LostandFound ago

Could you put up some details or areas of research in order to make a decision. Plenty of fine autists round these parts, one was go good she was killed three weeks ago rip jep

Headwest127 ago

I've heard this story mentioned a few times since I found Voat (refugee from the "other" place - thanks for having us). Can you direct me to a starting point for researching this story? I believe she was chasing a Clinton-Haiti story and died amidst threats. I'd like to do a little digging on this but I don't even know her actual handle/name.

LostandFound ago

Jen Moore @Jem777 - https://archive.is/MlrBf

Investigative Journalist Found Dead in D.C. Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for Allegedly Raping Boy

She told users she left a dead man's switch of sorts, which I understand was the truepundit article among other things.

Heres some other interesting info https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2687653 - 'The person connected to Jem is Sarah. She is here. She is dangerous.' - srayzie https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2687653 - 'Im sorry to say this, but Jem777 was a limited hangout. I have screenshots and video to prove it.' - srayzie

Didnt mean to link both to srayzie but they are pretty comprehensive.

Headwest127 ago

I am struggling to follow some of the conversations. There is some batshit crazy in there. I have tons more questions, but I'll do some digging before I completely hijack this thread. Thanks for the starting point. I hope @srayzie stays safe.

LostandFound ago

Some of the conversations going on have a 2 year history, quite a lot of the people and crimes being discussed by Q have been common here for a while. Users with multiple alts in the same conversation really causes further confusion.

Dont worry I have drifted in and out periodically into other forums and felt the same give it a week or two and things will make a lot more sense.


There's some serious mental illness going on over there, but TIL this board owner is a qt3.14 @srayzie hmu bb

numberonepal ago

u/srayzie is a major contributor.
This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

760 submissions to GreatAwakening

147 submissions to pizzagate

29 submissions to CalmBeforeTheStorm

21 submissions to pizzagatewhatever

8 submissions to QanonMemes

This user has so far shared a total of 23 links, started a total of 988 discussions and submitted a total of 18643 comments.

What you got Rigged?


I was referring to the Jem777 and Sarah characters in those submissions re: mental illness.


if we are swinging dicks here her account is only 4 days older than mine so I've got that going for me

numberonepal ago

My bad. I thought it was derogatory.

srayzie ago

But what? Me? What is qt3.14?


today i learned you are a cutie pie (the display pic from twitter)

srayzie ago

Well I’ll take that! Thank you!

srayzie ago

When she was here, she’s used to tell us she had dead man switched and documents that would get her killed too. I have no idea whatever came of that.

kestrel9 ago

Sure, the overall goal is to tie a few areas together, whether names/companies/dates/events in a timeline or summation. Like if I have articles just pick out those things so it's easy to cut/paste. Having a few people to help would be huge, it's very time consuming doing it alone (not that I'm complaining).

Topic ends up with the intersectionality of Iranian investors/Russian Oligarchs and many of the same players of the clown show we all know and their puppets and their stunts, most recently the Blasey Kavanaugh shit show.

If you read my response here: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2724778 that was a lead in however my focus is better represented by my last two submissions involving Kia Joorabchian and American Captial.

Ultimately what if the act of Putin giving Trump the World Cup soccor ball has a huge significance by those who recognize it? Panic? I'm talking about it holding symbolic meaning of the 'players' on the world cabal team.

Coincidences involving assassinations/deaths we've read about. Financial scandals running far back in time. Iranian revolution...etc.

Good stuff, still trying to wrap my head around the strategy of putting that broad a scope into an easily digested presentation.

GranimalSnake ago

I had some faggot in a fedora come take pictures in my window and run off just yesterday.

I'm starting to take security pretty fucking seriously. OP, you are going to need to elaborate on what you need.