ReadyFreddieAnon ago

Thank you

bulrush ago

Reddit banned a subverse dedicated to Q.

Reddit banned at least 10 subreddits related to qanon. I can't seem to find the list though.

srayzie ago


jzerocoolj ago

Finding QAnon was an eye opening experience. Finding /v/greatawakening after the plebbit purge was an even bigger eye opening experience. I'm not saying @srayzie is right, but she does make a good point. Something about the divisiveness of /v/theawakening and their mod team doesn't pass the smell test.

0perationchromite ago

In the end the boards usefulness will be judge by it results. I came here the first day it was a mess not because of the Mods but because of the boards rules. The shills had down voting and posting rights. We the general reddit refugee were Frozen out and could do little to help. It was still bad on Friday and I didn't follow it over the weekend. I came to it today and it seem to me that it is shaping up to be more like the old board. For that I am very thankful to all involved. I am just a lurking grunt helping with an up or down vote here or there. With out the honorable Mods working with Voat and hanging in there to Sheppard this board it would have been doomed. I thank you for that. All of us who believe in freedom thank you, this nation this world. Because the information being shared here is critical to battle the fascist who are hell bent on enslaving us.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

There are many other platforms where people can engage. They're not clunky And there are No more overlords or massive egos mind you!

It's quite an awakening to find out people are not just running amuck because they can and are conditioned to try to outdo each other. Actual fighters for the cause. . .getting results rather than. ..well you know.

mike4thekite ago

reddit weight here.

Msmwatcher ago

There was zero need to start another sub here. Everyone should just join up with the GA. Q was talking to us yesterday guys and has been and we’ve completely missed it. “They want you divided”. “Divided you are weak” “together you are strong”. Now knowing this,doesn’t logic say that we are/were supposed to combine as one? I mean Q is telling us over and over and what do we do???? To save face and save pride and save control (redditmods), we create a secondary sub? Shut down theawakening and let’s get on with this op patriots!!!

srayzie ago

I don’t think there is anything wrong with 2 subs as long as they don’t make it a competition. That’s the vibe I’m getting. Why else would they be spreading lies about us? I don’t think we have the same goal. They are about division. I also wouldn’t take any of their mods because of what’s been said for months about them being compromised. Now that they are here, I can see a lot of shady things and I wouldn’t be ok with that. Neighbors are fine. Hopefully, we can become friendly neighbors someday.m

whatdowehavehere ago

Just signed up to comment here. I hate reddit we all do, it has its problems we all know about pedos deepstate and what not. I can’t use 8chan I just can’t, I was shattered when r/greatawakening was pulled, I hated using the reddit platform but loved the community. When the community went down I was waiting for a new one to start, because I need this formate I can’t use 8chan. I was put here by blessedtoteached and was amazed to find an already existing community in a similar formate without all the censorship and from what I’ve seen over the last couple days seems overall better? I’m estatic to have this, I like to have neon revolt too, but these communities are better than any decoder and I’ll never use 8chan? So I fail to understand this beef.

Plant_Boy ago

I'm willing to forgive and forget if they dropped that holier than thou malarkey.

Calling voat filth and saying don't worry the grownups are here shit.

srayzie ago


Plant_Boy ago

Also the Q is the Messenger from GOD rhetoric has to stop.

ManyAreGettingAwoken ago

Keep up the good works @srayzie, take some deep breaths and and let the drama settle out. I'll be following both subverses and watching the mod logs on both. Mod action transparency is one of the best things about Voat. Once my fellow ex-reddit newbs learn how it works, there will be no need for this drama. So far I'm inclined to prefer your sub, but I'm watching plenty of other shit too, two voat tabs isn't exactly a big burden. Currently I think @NeonRevolt is just a cocky kid who made some dumb mistakes. We'll see.

One more thing: that "Official" "mod team" has got plenty to do just trying to keep their new 8ch board clean and friendly for incoming clueseekers. From a purely pragmatic standpoint they really shouldn't dilute their effort trying to run that same game over here.

srayzie ago

Thank you very much

Fateswebb ago

Seems like a duh to me that shills will try to infiltrate voat.. just don't give them mod. End of story.

WhiteSquall ago

Avoid division at all costs!

robertawearefree ago

There seems to have been a coordinated effort to break up the group and discredit it. This is standard DS tactic. I don’t know who the moles are but I will say that Neon actually said in his article that we need him (and serialbrain2) to tell us “how to think”!!! He is the hero who dives down into the muck of the chan boards and brings us back the gems so we don’t have to get shit on our shoes.

Don’t worry @srazie we will regroup. Don’t give him any more of your time or energy.

FistOfBlurry ago

We have the media slandering Trump and Q constantly, and we’re the right wing conspiracy theorists too dumb to see that we’re being fooled.

haha even Michael Flynn Jr has told you AGAIN Q is not real. GO to his twitter acct bozos

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Starting to think much here is compromised. The number for interactions doesn't even change anymore. It changes the most when a posse of attackers is after you because down votes are always counted. Upvotes no longer tallied.

Not sure why people collect votes as generally it is the attackers focused on votes who claim the people they attack are doing what they themselves are dong. . Many antifa and Rules for Radicals methods abound.

People are still on DraintheSwamp and a few other places. I see why they are so selective in who they let in. Many good people here and on reddit so I'm sure if people requested that are genuine, they could go there also or in addition to since we are supposed to be spread out and not just on one forum.

I was told before when I went through an attacker tattling on me that perhaps this wasn't the forum for me.

