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carmencita ago

TY. Very interesting. These are too many coincidences to ignore. The fact that 7 factors so many times Well it must mean something. It is also considered a ver lucky number.

Gothamgirl ago


srayzie ago

FkynL1ve5 has to be involved. That or Cicada 3301. Ask Titus Frost. He’ll know. Better yet, ask Sarah.

The wench is back and has not apologized for lying about me even tho I proved it the other day with screenshots.

@Crensch @Shizy

New sub.

Shizy ago

I thought she left after getting her ass handed to her by @crensch since she never responded. Looks like she thought she'd hide out someplace else on voat! Nice try 😂

srayzie ago

Her ass was handed to her by me too. With one screenshot, it showed she had lied for days. I have much more.

Shizy ago

Oh no, you definitely did as well, and he wouldn't have had the needed ammo if you hadn't done such a good job documenting everything!

Gothamgirl ago

I bet your a jewish tranny who belongs no where near children. Lap dog is what your screen name should be.

Shizy ago

This coming from the easy woman who is so thirsty for male attention that she bring strange men into her home and around her child just so she can get some? Real safe parenting there! That's how kids get molested! You're such a joke!! It must hurt finding out that zyklon is hooking up with someone else now, but what do you expect? Can't turn a hoe into a housewife!

Gothamgirl ago

Your quite delusional do you make this up as you go?

"This coming from the easy woman who is so thirsty for male attention that she bring strange men into her home and around her child just so she can get some?"

Really? Ask Zyklon, he waited 3 months before coming to my house, so where do you get your info from, your degenerate head?

"Real safe parenting there! That's how kids get molested!"

Maybe in your world, I don't act like you. How old do you think my kids are? I will tell you they're old enough to where they could never be molested, and your quite dumb.

Please tell me how can Zyklon be hooking up with someone else now?