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LostandFound ago

There is a lot more to this @gothamgirl @lordbeatlejuicethe1 I never worked out how but I worked out why. Excuse the spam comment. Sarah Latham represents the Freuds and has worked with the Podestas for some time, see the timeline this issue rears its ugly head around about the times Podesta is needed for some fixing.

Sarah Latham - Special Assistant to White House Chief of Staff John Podesta and Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Presidential Scheduling from 1996 to 2000

2005 Sarah Latham worked for Tony Blair on his re-election campaign quits job as **Director of Public Affairs at Freud Communications **to work with UK Labor Tessa Jowell.

Founded Latham Group in 2006. Special Advisor to the U.K. Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.


February 10, 2007 Obama first announces run for office

3 May 2007 - Madeline McCann goes missing

4th of May 2007 - No Podesta emails exist for 6 months prior to this date - emails sent on this date are by his assistant.

6th May 2007 Clarence Mitchell 25 year journalist, presenter, spin-doctor & director of the Media Monitoring Unit UK is sent to Portugal to provide consular support for the McCanns , only 3 days after she is reported missing.

September 2007 Clarence Mitchell – Leaves full time Civil Service Post to work full time for the McCanns. This was also at a time when all types of stories were released in the British mainstream media.

2007 -2008 Efits of the suspects taken are then suppressed for 5 years with no real MSM explanation

September 2008 - Clarence Mitchell – Retained job working Part time for the McCanns (worth 30,000). However he immediately obtained a job working as a “Reputation Manager” of Freud International. Company that is run by Mathew Freud. Son of Sir Clement Freud.

*The pedophile Sir Clement Freud was outed as a pedophile who had an apartment near where Madeleine McCann went missing.*

November 2008 Sara Latham ex director from Freud is taken on by the Obama / Democratic party transition team

November 2008 John Podesta serves as co-chair of same Obama transition team


October 14 2013 Efits with similarities to podestas released to the public for the first time.

1 January 2014 John Podesta becomes the Counselor to President Obama

2015 - 2016 Sara Latham ex-Freud becomes Podesta's chief of staff date not yet confirmed but definitely 2016 ready in time for the presidential run.

dundundunnnnn ago

Don't forget:

Clement Freud invited Kate and Gerry McCann for lunch after Madeleine disappeared

LostandFound ago

Actually yes I forgot to add that extremely important detail many thanks.

dundundunnnnn ago

It would be a way for them to excuse any DNA of theirs that might be at the house.

BIGLY17 ago

One part of this all I can’t remember is whether it was confirmed they actually had lunch; this may be telling on the parents complicity/involvement if any - I know many have raised their involvement as concerning in the aftermath as well.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Why was this downvoted? This is solid info, thanks dude

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing this with me.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

he did it

LostandFound ago

I was never able to confirm the photos of JP at the summit meeting in ( Portugal I believe ) were accurate. If I could confirm that JP was in Europe at the time then I would be one step closer to resolving this, but I am unwilling to take the leap yet. If they did it or not seems almost irrelevant at this stage, the way they reacted to this and how its used against them is enough.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i hope you hang the podestas