vladtep ago

Qs "Rosenstein is Himmler's son", "Merkel is Hitler's daughter", "Antifa are the real fascists" bullshit is unacceptable, anti-white hogwash.

What he's given us on the other side is "Saving Israel for last" and some coded references to Mossad.

Meanwhile, Trump has a very jewish family.

OK, so what am I supposed to think here? More disinfo? On which side?

bopper ago

Q never said anything about Rosenstein being anyone's son, you're not following closely enough. A poster speculated that. And Q never said that about Angela tho there was an implication, but she would be Hitler's niece I believe, I forget what everyone came up with. Trump is being attacked by the very Jew media and power structures you say he's sold out to.

vladtep ago

Q has also implied several times that Antifa are nazis, regardless, that's where he's going with it.

bopper ago

I hope you keep following along here, you would probably be very helpful. I like the Bible quotes as well. I know it's confusing about Trump's family but I really do not think he's controlled by Zionists (well obviously I don't).

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

Calling out Mossad โ‰  naming the Jew. That's precisely why Mossad exists. It lets the Jews blame any nefarious action by Jews on Mossad and say "it's just intelligence work, goy. America does it too, look at the CIA." Mossad is their screen to mask their anti-white activity behind the illusion of national security and intelligence gathering. Meanwhile Mossad is infiltrating white nationalist groups both online and IRL, and having them arrested/ killed by SWAT team. and whenever Mossad agents are captured, they are quickly let go, despite any and all evidence against them (some even with bomb-making materials, weapons, and heaps of cash on their person).

Message me when Q does any of the following:

  • Calls out the over-representation of Jews in the U.S. Government, finance, and/ or media
  • Calls out AIPAC, ADL, or SPLC for illegally influencing our government and elections
  • Questions why revoking dual citizenship is required for anyone else to have a Top Secret clearance, yet Jews are given exception with their birth-right Israeli citizenship
  • Calls out Israeli involvement in 9/11
  • Mentions the U.S.S. Liberty
  • Calls out the Federal Reserve
  • Calls out Israel stealing American secrets and tech and selling them to China
  • Calls out Israel stealing our nuke tech to make their own nuclear arsenal without approval

And that's just the beginning. Let's not get into all the fucking wars for the Jews we've been in.

Lordbananafist ago

You're tastelessly diminishing the losses of the 9/11 victims and their families if you think people interested in 9/11 truth (STILL THE BIGGEST GAME IN TOWN) will bite on some abbreviated riddle

bopper ago

Why is it the biggest game in town?

srayzie ago

Youโ€™re talking to that bitch Donkey

Shizy ago

Banana fist is donkey? I knew I didn't like that guy!

srayzie ago

Yup! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Lordbananafist ago

Don't you guys think overusing insults/ad hominem is suspicious?

srayzie ago

This is Donkey too @Darkknight111 Just so you know.

Lordbananafist ago

Lol who else is donkey? I thought I was special

Shizy ago

Donkey thinks he's special too. But everyone knows he's not.

Lordbananafist ago


Is that another appeal to popularity?

There must be soooo many voaters here!! Let's ping some of them!!

Shizy ago

I didn't mean on voat. I meant in your real life. If you're really interested in knowing more about that, walk up the basement steps and ask your mom.

srayzie ago

LOL. @Lordbananafist...

I bet you canโ€™t stand Shizy. The first time I noticed her was when she owned you. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Another woman like me? You were probably horrified. I was like... https://streamable.com/j55yr

Lordbananafist ago


Shizy ago

Awwww! I love that srayzie!

srayzie ago


Lordbananafist ago

Ohhh ok more insults...

You're a big fat jerk then

Shizy ago

I didn't know you wanted to be friends now

Lordbananafist ago

I just don't lead with insults...

The reader doesn't like it

Shizy ago

Ohhhh, you're pretending to be something you're not to score points. Got it ๐Ÿ˜‰

Lordbananafist ago

No... I can read...

Therefore I can imagine myself in the place of the reader...

Shizy ago

Hey donkey, if you would remain acting like this, it wouldn't be so bad having you around here. Just don't bring angry aggressive guy out. He causes too many problems.

