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Lauraingalls ago

Can someone please fill me in on this assassination attempt? Was it at a Christmas tree ceremony and what happened? How doe anyone know Witchiepoo HILLARY was involved? There is NO picture on Qmap or I think that would help.

GodsAngell ago

Its all here:

re: Last Night's Attempted Assassination of Trump at the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony:

bimbobrat ago

I'm confused, the latest Q post was about Supreme court seemed to me. Where was the talk of assassination?

GodsAngell ago

Does this help?

The Hyatt Regency in Chongqing,China!

Hyatt Regency China = HRC ~~~Hopefully she’s up first


[H]yatt [R]egency [C]hina = H.R.C. = [H]illary [R]odham [C]linton = HildaBeast!

bimbobrat ago

Thank you for the explanation. :) You seem to be much better at this than me. Guess we will see what happens. God Bless. I was thinking they were spying on her there.

GodsAngell ago

Glad you get it now. Can you upvote this thread, cuz it is getting downvoted by the baby shills big time. Thanks.

bimbobrat ago

Godsangel, so many was to look at things. I don't feel there was a assassination attempt on President Trump the other night. But that's how I feel. Someone is a awful bad marksmen with lazer if there was. Sides with all the Security he has someone would of found them. Why use a lazer, its too obvious. Listen to the new update video Praying Medic put out today. He explains things in another light, and I lean more towards that. Keep the minds going! :)