I wasn't shooed away so easily, but this. . .shines a whole new light. Too bad, there were some Really Good people on reddit who were true stalwarts and didn't act so much like the Shareblue play book. Sad.

sunshine702 ago

Pizzagate was the test case. Eventually you knew they would turn off the switch and boom dark. Conde Naste owns Reddit and likely got a directive. It's ok. Voat is a cool place. We do have gruff billy goats but only to keep it a cool and ours. Calm down about in fighting. Stay together. Stay on your piece of the elephant and keep moving forward.

Fcaf1202 ago

This group, that group....Im able to gather my own opinion. Question everything regardless.

srayzie ago

These people at v/TheAwakening are unbelievable. Check this out.

Theperniciousjoo 0 points (+0|-0) 14 minutes ago
this really seems like some drama that should be kept in your own space, @srayzie. you've got your own sub to voice this to. we're over here trying to save the world.

just sayin

EyeOfHorus ago

Only strippers and queers call themselves 'Neon' . Why are you wasting your time, everyone's time, mired in his bullshit. Grow some balls and ignore his drama.

WanderingTaurus ago

I feel like I am the only one here who does not know who NR is.
Also, do people really have NOTHING else going on in their lives that they are able to absorb themselves into every thing Q related all day every day and to have people they only know online each day to be checking each other's actions out? That still seems a little big brother-ish to me.

fuckingmockies ago

Some of us are ethno-nationalists so we much be deep state shills ffs.

God forbid you don't want your fucking race going extinct!!

Stretchmac ago

Both subs have value. All Q related subs, have value. Until it's proven that they don't. Q movement is about thinking and personally deciding. WWG1WGA doesn't mean we all agree on everything. It means we're all in this together. Unity of purpose in shared goals. And that goal is to root out evil leadership in the world. Focus on the goal. Disagreements will always exist. Always. Focus on the goal. I'm grateful for all these sites where information and perspective can be obtained. Thinking and learning. And I'm encouraged by how many brilliant people are in this movement. There's a bunch of dumb shits, too. But, that's life. All subs are valuable, until they prove they're not. WWG1WGA.

Aaronkin ago

saryazie, Damn I hate being right like this. It is always bad news when I hear the confirmation of what I suspected. We are with you. Over and over you have earned our respect. Hold the line! As to your money and Neon. Respect is earned through words and deeds just as words and deeds of disrespect earn a harsher reward. I suggest you keep your money, your cause is more important and more deserving. Why is it when Q says we need to stand together the first thing a select few of the Redit Refuges do is CENSOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH and swing the BAN HAMMER? It's not like it is not common knowledge the number one rule of Voat is FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The very first thing you see if you search for Voat is, " a community platform where you can have your say. No censorship." Why is the next thing they do to accuse two Goats of being shills based on ZERO EVIDENCE? (Not to mention the Vote Framing. Are we to believe this is just a misguided attempt to operate under prison yard rules. Or should I TRUST MY INSTINTS and say again, our lines have been compromised, we have shills among us. But this is Voat so what's new right, we have been here before. It's OK we are Goats we know how to deal with this. Refuges who read this a word of advise. On 8 chan the rules are don't answer the shills. That rule dose not trump Freedom of Speech here, even if it is a shill talking. If you don't like what is said ignore or confront. It is the way of the Goat! sayazie I suggest you expose all the names of those who try to force or manipulate you to give them the Mod title. That is something that needs to be dealt with by Goats, Hell make it a sticky. Public stocks.

Speed_Bernicia ago

@srayzie As a newfag here, I would like to say thank you so much for welcoming us all with open arms. It has been clear that through all of this you have consistently tried to be the bigger person, that you have tried to find the middle ground and to work together for the benefit of the movement only to have it spat back in your face. I too read neons blog, he has done great work and brought a lot of valuable information to the table. However, In his own words.. "I’ve worked hard to cultivate a certain level of trust among the community, and I take that very seriously. I don’t view myself as a leader. I view myself as just another #Anon with a particular set of skills. But I do take my reputation seriously." I'm not sure he realises that this whole fiasco has done massive damage to that reputation he takes so seriously and lost an awful lot of that trust he worked hard to cultivate. That is on him though, it is not your problem! He is going to have to admit that he has been a complete fucking niggerfaggot and work twice as hard bringing to light information on the pedo satanist cabal if he wants our trust back. Even that might not be enough. In the mean time... EVERYONE STOP GIVING THE KIKE SHEKELS!

srayzie ago

Thank you so much. I’m stopping my donations.

Speed_Bernicia ago

You are very welcome and I'm pleased to hear that! Again, thanks for having us here and keep up the great work.

vegan4trump ago

My first post on voat was praising @neonrevolt on v/theawakening and saying that I'm a regular reader. I agree that his attacks on v/greatawakening have been largely unfounded and @srayzie deserves an apology.

srayzie ago

Thank you <3

anotherdream ago

Fuck! Look. Nobody should be giving money to anybody. Its that simple. This is not about the fucking shekels. I don't give a fuck about merch or this or that. If you don't have time time make the posts, do the research, - make the time. Participate, lurk around and and curse and vent. That's sometimes good for a laugh as well. But for fucks sake keep your wallets closed. This here is for our hearts and minds. Voat and this sub have been a great place for well over a year. This was a tidy little house. Now it's just a big fucking reddit mess and we've got to hold it together. All new members are fucking suspect, and I would advise not giving out to many upvoats or ccpts to all these new fags until at least December. Most of us here know each other for better or worse. The only way to cut down on this mess is to downvoat the garbage, upvoat the tried and true, and dismiss/disengage with fucking idiots starting shit in here. @srayzie we got your back. You've been a great mod, and do a great job. Keep at it. -...annnnd Fuck Reddit.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I agree with "Nobody should be giving money to anybody" aside from 2 examples:

  1. Contributing to Voat - need to help support this platform as it's been a bastion of free speech in the face of mass censorship... is it perfect? No... but nothing is.

