SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Q#247 Crowd Sourcing experiment for' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @aQMapPubCurator:

See my explanation here:

This notification (#270) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

realopticsguy ago

Fuck it, I like reading the same links on two different sites and keeping an extra tab open.

Cincosiber ago

Post the same comments in the 2 subs and get double points .... ah no they fucked up the points thing there

aQMapPubCurator ago

We didn’t change the link. We removed the word official so as not to take sides. It’s still pointing where it did before. We just changed wording because we aren’t part of the conversation over moderation. Folks can decide where to go from here. It was better to keep people together than to try and decide for them. We just added a sign post to where the majority went so the stragglers could find you all.

We leave it to the community to educate one another on recent events and decide together where you’ll congregate.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Observations on Neon Revolt's Latest Article' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Alice89:

I think @aQMapPubCurator is one of them. Here is his explanation about the banner:

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Dobs60 ago

Oh ok but just to let you know when reddit went down i went directly to qmap to make sure i could at least get q drops. It was there qmap had two links. One was to voat/v/theawakening. I click, not knowing where i was going because i never heard of voat, and found myself at voat/v/theawakening.

I have to say, i was there for about half a day when i found i needed something else and found v/greatawkening. I found it from my search on voat.

My piont in the post was not a comdemnation on qmap but that i found it interesting that qmap link now brings you here, not theawakening For someone who doesn't have a clue about all tis stuff, i must be doing something right. No diss on qmap was intended. i would really be lost without it. Thank you anaon.

While i have you here, you probably will read this, i want to ask about qmap. Could you add to the top menu, the one with players globle themes network graph, a litst of web sites for q discussions and dcodes. It would be a great asset to newbys

aQMapPubCurator ago

Hey, no worries. Just wanted to clear the air with recent events and all. We took a hard look at how to help folks stay together and how to stay away from the division.

I’ll bring it up and see if it’s feasable. The challenge being what’s appropriate to direct folks to and what isn’t? It’s hard to know out here sometimes.

Dobs60 ago

True there is so much garbage out there. You also will have to deal with people hitting you for sending them somewhere that shocks thhem. You may have to put a disclaimer "serf at your own risk".

aQMapPubCurator ago

We’ve tried to stay away from content as much as we could. Focusing on signals. We’re starting to accumulate research now but limiting to public records and “reputable” sources.

Dobs60 ago

Keep up the good work. The Qmap has been a valuable resource in itself. WWG1WGA.

ModB ago

You could change the link to per Putt's global sticky.

aQMapPubCurator ago

One change at a time. That’s pretty new information and we are going to let time pass before making reactionary moves every time the wind shifts.

CokeOrPepe ago

Why not link to both? v/theawakening has the old reddit mod's because they need the power... -- v/greatawakening has been here for a little while and has a longer history

aQMapPubCurator ago

A two way sign post divides people.

We didn’t know about v/GreatAwakening when this all occurred. Our time is mainly spent on qresearch. We just wanted to help those lost find the rest. You guys can keep them informed here and the channers can keep them informed there.

When the community settles we will follow you guys. Right now there is a lot of he said she said. 3 major divisions of the community and our role isn’t to take part in the community deciding the outcome. Our role is to be a research tool.

Go talk to folks in those places linked and ask them where every one wants to go. When the community decides, we will be there with y’all.

robertawearefree ago

Your link constitutes an "official" endorsement. Just sayin'

aQMapPubCurator ago

And this is why we can’t have nice things...

robertawearefree ago

A nice thing would be many Q-sites. Then people could self-sort. When one gets shut down, no meltdown. But I get you were only trying to do a nice thing.