JackPosobiec1 ago

Hey srazie... I could shut the whole q movement down. You are playing a dangerous game. Don’t pretend like I don’t have power.

srayzie ago

Go for it Jack off. If you could shut it down, you would have already!

JackPosobiec1 ago

Remember when Q was under attack from three intelligence agencies at once. That was scarey

sorosminion ago

Sweet Jesus! You NUTCASES STILL DON'T GET IT! There won't be ANY mass arrests, no martial law, no tribunals, no Gitmo. You sink deeper into insanity and violent delusion. Q is just some damn kid on the chans! You were fooled! For you SANE people, it's over, move on, admit you were fooled! Do it before you get into real trouble! Q IS A FAKE,NONE OF IT IS REAL!

wokeasfook ago

-1200 at voat makes you not worth reading. you idiots can't hide here.

Trueseeker_90 ago

God you have the stench of a shill.GTFOH

CosmicNeo ago

What's real? Do you think the globalist-controlled MSM is real? Do you think your Rockefeller-induced educational system is real? Do you think your Marxist-cloned college education is real? Do you think your fake Hollywood idols are real? Do you think your Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve is working in the best interest of We The People?

You believe Trump is corrupt and incompetent only because you believe in a false reality that's been created by a Luciferian Illuminati-Rothschild agenda. The only reason you don't believe that agenda is real is because you've been raised within the Matrix of lies that formed your thinking. The Great Awakening cannot be stopped no matter how hard you try to deny its existence. It is a phenomenon beyond the confines of Trump or Q. It is God putting the world back in its proper order. And that upsets you. Protest all you want but it won't stop the coming judgment!


wokeasfook ago

do you think that's air you're breathing?

Pollycracker ago

We can accommodate your insanity, meet you in the middle when both NWO parties go down.

TheBRAINz ago

^^^^ Triggered Shill = Over The Target ^^^^

rickki6 ago

Handle name Soros minion

singlebrain1 ago

The comments about Bill being uncontrollable makes me think that they will throw Bill under the bus to save Hillary or else Bill's will be the next state funeral. He did appear drugged and out of it at the funeral, but then again, so did Shillary.


"Whats this Whats this?..There's something in the air..." LMAO. SOLID Q Drop to me!

PGLiterati ago

Hmm, sounds like Trump sacrificed a pawn does it not? “Given that [special counsel Robert] Mueller got the OK to investigate Michael Cohen and his attorney-client communications with President Trump, I imagine that hurdle could be overcome under the crime-fraud exception,” he said.

singlebrain1 ago

My thoughts as well when I read the piece. Cohen raid sets up a lot of discovery. Did Cohen take a rubber bullet for the team? What a movie, what a plot.

brit_yuvall ago

Like re: FISA...violations of "attorney-client privilege" work both ways

pby1000 ago

Come on Q!!!! Make it happen before Christmas!!!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

So this is the real whistleblower...


CJ1776 ago

“I have addressed it before and, let me tell you, I know where all the bodies are buried in this place,” the memo alleges Kessel said.


brit_yuvall ago

somebody needs "Arkancide insurance"