  2. George Webb - I know there are mixed opinions on GWS, especially here, but, he's reporting some very unique angles and spending his own money to maintain "on the ground" coverage of DC. His only source of slowing the financial bleeding is Patreon.

Aside from that, paying people to write their opinions without having to invest significant money in their own website/platform and without traveling to do primary research/finding leads is just silly. Especially* if they are running ads and/or links to e-commerce transactions.

Fuck Reddit indeed.

srayzie ago

Well I didn’t see Neon Revolt just covering Q. He redpills about secret societies and works hard. So I didn’t see it that way. But, I’m stopping my donations.

anotherdream ago

Hey I love reading Neon's posts as well. I am not up to speed on this beef, but this has been a solid platform, and if someone is coming at you, and they way you have run this board? - I've been here a while now, and believe that you've been doing a bang up job of it, and I don't care who Neon is or where he gets his info. You've proven yourself here.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Read his blog post and you’ll see

magavoices ago

It's time to drop the name worship.

I'll be honest -- I love PrayingMedic, I'm lukewarm on Neon Revolt, and I absolutely despise SerialBrain2. But that's all based on how accurately I think they represent Q. It's 100% about Q. Every big name can disappear and as long as we have Trump and Q team, we're fine.

I tried out 8chan the last few days, I posted a thread there -- good results. It's pure anonymous there as you know, and it worked rather well. The feeling was that it was 100% about Q and 0% about people tripping over their gathering of fame.

What I loved most about Reddit wasn't the personalities, it was the upvoting system that put important news at the top.

I prefer GreatAwakening to theawakening ... the mods at theawakening have screwed up royally every step of the way. They still need to apologize for stickying SB2's crap post there.

srayzie ago

It’s the big names that are the ones that can be dangerous. Oh I love praying Medic too. Was he on Reddit?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I agree with your ordered list above... PM, NV and SB2 in last place (of the three). SB2 used* to post some really amazing decodes, and then all of a sudden fell into this insane bullshit re: Gematria and numerology... WTF is that shit? It's straight up dumb. SB2's older posts were incredible and connected real dots/made some amazing connections.

"SB2 is just pure silliness ATM" = 333 (English Ordinal)

ZOMG! LOOK! God is speaking to me directly!

ManyAreGettingAwoken ago

That is completely consistent with the controlled opposition playbook. Think Alex Jones. Gotta have good bait to set the hook. Once Q blessed SB2 and the GA mods stickied his daily ravings, all of a sudden he had a bunch of fawning (fake?) followers.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Exactly. Alex Jones was the perfect "long-game" analogy...

For the record: Simply stating that you are "anti-Q" will not qualify that person as a shill, there are a few valid critiques in the wild. But for each of them I have personally come to a conclusion that no critique to-date is capable of disproving/debunking Q. Not even close. In fact, most of the Q "disproofs" that exist are cherry-picked nuggets with misinterpretation applied. But just because I believe that Q is 100% legit, does not void someone's opinion that disagrees. But obvious shill and disinformation attempts form a pattern. That pattern, when repeated enough, becomes a trend line. When other sources of information are moving you along the trend line towards another piece of actionable intel (Q, Judicial Watch, Trump, Us, etc.), and these counter-"disinfo" trends are stagnating, avoiding hot topics, invoking numerology, promoting silly stories, or being "shut down" and pleading for support (cough AJ)... that is when they jump the shark for me. Likely compromised somehow along the way.

SherryOkie1 ago

Y’all need to check out Citizens Investigative Report. Goes by Katie G. She does her homework!

SoSpricyHotDog ago

@srayzie - You know where I stand. 100% with you on this.

Disinfo has no place here, on /TA, on /PG, anywhere. Honest mistakes can be made and forgiveness should be applied when applicable. But the LAST thing we need is segmentation and in-fighting. It is literally playing right into the enemy's hand. It is precisely what they wanted as a response to censoring Reddit.

@NeonRevolt - You don't know me, but I've read many of your posts and have come to respect your contributions. What is your motivation when it comes to these kinds of messages?

I've been a huge proponent of bridging research silos... from Judicial Watch to Q Posts to Pizzagate to George Webb and the Awan's and even to r/The_Donald, etc. and lumping it all together (there are countless examples of crossover), this is our chance. We've got them cornered. It's a total waste of time to divide the groups and sling stones at each other. Instead, we should be cross-pollinating tweets, Voat's, Reddit's, blogs, FOIA docs, YouTube assessments, etc.

srayzie ago

Well said! Thank you. <3

ESOTERICshade ago

Somebody should wipe their ass on one of Neon's T-Shirts and ship it back to him.


You do a great job @srayzie. All of the Voat originals love you. Who cares what he thinks? I don't. If the Reddit people don't like it then they can leave.

WWG1WGA01 ago

Without wanting to make matters worse I have created a new sub v/wwg1wga that can be used, if people want, as a fresh start. There is no history there, it is set to run like Reddit with no minimum points or posts imposed on users. Also I would hope that all conversations could be friendly.

If people do want to do this I am going to need some help, I have one user who would happily mod but I could use more.

