RichardWagner ago

@Chiefpacman remember the above dude?

Well the downvotes are coming from an Israeli group which includes "srayzie" "shizy" and "gothamgirl" who are all the same person. They have hired hands like "mumbleberry" who are hired to downvote any alternative opinions. Shit is whack.

Gothamgirl ago

Nope not me, leave me out of it.

RichardWagner ago

What they don't realise is that Spielberg isn't really a pedo and is more moral than you might think... This is the LONG GAME and some people are in for a big big shock @Chiefpacman

jangles ago

This seems more likely. The smell of "srayzie" "shizy" and "gothamgirl" is sour for sure.

Chiefpacman ago

I do remember seeing that.

I’d say you’re doing something right if they’re this upset

ParisJackson ago

@gothamgirl @srayzie @crensch @carmencita


Bada Boom

Game Over

"Sarah" is Dr Judy Wood.

Enjoy. Sony Desta

Gothamgirl ago

I get the message she is sharing about 911 and the other stuff -Judy Wood.

Sarah is accused of theatening a mods child/children here, and mods too, that's not cool at all. The only reason I am responding, is try to make that stop.

So is that person in the pic Judy/Sarah real, AI, or CGI like I think of the Austin bomber? Or are they just JP's kids?

Paris Jackson I saw "pizzagate" and John Podesta underneath that recently with in a video, just noticed her intials backwards is JP. How does she relate to this? Victim, CGI, or cloning? Is he her dad? Or nothing?

You people really need to start answering some questions, people here are mentally exhausted, and have had it with the cryptic guessing games, and spam. I am about the only one who cares, and I about to leave this place for good soon, so make it quick.

ParisJackson ago


ParisJackson ago

We aren't human.

You said you "got it" under the cicada video but maybe you were telling fibs.

Gothamgirl ago

No, I said "I think I got it" There is alot going on in the video. I am willing to listen though.

MescalitoSOS ago


remember that blood drinker who appeared on the forum argosvic? Well he's from Australia and Srayzie apparently is too. So we have blood drinkers with a penchant for pedophilia running the sub. All planned by the genius of Satan of course to consume their souls with glee.

I'm not sorry about it, are you?

Gothamgirl ago

Well I knew argosciv was from Australia and he explained privately, the blood drinking was something else -a joke.

But your stating that about Srayzie to, without proof, and that is wrong, and that is one of the reasons they don't want you guys here. She is a big Trump supporter, so I hardly believe she is from another country or any of the things listed above.

TheHolyGrail ago

I wanted to let you know that personally.

Enjoy what is to come... I doubt you will.

TheHolyGrail ago

You have betrayed God George.

Gothamgirl ago

I love God and I am Gothamgirl thanks.

Gothamgirl ago

George? Which one Webb? I don't have those types of skills. Don't you see me taking guesses? I am female.

Ironically, Webb just explained uranuim in his last few video, so I got it now.

RichardWagner ago

George dude, you betrayed God as your character "srayzie" what you don't realise is that ETI are real and are the ones who really run Mossad at the top.

Gothamgirl ago

No I am Gothamgirl.

Gothamgirl ago


MescalitoSOS ago

You are AI, everyone is...

MescalitoSOS ago

No it's saying nukes are fake and Israel is fucked.

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah I kinda got that so what are they doing with the uranuim?

ParisJackson ago

Paris Jackson is Hillary Clinton.


ParisJackson ago

@gothamgirl @srayzie @crensch @carmencita

John prefers the title God but hey that's your deal now.

toodle loo!

Gothamgirl ago

DOA is a better title for him.

WordsAreMagic ago

Spongebob Square Pant Wedding Illustrations at Comet Ping Pong posted December 2016 / Las Vegas Connection

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing.

i_scream_trucks ago

its the number of Jimmy Pop Ali

Crensch ago

You fucked up, cunt.

Gothamgirl ago

You should go to Femcity and talk like that, or do you already? When your done with that you should look into this guy:

carmencita ago

TY. Very interesting. These are too many coincidences to ignore. The fact that 7 factors so many times Well it must mean something. It is also considered a ver lucky number.

Gothamgirl ago


srayzie ago

FkynL1ve5 has to be involved. That or Cicada 3301. Ask Titus Frost. He’ll know. Better yet, ask Sarah.

The wench is back and has not apologized for lying about me even tho I proved it the other day with screenshots.