Lordbananafist ago

Sorry... still gotta kill the jews

"Murder in the ditch" remember? Cheesebooger is the one who wants to give boat rides to Ukraine... shoulda been nicer to him

I'm kind of a dick

Shizy ago

I don't know what that means, and I don't care about booger eater. If you're not donkey say it and I will take your word and won't bring it up again.

Lordbananafist ago

Uhh I kinda liked having the nickname...

But I've never had an alt named donkey or Don Quixote or whatever... just this one and kingdomhearts123

Shizy ago

Donkeyhote ditched that alt and is now using auralsects because he threw a temper tantrum and said he was out of here. He couldn't stay away so he came up with the new name. That's his game. If you're not him, cool.

Lordbananafist ago

Ok see you

Y'all are jews

Shizy ago

See you around fister ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ

srayzie ago

Don't think that I dint know you are Donkey

Lordbananafist ago

I'm shocked you had time to find me with all the research that goes On around here

I must be important considering the gravity of the subject matter you're used to researching

Shizy ago

You do realize it makes you look really weird and weak to use so many alts right?

Lordbananafist ago

Ha I have this one and kingdomhearts123

I'm not cheesebooger... go ping him... y'all love pinging

Shizy ago

I never said or thought you were booger eater

Lordbananafist ago

Errr yea it was srazie

Confusing bunch

Shizy ago

But so much fun! That's why you keep making new alts and sneaking back here. You love us!!!

Lordbananafist ago

I have 1 alt that I already named lol

You guys are repetitive

Shizy ago

So you're not donkey?

Lordbananafist ago

I thought that was MY NICKNAME!!!

Now it turns out you guys have just been throwing it around... tsk tsk

srayzie ago

Because you were my first CheeseFaggotGhost. Youre not important. Iโ€™m just aware of who I despise.

Lordbananafist ago

lol cheesebooger???

He's a "deportation shill"... I'm a "murder in a ditch shill"

srayzie ago

Well he thinks Iโ€™m a Jew ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ Yes me. The one who you thought was retarted because I didnโ€™t know anything about them when I started on voat. Heโ€™s a fricken idiot.

You hate me for being female. He hates me for being a Jewess. ๐Ÿ™„ At least you hate me for something I really am. You should school him on how to spot Jews because the little bitches Jewdar is off.

bopper ago

I want to be buds with him but he treats me mean.

srayzie ago

You do NOT want to be buds with him. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Donโ€™t give him hope!

Shizy ago

This is the game @bopper plays. Pretend to be friends with the weird poster, gain their trust, and then crap talk them in very nice way so it takes them a few days to catch on to how they got owned! That's what he did with votescam!!!

bopper ago

You are perceptive Shizy! (Now delete your comment lol.)

All I have now is AreWeGay.

bopper ago

"Don't cast pearls before swine lest they turn and rend you"? Something like that? He hasn't called me OLD yet tho?

Lordbananafist ago

Longest war in American history?

1,000,000 dead Iraqis... 600,000 dead afghans... roughly the same amount of Syrians... 5000 dead American soldiers + 100,000 injured American soldiers... plus the victims of 9/11 and sick first responders

Plus the fact that if the 9/11 perps get taken down, the whole pedo satanist will probably go down with it..

You know... the super obvious reasons

bopper ago

If you are the original Don Quixote you should confront some of these people on this Khazar disinfo.

Lordbananafist ago

Most people don't buy it... hence all the appeals to popularity, in group slang and conspicuous pinging

"Q is sooooo popular" lol

bopper ago

And you think I'm cliquish. You have no idea.

srayzie ago

Iโ€™m so proud of you ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
You confront that punk!

bopper ago

You know what an asset he could be here? His bite is more of a defense mechanism than anything else. Ever been bitten by him?

EricKaliberhall ago

Donkey is (almost) ok in my book... He got wit, gotta give him that.

bopper ago

I know, I used to be on better terms with him but he calls me OLD now.

He CAN get pretty vicious.

EricKaliberhall ago

Most likely a sociopath... He'd probably enjoy turning on his friends.

srayzie ago

Yeah. Heโ€™s not an asset. He also believes women should be raped Bopper. We donโ€™t need another CheeseFaggotGhost. Donkey wonโ€™t stop there. He will insult the whole board.

bopper ago

But if I obey you and Shizy he will think I am a wimp?