Over to you, let me know what you would like to do,

Mumbleberry ago

I would like you to fuck off.

srayzie ago

RufusTFlywheel ago

good post. Full disclosure I'm on the side of Neon but neonRevolt is wrong here. v/TheAwakening is subversive. All refugees should immigrate to v/GreatAwakening. This petty b******* is exactly that bulshit. There was an existing board that had no problems, we should not create a duplicate especially one that sets its own stricter than regulation rules. I firmly believe that this is not black hat but ego. Mods that want to keep on modding f****** get over yourself. We all need to move to Great Awakening on Voat. Srayzie is legit, I'll say that openly. Let move forward. WWG1WGA should NOT depend on mods ego. I found true Patriots in Great Awakening and that's where I live now, if neon revolts wants to push the Divide he's the one that gets left behind

mike4thekite ago

they are guests here, as i am...who are these people?moderators are best not seen or heard....especially when this boat picked them out of the water and they jump on and start saying they should captain the rescue boat....clowns.

adogrocket ago

OK so I'm a new account here. However I have lurked since CBTS was banned at reddit and always thought the info and the way it was run was very good. So I signed up when the bannout thing happened. I basically dable between here, the chans,and reddit. I basically read almost everything.Nothing NR has ever done has shown me to be credible and his recent escapades verify that. Keep doing a great job here

ReMs-71 ago

I posted the comment below on the other board a while ago, I hope that you all don't mind me reposting it here. My only concern is getting us all together, because as Q says, "they want us divided". I hope that we all can some way get our act together.

"I am sub'd to this board and to v/GA, I went to v/GA 1st, then when I found out that NR told everyone to come here that it was the "Official" GA board I came to see what it was about. Then found out that this board was set up to where it limited my Voat experience. But my question is and was why did NR want to herd everyone to this sub when v/GA was already here, You all could have just assimilated there. Was he trying to herd his sheep and control them? I don't want to accuse anyone of anything but this was the way I saw it. WE need to work together we don't want division. If this board remains it needs to be corrected to function like the rest of the subs. We should also listen to the folks that have been her MUCH longer than us and get this sorted out."

designingone ago

please leave him alone. he's doing a great job with his blog. he is not obligated to be everywhere. he is doing more than most. unite people. stop dividing. support those who are contributing.

designingone ago

you're taking this all personally and this is a movement. do not divide to conquer. too much drama. pull back.

C_Corax ago

I realize the implications of suggesting it, but the cunt can be dragged out of his safe zone. As far as Voat goes at least.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Srayzie pay no more mind. You are among those leading doing the people's work.

jaybee333 ago

I totally agree. I am a newbie Irish guy, living in Ireland. I came from Reddit too. We are all Patriots. This is a war to save the world, not just America. If America goes down, Ireland and the world goes down too. The canal will control humanity forever and openly have their way with kids instead of doing it in secret. I was originally on v/theawakening. They are Patriots too but their mods didn't allow me any points for upvotes. What's that about. One way to silence people. As Q says United we are strong. Divided we are weak. How do people not get it. Its simple. Pride and power games gets in the way of following Q's instruction. I thank God for Q and the Q team and POTUS Q+,and the Anons and the Patriots. God bless us all, on every board and platform and God bless America and President Trump.

mike4thekite ago

same soon as they pulled that caper...i said bye...

jaybee333 ago

Mike. Thanks. My son is just home from Australia after 6yrs approx with Australian partner and recent baby. They were in Perth. He was working FIFO to Manus Island and some mining or oil sites. I have been in Sydney and Melbourne and Wollongong. Great country and a recent change of leader for you guys. This deep state clear out and economic reset will impact you just as much as anywhere else. I trust in God that we will all come out the other side of this in a better world for us all and especially for our children and grand children.

bopper ago

That ferry to Belfast can be rough. From Scotland.

jaybee333 ago

Thanks bopper. It can be at times. About half way across on a rough day would be an ideal location to toss overboard all the deep state and pedogate people! God bless


When you're @neonrevolt I guess you don't have time for questions of such nature. Especially when he's got flat brim bro hats to sell.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Q 2179 - 2186 - House of Cards - Rouhni Farrakhan - Oaths and the Constitution - Delta[1] - 911 Calling - Snowden II Fail - Memes at the Ready - Thursday Comms Test - Sunday September 16 2018' was posted in v/CalmBeforeTheStorm by @Silverlining and includes this reply from @Silverlining:

@NeonRevolt drama if it appeals

Attn Qanon - My reply to NEON REVOLTs REPLY YO ME. Also my thoughts and a REQUEST. (GreatAwakening) 9/15/2018 by @srayzie [gives good drama!]

I think v/GreatAwakening would have been just as upset if the reddit 70,000 rocked up on their board - as it is subs have increased three fold in two days - 1700 > 5723 - and it may soon have as many mods as v/TheAwakening

The rules in the side bar are short and fierce - Rules for Submitting Posts 1. Posts have to be Q Related. (Explained Below) 2. If you post, explain yourself in the body of the post. (Not just the title) 3. Posts about other users are not allowed.

Violating Post Submission Rules can get you BANNED.

I think the main swarm has abandonned v/TheAwakening and gone off to 8Chan

Trust The Plan - Winning!

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

srayzie ago

If you read everything, You read everything I have said, you would see that I am the one welcoming everyone.

I don’t even need to argue. Anyone reading this that knows what Q stands for, will clearly see that you are about causing division. My post is about people waking up and seeing that we’re doing what ((( they ))) want.


NotTheMeanest ago

Your posts are always transparent and I’m on your side - I was also a big fan of Neon, but after the shit show of the past few days, I no longer trust his motives. Actually, I started to get suspicious when he made that whole post about how he annihilated Microchipdick. I just thought it was a bit pathetic.

