BubbleheadEM ago

After 20+ years in the Navy and moving from command to command you understand that even though CO's run their ships vastly different from one another, they all have a common goal. Even the crews end up being a blend of other commands and work side by side to achieve a common goal.

v/GreatAwakening and v/TheAwakening need to bury the hatchet and allow each to work towards WWG1WGA with a respect for each other and support each other.. If Q is right, we're all gonna end up on 8ch at some point anyways. This movement is WAY too important for red on red squabbles.

srayzie ago

@NeinRevolt said BO added it. I don’t know whomthat is. I’m assuming NeonRevolt has friends in a lot of places because he’s popular.

SoftTacoEmperor ago

Of interest to note the mods intent to keep normies AWAY from qresearch... is the intention of the movement not to raise awareness at all levels? Why keep people away from any platform? And to a forum that has shown a tendancy for heavy censorship at that? Q did warn of shills at every level...

divine_human ago

what a great opportunity to flex our discernment muscles! for the time being, i will use both voat boards and 8chan and see how it goes.

on the long run, until the DS has been drained, i sense that only the deep web offers a really safe space that //they// cant shut-down any time they want.

Jappletime ago

IT DISAPPEARED.......... Along With Almost 70,000 Other Accounts.

rymetymeuk ago

I don't give a fuck which is the best one, I just want accurate information and thoughtful comments. nothing else matters, just give me the info so we can get these fucks exposed.

NellerBean ago

Nothing wrong with providing us all good opportunities to keep our inner bullshit detectors well honed.

Fcaf1202 ago

I think the lesson here is dont put all your eggs in one basket as far as Q research....have as many sources as possible and do the work.

SaltyAF ago

You really can't figure out the answers to these for yourself?

PacaGoat ago

I have said this many times. This will sort itself out in time. Truth is people will gravitate to better options. Never think for a minute people are Corrales into a pen and don't lurk around. Course they do. And of they find one or the other more appealing, then when the dust all settles that is where their foot will land. Nature will runs it course. Unlax and have a nice Covfefe with (10) scoops😏 it's all good.

Stopmotionhistory ago

WWG1WGA means nothing to some of you. "MY" virtual chat room, stop with the elitism, Our government acts like that.

WishThirteen ago

8chan by its very nature is an anon board - this means you don't know who made those posts. Infiltration is a fact that we are having to deal with daily. Ignore the negatives. In fact, don't even give them the time of day ... pretend they do not exist ... it infuriates them more. Keep researching, keep learning, and share what you find. Simple! WWG1WGA

madhatter67 ago

To be honest I think this is all working out swell....

A portion of the refugees seem to be comfy enough here, have survived initiation and seem like they will be fine goats

I can't really see the sheep that have flocked to the new 8chan pen being happy there....for a start the anon and no popularity votes thing won't sit well with redditfags.....at least voat has a similar interface and we have names

I poked my nose in there and it's pretty funny....already they are reeeeeing about racism or not liking the curtains or something....and locals are giving them the kind of welcome you would expect....out of the frying pan and into the fire!

To those who decided to stay here....good choice ..the grass might look greener over there if your are a sheep....but we are goats...we got a muddy field full of cabbages to play in!

divine_human ago

thanks for the chuckle ;)

Alice89 ago

I’m a refugee too and for now I’m really liking v/GA even more than the Reddit sub. Less drama and more important discussion.

DawnPendraig ago

Me too

Alice89 ago


lnsip9reg ago

Refugee here. At first it was an adjustment, but after 72hrs one adjusts to the language pretty easily and isn't triggered. I appreciated the r/greatawakening admins for the fun playground they provided these past 8months. Thank you at v/greatawakening and Voat in general for having built a freer space! I used Reddit for the ease of use, but lurked on the Chans for the high level anslysis and Keks. Voat definitely brings its own unique quality and I look forward to becoming a goat!

angelCole ago

Agree, refugee here too. I am glad to have a place to discuss Q without the drama. I could care less what others are doing elsewhere. We are all on Q's/America's team except the traitors, of course. United we stand. WWG1WGA

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm glad to see serious folks here in v/GA. A lot of us old-timers aren't even messing w/ v/TA, for obvious reasons.

I think the difference is many anons use(d) r/GA and v/TA for entertainment. The v/GA folks are far more serious about the research. It's fine, let the kids learn in their playroom while the adults do work here on v/GreatAwakening.