@Crensch @Shizy

New sub.

Gothamgirl ago

My sub is not new it's 7 months old.

srayzie ago

I apologize for thinking it was a new sub. I saw something that said 6 hours.

Your screenshot says you’re sorry IF that is the truth. You know damn well it’s the truth. I’ve never met you! How would I plant child porn on your damn phone?! Show me where I said I had a fetishized for married men. Prove to me that I made a threat to kidnap your kid.

You went to my coloring page site that has over 2000 pictures that I’ve done. You went thru all that to pick out some owls and a moon? Wtf is that about? You’re conniving. They weren’t evil looking. You accuse me of playing games with you. PROVE IT. I already showed with one screenshot that you lied about FlynnL1ve5. I have more.

Why didn’t you share a screenshot of what you said too?? Because you were trying to make me look bad!

If you come here and accuse a pizzagate mod of something horrible like planting child porn on your phone or threatening to kidnap your kid, you better damn well prove it. This isn’t a game. You have set out to purposely slander my name. You have manipulated everything that you said about me.

Don’t don’t play innocent and say “IF” that is the truth.

You let the police address it. They are gonna think you’re crazy when you say that someone you’ve never met planted child porn on your phone. You accused me of crimes. If anything, you will show them that you are mentally ill. Also, bringing strangers home to fuck when you have children. You put their information out to the public, You will be seen as an unfit mother, as you should be. So go for it. Call them. Give them my username.

I want a full apology where you admit you lied. There’s not If’s ands or buts here.

@Crensch @Shizy

Gothamgirl ago

I hate to address this again, I have just noticed this, the reason I said this, is I followed his work, if you look into his comments he states that I show "Admiration" towards him, and that is what it really was, he is an 17year Airforce vet, who gave a shit about the children, and the well being of this country, day and night, so I said he was a hero alot. I didn't know what he looked like. Until like a week after you inboxed me, the video of him talking about his wife. His personal videos were private then, and the 2 recent videos of his face, came later right before he was arrested. From that video I reconized him from something else.

If you look at your entire message with him that was sent to me, one of his profile pics is missing out of the conversation. I don't use twitter, so it lead me to believe your conversation was possibly faked.

This was after you accused him of being Sarah which you clearly know he isn't.

The reason I believed he was Q is just look at his work, his skills set is 2nd to none.

Crensch ago

What is this shit? Still doubling down and defending yourself here?

You are one mentally fucked individual. I don't really care what happens with the others, but I do not accept your bullshit apology. I told you what you needed to do to keep from having to deal with this non-stop. You are now completely linked to everything "Sarah" does here, and I'll make sure you're referenced every single time she comes up.

If you're really scared of her, you won't want that. I'll take your continued presence to mean that you are not, and that you are, in fact, part of her little crew, if not her yourself. I'm sure she'll be delighted.

Gothamgirl ago

I was just explaining how the confusion happened.

"If you're really scared of her" -I am not I fear no one.

If you want to reference me while speaking about her, thats none of my business, you can say whatever you like.

"I told you what you needed to do to keep from having to deal with this non-stop." Yes you did thats why I have stayed to myself. You can embarrass me everyday if you like, no need to tell me about it, I will see it and so will everyone else.

Crensch ago

I was just explaining how the confusion happened.

Nobody cares what you have to say.

"If you're really scared of her" -I am not I fear no one, only God.

So you're either Sarah, or with her. Got it.

If you want to reference me while speaking about her, thats none of my business, you can say whatever you like.

I'll make sure you feature heavily.

"I told you what you needed to do to keep from having to deal with this non-stop." Yes you did thats why I have stayed to myself. You can embarrass me everyday that's fine, no need to tell me about it, I will see it, and so will everyone else.

Yes, they will. They will see what a disgusting single mother you are, and nobody will ever have any respect for you here.

I lost a few friends and alot of fireman from my neighborhood.

Nobody believes you.

Sept. 11, 1941 It is also the day the Pentagon was built.

LHOHQ is the Global Pizzagate/dark projects/occult references of George Bushes timeframe, some of it comes in the form of an ARG. The word salad is the players and corporate entities involved.

Synt had a Pentagon on their website.

Nobody will ever take you seriously again. Congratulations on ensuring that.

I think the Pentagon should be torn down due to occult symbology, and they were downloading cp and never faced the consequences.

Nobody cares what you think.