I have no doubt that it will come out on the wash and v/GA will stand the test of time - here or on 8chan!


@ @srayzie Arent you a v/pizzagate Mod. My you do get around. Why don't you quit bleeding on the board.

SandHog ago

The mod logs are all public for anyone to look at. What a dazzling display of ignorance. Fuck off to whatever hole you crawled out of.

kneo24 ago

Her being a pizzagate mod is irrelevant here. You aren't making any salient points by bringing it up.

scoripowarrior ago

Personally, I don't give a rat's ass about the mods and who they are fighting with as that's not my concern. I am here for info about the movement and Q nothing more. I have been back and forth between both v sites looking solely for new information to add to my beliefs. I am not choosing any side but enjoy reading what others in the movement have to say. If I disagree, or feel certain info is worthless, I disregard it and move on to other's ideas. There is enough "room" for everyone who wants to learn, discuss, and stay informed. JMO.

Alice89 ago

Very well said!

bopper ago

It was!

SandHog ago

@NeonRevolt let his greed and ego get the best of him. He is basically Jim AQosta.

JollyFeed ago

@srayzie Not everybody is fooled. We all know v/GreatAwakening was the original Voat board and neither you or your mod team provoked NeonRevolt's attack. They just see you as in the way of their ultimate goal; staying in control and censoring people who disagree with them. They know they don't have much influence outside of Reddit so they're attacking v/GA and migrating to their own personal 8ch board so they can control the narrative.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

The truth is, we just want to integrate peacefully. We’re not here to take over or to tell you how to think.

Pretty sure at least 1 of the mods said they were taking over the site and we had to conform to them.

Blacksmith21 ago

Possibly. I still am withholding judgment. The dude could be changing diapers right now for all we know. Let's see how it plays out. It's his challenge to respond. @neonrevolt

MolochHunter ago

his article explicitly said the deep state have 'set a trap for anons at v/GreatAwakening' . Its good that he's at least walked it back to say he doesnt implicate @Srayzie in private comments, but has he published a retraction or clarification ?

I say @NeonRevolt could do well to demonstrate his commitment to the Q movement and not his own edification by announcing a one calendar month suspension of sales and donations

srayzie ago

He may say it doesn’t implicate Srayzie. But there were only 2 mods here. Me and Shizy. My name was on there. He used usernames to act as if we were infiltrated, when all along, I’m glad they made their own sub. Because knowing for a while that something is going on over there, I wouldn’t have accepted their mods. All they had to do is peacefully make a sub and be neighbors. What matters is that we are trying to avoid division. They are causing,it.

Alice89 ago

If this division was always their plan, he has no intentions to publish a retraction. It’s much easier ignored this sub and keep pointing to his readers where he thinks they should go.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you Moloch and agreed.

kneo24 ago

You're missing the point here. He states himself that he chooses his words deliberately. As in, he deliberately painted the picture this way, and continually refuses over a period of two days, despite his activity here, to properly address the lies he's created.

PacaGoat ago

Ma'am don't worry about these self appointed judges. They are a legend in their own minds. As for Neon, lets just watch. All things end up showing themselves in the end. He will show himself patriot or paytriot. Personally, I will give him the benefit of doubt....for now. Be may either be being misled or misleading. It will all come out.

ACatIsFineToo ago

Been a lurker from time to time for a while now - mostly watching how the pizzagate research here developed after the election killed /pol/.

Only bothered registering an account to tell you that you're doing a good job and are a credit to this place. Don't let the self-important faggots grind you down. In the end, Truth shall be the victor in this struggle.

Also bullying the redditors looked so fun I had to get in on it. I'm guessing gorespam isn't widely used around here, but they sure seem to love talking about our greatest allies.

Skeeterdo ago

gore generally gets posted in v/WTF, I can't recall a time where someone posted it. Generally though a comment such as mine will spark some autist to post it. So don't click on the link that will be provided below.


Just another Corsi that will fade into irrelevance once he has served his purpose.

Dobs60 ago

Shills will abound. Inserted goat will fight to divide and conquer, or push out and demoralize newbies, not just new to the board but those who just woke up(redpilled). A house divided WILL fall. We all need to stand together. Agree or disagree-agree or disagree TOGETHER, TOGETHER WE STAND. So stand your ground. Stand firm. Stand fast. Dont let the trolls make you act less than who you are. WWG1WGA truts God, trust Trump, Ttrust the Plan.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Q has warned quite a few times to beware of people using the movement as a money grab.

I've checked NeonRevolt serveral times each day for a couple of months, and recommended his site to some friends.

I am shocked at how he's treated you in this, and it gives me cause to wonder how many other mistakes he may have made. It's significantly underminded his credibility at this point.

Full disclosure: I am not quite a Q believer, but I enjoy the community this movement has created. For me, it's like Mormonism - the people and values are great, even if I don't believe the religion

kestrel9 ago

Thanks @srayzie. It's very off that NR and his top brass /s would just out right tell people to not come here. A position which btw, was not changed during the famous Mea Culpa blogpost, but rather reiterated and reinforced. Why exactly do they have a v/Theawakening if things are going solely to NR's new 8ch command control center for 8ch dummies? (meaning those who are intimidated by qresearch board.)

Instead, just instruct everyone here about NR 8ch board and begone, or post here before voat gets the ax (though I'm not convinced that voat is included in the 'tracking sites' that Q was referring to in regards to censorship. If it's all going away...why create the new voat site?) Hope it's not having something to do with a chapter in NR's book, like "Chapter 10 TheAwakening: How Patriots Fought on Voat to Protect a Secure Q Movement.