CantBuySkills ago

They don't want those (((niggerfaggots))) around either.

kneo24 ago

Without looking through their post history, they were probably a faggot earlier.

looks through post history

Yup, complete and utter faggot. Now he's jumping ship.

Cantilever ago

Oy vey. “Kike free” full chan

JollyFeed ago

Why are all the people I thought were neutral (-minus GA mods) suddenly all siding with each other?

Adminstrater ago

Why are systems of control being migrated?

Abillionelectrons ago

Just posting this thread is too much drama. Ignore it and move on. It doesn't matter which subverse you use... Just use them and obviously we all know about both of them.

Rapunzal ago

Real Anons worked out how things are on qresearch a long while ago, a trap was lain but when playing a game you never show your hand, shouldn underestimate priceless love - moral of a story.

SGM11Z ago

I wouldn't worry about it. This sub is clearly superior and anyone worth their salt will find it. Consider it a filter and let the shit sink to bottom over there.

TirsohCartoons ago

Either way soon enough there will be too many for any one spot. The awakening is global, and every year it ramps up. Having to find spots to hide from the bans and constant attacks is a temporary problem. Getting resources for loads more soon to be confused and newly woke normies is going to be a bigger problem.

DanijelStark ago

Theres nothing "odd" here nor siding with anyone - simply , the 8ch mods are redirecting anyone from former GA board there ... the mods on 8ch probably do not know - and do not care - who is behind "The Awakening" .

That being said - I do not care either . I put my camp here on Great Awakening , despite in first few hours I was unsure in which group to be - behaviour of some mods from The Awakening , and especially behaviour of Neon Revolt , made me choose and burn all the bridges - and it was a wise decision .

More and more people will see this board ( which was here for months ) is better and more transparent , with far better mods ... but people need to see it for themselves - let them choose and learn from it .

DawnPendraig ago

I pretty much did the same.

Never much liked how so many on r/GA idolized Neon and SerialBrain2

It's like I was stuck at a Boy Bands concert sometimes. Yuck

Fawning over their every word and attacking anyone who questioned the insane leaps of "logic" that made no sense especially SB2. The neon guy felt like he was copying our work and the autists and summarizing which is fine but then he takes credit. And they fawned over him too.

GA got taken down and they wanted Neon to save them. Sigh

Labreu ago

I used to read Neon until I read in the comments to one of his posts how he was politely asked to give credit for an entire article that he reaped from an anon which he just then posted as his own without disclosing it was, all of it, in its entirety copied verbatim from the anon. Neon's response was all queeny: rude and disdainful. I have never trusted him since I read how he treated a fellow truth seeker, a fellow researcher, a fellow anon, a fellow patriot. Totally offputting.


Hi! Nice to hear from you!

DanijelStark ago

Yep ... I wasnt even against SB2 and his posts , despite they were all a "bit stretched" . But Neon Revolt went completely off by attacking main mod of Great Awakening , despite she was very polite and welcoming to everyone . I do not forget such bullshittery , and that made me essentially choose this group . Besides , this group is the first one ... by some logic , it would be respectful to go first to this group .

And all this banhammering in The Awakening group ... and people not knowing they do not earn any CCPs , so they couldnt even post their own thoughts . Now theyre trying to backtrack onto it ... but its already too late . They forgot what Q is all about ...

Alice89 ago

I feel the same. As time goes by some people will see the problems with the mods from Reddit.

SpaceForceOnePilot ago

I am new and didn't even realize there were 2 subs. I just unsubbed from the new one and came here. Seems like I made the right choice

Alice89 ago

I am new too and I was in both subs, but I prefer here no doubt. I was banned from the v/theawakening but even if they change that I have no intention to return.

DawnPendraig ago

Welcome =)

d-_-bored-_-b ago

It's definitely odd and 100% people are taking sides but I agree with the rest of your sentiment.

Des_Herren_Knecht ago

297k more people looking at 8chans ads........... it's a revenue platform like everything else

Gorillion ago

...8chan has ads?

Des_Herren_Knecht ago

Yes, just look at the front page

PeacefulAssassin ago

what chans are safe now? where to once 8 falls?

d-_-bored-_-b ago

The streets!

Its_ok_to_be_white ago

Q can't reccomend ANY Voat subverse for reasons of optics, niggerfaggot. Doing so would play right into (((their))) handbook, so there will be a divide as patriots figure it out for themselves.

