VQTmom ago

Bit of good news that we know who’s behind the ‘as the world turns’. Last night was a downer for me, couldn’t concentrate. I can’t wait for the declas and opening of sealed indictments. Pres Trump, his family and his team have gone through so much already and all because they love our country and us.

KimnanaT ago

Thanks for this...I agree...I went back to 2017 tree lighting and there was NO mystery laser light show.

sorosminion ago

YOU ARE FUCKING BEYOND BATSHIT CRAZY!!! Hilarious, totally crazy and delusional. YOU FUCKING STUPID HICKS BELIEVE THIS!! Comedy Gold!

GodsAngell ago

Bull Shit! He could see that target on Trump's back when he posted it!

UPDATE: 11/28 10:30 PM PT

FRIGHTENING! Red Laser Dots Float on President Trump’s Chest and Face During White House Speech (VIDEO)





More info here:


corrbrick ago

GA, you do great work, but read the counter arguments to this being an assassination attempt. They are plentiful, and convincing.

GodsAngell ago

Well, then why is Q indicating WHO attempted to assassinate Trump last night???

What is YOUR decoding, if mine is totally wrong.

NOT A RUMOR: Trump targeted last night

Now we have the reason why he got taken out of the Christmas tree lighting ceremony abruptly last night - he had a laser dot on him. There are tons of crap stories going around, like it was just the autofocus in the camera, lens flare, whatever, but it was not, it was clearly a laser. My guess is it was a laser pointer because he got lit up so well so perfectly that he'd have been shot otherwise. But it definitely was a laser, and definitely was a threat.

YoikesandAway ago

Corrbrick, if POTUS hadn't abruptly left the event, then we would not be talking. But he was whisked away and they made some excuse like it was a mistake. The media can say whatever they want--it's why we call them Fake News. Q's post shows that They Know. I would trust them 1000 times more than the Fake News.

G45Colt ago

Would not be surprised if HRC was behind an attempt. There is a LONG history with her and assassinations.

AmmaK ago

What???? I thought all those people committed suicide! 😉🤣

G45Colt ago

I guess that depends on what the definition of Arkancide is. Maybe Bill can answer that?

Moun1tain ago

I have had enough of these Deep State Turds attempting to and threatening to kill our President...that DEC[L]AS should go forward now!! I realize there is a plan but every day gives these dirtbags another shot at success...God forbid!

GodsAngell ago

That is EXACTLY what Q posted this morning: Trump Team are LOCKED AND LOADED!

Do the Math!!

Its going to happen real soon. POTUS flew to G20 Meeting in Argentina today, will be gone for the weekend.

Dec 5th Huber will be roasting the Clintons over an open fire in Congress.

That should mark the beginning of things.

Can you hang on till Tuesday???

Oracle64 ago

Hyatt Regency China = HRC

corrbrick ago

It's Chongqing, not China. There are lots of Hyatt Regencies in China.

lindisfarne ago

^ Wot He Sed

MissleCopterStoped ago

You have to slow down..how is HRC involved? She was on her “I am on tour to remain relevant” here in the states, wasn't she?

I going to make some popcorn soon and read what you found.

stray502 ago

No she is in Canada Montreal yesterday and Toronto the day before. In both speaking events they had to reduce the tickets down to $6.50 and in the NHL arenas she was speaking in could hold 50,000 but she only got 2000 in Toronto and around 3000 in Montreal.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Hahaha, that is great news!

Now they don't have to depend on biased survey results from fivethirtyeight to see how popular they are. 😂😂😂

GodsAngell ago

Q made the connection, not me.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=AKC8pSFg1VwYouTube :

R A W H I D E Opening Theme - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=JuRBU8UVhDUYouTube :

The Sum Of All Fears (2002) - Payback - YouTube

https://tweetsave.com/m2madness/status/1068135882497187842 :

M3thods on Twitter: "Looks like Anon found the location where the pic was taken... 🧐

Hyatt Regency - Chongqing, China… "

This has been an automated message.

Lauraingalls ago

Can someone please fill me in on this assassination attempt? Was it at a Christmas tree ceremony and what happened? How doe anyone know Witchiepoo HILLARY was involved? There is NO picture on Qmap or Qanon.pub. I think that would help.

GodsAngell ago

Its all here:

re: Last Night's Attempted Assassination of Trump at the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony:


bimbobrat ago

I'm confused, the latest Q post was about Supreme court seemed to me. Where was the talk of assassination?

GodsAngell ago

Does this help?

The Hyatt Regency in Chongqing,China!

Hyatt Regency China = HRC ~~~Hopefully she’s up first


[H]yatt [R]egency [C]hina = H.R.C. = [H]illary [R]odham [C]linton = HildaBeast!

bimbobrat ago

Thank you for the explanation. :) You seem to be much better at this than me. Guess we will see what happens. God Bless. I was thinking they were spying on her there.

GodsAngell ago

Glad you get it now. Can you upvote this thread, cuz it is getting downvoted by the baby shills big time. Thanks.

bimbobrat ago

Godsangel, so many was to look at things. I don't feel there was a assassination attempt on President Trump the other night. But that's how I feel. Someone is a awful bad marksmen with lazer if there was. Sides with all the Security he has someone would of found them. Why use a lazer, its too obvious. Listen to the new update video Praying Medic put out today. He explains things in another light, and I lean more towards that. Keep the minds going! :)

Oracle64 ago

lots of confusion last night. Tom Roussey from ABC tweeted then deleted, then later fessed up to tweeting a pic with Potus in the crosshairs. Also, there are videos up of red lasers on Potus while he was speaking at the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. Potus left rather suddenly and stayed in house the rest of the night. Then Q posts the pic of a hotel lobby with the words "we know". Somehow they know it was Killary behind it? That's all I've got.

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks. I appreciate it. Q knows and that's good. To think that WITCH Hillary never gives up is sickening. If she was somehow successful she would have caused such incredible damage to us, and to think she would have done such a horrible act near Christmas makes it even more EVIL. God, I hope she gets locked up soon. Didn't she kill enough people?

Pcpoet09 ago

I don't think most democrats understands that if anything happens to Trump it will explode in ways that no one can comprehend...there is a contingent of people who are barley being held in check that will go active that will treat it as a declaration of war.

Lauraingalls ago

I DO understand.

grace8 ago

This is all speculation and theory. It is one interpretation of last nights events and tweets and posts since then. Not conclusive at all. The OP and some others think that because Q posted a picture of a lobby in a Hyatt Regency in chongqing, China that Q is saying that Hillary was behind an alleged assassination last night because the initials of the hotel name are her initials. There could be a different reason why Q posted that picture. And there are competing theories about why POTUS left the tree lighting ceremony without the press crew last night other than any assassination attempt. Competing theories are credible to me and 8chan is still digging on The meaning of that picture s they have not endorsed the HRC theory. The owners are not Chinese and 8chan has found some connections to GM and the auto industry in chongquing.