TheDonaldTrump ago

New to this Q shit,so Neon Revolt is doing to the Q movement what Hillary did to Bernie?

everlastingphelps ago

More like what Milo did to the alt-right.

Skeeterdo ago

he blacked it with amphetamines?

everlastingphelps ago

In the metaphorical sense, yes. The mod team he loves certainly reeks of lube and ass play.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Oh,got it.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

If Qanon does not address this directly it will irrevocably compromise the entire Qanon movement.

Qanon has said that his boards were set up on 8ch specifically due to the board owner being a verified patriot, and that at some point only 8ch would remain. Recently this 8ch board owner set up the new board for Reddit refugees, claiming it was a long work that had been in progress already. NeonRevolt is part of this, thereby giving NeonRevolt equal Qanon validation by proxy.

An inescapable observation is that many right wing truth groups are being silenced and shut out. While "leftist social media" is generally blamed, the Qanon movement has drilled the final nail in each of their coffins, finalizing an apparent coordinated takedown effort of each one.

Now we see what happened here. With a long established group of Qanon followers discussing Qanon on Voat. A legitimate group of actual patriots very much a part of the Great Awakening.

I do not use Reddit as a Pizzagate refugee (with an older account, this is my 3rd account). Reddit is fucking cancer and I saw no reason to go there to discuss Qanon at all when there are such red pilled people here.

My main source for Q is, and has always been Q.

If we are expected to trash all other right-wing, red pilled sources of info until ony 8ch is left, as Q has predicted...that looks shady as fuck. It is essentially a NeonRevolt coronation.

The explanation must occur from Qanon.

everlastingphelps ago

My main source for Q is, and has always been Q.


Blacksmith21 ago

@srazie - You know I have your 6. This was my interaction with @NeonRevolt earlier today. I expected a reaction but received none. Everyone who is O/GA knows I am solid. @NeonRevolt has some explaining to do.

srayzie ago

Link doesn’t work

Blacksmith21 ago

Works for me. Even inside of a VPN.

srayzie ago

It does now

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh shit...woman scorned alert!!!!!!!!

NotTheMeanest ago

Every new thing I read from @neonrevolt is dripping in douchebaggery. Thanks for posting this exchange!

Blacksmith21 ago

I really hope it hasn't come to this. Please give it time and let @neonrevolt compose a reasonable response. I am sure he will.

I said a long time ago, "thou shalt not follow false prophets." I think me and @srayzie even had a tiff about this subject a ways back ; )

srayzie ago

He’s had 2 days. He hasn’t given a reasonable response

Blacksmith21 ago

Give him more time. We all have lives. Patience is a virtue.

NotTheMeanest ago

I will absolutely be keeping my eye on this as it develops... the only thing that changed, aside from my opinion, is that I no longer use his ‘intro to Q’ post to redpill people interested in Q... I think I’ll be switching to praying medic, or maybe even to the patriotsfight board on 8chan so they can see only Q posts. Depends on the situation, regardless, it’s onwards and upwards - the dark will come to light.

Blacksmith21 ago

Every other "community" in the history of man has fractured off from some other community.

NotTheMeanest ago

Lisa Mei I haven’t come across, thanks!

Blacksmith21 ago

You'll get more knowledge as you become part of us. I almost said maturate....old recall.

NotTheMeanest ago

Thanks, but I’m not concerned with being part of a group, just an individual on a quest for truth!

Blacksmith21 ago

So you aren't clear on the definition of WWG1WGA?

SandHog ago

There are more examples buried in this thread. It also explains the initial Drogeanon drama.

NotTheMeanest ago

Just WOW. That’s was a most interesting read! I’ve akready started lurking on 8chan - as much as I am loving the shit out of voat, I think going completely anon and no reputation will end up being an awesome test of discernment.

bopper ago

Whoa, I see right there what's going on Blacksmith, lol he told you to piss off with that disinfo lol.

srayzie ago

What happened?

Blacksmith21 ago

I stepped in dogshit again, @Srayzie. Sorry. I'm good at it...

bopper ago

See @Blacksmith21 's ping, that's all I'm talking about ... Blacksmith was defending you and Shizy and Neon told him to piss off "with that disinfo."

srayzie ago

Uh oh. Neon’s next hit piece.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah man. You know me. I'm a straight shooter. I'm the fucking sheepdog. @NeonRevolt - I suggest you step in personally, not an alt as you like to call out alts as spies, and sort this shit out.

@srayzie @shizy @molochhunter @sospricyhotdog

I'm sorry to pull this shit on a Sunday night, but it needs to be addressed stat. #WWG1WGA

Hand_of_Node ago

You've got six pings in your comment, but only the first 5 (uniques) work. @matheasysolutions didn't get yours, but will get this one.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks friend. I counted 5 in my string but forgot to count the first, NR one. Appreciate the assist,

SoSpricyHotDog ago

All good bro, I got your back - I've seen no evidence of you faltering or deviating and we have been in communication for many years on Voat.

Very curious as to what substantiates these claims against you? Did you even see any cited posts? Examples?

@NeonRevolt - Just curious as to what basis you have for @Blacksmith21 serving up any disinfo?

As for /TGA vs. /GA - it seems to me that the whirlwind of idiocy has died down significantly, we can continue focusing on what's important now.

I made a generous contribution to Voat as well! 1st amendment and all. The Constitution is not a loose set of guidelines that liberals can tear up when it best suits them.

Any shills/disinfo agents/compromised parties can go fuck themselves.