It's up to US to steer redditfags in the right direction and limit infighting/abuse between good/comped subs. The best answer I've been able to figure out is to provide good content to v/GA

WanderingTaurus ago

That doesn't even make sense regarding Q recommending any Voat or even any other sub regarding optics. Something is completely off; like a part of the narrative changed a bit and very damn quickly. Why would the chans or Q even recommend a space on chan for most of them when they clearly need their hand held so very much that they still are in need of private safe spaces? Keeping a private safe space even on chan is NOT going to prepare them for what they will be exposed to on other chans and just ignoring other chans or sites because of words and pictures is not preparing them for the shit that will come out when all is revealed. Hell, I already saw a couple posts regarding how people on the chans should be banned because of pics and language roll eyes Some people just have not figure it out yet at all.

Labreu ago

Remember these "anons" are just writing their own comments, everyone is free to write on 8Chan, schills, trolls, and true anons. What appears to be "endorsement" may not be at all...Think!

WanderingTaurus ago

Which is why I haven't even bothered to go to the chans with exception to two posts on first day wondering why people were there. If I am going to visit a chan, it will be qresearch to lurk only. I know how the chans work and how much freedom is there. I don't won't nor want a heavily moderated censored board.

Steelerfish ago

There are many people who would love to be able to use our free speech against the whole movement. Just because aa single person writes “niggerfaggot” they automatically lump everyone as racist, blah, blah, blah, and then begin the whole Saul Allinski tactics to isolate and minimize. People are sheep. The more sheep together you get makes the collective intelligence that much stupider and gullible. The sheep are being directed to an obviously flawed board and not here or CBTS possibly for our own good.


Agreed. Certainly calls for a pause to look around at those standing beside you. Increased individual effort redpilling more that are asleep could just be my focus so I stay a honed blade and not caught up in the bonds of division

Its_ok_to_be_white ago

Dilute that wall of text down to reasonable levels, and I'll attempt to read it.

WanderingTaurus ago

Ask your mommy for a cliff note's version because I ain't her.

475677 ago

It's ok to read faggot. In fact picking up a book will be about the best thing you could do with your day but in any case stop being a whinging bitch about things and at least read a post before replying to it.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

I'm not asking Q to recommend shit, um, ... motherfagger? It's all these supposed heavy hitters acting like the self-appointed representatives of the movement that pisses me off. I think we here don't want infighting but everyone else seems want it.

Its_ok_to_be_white ago

Simple solution, just stop following the "heavy hitters". Learn to think for yourself rather than relying on the spoon-feeding of those who would keep you in servitude.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Tbh I don't follow them anyway but people do and like it or not, their voice carries some weight.

fellowWhiteGuy ago


ninjajunkie ago

Come into my web. says the spider to the fly.

Tedfromthewoods ago

"weaving spiders come not here" Bohemian Grove emblem...

Rapunzal ago

If only they knew...

bluntripkin ago

8 chan has no power of us

KueAnaan ago

qmap.pub is also supporting the other sub, they have a huge banner at the top of their site

13864663? ago

Could just have been that the mods asked for a shout out. Anyway if qmap ever did anything nefarious I hope we'd notice.

crownedfive ago

yep i noticed this the day of the banning. i can't believe nobody posted about it; i was thoroughly confused because i had already subbed to v/greatawakening and didn't even notice the minute difference between "v/theawakening" and overall it seems very suspicious and weird

Aeioulmao ago

Apparently Neon thinks this sub was a trap to get all the reddit refugees on here. He claimed that one of the mods here was also dividing the reddit Q community and was basically a shill who used alts to support his claims. (Basically every shill on reddit, all connected to the hive mind)

Thus the reason why v/theawakening was created

crownedfive ago

okay but... that happned because some mods started seeing that r/GA was compromised, so they made r/T_GA and noticed that if the GA mods noticed, they could shadowban you from r/GA... in other words, there were other Q subs on reddit before the giant set of bans, because many believed the originl reddit sub was long comped... so his arguement doesn't suffice for me. sucks because i love his blog. always had a weird feeling though because of how hard he pushed his Q merch.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Holy shit you're right

This is some serious fuckery.

