mtpatriot ago

The reporter knew what he was posting - and why he posted it. If you believe his apology, well... swamp land for sale. I don't believe the red spots was laser targeting; rather, reflections off the bullet proof enclosure he was standing behind.

IMO, the "WE know" in the hotel was targeted at HRC - if it has ANY ties to "assassination" - it would be the Urnalists post - "you are mine/ours"...….

Ioath ago

Let's put this laser thing to rest. Watch this video. You will see the red dots are reflections on the glass and not laser dots.

Lauraingalls ago

So people thought those red lights were DANGEROUS??? You're kidding.

DawnPendraig ago

Well I didn't think a sniper no but someone wanting to cause a disruption and upset people yes.

Lauraingalls ago

They do have to take the JOY out of things.

Ioath ago

Gatewaypundit published some pics this morning on a very click-baity article that did kinda look like (oversized) laser dots on the president.

Lauraingalls ago

Yes Click Bait.

sorosminion ago

No shit dumbfucks! Ya THINK HILLBILLIES!

Fish7463 ago

display name says it all

sorosminion ago

What? You have the intelligence of a fish? Fan mail from some flounder?

Shizy ago

Your mom wants you to clean your room!

Lauraingalls ago

Such elegant PROSE. He should write books or poetry.

sorosminion ago

Yes, this site , VOAT is SO ELEGANT isn't it? Great observation moron! Lady, you are truly an idiot!!!!!

Lauraingalls ago

Charm BOY.

sorosminion ago

Um, that is very elequent hick woman. After all, charm is what the Q cult is all about, being charming. And destroying the Constitution, military courts, martial law, Trump as dictator, mass executions, FUCKING CHARMING YOU ARE! Don't you need to go read some shit on the Jews, Illuminati, Lizard Shape Shifter , Time Travel or something? A classic examle of a person who has absorbed way too much stupid shit from the web.

Shizy ago

He would probably struggle with a dot to dot worksheet!

Lauraingalls ago

That was funny. The poor thing.

Shizy ago

Yes it's very sad what the public schools are turning out these days 😂

Lauraingalls ago

Liberals use curse words and name call. Only language they know.

GodsAngell ago

Bull Shit!

He could see that target on Trump's back when he posted it!

I don't believe in coincidences like this.

I think he was IN on the assassination attempt.

There was a RED Laser on Trump while he spoke:

NOT A RUMOR: Trump targeted last night

Now we have the reason why he got taken out of the Christmas tree lighting ceremony abruptly last night - he had a laser dot on him. There are tons of crap stories going around, like it was just the autofocus in the camera, lens flare, whatever, but it was not, it was clearly a laser. My guess is it was a laser pointer because he got lit up so well so perfectly that he'd have been shot otherwise. But it definitely was a laser, and definitely was a threat.

UPDATE: 11/28 10:30 PM PT

FRIGHTENING! Red Laser Dots Float on President Trump’s Chest and Face During White House Speech (VIDEO)



More info here:

grace8 ago

I am thinking your theory through and it does not add up for me. If you are an assassin surrounded by secret service and you can plainly see that the president is behind thick bullet proof glass, why would you take the risk to light him up with laser points since you are not going to be able to kill him. Doing so risks your life and gains nothing. Sending a message perhaps. But there have been many attempts on his life and many who crossed the elite are dead so Trump knows this is a to the death fight and he isn't going to stop now over some laser points. Plus Trump came out from behind the glass and into the crowd. But no laser points there and no shots. So whhat he changed his mind?

Thinking it through further, let's say the assassin has a death wish and did point his gun at Trump. Why did the secret service not do anything. There were press everywhere and lots of ppl. No one has reported an arrest or scuffle or attempt to capture. Maybe a far away gun man? I guess it could be but it seemed like it be hard to get a clear shot from a far distance due to crowd. And still if the Secret Service thought they were lasers they would have Jumped in front of the president so they could see where the gun man was to go get him and block the president.

There are alternative explanations that should be considered since this doesn't add up. Tome that did not look like a laser but like a reflection of Christmas lights. It was large and clear. I have never seen lasers that looked like that.

Lauraingalls ago

I agree. What would the laser lights being coming from? Some kind of gun? And people wouldn't see a gun aimed at the President with all those red lights? And did that person with the gun think he was going to shoot through bullet proof glass? Or was he, or them, trying to to shoot a missile through the glass?

knarnia ago

I believe Roussey;'s very poor judgement and stupidity with his twitter pic was a credible act that justified caution by the USSS. Many people and media had cameras and flash indicator is typically red (sometimes green) The red lights were reflecting off the protective glass. Logically, the USSS agents on the perimeter and in the crowd would be aware of this phenomenem. There were many spots and and many varied locations. I really do think the USSS would have acted immediately if any of them thought those were sightings. Otherwise the world's worst sniper got away without incidence.

Shizy ago

Trump was behind bullet proof glass. What would be the point of shooting? If these really were laser sights on him, it was likely to send a message.

StarAnon ago

I agree. Add to that a sniper wouldn't be floundering for the target. Those "lasers" were moving too much not to be a reflection on the bullet proof glass. I don't have a link, but received a private message telling me that someone on another forum believed the pictures/video to be doctored. So, people are looking at the video, and pics to figure how the red blotches were created. There are videos on youtube that were live streamed during the ceremony that don't have the red blotches. They were filmed from a different perspective (from the right a bit), and the president's jacket and chin don't have a spot on them.
Edited to add: Loath's post below has a video without the blotches.