Blacksmith21 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Let's be patient. That is one of my weaknesses. People have real lives. Changing diapers, walking dogs, chipping firewood, making dinner.

All of us have become slaves to the "internet clock". If it doesn't happen in near real time then "gas gas gas".

I'm trying to slow things down as impatient as I am. When I pray, I ask God to give me patience, give me guidance, an protect my family. I don't need anything more.

Those of us who have been here from the real start (PG) know who each other are. Watch out for all outsiders.

YoikesandAway ago

I have been with this sub since around April. Just one anon here who can vouch for this group--Great Awakening are true Q patriots. On Voat, as on 8 chan, you must learn to sift through the shills.
Hang tight, everyone, as we go through the rough waters. And a big THANK YOU to v/GreatAwakening for your foresight in getting this ready!

LostandFound ago

Srayzie please take the advice I gave you and just don't engage them, it's not organic. Keep doing what you're doing and forget them, it's up to people to think for themselves let them do their own thing. This situation is compromised from top to bottom you can't win an argument with people who's motivations you cannot understand.

Take Q posts, drop red pills everything else is a distraction.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Look I tried but they either didn't understand or they don't care and just called me a shill.

After posting about it on voat and reading everyone's opinions I think we just have to take the high road on this and just do our own thing and work to make this a positive, vibrant community. I know it's not fair, but life isn't fair, so let's not get bitter, let's get better. We don't have to define ourselves by what others say about us, lets define our own destiny.

Or you know we could spam them with dick memes, I'm open either way.

mike4thekite ago

move on...reddit imploded and neon is left holding a can...full stop...bad luck....moderators...big deal.

Labreu ago

I wouldn't be so sure, if you read all the comments that your post generated on Chan, it appears that at the end you have some anons commenting that the only schills are the reddit refugees.


The chans are a separate organism, no need to let this drama spill over there imo. I agree we should just get back to effortposting and make the quality of this board outshine all these shitty bandwagon famefags.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Agreed, we'll leave them out of it, they have bigger fish to fry, shouldn't attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance.

MissyRed ago

Want them to go away and lose their audience? Stop talking about them

srayzie ago

I want them to stop causing division. There’s nothing wrong with us having different subs with the same goal we should still be in the same Q family no matter which sub people choose. The point is to stop the division!

Canbritanon ago

Neon accepts donations. Q told us not to trust them at the time he brought up AJ.

If you accept money you aren't doing this just for the cause.

Stop with the bullshit, the rest of us aren't getting paid to do this we're doing this because we believe in the cause

trypanon ago

It should be clear to anyone who actually reads or pays any attention where they should be on voat to discuss Q. It's unfortunate that even (which I am now suspecting is run by somebody very connected to r/GreatAwakening and v/TheAwakening mods or is one of them) is pointing everyone to v/TheAwakening.

srayzie ago

So is 8chan because we don’t have a big platform or popular Reddit to spread the word.

trypanon ago

Do you mean /patriotsawoken/? It seems that /qresearch/ at least is a free-for-all with little moderation. /patriotsfight/ can at least be used to confirm what a Q drop says there if Q hasn't deleted it.

Also I just realized my phrasing sounds a little like I meant we should only be here on voat discussing Q and nowhere else. I just meant that as far as uncomped mods in a sub with a recognizable name it seems v/GreatAwakening is the best place to be on here.

everlastingphelps ago

Or that was being used a tracking site.

trypanon ago

Definitely a possibility. Most likely a bit of both/coordinated effort to herd Q followers into a specific echo chamber with heavy moderation.

bopper ago

I see what happened, those two guys, on the ping list, are okay, but NR says they're no good?

This guy Neon is swimming in paranoia, I think I'm paranoid now just reading his thread.

Thanks for helping clear things up. Can't keep up with all the drama.

p_ro ago

Fuck him. You don't need his validation. Just keep doing what rings true to you and move forward. Either he'll remain isolated and be left behind or he'll nut up and keep blazing forward. But, you don't need him if you're staying true.

srayzie ago

No...mod we,don’t bring attention, then there is going to be division because by this spreading, it’s causing division within our very own community when it doesn’t need to be that way. Me and v/CalmBeforeTheStorm get along fine.

Blacksmith21 ago

You need to understand a lot of v/GA research in recent days, has been built upon info posted by @NeonRevolt.


srayzie ago

So what are you saying? None of that matters if he’s a divider.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm saying I don't know, @Srayzie. I'm withholding any judgment until @neonrevolt weighs in. All of this could be a miscommunication. Like a marriage, they fail because couples won't be honest and open. It's linguistics and psyops. Subtle human reactions. Divide divide divide.

Give it a day or so. Let's see what happens.

We are all here to #America.

p_ro ago

You need to understand that I've been keeping up on all of this since July 2016... Fuck him.

Blacksmith21 ago

Sorry...I didn't mean to sound condescending. A lot of this is a heavy load for some of us. I have OG/v/pizzagate roots. It's real, it's family, it's life for some of us. Dealing with normal shills became routine enough where we could at least root things out re our lives and relevant events. Then the upheaval r/effugess. of my fav scenes...lots of reasons. Read and learn. There are the strong ones here:

p_ro ago

It's all good.

Prior to PG was WikiLeaks. With Podesta and other drops. As we all said then, thank God for those sick fucks at 4 chan. They dug into the nasty beginnings.

The struggle is real and the rockstars of the movement will get the spotlight, but it's not just them who got us here, not by a long stretch. Always remember the sick fucks, they are the giants upon which the rockstars stand.

