Mordecaim ago

Great research! Excellent post. This is one reason we are here. WE are the investigative journalists. We have the tools - the internet! Darkness to light!

danopitts ago

James Okeefe kickin ass and taking names😄

YeetDiscreetly ago

I heard that Kavanaugh goes around the projects in DC and beats little nigger babies in the head with a metal baseball bat for fun.

Keneo77 ago

Impressive research, thank you.

MrCooper12 ago

Never seems to amaze me how stupid these people are!

Nunyobizness ago

Is it possible she is a clown?

teraskasi ago

Lol you would think that they would use other people wasn't connected to the GPS Fusion in some way bunch of idots.

danopitts ago

Free transportation and accommodations in gitmo!

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Any newbies (or older goats) interested in helping with organizing some research?' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @kestrel9 and includes this reply from @kestrel9:

Sure, the overall goal is to tie a few areas together, whether names/companies/dates/events in a timeline or summation. Like if I have articles just pick out those things so it's easy to cut/paste. Having a few people to help would be huge, it's very time consuming doing it alone (not that I'm complaining).

Topic ends up with the intersectionality of Iranian investors/Russian Oligarchs and many of the same players of the clown show we all know and their puppets and their stunts, most recently the Blasey Kavanaugh shit show.

If you read my response here: that was a lead in however my focus is better represented by my last two submissions involving Kia Joorabchian and American Captial.

Ultimately what if the act of Putin giving Trump the World Cup soccor ball has a huge significance by those who recognize it? Panic? I'm talking about it holding symbolic meaning of the 'players' on the world cabal team.

Coincidences involving assassinations/deaths we've read about. Financial scandals running far back in time. Iranian revolution...etc.

Good stuff, still trying to wrap my head around the strategy of putting that broad a scope into an easily digested presentation.

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Hasuroma ago

The 3 stooges must be jealously eye poking, ass kicking and face slapping each other in their graves now.

fujison ago

Ford's story is sketchy at best. How can anyone take her seriously? Here's an excerpt from The Conservative Treehouse: "After carefully deleting her social media profile; and after carefully selecting left-wing attorney Debra Katz to represent her political interests; and after carefully scripting some dubious and sketchy supportive material including a lie-detector test and vague notes from a 2012 couples-therapy session, the 51-year-old academic psychologist steps forward."

23Psalms ago

Cant post but interesting link to why she may have told therapist in 2012


This needs to go viral NOW

CaptnObvius ago

That's a key find, thanks. We knew it was false, but this really helps.

mickblueeyes ago

I read somewhere that Kavanaugh's mother, who is a judge, signed the foreclosure paperwork on her father's home.

Also read that while Kavanaugh was writing up the articles of impeachment for Clinton that Larry Flyny offered $1M for dirt on any repbublican working on the case--it's a shame she didn't remember then.

But when she did remember? When Romney looked like he might win and Kavanaugh would be in his nomination list--that's when she first went to a counselor to "document" her issue.

GamerWithGlasses ago

So... so as I understand it....

Brother worked for Fusion GPS Sketchy person. Had over 64 sexual partners from 11th grade to college. Under student collegiate reviews, has been rated poor after students had withdrawn. Known to be very liberal and on the crazy end and often and heavily argused against conservative values and principles. Scrubbed twitter and FB before going ahead with comments on K. K's mother was a judge in a forclosure on her parents house. They can't even hide this. They really are stupid.

Anything else?

GeneralBoozer ago

And there's your connection. I'm begining to think that Fusion GPS are the ones running this coup.

GlendonHawke ago

So just want to make sure I have it right this Baker and Hostetler LLC is Fushions Law department?

Elfchiro ago

Nice work.

jimithng33 ago

This is a fantastic dig. Thank you Patriot.

niggerfaggot1987 ago


bulrush ago

It's all connected in a web of deceit.

ShaneE11183386 ago

These people infiltrated everywhere damn.

