NeverLandExpress ago

Its deeper than that. The "brainwashing" that used to be just in college by all the liberal professors, has now even started in secondary schools. Communist governments fund and support groups (i.e Confucius Institute for example) that "teach" our kids the wrong things. Its the conservative parents jobs to get active in their children's education. Its going to be hard to "reclaim" this generation and teach them to open their eyes to what is really happening. Its easier to be a sheep... until you get eaten.

KardiffGiant420 ago

Trust Mueller, Trust Sessions.

All those court cases and the talk on the news is just a distraction. Trump is totally safe. He's just pretending!!! Don't worry about Cohen or Manafort.

Trust everything. Q is real. Trump is in no legal trouble. Carry on.

yukon456 ago

After it is acknowledged that the Clinton's are being prosecuted for ...trafficking of (what have you)


As we are patient patriots... I stare at the mountains and ponder maybe my Love, MY America might need only a spark to set Her free as She lays wounded and bleeding next to Her already cold sister Justice...Liberty has been my bride in this life and I love Her.

angelCole ago

Johnny Cash song Ragged Old Flag, one of my favorites.

Backlot ago

Is that a quote from someone? Or is it original? Regardless, I like it.


Oh it's mine. Problem is I've been saying it too long.

Backlot ago

I like it. Patience Patriot.

JGamble ago

They will wake up when you arrest someone. What ever happened, to arresting the criminals, then letting them sit in jail, with no bail (because they are master criminals???

Q has the evidence, how about giving it to the dudes with cuffs/badges/authority

This is getting so's stupid.

If Q and POTUS are joined at hip. Send a car to pick up Praying Medic, then have a plane waiting, then take him to a press conference and have POTUS call on him to #ASKTHEQ

Why would the MSM ask the Q? They won't. So Stupid. Also you can't put reporters in jail, for publishing fake's your fault for believing them.

Q cut the shit and get on with it. So far, Congress has been useless

Pollycracker ago

The Clinton's tapped into the greed gene and monitize everything, but first they tampered with the law to ensure no consequences. Arrest the people at the top, provide consequences.

KardiffGiant420 ago

Yeah I don't get it at all. The ONLY things I could conclude are 1) Q is a psy op or 2) It's a troll. Just kidding. That IMPOSSIBLE!!!

JGamble ago

you made me giggle. Bravo

fag_fag ago

"what happens when you have enough evidence to proceed?"

You proceed > warrants are executed

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Blah blah blah. Q says nothing and nothing happens, little cult group sheeple followers, all of you, this Q thing is going down, mark my words, when you see nothing happening by mid next year the so called great awakening will go back to sleep, deprived, humiliated and fallen as you all realize Q was a fraud and Trump is done, his son will be indicted and will see jail time, your run is over and it's all thanks to Q

Qsentmehere ago

So why are you here? Are you also getting on flat earth believer websites telling them that they are also wrong? Of course you aren't. It'd be a waste of your time, just like you are wasting it here. Go away C_A

KardiffGiant420 ago

I read the ramblings of insane losers all the time. It' hilarious. You people are going to be so fucking lost when you realize it's been a hoax. And guess what...I've been in on parts of it.

Qsentmehere ago

Oh boy you're in on the hoax!! Fuck off faggot, no one believes you. Go pound some more cock into your loosey goosey asshole.

KardiffGiant420 ago

That's the best your nigger faggot ass can come up with? My god what a fucking absolutely LOSER you are. I bet youre fat as fuck and smell like nigger cumm.

Qsentmehere ago

You would like it if i smelled like nigger cum, wouldn't you, faggot?

Bee4Q ago

It's not on your not in mainstream media it's in the alternative media, sources with Gov. Websites. Dont be lazy and read more. Watch less people telling you what is happening & figure it out for yourself. Sheep no more.

BCKeeper ago

$3.50 wow, that will go far in your career.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

And yet YOU are still here making statements that you are? It can not be more obvious!

KardiffGiant420 ago

If what he says is fake, why are YOU making statements against his? Maybe you shouldn't be a nigger and shut the fuck up if you don't agree with something, just like your telling that poster. gonna be a nigger and keep yapping or you gonna be a good little bitch and shut your fucking ignorant mouth?

My guess is you'll reply and prove to be a nigger.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

You mean will I stand up for my right for what this site promotes (Free Speech)? Absolutely.

You have also exposed yourself with the name-calling tactics of the intolerant Left.

KardiffGiant420 ago

Oh, ok. You attacked someone for using their free speech but it's different when you attack someone using your free speech. I get it. You're a fucking nigger who can't how absolutely fucking STUPUD you are.

Niggers are fucking dumb. Proof is above.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

You are correct. The proof is above ^^^^^

LPanon ago

You're just a shill. Dems are lost and losing more and more every single day. Mueller will be coming out soon to exonerate President Trump. I predict the "suicide" hotline will be busy over the next few weeks. It's really just sad that people can stare at something and be told what they are seeing, yet what is really in front of them is completely different. They have been brainwashing for years.

Best of luck to you in the future Bonscottrocks007. You'll need it.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Omg you're so brainwashed so when nothing happens in the next few months what's your next move?

DickTick ago

As opposed to what exactly? exactly what harm has come of this, assuming nothing ever does happen? It sure has mobilized millions of people and got people into politics that never gave a damn before...

There's no doubt that you are wrong, but let's just entertain it and say that you're correct.. What exactly do shills like you think is going to happen? We're going to all emplode? We all know more about our governments inner workings than ever before, in a country and generation where that is severely lacking... So please do explain to me what is so negative about all of this? what exactly do all of you idiots think that the general Q follower stands to lose..