Shizy ago

Don't ping crazy here bopper! This is why we can't have nice things!

srayzie ago

Poor @Bopper

Now heโ€™s got 2 of us mean to him lol

darkknight111 ago

Mos has gotta mean mossad given CIA in the post.

LMAO at the "faggot shill" flair I just spotted. How did you guys do that? Should totally do that to all of AWS and donkey's accounts. That flair is hilarious.

Also teach v/pizzagate how to do that so shills can be tormented there too.

Boban_Rajovic ago

should also be right there on OWi's account(s)

bopper ago

I know, it's a badge of dishonor haha...I know who did it but don't know if I can tell. And no idea how they did it.

talmoridor-x ago

They've finally realized the psyop wasn't convincing enough. Interested to see where this goes.

Lordbananafist ago

More slow drip gatekeeping

mrfetus ago

Black pill.

Durm ago

I'll take "People after 6 centuries who still need to calm down" for 200 Alex.

srayzie ago

Alex Jones lol

Durm ago

Trebek (sp).

Though if that was on AJ show as a skit would be funny, if he would ever even say something like that.

srayzie ago

It would be lol

bopper ago

You ARE the father. They do need to calm down yes.

Durm ago

I put 6 centuries. I meant millennia. Fixed

bopper ago

Didn't even notice but just read correctly into it.

EricKaliberhall ago

Someone's got to say it... Q has named the Jew.

srayzie ago

Dear God...

We need to put this in the sticky so the Q and Trump haters will be notified.

Q is a LARP!
Q is a psyop!

โ€œQ names the Jewโ€

Wait what? ๐Ÿค”

bopper ago

That's what I'm thinking.

Blacksmith21 ago

Or Military Occupational Specialty.

mrfetus ago

I don't think so.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've thought about it more. I'm inclined to believe Mossad over MOS. It makes more sense in the bigger context.

talmoridor-x ago

t. Mossad

bopper ago

I saw that you had said that, but Q linking it with the CIA makes me think along those lines.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm open to either interpretation as they both make sense in context. There are many MI MOSs which also makes sense: http://www.army-portal.com/jobs/military-intelligence/index.html

bopper ago

Ah, interesting. Well I value your opinion on these intel matters.

Blacksmith21 ago

TBH - I think MOS = Mossad makes the most sense. Going back to the "original video" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEM7L42x2xc or https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=gEM7L42x2xc

Especially in this context. If you've not seen this video, if FISA is the foundation, this is the site work.

MolochHunter ago

Not Good Enough!

Q must say 'hang all the joos' or else he, Trump and EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD is a zio-mungbean-perculator-shitstain-cucknuckle shillfag normiedork AARGLGLARGLBLURRRRP !

Omgaar ago

Hang the joos? It's gas the joos. Fucking CIA shill.

vladtep ago

Hang me, omg goyim I don't deserve a beating.

But if you're going to write me a parking ticket, at least let me write a sincere apology in crayon with somebody else's name.

I don't have to mean it, do I? Nobody mentioned anything to me about a mea culpa.

Tell you what, I'll just take everything you have, there we go.

MolochHunter ago

but I dont even own a Pug

My-Name-is-Mud ago

But your glowing

fuckingmockies ago

My big fear is that they're all CivNats. No point in defeating the cabal if we don't create white ethnostates.

MolochHunter ago

That'd be me.

I'm unclear about the merits of a white ethnostate. I dont see how its possible to create one without extraordinary bloodshed

i mean here we are fighting for the sexual security of children, but ethnic cleansing is 'regrettably necessary' ?

fuckingmockies ago

Think of it this way. Pre 1965, America was overwhelmingly white with a small black population. In 1965, the cabal changed the immigration laws, without consulting the people, and flooded the nation with third world ethnicities.

This was a calculated move to use migration as a biological weapon to divide and weaken our nation.

What sense would it make to defeat the cabal but not undo the damage they've done? Especially since, even if we stopped immigration to the West, we'll still be out bred and replaced. Do we not have a right to protect our own existence? It's not our fault these people were brought here, but it's also not our responsibility to suffer because of it.