8_billion_eaters ago

Nobody's mentioned it yet, but I'm pretty sure that Kavanaugh guy once worked with a friend of my uncle who worked with a guy that was in WW2 as a merchant marine and this one time, he told him, the ship he was on ....delivered supplies to the Soviet Union (our "ally") and somehow.... I'M NOT SUGGESTING KAVANAUGH IS A NAZI SPY, all that war material ended up in German hands.

Make of that what you will, but clearly, there is a direct connection between Kavanaugh and NAZI tyrants.

Conway ago

Nope no conspiracy here. Just a completely legitimate claim..that happens to be 30 years late..

8_billion_eaters ago

I'm going to apply for a job at Fusion GPS.... If they don't hire me....I'll bring down the fucking Civil Rights hammer on their asses.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'"At a press conference, American Capital's "owners," two unknown men of Iranian origin ..."' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @kestrel9 and permalinks this submission.

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Joining_The_Q ago

Cleanhobo ago

The ride never ends... Well cool. So another fake Stormy Daniels.

mzjulesaz ago

And the libs won't see a flipping thing wrong this web of lies!

kestrel9 ago

Awesome lead @QualityShitposter, I'm going to post these notes here, but I have another angle to the story that I'll be putting in a new submission (I'll link this post to that, because there's so much more!)

Baker & Hostetler... and we're back to the Magnitsky act, again. And Fusion GPS again and again and again.

In 2013, Veselnitskaya hired the law firm BakerHostetler to represent Prevezon, a Russian holding company based in Cyprus accused by the US government of laundering stolen cash into New York City real estate. Browder told prosecutors that the laundered money was stolen from Russia as part of the tax-fraud scheme that Magnitsky uncovered.

To rebut that claim, BakerHostetler hired Fusion to dig up dirt on Browder, he says. The wealthy investor, who renounced his US citizenship in 1998, has since characterized Fusion's work for BakerHostetler as a "smear campaign" against him and Magnitsky carried out "in advance of congressional hearings on the Global Magnitsky Act."

Fusion has denied that its opposition research against Browder on behalf of BakerHostetler was an effort to undermine the Magnitsky Act, and has insisted that Veselnitskaya's lobbying activities against Magnitsky were separate from the Prevezon proceedings.  The basis for that claim is that Browder was never able to prove that Prevezon engaged in the tax fraud scheme Magnitsky allegedly uncovered.

But the anti-Magnitsky lobbying activities of Veselnitskaya, who was Prevezon's Russian lawyer, complicate the argument that one had nothing to do with the other. Fusion, Browder says, also pitched anti-Magnitsky stories to American journalists as part of its work for BakerHostetler.

Browder has argued that Fusion would have broken the law if it lobbied on behalf of the Russian government without registering as a foreign agent. In December, he lodged a formal complaint with the Department of Justice alleging that Fusion's work for BakerHostetler on behalf of Prevezon violated disclosure requirements. 

Fusion has said that it was hired by an American law firm, which the firm argues would not put it in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act as the law currently stands. "The statute applies to agents, so those who are working at the direction or control of a foreign principle," Adam Hickey, the deputy assistant attorney general for National Asset Protection at the DOJ, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in testimony Wednesday. The challenge in pursuing charges against people who fail to register, Hickey said, is that often "independent groups may have interests that overlap or coincide with those of foreign governments."

In March, Browder's complaint caught the eye of Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He wrote a letter to then-Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente demanding to know whether the Justice Department was investigating Fusion for alleged violations of FARA.  In the letter, Grassley cited reports that Fusion had been hired by BakerHostetler to investigate Browder, alleging that the work made Fusion "an unregistered agent of Russian interests."

Grassley's interest in the firm wasn't limited to its connection to the Prevezon case, however.

He also wanted the Justice Department to investigate Fusion's role in overseeing "the creation of the unsubstantiated dossier of allegations of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians" — the Trump-Russia dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Browder, Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Glenn Simpson were all called to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week about the Foreign Agent Registration Act. Browder and Simpson were likely going to be asked about Fusion, while Manafort and Trump Jr. would face questions about their meeting last June with Veselnitskaya.

