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GodsAngell ago

Bull Shit!

He could see that target on Trump's back when he posted it!

I don't believe in coincidences like this.

I think he was IN on the assassination attempt.

There was a RED Laser on Trump while he spoke:

NOT A RUMOR: Trump targeted last night

Now we have the reason why he got taken out of the Christmas tree lighting ceremony abruptly last night - he had a laser dot on him. There are tons of crap stories going around, like it was just the autofocus in the camera, lens flare, whatever, but it was not, it was clearly a laser. My guess is it was a laser pointer because he got lit up so well so perfectly that he'd have been shot otherwise. But it definitely was a laser, and definitely was a threat.

UPDATE: 11/28 10:30 PM PT

FRIGHTENING! Red Laser Dots Float on President Trump’s Chest and Face During White House Speech (VIDEO)



More info here:

grace8 ago

I am thinking your theory through and it does not add up for me. If you are an assassin surrounded by secret service and you can plainly see that the president is behind thick bullet proof glass, why would you take the risk to light him up with laser points since you are not going to be able to kill him. Doing so risks your life and gains nothing. Sending a message perhaps. But there have been many attempts on his life and many who crossed the elite are dead so Trump knows this is a to the death fight and he isn't going to stop now over some laser points. Plus Trump came out from behind the glass and into the crowd. But no laser points there and no shots. So whhat he changed his mind?

Thinking it through further, let's say the assassin has a death wish and did point his gun at Trump. Why did the secret service not do anything. There were press everywhere and lots of ppl. No one has reported an arrest or scuffle or attempt to capture. Maybe a far away gun man? I guess it could be but it seemed like it be hard to get a clear shot from a far distance due to crowd. And still if the Secret Service thought they were lasers they would have Jumped in front of the president so they could see where the gun man was to go get him and block the president.

There are alternative explanations that should be considered since this doesn't add up. Tome that did not look like a laser but like a reflection of Christmas lights. It was large and clear. I have never seen lasers that looked like that.

Lauraingalls ago

I agree. What would the laser lights being coming from? Some kind of gun? And people wouldn't see a gun aimed at the President with all those red lights? And did that person with the gun think he was going to shoot through bullet proof glass? Or was he, or them, trying to to shoot a missile through the glass?