Americans only. @srayzie was doxxed. I didn’t do it so keep Interpol off me.

wokeasfook ago

Who the fuck are you?

Cabal is global. The fight is global.

And in case you're too retarded to notice; the rest of the world has been fighting our deep state since long before Q. Since long before Trump. Since you and I were still sleeping.

We are the ones late to the game. People hated our deep state and not our people for a long time. In other words people knew American people we're completely asleep and not responsible of deep state actions.

Welcome to the party retard

BulletMagnet879 ago

Srayzie1 is still sleeping.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

That's because he's typing with one hand and wanking with the other, if that translates?

BulletMagnet879 ago

It does.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Just a child playing big..

jodieann ago