Browder is set to testify on Thursday. But Manafort and Simpson have since worked out deals with the committee to either testify behind closed doors or submit written answers to the committee's questions. Trump Jr.'s situation is unclear.

In his written testimony submitted to the committee earlier this week, Browder said that Fusion was hired by BakerHostetler, which was itself hired by Veselnitskaya, "to conduct a smear campaign against me and Sergei Magnitsky in advance of congressional hearings on the Global Magnitsky Act."

MarcusAurellius4048 ago

Wow. That's very well researched. Thank you.

dream_another_dream ago

Thanks for posting this information... It seems to me that there is plenty of reason for Kavanaugh's accuser to try and prevent his confirmation, including the fact that Kavanaugh's mother was the judge who oversaw the proceedings at the foreclosure of her parent's home!

Vofar ago

That's just unbelievable! The allegations weren't going anywhere anyway, but it figures that it's just dripping with sewage. Where'd you hear this BTW?

Ramp7 ago

I love the way the left expose themselves in the interest of their cause.

Vofar ago

A Freudian slip, I'm sure it will eventually be a diagnosis indicator of the mental disorder that's currently mislabeled as liberalism.

kestrel9 ago

You're welcome. I'd like to know more about that case, what real estate (did they own other property as well?) and what investment companies if any) were involved with the Blasey family.

QualityShitposter ago

Upvoat for wall of text that I didn't bother to read.

WanderingTaurus ago

Downvoat for using this comment more than once. Expand your knowledge and read a little.

kestrel9 ago

Thanks and you're welcome.

tonkatina ago

That is great detective work!

Pluviou5 ago

And they thought we the people wouldn't notice.

adogrocket ago

they are always connected

DankOrganism ago

WOW! They're SCARED!

POTwrmUSQ ago

How obvious can these motherfuckers make it! THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!

heretolearn ago

link to source

hfkmfn ago

These things are always done using people with close ties, such as the father of the Orlando shooter, or the family of Bomb Clock Boy. I used to think it was because these folks were available, but always amazing how interconnected these things turn out to be!

DawnPendraig ago

In the network so they can be controlled and trusted. Makes the corruption and criminal acts easier to hide until someone seriously starts looking then you tug on one thread and the whole web starts shaking.

Then they Michael Hastings or Breitbart you.

gazillions ago

It's all about cronyism, which is a closed shop, which is what they've done to government.

They truly do deserve the the pitchforks and torches in real life.

Dobs60 ago

As Q asks us in times like this "coincidence?"

Rickybobbys_leg ago

I mean really, who hasn't worked for gps fusion in the past 10 years, ammarite??

DawnPendraig ago

None of us deplorables

allonthesameteam ago

It's like they think we all watch Cnn. Just because journalists don't investigate doesn't mean others don't.

Qty ago

Autists and anons 4 Future msm jobs plz

allonthesameteam ago

There will be many open job opportunities soon.

mybeardismymanifesto ago

Hey, Anderson Cooper investigated the depth of a ditch once. It was flooded and we wouldn't know how much if he hadn't waded in.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

This is the BEST post I have seen in days! I hope it gets Tons of Appreciation! Thanks for making these bleak days better! I'm going to share this All over the platforms Voat egos think are inferior!

allonthesameteam ago

"Keeping them honest!!" Ha

ChoiceFathom ago

Have you seen that clip where a dog walks right up to him while he's on his knees?

MrCooper12 ago

Can you share it?

mybeardismymanifesto ago

I haven't but that sounds hilarious.

WanderingTaurus ago

No lol please share

UKPatriot ago

I’ve done a pretty thorough search and can’t find it - do you have a link? would love to watch it.

ChoiceFathom ago

I saw it on twitter. I'll see if I can find it again.

Azurulia ago

That is such a sad statement if you think about it for a moment.

Qdini ago

I betting she's being paid too

Pyra ago

No doubt about it