Immigration is the weapon they use to destroy us, and Civic Nationalism is the lie they get you to parrot and virtue signal with as you go extinct.

MolochHunter ago

You are correct. We were betrayed with no consensus sought

But, tell me

Have tha Jooz used their power to make laws that prevent Jewish people miscegenating with goyim? No? Why not, if that 'genetic integrity' is so sacred?

There's a trend of Hispanic people identifying as 'white' when surveyed. I suspect they are identifying not with arbitrary levels of melanin. They are identifying with the foundational VALUES of Western Civilisation

That is the fight that preserves us. Without bloodshed. Whats so important about white genes in and of themselves? They are meaningless without the form, the traditions, the values, the culture that is expressed through them

We do not 'go extinct'. We are simply in transformation

fuckingmockies ago

Where do you think behavior comes from? Genes are just trivial things that determine your hair color, eye color, skin color, and not much else. Genes are the root of every single behavioral impulse that you have.

People with similar genes have similar behaviors. From this, culture arises.

Culture and values are an expression of biology, and you can't take one races values and apply them to a different race.

in transformation

Can't tell if you're a cuck or a shill with this one. That's like me saying, "I didn't kill my neighbor. I transformed him."

Listen, the cabal has been in control of your thinking for a long time, and you're on the road to Awakening but you have a long way to go. Anti-racism is another tool of the cabal to divide and control us.

Our Founding Fathers would never in a million years have anticipated the West becoming multi-ethnic. Nor would they have tolerated it if they had.

MolochHunter ago

your founding fathers imported blacks by the millions

you have a penchant for hyperbole

midnightblue1335 ago

By the millions? Are you insane? Only about 600,000 blacks were brought to the USA as slaves, most of them owned by a small handful of jews, of course. Millions of slaves... just like the 6 gorillion.

Whatever you say there, Rabbi @MolochHunter .

fuckingmockies ago

Not bad, you actually made an argument in your first reply. I'm not surprised you couldn't manage it twice in a row, however.

kneo24 ago

It's hard for low level zionists to keep up their charade when they're too busy talking out both sides of their mouth.

kneo24 ago

To sum up what you said, "there's nothing wrong with the browning of America!".

MolochHunter ago

if you need to be so reductionist, yes.

If you expand for nuance, its "there's nothing wrong with the browning of America on the proviso that they are loyal to the foundational values of western civilisation"

currently under Leftard influence I'm not satisfied that enough are supporting those values, so I'm keen to see the Wall built.

what, am I supposed to feel guilty for holding that position? I thought guilt trips were the reserve of SJW authoritarianism

notenoughstuff ago

There is a concerning lack of arguments and sources against your claims and views.

Reg. civic nationalism: Partially, culture and genetics can be much, much more intertwined than some might think, in such a way that culture tends to arise from genetics. And partially, some people are very much willing to deceive and pretend they care about some values, especially if they can gain for themselves and/or their group, such as by moving to an (extremely much) wealthier country and/or spreading their people. Just because they do things in a certain way does not mean that their children or grandchildren or later generations will.

See also:

Reg. whether people are different...:

(Especially for the Bantus/Congoids there is a horrible amount of material............ this is just a very, very small sample. Haven't even shown necklacing).

Reg. Jews being more intelligent on average, there is first the issue that Jews are extremely willing to sacrifice truth (and not just lie, but also seek out and destroy and undermine systems that protect, find and preserve truth and the like - something that I fear hurts the survival and success chances of the human species overall). And they also have an extreme amount of ethnic nepotism. They are very much related to Bantus/Congoids, both genetically as well as in regards to traditions (such as circumcision. Reg. circumcision, see for instance https://voat.co/v/whatever/2626674/13282176 as well as the Wikipedia page for where circumcision originated and spread. Jews seem particular here in that they circumcise only few days after the infant is born, unlike Muslims and (AFAIK) most Bantu/Congoid tribes). Reg. the ethnic nepotism, some say that this extends to the sciences and technology, both lying to take credit for things and promote themselves and lie their accomplishments up. And this means that, as far as I can tell, it becomes difficult to believe for instance the Noble prices and whether the awards are accurate at all. There is this argument I found, though I have only checked it partially: https://imgoat.com/uploads/fc3d7152ba/132208.png. And historically in ancient times it was southern Europeans like the Ancient Greeks and the Romans that were known for science and technology, not the Jews. And European Jews have historically been claimed to have achieved a lot, while there are not really any similar claims for Middle-Eastern Jews - if Jews were the common factor, would the Middle-Eastern Jews not have been claimed to have achieved similarly well?

