RedPowerRanger ago

I wish stuff like this would get better upVoats

Eph513 ago

great work! wanted to up vote but run out for the day

EndThePizza ago

If this doesn't get proper attention due to the distractions of the shooter news, post it again when things have died down a bit. This sounds important.

LostandFound ago

Awesome find! Now get this in the context of what you just said Sara Latham was a pr director in Freud communications she was also John Podestas chief of staff.

The circles keep getting smaller on this one.

20-Gauge ago

If any of this is info that LEOs don't have, and it's solid/sourced, consider sending it to them.

FBI: and @FBI

Scotland Yard:

[email protected]

oresd ago

This is interesting information, but why not tone it down with the sensational headline like you actually found this kid in the USA?

Truthology ago

I Didn't mean it to be sensationalized. I originally had just one heading which was Investigator told Police Maddie was smuggled to USA. But then I wanted to include McCanns spokesman so I had to fit it all in.

oresd ago


derram ago :

¿Madeleine McCann is in America¿: Private investigator claims he knows identity of kidnappers | Daily Mail Online :

McCanns' spokesman Clarence Mitchell joins Freud Communications | Media | The Guardian :

Sir Clement Freud exposed as a paedophile as police urged to probe Madeleine McCann links

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