AperionPatriot ago

I'm new here but I recognize that this sub is way better than what the old reddit mods are doing on the other one. Really showed their true colors and tried to get ahead of the ball on herding people to a new controlled spot, and as soon as they got called out on Voat, they ran to an 8chan "safe space". It's a shame if qmap is comped because it's one of the nicer websites.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

I'm new as well but the level of coordination between Neon/qmap/qresearch is really unnerving and confusing because why even choose sides in the first place?

Triceratography ago

Because if they post where sensible people can see the posts, enough sensible people might tell them Q is clearly a fraud. This sub shows up to everyone, you won't see theirs unless you look.

AperionPatriot ago

Could be on par with Corsi/Microdick bullshit.The site even tries to judge who's a patriot and who's not on the players list. (telling you what to think) apart from that it's got a really nice layout for finding specific pieces of data.

year_ofthe_boomerang ago

The shills are all over 8ch right now. We need some help getting everyone to come over here. Looks like we're gonna have to go fuck up some shills

bb22 ago

The servers probably can't handle the traffic, and they may have a point when they say Voat's hosts may buckle under pressure.

Adarcer ago

Well Voat probably cannot say anything ... but i have noticed a noticeable difference since i first got here (I got here before the rush too) ... I think you can see where i am going here.

mrfetus ago

They're pushing kike bullshit. Pressure from hosting company is a lie.

bb22 ago

Maybe so, I have no knowledge of the situation. All I know is that Reddit is full of faggots. Even literal faggots.

mrfetus ago

Even literal faggots.


13861884? ago

Lot of kikery involved in all this.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago


year_ofthe_boomerang ago

Yeah - they're hitting 8ch hard in order to try and divide

C_Corax ago

Dividing you folks into who can be controlled and who can't. I know you all feel betrayed right now, but trust me it's a good thing.

RealAaronSwartz ago

Heaven has a wall and an entrance policy.

Txgeezer ago

And extreme vetting! 😎

BoraxTheFungarian ago

It's pretty easy to get into heaven these days... Well, if you have a modicum of humility and two brain cells.

adogrocket ago

controlled shills keep them corralled.

AperionPatriot ago

I think the reason is that they don't want 297k normies from reddit fagging up the actual breads on the research board and making the bakers/autists work harder. (Q even acknowledged it was a problem, so the easiest solution is just to make a playpen for the redditfugees that get scared off when people start screaming nigger here)

zack822 ago

^^^^ This is so true

benjitsu ago

I felt like the "keep away the normies" was the puppy dog/take away sales close in action: All the normies think they aren't and will go...maybe they are laying the egg on purpose to save us from the noise of the new wave

DankOrganism ago

This seems to be 100% true. Playpen for the weak of stomach, so they don't get under foot while the adults are talking.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

But why choose sides? Why not just link both?

T1tus ago

Because the Qanons needed a SAFE FOR WORK Area to do their Research and INFO Dissemination.

They tried to make a SAFE FOR WORK AND ON TOPIC BOARD.



You need to read everything to get to the truth. Trust not one single source.

Tdschef247 ago

Maybe because they also didnt want to muck this sub up too. That would make sense given the playpen theory. But I'm s new fat mucking it up so what do I know.

RealAaronSwartz ago

The Mods here are CIA handlers but they are fucked now because we have documented EVERYTHING.

WanderingTaurus ago

wtf are you talking about? What mods? Who is we? And what have you/they documented to show that the mods are CIA handlers?

benjitsu ago

I am hoping it is some kind of joke, either that or a newfag trying to make us look bad

Neskuaxa ago

Account is a few days old.

Merchant_Menace ago

Probably just a jew trying to subvert voat culture.

AperionPatriot ago

Probably because the reddit mods reached out first.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

So they didn't know already that there were two subverses of similar size? They couldnt figure out by choosing just one it would literally divide people? How dumb are these guys? I thought they were supposed to be smart. On top of all of that they choose the one that's on private, I mean are you kidding me? Also where do they get off saying "official", who made any authority on anything?

Labreu ago

You're right but just think that these "anons" are just writing their own comments. What appears to be "endorsement" may not be at all...Think!

benjitsu ago

Would it surprise you if those 8chan mods have no idea about voat?

d-_-bored-_-b ago

I guess not.

RealAaronSwartz ago

We know why, the mods on this forum are CIA MKultra handlers who use trauma on people.

AperionPatriot ago

Right! That's it. Was on the tip of my tongue.