Also, you might want to go to the chans, for instance /pol/ at 4chan.org. Shilling from every side, but arguments and sources do occur (at a higher rate than here, it seems), and you can check things yourself.

KosherHiveKicker ago

if you need to be so reductionist, yes.

If you expand for nuance, its >"there's nothing wrong with the browning of America on the proviso that they are loyal to the foundational values of western civilisation"

Will you hold Zionist-Jews to this "proviso" as well?

Zionist-Jews are overtly, and covertly attacking everything that is considered "Western Civilization"

  • Freedom of Speech
  • The Right To Own, Carry, And Defend Yourself With Firearms
  • Nation-State Sovereign Territory, Airspace, And Democratic Election Processes
  • Rule of Law - Zionist-Jews Have Assassinated More Heads Of State Than Any Other Nation Since WWII.
  • Basic Human Rights - Highest Rates Human Slave, And Sex Slave Trafficking In The World (Per Capita)

MolochHunter ago

y'know, if you people are supposedly the recruitment arm for white identity, you really suck at it.

Do i wanna join a bunch of friendly, supportive people over here, or do i wanna join the irresolvably snide, derisive, dripping with contempt autocratic thugs who wont let people have their own opinions over there ?

KosherHiveKicker ago

So is that a "no" then?

You will not hold Zionist-Jews to the same standard, and begin promoting "The Browning of Israel", and advocate for it to open it's borders and begin breeding with African Apes, and Arabic Sand-Niggers?

MolochHunter ago

congratulations. You earnt yourself a block

whats more, youve inspired me to go out and miscegenate

CheeseboogersGhost ago

hahaha you just got beat down whew!

MolochHunter ago

see thats the difference here. Im here for the sake of our communities. Thats why i blocked him, because nothing he has said to me adds anything towards that aspiration. You're here for your toddler games, and not for your community

and that's why im blocking your ass too

KosherHiveKicker ago

As if you are worth spending any more time spoon-feeding the truth to.

Good Luck rolling the 50/50 herpes or not dice with your next Apefrican "Queen".

CheeseboogersGhost ago

We got a jew here who wants the browning of America @KosherHiveKicker

KosherHiveKicker ago

Boots On!

Thanks for the ping, and this fuck has been added to my list.

kneo24 ago

You're talking out both sides of your mouth here.

There's a trend of Hispanic people identifying as 'white' when surveyed. I suspect they are identifying not with arbitrary levels of melanin. They are identifying with the foundational VALUES of Western Civilisation

We do not 'go extinct'. We are simply in transformation

Then you scale it back with:

"there's nothing wrong with the browning of America on the proviso that they are loyal to the foundational values of western civilisation"

currently under Leftard influence I'm not satisfied that enough are supporting those values, so I'm keen to see the Wall built.

Do you not remember what you write, zionist?

MolochHunter ago

ok im a zionist through and through. ya got me. I'm going to spend the $ mossad gave me at the whorehouse where your mother works

cant leave it alone can ya? it eats at you and eats at you and eats at you. such that you cant even live and let live with someone who is Centre-Right. 'not good enough' - some advocate of Democracy that makes you - and here you are imagining you're Supporting Western values.

youre an SJW. Exactly, just the white reflection of one. Totally infected with identity politics. & all you will ever achieve is lurching through history from a genocide on the left to a genocide on the right

kneo24 ago

You're deflecting now, zionist. It's not my fault you're constantly shifting the goal posts you set up in your arguments. If you don't want people to infer the wrong things from what you write, you write more clearly. Since you refuse to do that, it's clear you have an agenda.

I'm not an SJW, zionist. Identity politics exists everywhere and you can't avoid it. People self identify as all sorts of things. You just tried to identify yourself as "center-right".

You also give away that you're probably not American by writing "center" as "centre". It's a small sip up on your part, but noticeable none the less.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Great job busting this one. He' a slippery one

kneo24 ago

You're clearly a zionist.