Blacksmith21 ago

You should read v/pizzagate history.

p_ro ago

Ok, but I was there when it started, v/pizzagate

ESOTERICshade ago

Take that space out of your last sentence or it won't ping. In Neon's name.

srayzie ago

Oh that sucks. He won’t get it once it’s posted once. I’ll have to in the comment section. Thank you.

Silverlining ago

It only pings after an original comment or post - it won't from an edit - as I understand

Silverlining ago

and just a test @ESOTERIC shade

Ed and just a test @ESOTERIC shade

C_Corax ago

You're still getting shit over that cunt, huh? Chin up @srayzie you're doing good.

@neonrevolt why don't you step in here for a moment and speak your piece you useless sack of shit?


Seriously. @srayzie , pay no mind to detractors of any kind from here on out. You guys are doing great.

srayzie ago

The problem is, that’s going to allow division and if that’s what these people stand for, Q needs to know because this is exactly what they don’t want.

CelticCoyote ago

Keep doing what you are doing Sprayzie. You are doing a great job IMHO, and thank you again for accepting those of us who came here from that other place. WWG1WGA

LibTearsNoBrakes ago

Q team needs to fucking do something. We can only do so much. If we can just be banned without consequences then we are fucked. I thought this censorship bullshit was supposed to be coming to a head? We have it all. We have it all. Well fucking do something then. Rip the fucking bandaid off already. Still waiting on the declas too. When the fuck is that going to happen?

kestrel9 ago

Seems to me that the censorship of Reddit is part of the evidence being gathered from a pattern of fascistic censorship by BIG TECH, which will help the bigger case of demonstrating reasonable cause to regulate said assholes culpable parties.

Q 2170 partial:

  • How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH?
  • What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT?
  • Define 'Fascism'.
  • Forcible suppression of opposition?
  • Define 'Censorship'.
  • The institution, system, or practice of censoring?

divine_human ago

there ye go... i am prone to instantly look at the benefit in a miserable sitution.

from my pov, //they// got a long rope to hang themselves and they perfectly did, by purging 15 subs.

if that is no eye-opener for social media censorship then what is?

kestrel9 ago

Exactly! Well said

QualityShitposter ago

I follow him on Gab and discord and donate to him monthly.

Step 1: Don't give shekels to paytriots.

Step 2: Repeat step 1

Azurulia ago

You have to admit, @srayzie he does have a point...

People are rather predictable. Most don't know how to handle sudden attention or power of authority/influence very well without previous exposure or experience. Now amplify that attention and/or power, and, like they say, power corrupts. People in general have a tendency to get drunk on attention and power if they aren't used to it.

In my personal opinion, I think Neon Revolts influence and attention has got to his head. I don't think he's being malicious, just selfish, even if he doesn't realize it.

However this movement is bigger than any one of us. Now is not the time to worry about the "I" or "Me" but the "Us" and "We." I said this before in your first, and I'll say it again. I'll keep saying it until the perp walks start: If you get caught up in yourself and make things about you, your feelings, or your ego, you are part of the problem and should be ashamed of yourself. Because this isn't about us.

This movement is about the clueless sheep out there that piss us off to no end because of how asleep their dumbasses are. Because as much as they frustrate us, we love them. Because they are our friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. Those of us who are awake have a responsibility, because lets face it. If Q, Trump, and the rest of the gang didn't think they needed us, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Many of us would left to be woken up right along side the rest of the sheep.

We are the "modified-release" red pill and the damage control safety net when shit either goes down or hits the fan and people need some direction and explanation about wtf just happened. Because they are going to have a very hard time trusting the government at all for a while after this all goes down. They do, however, trust us. Friends, family, coworks. Familiar faces. If need be, we will also Direct them to Q if the situation gets bad enough as well. (Let's hope it doesn't come to that. We all know what that would mean if it did.)

So we all need to get over ourselves. Because as Q has told is 24 fuckin times now, "THIS IS NOT A GAME!"

srayzie ago

I’m not making it about me. That’s what I’ve said thus whole time. I’m trying to get thru people’s heads that the deep state is winning partly because of the division that NR and mods started. Everything has been shady since day 1. Instead of just saying sorry and all moving on, he caused more division.

If that isn’t brought to Q’s attention, then what if this turns into a Jerome Corsi moment? Big names have a lot of influence. Notice he took a leadership type role. Was it always the plan? I don’t know. But how can so many people forget such important things as soon as it gets rough? It makes me wonder how many are going to fall when all hell breaks loose and arrests start happening. What if there is martial law.

The attacks will only get worse. We should be united now more than ever and not let the deep state win. I really can’t grasp how many have seemed to already forget.

robertawearefree ago

Big names have a lot of influence. Notice he took a leadership type role. Was it always the plan?

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.” I forget who first said this.

srayzie ago


Azurulia ago

Oh don't get me wrong. I didn't mean you. It's funny, actually. I was just thinking, "Wait... I hope she doesn't think I was actually talking about her when I said all that. lol"

I was using "you" as a broad address to the reader. (It's a writer thing. Not the best for conversations, sorry about that. lol)

But yes. You are absolutely right in your message you typed up. I couldn't put it better myself.

srayzie ago

Thank you

CaptnObvius ago

That right there is some quality shit posting.

YoikesandAway ago

A donation to someone who spends all their time working to educate us is not a "paytriot". A worker is worth their wages. If you feel someone has done a good job, it is appropriate and good to pay them what you feel their service was worth. You don't have to donate---the difference Q was referencing was those that set up paywalls.

QualityShitposter ago

Plz send @YolkesandAway 3 sheckels.

RecentlyWoke1 ago

Right? Too obvious they are.