I wasn't only here for the children, they are 1st of course, but for all of the atrocities to humanity.

You are an atrocity to humanity, and your mother should have been an abortion.

Gothamgirl ago

"Nobody cares what you have to say."

Yes you do, so much so, I bet $100 you will write a post about it shortly.

"So you're either Sarah, or with her. Got it."

Nope none of that.

"I'll make sure you feature heavily."

Can't wait, go for it big guy.

"Nobody will ever take you seriously again. Congratulations on ensuring that."

Only God and family matter at the end of the day.

"Nobody cares what you think."

Yes they do, and that's why I don't want to delete my account. I have made friends here.

"You are an atrocity to humanity, and your mother should have been an abortion."

Many years to late, sorry.

Disgusting single Mother -

I am not single, or disgusting, and I am a very good mother.

Have a great day.

Shizy ago

I thought she left after getting her ass handed to her by @crensch since she never responded. Looks like she thought she'd hide out someplace else on voat! Nice try 😂

srayzie ago

Her ass was handed to her by me too. With one screenshot, it showed she had lied for days. I have much more.

Shizy ago

Oh no, you definitely did as well, and he wouldn't have had the needed ammo if you hadn't done such a good job documenting everything!

Gothamgirl ago

I bet your a jewish tranny who belongs no where near children. Lap dog is what your screen name should be.

Shizy ago

This coming from the easy woman who is so thirsty for male attention that she bring strange men into her home and around her child just so she can get some? Real safe parenting there! That's how kids get molested! You're such a joke!! It must hurt finding out that zyklon is hooking up with someone else now, but what do you expect? Can't turn a hoe into a housewife!

Gothamgirl ago

Your quite delusional do you make this up as you go?

"This coming from the easy woman who is so thirsty for male attention that she bring strange men into her home and around her child just so she can get some?"

Really? Ask Zyklon, he waited 3 months before coming to my house, so where do you get your info from, your degenerate head?

"Real safe parenting there! That's how kids get molested!"

Maybe in your world, I don't act like you. How old do you think my kids are? I will tell you they're old enough to where they could never be molested, and your quite dumb.

Please tell me how can Zyklon be hooking up with someone else now?

carmencita ago

I have not read the Boble for years. I am a Catholic. But I know the importance of numerology. And God’s word.

Gothamgirl ago

I am catholic as well. I became repulsed by the 1st sex scandal, and some other things. So I distanced myself awhile ago. I am ashamed to say this, but it was pizzagate that made me reevaluate, and reconnect with god.

srayzie ago

I’m catholic as well. I became repulsed by the 1st sex scandal, and some other things. So I distanced myself awhile ago. I am ashamed to say this, but it was pizzagate that made me reevaluate, and reconnect with god.

pizzagate that made me reevaluate

Yeah, your reconnection with God is apparent. 🙄 You learned so much from pizzagate that you had your kids information public on Facebook and got threats that he would be kidnapped. Let’s not forget that you were meeting men off the Pizzagate forum and inviting them over for sex. To top it off, one of them put child porn on your phone.

Maybe you need to go to confession a few more times and stop spreading your legs and putting your kids at risk and then blaming a pizzagate mod that you never met of telepathically planting child porn on your phone.

and reconnect with god

Stop acting holier than thou. You disgust me. You’ve already been outed. Screenshots and archives.

Gothamgirl ago

No I could've defended myself I choose not to when mods of pizzagate started to talk about my child. I apologized only to stop the drama on pizzagate. Pizzagate is to save children, but you forget that, you're despicable.

Crensch ago

Prove this!

Prove this!

Gothamgirl ago

Well look how many people have left in the last month, and look who was talking to them just prior.

Next sentence I am asking a question, which obviously means I am looking for the answer.

Vindicator ago

Well look how many people have left in the last month

Just for the record, v/pizzagate is up 2,000 subscribers over the past month. Not sure what the heck you are referring to, GG.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing that info, sorry for the error I just had multiple people reach out me to say they were leaving. I am so excited pizzagate is getting so much attention. What a wonderful blessing!

Srayzie and I have resolved all of our issues now.

