angelafogo ago

Hi everyone, there was a strange John of God center in Sedona where they practice witchcraft and most probably hardcore mind washing.

TheyLie ago

Why would you ever post this kind of stuff on reddit? They've been censoring heavily for years.

cm18 ago

Reddit admins are actively working to shape the narrative. This was the second time I was "shadow banned" when commenting on reddit. I was bribing up the issue of William Cooper and his predictions about school shootings to convince Americans to disarm.

Basically, you're free to post almost anything you want, but if there's an event that is to be used to shape the narrative, any counter narrative is squelched. Talk about the moon landings, flat earth, etc., but expect to have your voice censored when there's an important narrative being pushed.

Reddit is no longer reddit. It's all controlled.

kestrel9 ago

I believe DS encourages the talk about flat earth, space alien abuctions (some books authored by CIA ops btw), in order to keep normies from taking anything serious about deepstate corruption.

Premeditated123 ago

The whole purpose of the shooting and many more to come Is to induce fear into the general public. They want you to know that the shootings could happen anywhere, anytime And there’s nothing you can do about it until we take your guns away.

thefinalhoax ago

And this is called "progress". Unreal.

Squirrelboy85 ago

AP you have any links for who is posting over there.

Barfin ago

reddit keeps going down today, probably getting scrubbed

Deathstalker ago

Reddit is down. It may be getting hit by ddos.

Edit: Back. Thats stange for it to be down because they haven't had that happen lately.

Gibsmoniesplz ago

At this point, if all this information is valid, that means the shooters father is but two degrees of separation from some of the main actors of PG

kNUCK ago

They make it a bit too obvious sometimes... or maybe they’re running low on resources?

Paranoiaattack ago

Anyone know how to archive this now that voat requires login?

Omnidempotent ago

Just save the web page.

blumen4alles ago

Screenshots or some other local archiver.

Paranoiaattack ago

I'd like to preserve the links. I wanted to paste this out to fb but don't have time to manually copy the links.

blumen4alles ago

You won't find me on faceberg.

Paranoiaattack ago

Gotta spread shit out to normies somehow

Barfin ago

blow boomer minds

Hmmmm_m ago

And they want people like, John Bryan Crusius, to determine whether or not Americans can own fire arms under proposed red flag law.

think- ago

@letsdothis3 @new4now @angelafogo @girlinashittycountry @Factfinder2 - pleaes see the John of God connection.

letsdothis3 ago

Read through the comments section of this post carefully for the links between John of God and Epstein: International Planned Parenthood Federation, the world's biggest sexual health charity, is accused of offering YOUNG volunteers to adults at events in Africa...Here's what we know..

International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the world’s biggest sexual health charity, is also accused of offering young volunteers to adults at events in Africa...

If it was happening in Africa, it was happening elsewhere..IPPF was also in Brazil, not far from the JoG compound..

new sexual and reproductive healthcare programmes led by International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Marie Stopes International (MSI) consortia across Africa and South Asia

Also Brazil... Marie Stopes International also worked with Wyss on genetic engineering projects.. the sort that Podesta invested in..

...Additional to consulting Swiss Billionaire Hansjoerg Wyss /v/pizzagate/1750186/8570886 also known for his efforts in cloning, Mr. Podesta has been involved in genetics since at least 2004 according to this recently deleted post /v/pizzagate/1766389

..SOCIAL JUSTICE MEETING Cambridge, MA – October 21, 2015...The minutes from the April 28, 2015 meeting held in Washington, DC were approved... Participants included Hansjörg Wyss, Bruce Babbit, Bob Bland, Molly McUsic, John Podesta and Howard Stevenson. Staff included Anna Fink, Lauren Haigler, Matt Hollamby, Chris Killingsworth and Joe Fisher who kept the minutes. ..Grant approved - Marie Stopes International: $1,750,000 to increase access to safe abortion care by expanding its current work in Mexico and Bolivia.