Shizy ago

Good to know, thanks. I didn't see the live stream, only the video of it afterwards. The red did look a little large, but I thought maybe it could be a distortion from the glass. I don't think we'll ever know what it was.

benjitsu ago

I assume it was just leftists being cunts and trying to ruin Christmas. Everyone commenting here and in MSM doesn't seem to realize red dots aren't really a think for snipers and there are myriad ways of aiming a gun that don't leave photo graphic evidence.

AHistoryOfBadMen ago

Democrat sniper

Lauraingalls ago

Pretty stupid sniper to beam red lights at the President.

StarAnon ago

They were reflections on the bullet proof glass. Live stream videos shot from a slightly different angle have no "lasers" on the president. YouTube has several videos of the ceremony.

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks. The Secret Service would have stopped it at the very 1st red light if they were concerned. It kept on happening.

StarAnon ago

Yes! Melania would never be allowed to stand in harm's way for a Christmas tree.

Lauraingalls ago


Shizy ago

So maybe that explains the crosshairs thing, but what about the red laser dots that were visible on him?

Nomobrat ago

This refers only to one of the two incidents: the picture with the crosshairs. But there was another one, look at the red spot

It's discussed there:

DawnPendraig ago

I can see other lights reflecting too. I think it is just some cameras red lights reflecting off his glass shield. Could also be a game someone in press pool was playing too.

Shizy ago

It seems Trump was behind bullet proof glass while he was speaking. However, someone could have been trying to send a message with the red dots being pointed on him.

Bunkson23 ago

This is separate from the laser hit spots on the President when he was standing up and had to leave.

Lauraingalls ago

He was done.

Bunkson23 ago

He left and came back after SS cleared everything.The mark the reporter had was more like a bullseye when Trump was seated.Trump returned later.

Lauraingalls ago

I still don't think the SS would let him come back if there was real danger. They didn't let him go to the cemetery in PARIS at all. What video was this on? I saw several. Was the shooter going to shot through bullet proof glass and nobody saw anyone arrested?

Bunkson23 ago

There was an article I'm sorry it may be a link from the other post on Voat.I never saw it on the video because they only showed the lighting and then fro where he resumed his speech but he was definitely removed in the other Voat post all of the media were upset because he went without them.

Lauraingalls ago

The whole thing just seems weird to me. Thanks.

Bunkson23 ago

It is under the post by majik32 Breaking: Trumps motorcade suddenly left three lighting ceremony.

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks. I will look it up.

Chokaholic83 ago

Oh, because this guy said sorry? Come on, you know that means nothing right?

MolochHunter ago

Some apologies are half hearted, disingenuous or coerced

That one seemed to have all the hallmarks of the genuine article

BelleDJour ago

No leftist ever has a sincere apology for threatening Trump.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I saw this comment earlier and agreed with your stance until I came across this proof:

Which is the now deleted tweet, but Q-Street tweet is still available:


His "I'm Sorry" Tweet:


Too much of a coincidence of the Q-street stabbing, so I am not so sure if Tom is on the up and up now.

MolochHunter ago

oh, someones beaten you to the punch

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah. it double posted, not sure how that happened. I was trying to find the police report on this stabbing, but there is a charge to obtain it. Fakes news is covering the story too.

MolochHunter ago

very interesting. I recommnd you do a new post featuring the Q st tweet and how it may nullify what appeared to be an apology

derram ago :

Tom Roussey on Twitter: "Hi everybody, I just want to apologize and I couldn’t fit it in a regular tweet. I’m really sorry. It’s my fault but I hope you can forgive.…"

This has been an automated message.

Lauraingalls ago

I don't understand this? So the whole assassination attempt story came from a tweet that was wrong? That's why I don't believe a LOT of stuff people Twitter. Lots of crzy stories are passed through Twitter.

cholofrost2 ago

Fake news has exceptional staying power.

Lauraingalls ago

People need to think rationally and critically. They blow things way out of proportion.

RG72 ago

There's also pics floating around that have red dots on Trump claiming that they were lazer sights and it was gonna be a hit. First off. Those dots are WAY to big for that. Second Trump had glass around him at some angles. I believe those pics were taken with the glass between the camera and Trump and the red dots were REFLECTIONS from the RED bulbs on the Christmas trees. So if you see those pics think of that. But NO there was NO hit. People are acting stupid.

Canada_D ago

Reflections? Then they should show all around the glass throughout the entire video, should they not? Also don't forget Rousseys 2 post with the crosshairs on Trumps back and a RANDOM stabbing on "Q" Street? Makes a person wonder if it is a thinly veiled threat against POTUs.

Lauraingalls ago

People can be so ridiculous. Afraid of boogey men that aren't there.

RG72 ago

I do believe it's got alot to do with shills and dis info. They spread so much that people get frustrated and walk away. But that's what happens when decades of people are NOT taught critical thinking. But rather, just believe what you are told. Like the lazer dots. They look like the size of a quarter. That's just rediculas. REAL lazer sights are tiny dots. SHM....

Lauraingalls ago

Ridiculous isn't it?

Chokaholic83 ago

No, that's not why. People thought there was an attempt because Trump abruptly left the Tree lighting ceremony. They thought that it was possible that this guys picture was the Go Signal, that's about it. Just because this guy says sorry and says he didnt do it, doesnt make it true.

Lauraingalls ago

Unnecessary drama then.

Chokaholic83 ago

Yes, exactly what I mean. Everything is speculation at this point..

Lauraingalls ago

That doesn't help much, does it?