MolochHunter ago


I'm from a splinter group of Mossad who are sick to death of the baby rapists in our midst, and we are driving out the evil

are you with us or against us?

kneo24 ago

All of your sarcasm aside, it doesn't change the fact that you're a zionist.

srayzie ago


RockmanRaiden ago

Even if Q did say that, we all know it's because he's a CIA/MOSSAD psyop as well as a LARP. That's right. Both things are true. If you disagree you're a dirty semite like Trump himself. Isn't that right, @srayzie?

srayzie ago

Yes! No matter which way he goes, Q will be a Psyop or LARP. Trump will be a racist Zionist Nazi deep state Freemason!

bopper ago

Lol, those guys seem to have quieted down. For a few minutes. They are rabid.

Q has mentioned 9/11 when he posted about the 9/11 widow implicating Hillary in her death, he's also menitoned Israel for last, he now says Mossad, months ago he reposted an anon's meme of a Jew, he's not gonna say much more than that, it will be later. He mentioned Hitler and Merkel but had to pull back.

vladtep ago

I'm curious about how the Qs "Merkel is Hitler's daughter" is an anti-jewish theme.

Seems to me that's in line with the old jewish ploy of blaming everything bad they do on nazis or the goyim.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

The Nazi upper brass were occultists. And a lot of them infiltrated the USA. Not to mention they were backed by the European elite, the Vatican and of all people, the Rothschilds.

vladtep ago

I doubt it. lol

PrideOfOshtekk ago

You don't know shit dude. Do some goddamn research before mouthing off. Hitler supporters are FUCKING DUMB.

vladtep ago

Argument by assertion, means nothing.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I'm not gonna spend hours gathering up all the research just for you. Either you put effort into something, or you're the fucking loser everyone thinks you are, faggot.

Member for 15 days and wasting my time. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

vladtep ago

Jew confirmed.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I was called a sand nigger and now a Jew.

Can someone add nigger and chink in there too?

Conspiracy theories? What sub are you on, you degenerate fuckstick? Are you literally that retarded?

lord_nougat ago

Their weekend meds kicked in!

Rotteuxx ago

No, it's just more entertaining seeing a bunch of faggots suck on a psyop dick than triggering them directly.

Blacksmith21 ago


MolochHunter ago

did i say that as me? Dang ! I forgot to log out & log back in as CheeseboogersHymen

kestrel9 ago

WhoopiGoldboogersGhost or replace Ghost with Cheese (blech!)

Just an idea, I only use one name so go for it anyone.

Blacksmith21 ago

Even funnier. I hate it when a plan blows up in your face. LOL.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

ahh and there it is.

Shizy ago

Yep, there's faggot shill ๐Ÿ˜‚

Quicktor ago

what...when do I get a badass multicolored label to bring more attention to my anti-Zionist truths?....(brilliant reprimand...)

I want an upgrade....a "badge of honor" if you will....how about "Nigger Bitch" or "Kosher Cornhole"?....guess I'm not good enough...(yet...)

Shizy ago

I vote for Quicktor the Cornholer. It has a nice ring to it

Quicktor ago

thought so too...this could be fun...

EricKaliberhall ago

Hahaha... That's priceless booger. :)

CheeseboogersGhost ago

My new flair is cool, isn't it?? It what they do to anyone who disagrees with them. SRS shill tactics.

Shizy ago

She shoulda put srayzie's bitch since that's what you are!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

wait....you think she knows how to do flairs? I guarantee she had to get some man do it

PrideOfOshtekk ago


Shizy ago

No, she's not a worthless doormat like your wife

MolochHunter ago

Ive disagreed with (((Them))) and I didnt get a flair

it must be.... it must be some other criteria.... (queue thinking music)

CheeseboogersGhost ago

sure, reddit Israeli.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

He isn't. This is why you got that flair bubbo.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

He spelled the word "center" as "centre", and he advocated for the browing in America. Then, he admitted that he is a proud Zionist. @kneo24 busted him

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Yeah MolochHunter is from the UK.

bopper ago

Likely he's European or UK.

RockmanRaiden ago

The marked one speaks!

EricKaliberhall ago

I love it... It's awesome. :)