...In 1977, Perkin, along with Drs. Richard Mahoney and Gordon Duncan, started the Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology. They set up shop in Seattle mostly because Duncan was working for the BATTELLE Institute

..a branch of the European Adoption Consultants is located in Columbus a block or so away from the SEIU 1199 HQ in Columbus. In this thread, VOATer @HerbVendor mentioned the proximity of the adoption agency to the Battelle Memorial Institute, the Wexner Medical Center (Jeffrey Epstein managed Leslie Wexner's money until Epstein went to prison) and Ohio State University.

Right, I'm back off to continue investigating Epstein. If people can't work out false flags by now, I don't know what else to say...

think- ago

If people can't work out false flags by now, I don't know what else to say...

Of course it was a false flag. I pinged you because I wasn't sure whether you had read about the John of God connection.

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks @think-. Didn't mean to be so grouchy... it's upsetting to see the lengths that the deep state will go to.

think- ago

K. ;-)

new4now ago


The ping helps me keep up

Been really busy last few days and I pop in every chance I can

think- ago

Welcome, @new4now.

QCrumbCatcher ago

This is exactly why Voat is taking over Reddit. Why the fuck are they censoring this? One of the mods is supposedly now threatening a quarantine/sub ban for r/conspiracy. I think you guys are over the target now so to speak.

SecurityReasons ago

Because they are corporate whores. They are worried about fallout and aren't concerned with getting to the bottom of this.

Jungun ago

Fantastic work.

SmackNotes ago

Zinnsee ago

Good stuff!

ShadowWatcher ago

He's probably not his biological father, these children are often given directly to their handlers, they often think their handlers are their parents. This is why they can send the child to their Doom with no remorse.

axolotl__peyotl ago

More from user moses600:

Making sense of this

I saved this part for the comments because it is wild speculation. Everyone wants to craft a narrative that makes sense of the things they see in this world, and I am no different. The desire to understand is insatiable.

First of all, the involvement of Colin Ross and his expertise on psychological manipulation raises the possibility that the shooter was programmed or guided to perform this violent act.

Is this shooter the product of a human farm? Was he a Manchurian killer?

The big picture links here are Naomi Campbell and Marina Abramovic. They are both tied to John of God and Jeffrey Epstein. Naomi Campbell flew on the Lolita Express. Abramovic is connected to a bunch of scumbags including the Podestas and Clintons. This means we are looking at an extension of Pedogate. This is not a social circle that includes good people.

Naomi Cambell really needs to be questioned. Info dump

What else do Epstein and John of God have in common? Well, just take a look at these two links:

‘John of God’ cult leader allegedly ran child sex slave farm

Jeffrey Epstein 'wanted to seed human race with his DNA' by impregnating up to 20 women at a time, report says

"Farm", and "ranch".... as if they are harvesting.

From link 1:

"In a video, Bittencourt, whose organization, Coame, helps women report sexual assault by religious leaders, said she has spoken to women from at least three continents who claimed they bought Brazilian babies from John of God for as much as $50,000, the Mirror reported."

Have any of you ever seen The Island (2005)? Yeah, it's way more low key than the harvesting methods of yesteryear:

Link 1

Link 2

Harvesting organs is actually pretty lightweight compared to farming humans for God-knows-what purpose.

What else can you harvest from humans? Adrenochrome. I am not going to explain this particular rabbit hole, but I will dump a few links to get you started if you're new here.




Okay, so that shit might sound a bit cray. Then I saw the twitter profile of the Dayton, Ohio shooter.


Notice his cover photo is a Fear and Loathing cartoon drawing. Also look at his profile picture. It looks to me like an adrenochrome reference.

His handle is @iamthespookster, which is just lovely.

This guy also retweeted the Socialist Rifle Association, and a bunch of other hard Left and communist material. More


Why do we have a commie, and the son of a new age crypto-Jew both shooting up public spaces? Why are they doing it in a way that sows racial conflict? What do the Zionists have to gain from this?

Is this the desired result?

If the Zionists are successful in sparking an American race war, what happens to Israel?

Spoiler: they expand. Link

The formation of Greater Israel is the ultimate goal, with a border that stretches to the Euphrates river. With no superpower to keep them in check, they will annihilate their rivals once no one is looking. We already know they are willing to do shit like 9/11, so mass shootings seem tame in comparison.

I am tired. Are you getting sleepy too? Can you feel it now, Mr. Krabs?