Vindicator ago

Glad to hear that. With the bad operators constantly trying to manipulate people on these boards, it's very easy to get sideways with one another. It's my belief that folks with good will eventually work things out. I'm an optimist. :-)

srayzie ago

GothamGirl, I thought we were over this. This was all said before the apology. No, I never knew your children were disabled and one was deceased. That’s horrible. I’m sorry that you’re going thru that. I sincerely am. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

You know why the topic of your children came up. I was defending myself as well. Didn’t you say you went thru MKUltra? I honest to God don’t know why you think I would ever purposely mislead you or try to trick you. I think we were both kind of paranoid of each other.

I’m not this mean person you seem to I think I am. Not unless someone comes after me first. Once you apologized, I’ve let everything go. You hurt my feelings too. I was going thru a really rough time when all that was going on. So I felt attacked.

I honest to God, have no idea what that screenshot is about. If it’s a new accusation, I don’t even want to know. I’m sorry for the mean things I said. I’m the nicest person you can meet until you come at me or the ones I love. That’s what you witnessed. I believe that your children have the same father.

If what you are saying now is that your apology was a lie, then that hurts, but there’s nothing I can do. All I can do is say sorry for my part. I truly wish you the best. I’m not going to continue fighting.

I’m not trying to be mean when I say this. But, if you want to continue arguing, I’m just going to block you. It’s not helping either one of us OR kids to keep causing drama and I’ve been enjoying some peace in life lately.

Gothamgirl ago

I will accept your apology Srayzie.

No it is not a new accusation towards you, I was trying to show you who my ex was connected to. I thought the name Jeffery should ring a bell. However that was years before we meet.

I can't put it all without giving up my own name, cause we had a court case. I sued him and it's online. It was mind control for money and assets that was done to me, they could not groom me for anything further.

I told someone in an intelligence agency last year, as I believed he matched someone from the Madeline McCann flyer, and they told me who he really was this summer, and they would take care of it, that's how they told me.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Wow. You mean your ex and that guy were using mind control on you? Now that I think back, I do remember you saying your ex was awful. But I didn’t realize it was that bad. Was he trained in that? How did you realize finally that it was mind control and able to take away their control over you?

Gothamgirl ago

No. It means he worked for Jeff Epstein during Jeffrey's first conviction. He has never sexually assualted anyone according to court records though. This was prior to me and I never experienced that part. I just happened to remember some things that were spoken of in my presence.

My ex was experienced in mind control, brain washing and only his mother was involved. I thought both were employed by Broward Sherriffs office and also he was in the military, a Vet from Iraq. The mom was in one old movie. I am not the only victim of theirs. They have pulled many financial scams.

Shizy ago

Wow! Back after all this time? This is really weird! She just called me a Jewish tranny and said I shouldn't be anywhere near children 🤣! Maybe she went back off her meds?

Octocopter ago

Almost like the shill or mental issues patient we are dealing with is bring old accounts back.

Shizy ago

Like they were activated for some reason!

i_scream_trucks ago

man how the fuck do you get these slappers to hook up with you?

ive been hanging around the wrong subs...

srayzie ago

From pizzagate. She’s lying about me...

i_scream_trucks ago


i tend not to believe a single fucking thing about anyone that they havent shown me themselves anyway. part of my job.

not that i recall speaking to you at any length before but you sure seem one of the more level headed people around this place...

srayzie ago

Thank you. I provided proof. There are links in that post.

carmencita ago

Yes I got disgusted too. But never stoped praying. I never go to church unless for funeral or wedding. I can not deny those that cannot see. Especially relatives. Last time was 3 yrs ago. What really angered me was when I was told I could not receive communion due to divorce. I went anyway. Evil rules.

fogdryer ago

As if God we’re to turn you away for that ..... Hey, what will God do with these pedo priests ?

carmencita ago

Burn them in HE77.

i_scream_trucks ago

but thats not what the bible says at all.

the bible says if he repents he will be forgiven.

therefore pedophiles go to heaven

therefore hell would be where all the actual conciencious innocent and repentant will be and where i want to go.

or you can accept that the only thing that is forgiving of the sins of a pedophile or child rapist is their own conscience that they call 'God'

Shizy ago

God also said for people to be able to do such things they are reprobates- meaning they are already rejected by God because they rejected God first. There's no redemption for them. It's already too late.

carmencita ago

Sorry, but as I said I have not read the Bible for years. I pray to God that's it.

i_scream_trucks ago

yeah. i know you havent read the bible.

it shows.

if you had youd be an atheist.

derram ago :

What is the Biblical Significance of the Number Seven / 7? - YouTube

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