I mean, unless one of us was about to cure cancer, but instead sat hair and did nothing while following Q. It seems like most of us could have been doing tons of other useless shit, but instead we are learning an incredible amount about our government than the last several generations knew combined, along with helping millions of people understand why their rights and securities are so incredibly important and something worth fighting for. Accountability will go through the roof, as far as the average citizens concerned, compared to years past. and I guarantee you there will be more than a handful the people who end up running for local election and more out of this group of millions of people...

So, let's assume you're right and this all just fades into oblivion over the next 6 months, what exactly do you think is so horrible about it all, so that all the things I just listed wouldn't be considered worth it or a positive net improvement for several generations that were largely completely uninterested in elections or government workings anymore..?

You are fucking retarded. Just go ahead and take a look in the mirror and say "I am retarded" and once you get out of the way you'll be one step closer to coming to terms with your disability and realizing that the only people in these threads that's not actually gaining something out of this whole thing are you fucking retards.

LPanon ago

Very well said and VERY true. I'm 53 and I have to be honest. I was one that didn't really care much about politics. Voted with my party. But about mid 2016, that all changed and I really tuned into what was happening and how Obummer really screwed this country up, along with the Clinton's and the Bush's. Although I get so upset when people refuse to swallow the red pill. And why? Because they hate Trump. I agree. A lot of what has happened, has done more for this country's unity than anything I ever remember. God Bless.

DickTick ago

Thank you. of all of my shit talking to the Shills, this is definitely one of my favorites. so again, thanks for acknowledging it. I've noticed that they always reply whenever I write something vulgar just to be nasty to them, but they never say a damn word whenever I take my time craft one of these comments. It's impenetrable to the type of argument made above.

Qsentmehere ago

Of course he didnt reply to this reply. Cannot attack facts.

DickTick ago

Which is rare for these idiots. I've come to realize this is how you have to attack them though, with their own swords.

Don-Keyhote ago

some of them have sold their homes, more alienated friends+family, so hopefully a good portion of these boomers kill themselves. it will have all been worthwhile.

SuckaFree ago

How much is Soros and the Clinton's paying you?

pby1000 ago

I am glad they used that call sign. It gives people more hope.

MolochHunter ago

I dont recognise the music in the fox news , anyone know what Q was referring to ?

Quinceberry ago Apparently and Anon said it is the same music set to an Allison Mack/NXIVM clip. It does not sound like Magic Sword to me - similar but different

LiberalBitchSlapper ago📁 Played by 'Operation Specialists' [pre-event] last night. Q

Animal_Chin ago

Is it the music in Clinton Cash?

LiberalBitchSlapper ago


TexasDeplorable1135 ago

8/16th measure

CovfefeFan ago

I think I'm tone deaf. Sounds different to me. Is it different instruments playing the same song?

LiberalBitchSlapper ago

I was wrong. Couldn’t verify at the time. I noticed my mistake after others researched. I was operating from memory and was half-cocked.

CovfefeFan ago

No problem. I admire those who admit they are wrong. I'm still tone deaf.

PGLiterati ago

Magic Sword.

fag_fag ago

when Magic Sword plays, operators are on standby

YoikesandAway ago

"At what point do they Wake Up"? Q, we all have been wondering the same thing! The brainwashing is deep. There is a chokehold on media and the message is getting shadow banned and whitewashed.

Backlot ago

Exactly. The MSM is the enemy of the people. So how do you remove the communists from the media without going full chinese on controlling it? The funding is the key.

Arrvee ago

The funding is the key.

True, and that's the issue. We caught people taking funding from foreign powers to tilt their coverage, suppress information, promote fake information, place people with terrorist connections in positions of influence. They are guilty as hell. The evidence is open and shut. A prosecutor could get a conviction in one week. The army could just grab them off the streets and shoot them under the AUMF, all legal. Nothing is happening. Trump and Q only seem to care about the one spy operation that targeted him personally. No one is even saying anything about the disinformation campaigns and the deplatforming of people for opposing al-Qaeda. Red lines that should have triggered military action have passed, with... nothing. No one is paying attention. Victories are only here and there, with major defeats in between. We cut funding from Alwaleed and Qatar for one year; they took Canada and California, and Alwaleed and Qatar are back in action. If we had only arrested some of the sons of bitches who were taking money from Alwaleed and Qatar, half of the other side would have given up on the spot and the fight would be over.

NeverLandExpress ago

Its deeper than that. The "brainwashing" that used to be just in college by all the liberal professors, has now even started in secondary schools. Communist governments fund and support groups (i.e Confucius Institute for example) that "teach" our kids the wrong things. Its the conservative parents jobs to get active in their children's education. Its going to be hard to "reclaim" this generation and teach them to open their eyes to what is really happening. Its easier to be a sheep... until you get eaten.

Pr1vacy ago

The poison goes much deeper and farther back. We were indoctrinated or partially so and we have awoken but not all of us. My mother who is now in her 80s looks back and sees signs of it when she was in secondary school. She even had on class that was called 'Progressive' and when she went to a new school, she was at least 3 years behind. It goes way on back. Look to whom you can not criticize and you will know who rules you.

srayzie ago

You got that right

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Ha, Morgantown. City of Churches.

Nice little place! Heart of America kinda town.

derram ago :

CivMilAir ✈ on Twitter: "#AirForceOne - Callsign showing: 'Q 0'

26,000ft heading over West Virginia

🇺🇸 USAF VC-25A 92-9000… "

This has been an automated message.